7 resultados para Time interval module

em Aquatic Commons


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Individuals of the western stock of Baltic cod were kept at captivity with different temperatures and salinities until natural spawning. Spawning activities up to 16 weeks were observed between February and June. This time interval agrees weIl with the spawning season of the wild cod stock. Also as in in-situ observations larger individuals started earlier with the spawning process than smaller ones and had significantly larger periods of spawning. Larger cods produced more batches and more eggs than smaller cods within this time interval. The comparison between the actual and potential absolut fecundity showed large differences. Only apart of the potential absolut fecundity, estimated in the phase of prespawning development of ovaries, was developed until their release. These analyses showed that larger cod were able to develop a larger part of the eggs within the ovaries up to the complete development. This result should be considered in the future during estimations of the population fecundity of the western Baltic spawning stock.


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The aim of this study was to develop a short-term genotoxicity assay for monitoring the marine environment for mutagens. Based on the developing eggs and embryos of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis, an important pollution indicator species, the test employs the sensitive sister chromatid exchange (SCE) technique as its end-point, and exploits the potential of mussel eggs to accumulate mutagenic pollutants from the surrounding sea water. Mussel eggs take up to 6 months to develop while in the gonad, which provides scope for DNA damage to be accumulated over an extended time interval; chromosome damage is subsequently visualised as SCEs in 2-cell-stage embryos after these have been spawned in the laboratory. Methods which measure biological responses to pollutant exposure are able to integrate all the factors (internal and external) which contribute to the exposure. The new cytogenetic assay allows the effects of adult exposure to be interpreted in cells destined to become part of the next generation.


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The Persian Gulf (PG) is a semi-enclosed shallow sea which is connected to open ocean through the Strait of Hormuz. Thermocline as a suddenly decrease of temperature in subsurface layer in water column leading to stratification happens in the PG seasonally. The forcing comprise tide, river inflow, solar radiation, evaporation, northwesterly wind and water exchange with the Oman Sea that influence on this process. In this research, analysis of the field data and a numerical (Princeton Ocean Model, POM) study on the summer thermocline development in the PG are presented. The Mt. Mitchell cruise 1992 salinity and temperature observations show that the thermocline is effectively removed due to strong wind mixing and lower solar radiation in winter but is gradually formed and developed during spring and summer; in fact as a result of an increase in vertical convection through the water in winter, vertical gradient of temperature is decreased and thermocline is effectively removed. Thermocline development that evolves from east to west is studied using numerical simulation and some existing observations. Results show that as the northwesterly wind in winter, at summer transition period, weakens the fresher inflow from Oman Sea, solar radiation increases in this time interval; such these factors have been caused the thermocline to be formed and developed from winter to summer even over the northwestern part of the PG. The model results show that for the more realistic monthly averaged wind experiments the thermocline develops as is indicated by summer observations. The formation of thermocline also seems to decrease the dissolved oxygen in water column due to lack of mixing as a result of induced stratification. Over most of PG the temperature difference between surface and subsurface increases exponentially from March until May. Similar variations for salinity differences are also predicted, although with smaller values than observed. Indeed thermocline development happens more rapidly in the Persian Gulf from spring to summer. Vertical difference of temperature increases to 9 centigrade degrees in some parts of the case study zone from surface to bottom in summer. Correlation coefficients of temperature and salinity between the model results and measurements have been obtained 0.85 and 0.8 respectively. The rate of thermcline development was found to be between 0.1 to 0.2 meter per day in the Persian Gulf during the 6 months from winter to early summer. Also it is resulted from the used model that turbulence kinetic energy increases in the northwestern part of the PG from winter to early summer that could be due to increase in internal waves activities and stability intensified through water column during this time.


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For2R is a collection of Fortran routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 For2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the For2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer For2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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ENGLISH: The rate at which increments are deposited on the sagittal otoliths of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus p elamis) tunas is determined by a markrecapture experiment using tetracycline. During growth in fork length from 40 to 110 em, and for a period of up to 389 days, yellowfin of the Revillagigedo Islands- Baja California region deposit one increment per day in either the postrostrum or rostrum position of the otolith. For skipjack of the same region, rostrum increments underestimate time by approximately 24 percent during growth from 42 to 64 cm and over the maximum interval of 249 days. The growth rate of each species is estimated from the recapture fork length and the linear change in an otolith dimension following tetracycline injection. Over specific ranges in fork length the rates are 3.06 and 1.15 em per month for yellowfin and skipjack, respectively. SPANISH: La rapidez (tasa) en la que se depositan los incrementos en los otolitos sagitales del aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y el barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) se determina mediante un experimento al recapturar los peces que han sido marcados con tetraciclina. Durante el crecimiento de la longitud de horquilla de 40 a 110 cm y por un período hasta de 389 días, se forma en el aleta amarilla de la región de las Islas Revillagigedo-Baja California, un incremento diario ya sea en el parte del postrostrum o rostrum de los otolitos. Con respecto al barrilete de la misma region los incrementos en el rostrum subestiman aproximadamente el tiempo en un 24 por ciento durante el crecimiento de 42 a 64 cm y sobre un intervalo máximo de 249 días. El índice de crecimiento de cada especie se estima en la recaptura según la longitud de horquilla y el cambio lineal en la dimensión de un otolito después de la inyección de tetraciclina. La variación específica sobre la longitud de horquilla de los índices son 3.06 y 1.15 cm por mes para el aleta amarilla y el barrilete, respectivamente. (PDF contains 54 pages.)


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Obtaining a reliable estimate of the bacterial population is one of the main problems facing the bacterial ecologist. The author discusses the various methods available and concludes that the observed variability in bacterial populations depends on the sampling interval used.


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Estimates of larval supply can provide information on year-class strength that is useful for fisheries management. However, larval supply is difficult to monitor because long-term, high-frequency sampling is needed. The purpose of this study was to subsample an 11-year record of daily larval supply of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) to determine the effect of sampling interval on variability in estimates of supply. The coefficient of variation in estimates of supply varied by 0.39 among years at a 2-day sampling interval and 0.84 at a 7-day sampling interval. For 8 of the 11 years, there was a significant correlation between mean daily larval supply and lagged fishery catch per trip (coefficient of correlation [r]=0.88). When these 8 years were subsampled, a 2-day sampling interval yielded a significant correlation with fishery data only 64.5% of the time and a 3-day sampling interval never yielded a significant correlation. Therefore, high-frequency sampling (daily or every other day) may be needed to characterize interannual variability in larval supply.