432 resultados para Tuna-dolphin

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH: In April 1981 the IATTC convened a working group of scientists in Managua, Nicaragua to discuss the tuna-dolphin association and to suggest priorities for future research which would enable the effects of any interaction to be detected or quantified. The yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific is unique in that a significant proportion of the catch is of fish found in association with one or more species of dolphins. This association has never been fully understood but for many years tuna fishermen have used the more visible and more easily herded dolphin schools to help them locate and capture the tuna. In recent years, the concept of managing renewable resources in relation to their environments has been more fully developed. Any renewable resource is closely linked to other components in its general system and it is becoming increasingly more apparent that the harvesting of one resource affects another. This is the case with yellowfin tuna and dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific, although the dolphins are killed incidental to the fishery and are not harvested. There would seem to be obvious advantages in managing the tuna-dolphin complex as a whole. To do this it is necessary to understand the effect that tuna and dolphins have on each other and the causal mechanisms of the interactions. SPANISH: En abril de 1981, la CIAT convoco un grupo de trabajo de investigadores en Managua (Nicaragua), para deliberar sobre la asociación atún-delfín e indicar prioridades referentes a una investigación futura que pueda facilitar la cuantificación o el reconocimiento de los efectos de cualquier interacción. La pesca del atún aleta amarilla Thunnus albacares en el Pacifico oriental tropical, es única, ya que una proporción importante de su captura es de peces encontrados en asociación con una o mas especies de delfines. No se ha logrado comprender cabalmente esta asociación, pero por varios anos los pescadores atuneros han utilizado los cardúmenes de delfines que son mas visibles y que pueden agruparse mas fácilmente para poder localizar y capturar los atunes. En los últimos anos, el concepto de administrar los recursos renovables con relación a su ambiente, ha tenido mas auge. Cualquier recurso renovable se vincula estrechamente a otros componentes en el sistema general y actualmente es mas evidente que la explotación de un recurso afecta otro. Este es el caso del atún aleta amarilla y de los delfines en el Pacifico oriental tropical aunque los delfines mueren incidentalmente con relación a la pesca y no son explotados. Parece que se obtendr1an ventajas evidentes si se administrara como un todo el conjunto atún-delfín. Para realizar esto es necesario comprender los efectos que tienen los atunes y delfines los unos sabre los otros y los mecanismos causantes de la interacción.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, El Salvador in 1997, Guatemala in 2000, Peru in 2002, and Spain in 2003. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The IATTC’s responsibilities are met with two programs, the Tuna-Billfish Program and the Tuna-Dolphin Program. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención suscrita originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, El Salvador en 1997, Guatemala en 2000, Perú en 2002, y España en 2003. Canadá se retiró de la CIAT en 1984. La CIAT cumple su mandato mediante dos programas, el Programa Atún-Picudo y el Programa Atún-Delfín.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, El Salvador in 1997, Guatemala in 2000, Peru in 2002, Spain in 2003, and the Republic of Korea in 2005. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The IATTC's responsibilities are met with two programs, the Tuna-Billfish Program and the Tuna-Dolphin Program. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención suscrita originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, El Salvador en 1997, Guatemala en 2000, Perú en 2002, España en 2003, y la República de Corea en 2005. Canadá se retiró de la CIAT en 1984. La CIAT cumple su mandato mediante dos programas, el Programa Atún-Picudo y el Programa Atún-Delfín.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, El Salvador in 1997, Guatemala in 2000, Peru in 2002, Spain in 2003, and the Republic of Korea in 2005. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The IATTC's responsibilities are met with two programs, the Tuna-Billfish Program and the Tuna-Dolphin Program. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención suscrita originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, El Salvador en 1997, Guatemala en 2000, Perú en 2002, España en 2003, y la República de Corea en 2005. Canadá se retiró de la CIAT en 1984. La CIAT cumple su mandato mediante dos programas, el Programa Atún-Picudo y el Programa Atún-Delfín.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, El Salvador in 1997, Guatemala in 2000, Peru in 2002, Spain in 2003, the Republic of Korea in 2005, and Colombia in 2007. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The IATTC's responsibilities are met with two programs, the Tuna-Billfish Program and the Tuna- Dolphin Program. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención suscrita originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, El Salvador en 1997, Guatemala en 2000, Perú en 2002, España en 2003, la República de Corea en 2005, y Colombia en 2007. Canadá se retiró de la CIAT en 1984. La CIAT cumple su mandato mediante dos programas, el Programa Atún-Picudo y el Programa Atún-Delfín.


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ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, France and Nicaragua in 1973, Vanuatu in 1990, Venezuela in 1992, El Salvador in 1997, Guatemala in 2000, Peru in 2002, Spain in 2003, the Republic of Korea in 2005, and Colombia in 2007. Canada withdrew from the IATTC in 1984. The IATTC's responsibilities are met with two programs, the Tuna-Billfish Program and the Tuna- Dolphin Program. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (CIAT) funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención suscrita originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales y especies afines en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO). Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973, Vanuatu en 1990, Venezuela en 1992, El Salvador en 1997, Guatemala en 2000, Perú en 2002, España en 2003, la República de Corea en 2005, y Colombia en 2007. Canadá se retiró de la CIAT en 1984. La CIAT cumple su mandato mediante dos programas, el Programa Atún-Picudo y el Programa Atún-Delfín.


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Size-related differences in power production and swim speed duration may contribute to the observed deficit of nursing calves in relation to lactating females killed in sets by tuna purse-seiners in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP). Power production and swim-speed duration were estimated for northeastern spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), the species (neonate through adult) most often captured by the fishery. Power required by neonates to swim unassisted was 3.6 times that required of an adult to swim the same speed. Estimated unassisted burst speed for neonates is only about 3 m/s compared to about 6 m/s for adults. Estimated long-term sustainable speed is about 1 m/s for neonates compared to about 2.5 m/s for adults. Weight-specific power requirements decrease as dolphin calves increase in size, but power estimates for 2-year-old spotted dolphin calves are still about 40% higher than power estimates for adults, to maintain the same speed. These estimated differences between calves and adults are conservative because the calculations do not include accommodation for reduced aerobic capacity in dolphin calves compared to adults. Discrepancies in power production are probably ameliorated under normal circumstances by calves drafting next to their mothers, and by employing burst-coast or leap-burst-coast swimming, but the relatively high speeds associated with evasion behaviors during and after tuna sets likely diminish use of these energy-saving strategies by calves.


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Data from the Mexican purse seiner fleet operating in the eastern Tropical Pacific, for the year 1985-1990, are used to show that the fraction of surface schools of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares associated with dolphins (Stenella attenuata and others) increases with sea surface temperature. Possible reasons for this correlation are briefly discussed.


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Because dolphins sometimes travel with yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), purse seiners use the dolphins to locate and capture tuna schools. During the process of setting the purse seine nets, dolphins often become entangled and drown before they can be released. Data for the U.S. purse seine fleet in the ETP during 1979-88 show that dolphin mortality rates in sets made during the night are higher than mortality rates in sets made during the day. Even with efforts to reduce nightset mortality rates through the use of high intensity floodlights, night set mortality rates remain higher. The data are also used to simulate a regulation on the fishery aimed at eliminating night sets and show that dolphin mortality rates would decrease.


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We estimated the total number of pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) mothers killed without their calves (“calf deficit”) in all tuna purse-seine sets from 1973– 90 and 1996–2000 in the eastern tropical Pacific. Estimates were based on a tally of the mothers killed as reported by color pattern and gender, several color-pattern-based frequency tables, and a weaning model. Over the time series, there was a decrease in the calf deficit from approximately 2800 for the western-southern stock and 5000 in the northeastern stock to about 60 missing calves per year. The mean deficit per set decreased from approximately 1.5 missing calves per set in the mid-1970s to 0.01 per set in the late-1990s. Over the time series examined, from 75% to 95% of the lactating females killed were killed without a calf. Under the assumption that these orphaned calves did not survive without their mothers, this calf deficit represents an approximately 14% increase in the reported kill of calves, which is relatively constant across the years examined. Because the calf deficit as we have defined it is based on the kill of mothers, the total number of missing calves that we estimate is potentially an underestimate of the actual number killed. Further research on the mechanism by which separation of mother and calf occurs is required to obtain better estimates of the unobserved kill of dolphin calves in this fishery.


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Previous work has determined the age distribution from a sample of spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) killed in the eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery. In this paper we examine the usefulness of this age distribution for estimating natural mortality rates. The observed age distribution has a deficiency of individuals from 5-15 years and cannot represent a stable age distribution. Sampling bias and errors in age interpretation are examined as possible causes of the "dip" in the observed age structure. Natural mortality rates are estimated for the 15+ age classes based on the assumption that these are sampled representatively. The resulting annual survival rate


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ENGLISH: Catch and effort data from logbooks of tuna seiners were used to make estimates of catch per hour of searching for 1970-1980. The estimates were standardized using a regression model to make annual estimates of abundance adjusted for fishing mode, speed, capacity, use of aerial assistance, net dimensions, and sea-surface temperature. Inside the CYRA the standardized estimates for tuna schools associated with dolphins and those for schools not associated with dolphins showed a similar overall pattern of decline. The 1980 catch rates were about 300/0 of the 1970 rates, the decline being greater for the schools not associated with dolphins. Dolphin-associated schools outside the CYRA declined to about 60% of the 1970 levels. SPANISH: Se emplearon los datos de la captura y el esfuerzo de los cuadernos de bitácora de las embarcaciones cerqueras para hacer las estimaciones de la captura por hora de búsqueda correspondientes a 1970-1980. Se normalizaron estas estimaciones usando un modelo de regresión con el fin' de hacer las estimaciones anuales de la abundancia, ajustadas según la moda de pesca, velocidad, capacidad, uso de ayuda aérea, dimensiones de la red y temperatura de la superficie del mar. En el ARCAA las estimaciones normalizadas de los cardúmenes de atún asociados con delfines y aquellas de los cardúmenes no asociados con delfines, indicaron una pauta general similar de reducción. Las proporciones de captura de 1980, fueron cerca del 300/0 de las de 1970, encontrándose la mayor reducción en los cardúmenes no asociados con delfines. Los cardúmenes asociados con delfines, fuera del ARCAA, se redujeron en un 60% con respecto a los niveles de 1970. (PDF contains 79 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Estimates of relative annual abundance of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1970-1985 are made using catch rates, measured as tons caught by purse seiners per hour of searching. Catch rates are standardized a weighted generalized linear model. The important standardizing factors are vessel speed, season-area, and whether the yellowfin were caught in association with dolphins, skipjack tuna, or floating objects. Observations are weighted to give equal areas equal weight and to give each unit of fishing effort equal weight within an area. The results indicate that catch per days fishing underestimates abundance during the late 1970's when the fishery shifted some of its effort from dolphin sets to floating object sets, and overestimates abundance when the fishery shifted back to dolphin sets in 1984 and 1985. SPANISH: Se estima la abundancia anual relativa del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental (OPO) durante 1970-1985 por medio de tasas de captura, calculadas como toneladas cortas capturadas por barcos cerqueros por hora de búsqueda. Se usa un modelo lineal ponderado generalizado para estandardizar las tasas de captura. Los factores importantes de estandardización son la velocidad del barco, temporada-área, y si se capturaron los aletas amarillas en asociación con delfines, barriletes, o objetos flotantes. Se ponderaron las observaciones para otorgar igual importancia a áreas iguales y a cada unidad de esfuerzo pesquero dentro de un área. Los resultados señalan que la captura por día de pesca estima por bajo la abundancia durante los últimos años de la década de los 70, en cual época la pesquería trasladó parte de su esfuerzo de lances sobre delfines a lances sobre objetos flotantes, y la sobreestima al volver la pesquería a lances sobre delfines en 1984 y 1985. (PDF contains 45 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Monthly estimates of the abundance of yellowfin tuna by age groups and regions within the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1970-1988 are made, using purse-seine catch rates, length-frequency samples, and results from cohort analysis. The numbers of individuals caught of each age group in each logged purse-seine set are estimated, using the tonnage from that set and length-frequency distribution from the "nearest" length-frequency sample(s). Nearest refers to the closest length frequency sample(s) to the purse-seine set in time, distance, and set type (dolphin associated, floating object associated, skipjack associated, none of these, and some combinations). Catch rates are initially calculated as the estimated number of individuals of the age group caught per hour of searching. Then, to remove the effects of set type and vessel speed, they are standardized, using separate weiznted generalized linear models for each age group. The standardized catch rates at the center of each 2.5 0 quadrangle-month are estimated, using locally-weighted least-squares regressions on latitude, longitude and date, and then combined into larger regions. Catch rates within these regions are converted to numbers of yellowfin, using the mean age composition from cohort analysis. The variances of the abundance estimates within regions are large for 0-, 1-, and 5-year-olds, but small for 1.5- to 4-year-olds, except during periods of low fishing activity. Mean annual catch rate estimates for the entire eastern Pacific Ocean are significantly positively correlated with mean abundance estimates from cohort analysis for age groups ranging from 1.5 to 4 years old. Catch-rate indices of abundance by age are expected to be useful in conjunction with data on reproductive biology to estimate total egg production within regions. The estimates may also be useful in understanding geographic and temporal variations in age-specific availability to purse seiners, as well as age-specific movements. SPANISH: Se calculan estimaciones mensuales de la abundancia del atún aleta amarilla por grupos de edad y regiones en el Océano Pacífico oriental durante 1970-1988, usando tasas de captura cerquera, muestras de frecuencia de talla, y los resultados del análisis de cohortes. Se estima el número de individuos capturados de cada grupo de edad en cada lance cerquero registrado, usando el tonelaje del lance en cuestión y la distribución de frecuencia de talla de la(s) muestra(s) de frecuencia de talla "más cercana/s)," "Más cercana" significa la(s) muestra(s) de frecuencia de talla más parecida(s) al lance cerquero en cuanto a fecha, distancia, y tipo de lance (asociado con delfines, con objeto flotante, con barrilete, con ninguno de éstos, y algunas combinaciones). Se calculan inicialmente las tasas de captura como el número estimado de individuos del grupo de edad capturado por hora de búsqueda. A continuación, para eliminar los efectos del tipo de lance y la velocidad del barco, se estandardizan dichas tasas, usando un modelo lineal generalizado ponderado, para cada grupo por separado. Se estima la tasa de captura estandardizada al centro de cada cuadrángulo de 2.5°-mes, usando regresiones de mínimos cuadrados ponderados localmente por latitud, longitud, y fecha, y entonces combinándolas en regiones mayores. Se convierten las tasas de captura dentro de estas regiones en números de aletas amarillas individuales, usando el número promedio por edad proveniente del análisis de cohortes. Las varianzas de las estimaciones de la abundancia dentro de las regiones son grandes para los peces de O, 1, Y5 años de edad, pero pequeñas para aquellos de entre 1.5 Y4 años de edad, excepto durante períodos de poca actividad pesquera. Las estimaciones de la tasa de captura media anual para todo el Océano Pacífico oriental están correlacionadas positivamente de forma significativa con las estimaciones de la abundancia media del análisis de las cohortes para los grupos de edad de entre 1.5 y 4 años. Se espera que los índices de abundancia por edad basados en las tasas de captura sean útiles, en conjunto con datos de la biología reproductiva, para estimar la producción total de huevos por regiones. Las estimaciones podrían asimismo ser útiles para la comprensión de las variaciones geográficas y temporales de la disponibilidad específica por edad a los barcos cerqueros, y también las migraciones específicas por edad. (PDF contains 35 pages.)


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Estimates of dolphin school sizes made by observers and crew members aboard tuna seiners or by observers on ship or aerial surveys are important components of population estimates of dolphins which are involved in the yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific. Differences in past estimates made from tuna seiners and research ships and aircraft have been noted by Brazier (1978). To compare various methods of estimating dolphin school sizes a research cruise was undertaken with the following major objectives: 1) compare estimates made by observers aboard a tuna seiner and in the ship's helicopter, from aerial photographs, and from counts made at the backdown channel, 2) compare estimates of observers who are told the count of the school size after making their estimate to the observer who is not aware of the count to determine if observers can learn to estimate more accurately, and 3) obtain movie and still photographs of dolphin schools of known size at various stages of chase, capture and release to be used for observer training. The secondary objectives of the cruise were to: 1) obtain life history specimens and data from any dolphins that were killed incidental to purse seining. These specimens and data were to be analyzed by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) , 2) record evasion tactics of dolphin schools by observing them from the helicopter while the seiner approached the school, 3) examine alternative methods for estimating the distance and bearing of schools where they were first sighted, 4) collect the Commission's standard cetacean sighting, set log and daily activity data and expendable bathythermograph data. (PDF contains 31 pages.)