5 resultados para Truner, Rene

em Aquatic Commons


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La historia de las instituciones est construida por una serie de hechos y determinaciones de sus protagonistas. En algunos casos, estos momentos son registrados en documentos dispersos, mientras que una gran mayora estn sumergidos en el tiempo con la amenaza de no poder rescatarlos. Esta situacin, entre otras cosas, impide a las generaciones futuras la comprensin del pasado, ya que no cuentan con los elementos bsicos para analizar y entender los hechos originados por las mujeres y hombres que conformaron dicha historia. En este documento el Programa para el estudio y uso sustentable de la biota austral (ProBiota) rene en cinco captulos una serie de hechos y documentos que son parte del patrimonio histrico de nuestro pas. I - Actos realizados en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM, UNLP) generados por la Divisin Zoologa Vertebrados y el Instituto de Limnologa Dr. Ral A. Ringuelet. II - Semblanzas de algunos limnlogos argentinos. III - Reseas de instituciones y escritos referidos a aspectos histricos de la limnologa en nuestro pas. IV - Sociedades y eventos relacionados a esta disciplina. V - Obras, documentos y revistas. Los documentos publicados son citados formalmente, mientras que las alocuciones se presentan con su ttulo y el nombre del autor al final. Esta modesta contribucin tiene como objetivo ser el inicio de sucesivas recopilaciones que confluyan en un documento exhaustivo y profundo de la rica historia de las ciencias naturales en la Argentina.


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The contribution of the no-take marine reserve at Apo Island, Philippines, to local fishery yield through spillover (net export of adult fish) was estimated. Spatial patterns of fishing effort, yield, and catch rates around Apo Island were documented daily in 20032004. Catch rates were higher near the reserve (by a factor of 1.1 to 2.0), but fishing effort was often lowest there. Higher catch rates near the reserve were more likely due to spillover than to low fishing intensity. Lower fishing effort near the reserve may have been due to 1) weather patterns, 2) traditional importance of other fishing grounds, 3) high variability in catch rates, 4) lower market value of target species, and 5) social pressures. The yield taken near the reserve was only 10% of the total yield, but the actual spillover contribution was probably much less than this. This study is one of the few to estimate the spillover contribution to overall yield and to document the responses of fishermen to spil


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Marine mammals, such as dolphins, can serve as key indicator species in coastal areas by reflecting the effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors. As such they are often considered sentinels of environmental and ecosystem health (Bossart 2006; Wells et al. 2004; Fair and Becker 2000). The bottlenose dolphin is an apex predator and a key component of many estuarine environments in the southeastern United States (Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1994; SCDNR 2005). Health assessments of dolphins are especially critical in areas where populations are depleted, show signs of epidemic disease and/or high mortality and/or where habitat is being altered or impacted by human activities. Recent assessments of environmental conditions in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (IRL) and the estuarine waters surrounding Charleston, South Carolina (CHS) highlight the need for studies of the health of local bottlenose dolphins. While the condition of southeastern estuaries was rated as fair in the National Coastal Condition Report (U.S. EPA 2001), it was noted that the IRL was characterized by poorer than expected benthic communities, significant sediment toxicity and increased nutrient concentrations. Similarly, portions of the CHS estuary have sediment concentrations of aliphatic aromatic hydrocarbons, select inorganic metals, and some persistent pesticides far in excess of reported bioeffect levels (Hyland et al. 1998). Long-term trends in water quality monitoring and recent scientific research suggest that waste load assimilation, non-point source runoff impacts, contaminated sediments, and toxic pollutants are key issues in the CHS estuary system. Several hot spots with high levels of heavy metals and organic compounds have been identified (Van Dolah et al. 2004). High concentrations of anthropogenic trace metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides have been found in the sediments of Charleston Harbor, as well as the Ashley and Cooper Rivers (Long et al. 1998). Two superfund sites are located within the CHS estuary and the key contaminants of concern associated with these sites are: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), lead, chromium, copper, arsenic, zinc and dioxin. Concerns related to the overall health of IRL dolphins and dermatologic disease observed in many dolphins in the area (Bossart et al. 2003) initiated an investigation of potential factors which may have impacted dolphin health. From May-August 2001, 35 bottlenose dolphins died in the IRL during an unusual mortality event (MMC 2003). Many of these dolphins were diagnosed with a variety of skin lesions including proliferative ulcerative dermatitis due to protozoa and fungi, dolphin pox and a vesicular dermatopathy of unknown etiology (Bossart et al. 2003). Multiple species from fish to dolphins in the IRL system have exhibited skin lesions of various known and unknown etiologies (Kane et al. 2000; Bossart et al. 2003; Reif et al. 2006). On-going photo-identification (photo-ID) studies have documented skin diseases in IRL dolphins (Mazzoil et al. 2005). In addition, up to 70% of green sea turtles in the IRL exhibit fibropapillomas, with the highest rates of occurrence being seen in turtles from the southern IRL (Hirama 2001).


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There have been numerous studies on various mammalian species regarding vascular changes in uterine arteries elucidating the effects of parity. In equids, vascular changes of uterine arteries have been demonstrated to occur in uniparous and multiparous mares. The severity of these arteriole changes suggests a link to previous pregnancies. Differences in the number or range of pregnancies can be ascertained through microscopic evaluation of elastin deposition in the arterioles, perivascular fibrosis, and stromal cellularity. There has been little, if any, work performed on parity in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). The objective of this preliminary study was to determine the feasibility of detecting similar vascular changes in the endometrium of known-aged female bottlenose dolphins to assess parity. Archived formalin fixed samples of uterus were obtained from nine bottlenose dolphins with known age and parity. Four slides were made from each sample and individually stained with four different techniques. From our small sample pool, it appears that uteri from nulliparous animals do not develop perivascular fibrosis. Parous uteri developed perivascular fibrosis and arteriolar elastosis. These changes agree with our expectations that some degeneration (elastosis) and compensation (fibrosis) occurs as a result of uterine expansion of pregnancy. The assessment of this technique for use in bottlenose dolphins would provide an important tool in the determination of the reproductive success of dolphin populations, identify individuals who are sexually mature but nulliparous, which could indicate reproductive dysfunction or increased calving intervals, and increase our knowledge on the role contaminants play in reproductive dysfunction.


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Este artculo tiene por finalidad mostrar cmo un grupo de investigacin dedicado a la etnobotnica resolvi el problema de conservar, ordenar y organizar una coleccin de material que no rene las condiciones para ser incorporada en un herbario. Al mismo tiempo, se hace una breve revisin de varios tpicos y referencias sobre los distintos tipos de colecciones que realiza un etnobotnico y se sugieren ideas de cmo proceder con ellas. En apretada sntesis, el material documental que abarca la investigacin etnobotnica compromete varios tipos de elementos, todos ellos habitualmente obtenidos in situ: a) material de herbario, b) rganos vegetales, trozos, fragmentos, material semielaborado (fibras, cordeles, etc.), c) material elaborado (artesanas, artefactos u objetos que conforman la cultura material), d) piezas complejas (tejidos, vestimentas, embarcaciones, mobiliario, adornos ceremoniales, etc. ), e) material de descarte o accesorio (tapones, tizones, envoltorios, parasoles, elementos de sostn o apoyo momentneo, utensilios efmeros, etc.).