14 resultados para Total-factor productivity

em Aquatic Commons


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This study is concerned with the measurement of total factor prodnctivity in the marine fishing industries in general and in the Pacific coast trawl fishery in particular. The study is divided into two parts. Part I contains suitable empirical and introductory theoretical material for the examination of productivity in the Pacific coast trawl Deet. It is self-contained, and contains the basic formulae, empirical results, and discussion. Because the economic theory of index numbers and productivity is constantly evolving and is widely scattered throughout the economics literature, Part D draws together the theoretical literature into one place to allow ready access for readers interested in more details. The major methodological focus of the study is upon the type of economic index number that is most appropriate for use by economists with the National Marine Fisheries Service. This study recommends that the following types of economic index numbers be used: chain rather than fIxed base; bilateral rather than multilateral; one of the class of superlative indices, such as the Tornqvist or Fisher Ideal. (PDF file contains 40 pages.)


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Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.


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The environmental conditions of Kainji Lake from 1971/72 to date appear to have stabilized to a large extent, judging from the similarity of physico-chemical parameters investigated in this study over the period. Solar radiation (as reflected in variation in temperature) and pH have remained largely constant over the years, while conductivity (index of nutrient enrichment), though significantly higher in 1995/96, could be described as sporadic and needs further monitoring to ascertain its trend in the lake. While water transparency and dissolved oxygen were higher in 1971/72 compared to the other years, these increases cannot be said to be overwhelming. The lower transparency in 1995/96 was due to the exceptional flood of that year and may have also accounted for the poorer dissolved oxygen concentration compared to the other years due to its impact on photosynthesis. There is no evidence from this study to indicate that primary productivity has increased over the years. Consequently, the observed increase in fish yield by the KLFPP from CAS, which is corroborated by estimates from the MEI, cannot be supported on the basis of improved photosynthetic production. The phenomenal high levels of conductivity recorded during certain periods in 1995 (600 mu mhos cm super(-1)) are hitherto unknown in the lake and may indicate a trend towards nutrient enrichment. However, it is premature at this stage to conclude on its long-term impact on primary production and consequently, on fish yield. Secondly, the notion of overfishing in the 80s (Ita, 1993), may need to be further examined as low or dwindling catches could be due to a number of factors among which are the level of fishing effort, the type and efficiency of gears and the intensity of sampling. It would appear that with the intervention of KLFPP, the better management of the lake's fisheries would increase the current level of catch. It also needs to be examined how much of the clupeid fisheries, which is now known to account for a substantial proportion of the total fish yield in Kainji Lake, was included in the sampling of the 80s. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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Assessing the vulnerability of stocks to fishing practices in U.S. federal waters was recently highlighted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as an important factor to consider when 1) identifying stocks that should be managed and protected under a fishery management plan; 2) grouping data-poor stocks into relevant management complexes; and 3) developing precautionary harvest control rules. To assist the regional fishery management councils in determining vulnerability, NMFS elected to use a modified version of a productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) because it can be based on qualitative data, has a history of use in other fisheries, and is recommended by several organizations as a reasonable approach for evaluating risk. A number of productivity and susceptibility attributes for a stock are used in a PSA and from these attributes, index scores and measures of uncertainty are computed and graphically displayed. To demonstrate the utility of the resulting vulnerability evaluation, we evaluated six U.S. fisheries targeting 162 stocks that exhibited varying degrees of productivity and susceptibility, and for which data quality varied. Overall, the PSA was capable of differentiating the vulnerability of stocks along the gradient of susceptibility and productivity indices, although fixed thresholds separating low-, moderate-, and highly vulnerable species were not observed. The PSA can be used as a flexible tool that can incorporate regional-specific information on fishery and management activity.


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A study was conducted in 54 wetlands of 13 districts of Assam, India to evaluate the causes of fish depletion. Twenty-two variables were considered for the study. Seven factors were extracted through factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis) based on Eigen Value Criteria of more than one. These seven factors together accounted for 69.3% of the total variance. Based on the characteristics of the variables, all the factors were given descriptive names. These variables can be used to measure the extent of management deficiency of the causes of fish depletion in the wetlands. The factors are management deficiency, organic load interference, catchment condition, extrinsic influence, fishermen’s ignorance, external environment and aquaculture program. Management deficiency accounted for a substantial portion of the total variance.


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Fluctuations in primary productivity at two subalpine lakes reveal both meteorological and biological influences. At Castle Lake, California, large-scale climate events such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation affect total annual production and, combined with human fishing activity, modify the seasonal pattern of productivity. At Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, local spring weather conditions modulate annual production and its seasonality by determining the depth of mixing and resulting internal nutrient load. Climatic conditions also contribute to deviations from the long-term trend in productivity by increasing the incidence of forest fires and through anomalous external nutrient loads during precipitation extremes. A 3-year cycle in productivity of as yet unknown origin has also been detected at Lake Tahoe.


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Fishery potential of the nearshore waters of Bombay is estimated from the observed values of biological productivity at different trophic levels. The rate of primary and secondary production is relatively higher in the polluted coastal waters of Versova, Mahim and Thana. Observed mean benthic standing stock in the polluted creek waters is far less than the relatively unpolluted coastal regions off Bombay. Results suggest that the higher productivity at the lower trophic levels due to pollution, may not end up with high tertiary production. Therefore, such polluted regions are to be classified as special ecosystems where the transfer coefficient may be far less than the assumed 10% conversion factor.


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The length-weight relationship was calculated for the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium idae. About 150 specimens of M. idae (males 50, females 50 and 50 juveniles) were utilised for this study. The length-weight relationship was assessed separately for males, females and indeterminants. The regression equation for males, females and indeterminants showed significant differences whereas it was insignificant for males and females. The variations in length-weight relation between sexes and indeterminants were compared and discussed. The relationship between total length with carapace length and total length with rostral length were also determined.


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The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Mylopharyngodon spiceus were determined. The result of the study showed the dependence of weight (W) on the total length (L) in the following form: W= 0.006L(super 3.156) or in the logarithmic form Log W=- 2.1851 + 3.156 Log L. Standard errors of length and weight were 0.674 cm and 3.214 g respectively. The co-efficient correlation "r" was found to be 0.972 which indicated that the relationship between length and body weight of the fish was highly significant. The t-test also indicated that the correlation between length and weight was significant. The range and mean value of condition factor (K) were 0.865 to 1.041 and 0.958 respectively.


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Samples of Tor tor were collected from Bari Reservoir of Udaipur and Narmada River at Hoshangabad (India), in the months of July and November 2005, respectively. Twenty-five samples were collected from each location. Bari Reservoir samples ranged from 17.0 to 24.5 cm in total length and from 75 to 155 g in weight, while Narmada samples ranged from 20.0 to 42.0 cm in length and 90 to 425 g in weight. The nucleic acid content in body muscle of Tor tor and the RNA/DNA ratio were estimated. The age of fishes was estimated by the scale study method and specimens were classified into four age groups. RNA/DNA ratio showed significant linear increase with increase in weight and age till the age of three years after which, the growth rate reduced. The 1-2 year group was the only one common between the two water bodies and a comparison of RNA/DNA ratios showed higher growth rate in Bari Reservoir. The gross primary productivity was also higher in Bari Reservoir being 551 mg cmˉ³ dˉ¹ compared to 404 mg cmˉ³ dˉ¹ observed for Narmada River. The condition factor (K) was found to be higher (1.21) in the fish from the Bari Reservoir compared to those of Narmada River (1.14). The growth rate was higher in females compared to males in >100 g specimens.


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Physicochemical parameters of 31 fish pond water samples of Tripura were studied to ascertain the nutrient profile of acidic soil zone and the impact of water acidity towards aquaculture productivity. The pH was acidic (mean 6.63±0.44) with high Fe (mean1.04±0.40 mglˉ¹) and AI (mean 2.67±2.41 mglˉ¹) contents. These were mostly responsible for pond water acidity and poor productivity with low nitrogen, phosphate and total alkalinity. The study also showed strong negative relationship between water pH and redox potential (R²=0.5251). However, pH was positively significant with electrical conductivity. The roles of redox potential and electrical conductivity in water acidity were found highly important. Available calcium content was also found low (mean 2.91±2.96 mglˉ¹). Elevating level of pH of pond water could be the possible management practices in acidic water so that such unproductive water might be productive enough with higher phosphate and nitrogen levels for better biological production.


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The study aimed to investigate the productivity and profitability of rice-fish farming. It also determined the factors affecting rice-fish and fingerling production in Bangladesh. Among the total respondents about 55% were involved in rice-fish farming, 37% in pond fish culture and rest 9% in fish nursery. Integrated rice-fish farming contributed about 83% of the annual farm income in Comilla while it was about 20% in both Kishoregonj and Chandpur districts. Among the different farming systems integrated rice-fish culture and rearing fingerlings in the nursery pond were more profitable at the farm level. Farmers earned a net return of Tk. 49,714/ha from integrated fish culture with boro rice while the net return of boro rice-alone was only Tk. 11,179/ha. This indicated that farmer could earn 218% higher net return from integrated rice-fish farming than that of boro rice only farming. Moreover, integrated rice-fish culture also reduced pesticides cost to about 77% and weeding cost to about 51% in boro season. Fingerling nursing earned highest net returns among the three technologies.


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A total of 45 ponds used for fish polyculture were investigated in three zones of Bangladesh to identify the differences among the zones in respect to aqua-ecology, culture practices, fish productivity and health management. Four hundred and fifty fish from three zones were clinically examined by naked eye and histopathology. Out of total number of fish examined, 45 fish from Dhaka zones were examined for parasites and bacteria in addition to histopathology. Faded and haemorrhagic gill, skin, fin, scale loss and lesions were observed during fish examination. Aeromonas spp. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. were isolated respectively from 56%, 46% and 39% affected fish. Among the five water quality parameters analyzed, the highest average hardness and alkalinity respectively were recorded in Rajshahi (156 ppm and 142 ppm) followed by Dhaka (146 ppm and 132 ppm) and Chittagong (81 ppm and 90 ppm). The highest average pH was recorded in Mymensingh (7.52) followed by Rajshahi (7.13) and Chittagong (7.05). Water holding capacity of soil in Rajshahi zone was poor compared to other zones and farmers were found to be reluctant to fish farming.


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This project was done during a one-year period (2006-2007) with the aim of assessing and evaluating the susceptible and vulnerable habitat of Tajan River estuarine region as well as identifying its ecological features. This region consists of Tajan estuarine region as one of the sub-basins of the Caspian Sea basin which covers a surface of 2km2. In this assessment, 6 riverine estuarine and marine stations were chosen in which non-biotic parameters such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH and nutrients, and biotic parameters such as variation, density, plankton, primary production by chlorophyll-a. Benthos variation density, silt and the organic materials of the sediments were sampled and measured monthly. The amount of chlorophyll-a concentration and primary production showed a lot of seasonal changes at these stations which ranged from0.3 to 96 mg/m3. The results from the primary productions indicated that the eastern station of the estuary had high concentrations of chlorophyll-a during all seasons (96mg/m3). The most important and dominant planktonic groups in this region included Bacillariophyta from plankton and copepoda from zooplankton. The most important Benthos communities consisted of Driessena polymorpha.Cerastoderma lamarki in estuarine region,Chironomus plumosus in riverine region and Hypaniola sp. In marine region. Assessing the annual variation in these three riverine, estuarine and marine regions, phytoplankton with 3.1, Zooplankton with 2.7 and Benthos with 1.9 Showed the most density in the estuarine region. Assessing the annual density, phytoplanktonic (6118967 no . in m3) and zooplanktonic (7272 no . in m3) communities showed the most density in the marine region. Assessing the statistical tests showed that the estuarine and riverine regions had a significant difference in planktonic density (p<0.005) compared with the marine region. Moreover, The zeoplanktonic density in the marine region had a significant difference (p<0.005) with estuarine and riverine regions. Tooki test and one-way variance Analysis showed that in assessing the planktonic groups (p<0.005) and Benthos (p<0.005), there was a significant difference in variation index between river with estuary, and estuary with the sea. The amount of the total annual live biomass of the Benthos resource in Tajan river estuarine region was estimated 757.66 g/m2.