126 resultados para Technical progress

em Aquatic Commons


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The STREAM Initiative set logframe indicators, at their Technical Advisory Committee meetings and this is a progress report based on given indicators. It further includes two articles: The Kandhkelgaon story: A bold bid by women in Kandhkelgaon Village, Saintala Block, Bolangir District, to break out of their poverty trap, by Graham Haylor, S.D. Tripathi, B.K. Satpathy and Dipti Behera. Networking for rural development: a closer look at the evolution of communications in the STREAM Initiative, by Graham Haylor, Kath Copley and William Savage. (PDF contains 27 Pages)


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Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is an indigenous tilapia species in southern Africa, until now the majority of genetic research has been carried out on Asian species of tilapia but this project aims to look at this African species. Those most suited to further development in aquaculture in southern Africa have now been identified. The genetic characterisation of strains has been completed. This information has aided the choice of strains for use in small scale aquaculture and for genetically male tilapia (GMT) production. They will form the basis of future strategies for further genetic improvement, and management of genetic diversity of Mozambique tilapia. The information will also contribute towards responsible management and development of genetic resources, particularly with regard to indigenous species of tilapia. Good progress has been made with the adaptation and implementation of producing the supermale fish required to produce all male offspring, resulting in faster growing populations of tilapia. The presence of the project and its associated activity has been a catalyst for a surge in interest in tilapia culture throughout southern Africa. [PDF contains 183 pages]


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We hypothesize that the impact of PCB desorption from resuspended sediments depends upon the intensity of the resuspension (which scales to bottom stress in the absence of organisms), the rate at which each congener desorbs (which depends on the size and hydrophobicity of the chemical, the relative amount of 'labile' and 'resistant' forms, and the size distribution of the suspended particles), and the residence time of the particles in the water column (which depends on the time-variable water column turbulence regime and the particle settling velocities). In order to accurately quantify the impact of PCB desorption from Hudson River sediments, we are conducting experiments that realistically mimic bottom shear stress and water column turbulence and rapidly measure PCB congener release. The objectives of this study are to measure the kinetics of PCB congener desorption from Hudson River sediments under realistic bottom shear and water column turbulence conditions and to quantify the impact of shear stress and contaminant aging on PCB desorption kinetics.


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One of the causes of lower artesian pressure, water waste and aquifer contamination is the misuse and insufficient care of artesian wells. In 1953, Senate Bill No. 57, entitled "An Act to Protect and Control the Artesian Waters of the State" (see Appendix) became a law. This law was passed through the efforts exerted by leading members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who understood the need for a wise and controlled expenditure of our most valuable natural resource. The State Geologist and his authorized representatives were designated by this law to enforce this conservation measure; however, no financial provision was included for the 1953-55 biennium. The proposed program of the Florida Geological Survey for this biennium did not include the funds nor provide any full-time personnel for the enforcement of this statute. As a result, little actual work was accomplished during these two years, although much time was given to planning and discussion of the problem. Realizing that this program could provide additional basic data needed in the analysis of the water-supply problem, the State Geologist sought and was granted by the 1955 Legislature adequate funds with which to activate the first phase of the enforcement of Florida Statute No. 370.051-054. Enumerated below is a summary of the progress made on this investigation as outlined previously: 1. Data have been collected on 967 wildly flowing wells in 22 counties. 2. Chloride determinations have been run on 850 of the 967 wells. 3. Of the 967 wells, 554 have chlorides in excess of the 250 ppm, the upper limit assigned by the State Board of Health for public consumption. 4. Water escapes at the rate of 37, 762 gallons per minute from these 967 wells. This amounts to 54, 377, 280 gallons per day. The investigation is incomplete at this time; therefore, no final conclusions can be reached. However, from data already collected, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. That the present inventory of wildly flowing wells be completed for the entire State. 2. That the current inventory of wildly flowing wells be expanded at the conclusion of the present inventory to include all flowing wells. 3. That a complete statewide inventory program be established and conducted in cooperation with the Ground Water Branchof the U.S. Geological Survey. 4. That the enforcement functions as set down in Sections 370.051/.054, Florida Statutes, be separated from the program to collect water-resource data and that these functions be given to the Water Resources Department, if such is created (to be recommended by the Water Resources Study Commission in a water policy law presented to the 1957 Legislature). 5. That the research phase (well inventory) of the program remain under the direction of the Florida Geological Survey. (PDF contains 204 pages.)


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The 19th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation was the largest to date. The beautiful venue was the South Padre Island Convention Centre on South Padre Island, Texas from March 2-6, 1999. Key features of the 19th were invited talks on the theme The Promise, the Pain, and the Progress of 50 years of Sea Turtle Research and Conservation, a mini-symposium on the Kemp's ridley and an increased emphasis on high quality poster sessions. Hosts for the meeting included Texas A&M University, the Texas Sea Grant College Program, The Gladys Porter Zoo and Sea Turtle, Inc. Co-sponsors included the National Marine Fisheries Service-Southeast Fisheries Science Center, the National Marine Fisheries Service-Protected Resources Branch, Padre Island National Seashore and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. With the assistance of Jack Frazier, we were fortunate to obtain a $30,000 grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. This grant provided travel support to 49 individuals from 24 nations who presented a total of 50 presentations. (PDF contains 309 pages)


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This is a progress report of the STREAM Initiative presented at 14th NACA governing council to highlight the results, for the countries participating in the project, in the following key themes: •Livelihoods; •Appropriate Strategies, Processes and Practices; •Policy Development; •Communications. (Pdf contains 11 pages).


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The following series of fishery publications produced in calendar years 1980-85 by the Scientific Publications OffIce of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), are listed numerically and indexed by author and subject: Circular, Fishery BuUetin, Marine Fisheries Review, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries, and Technical Report NMFS. Also included is an alphanumeric listing of the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS series published in calendar years 1972-85 by NMFS regional offices and fisheries centers. Authors and subjects for the Memoradum series are indexed with the other publication series. (PDF file contains 156 pages.)


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Accurate and precise estimates of age and growth rates are essential parameters in understanding the population dynamics of fishes. Some of the more sophisticated stock assessment models, such as virtual population analysis, require age and growth information to partition catch data by age. Stock assessment efforts by regulatory agencies are usually directed at specific fisheries which are being heavily exploited and are suspected of being overfished. Interest in stock assessment of some of the oceanic pelagic fishes (tunas, billfishes, and sharks) has developed only over the last decade, during which exploitation has increased steadily in response to increases in worldwide demand for these resources. Traditionally, estimating the age of fishes has been done by enumerating growth bands on skeletal hardparts, through length frequency analysis, tag and recapture studies, and raising fish in enclosures. However, problems related to determining the age of some of the oceanic pelagic fishes are unique compared with other species. For example, sampling is difficult for these large, highly mobile fishes because of their size, extensive distributions throughout the world's oceans, and for some, such as the marlins, infrequent catches. In addition, movements of oceanic pelagic fishes often transect temperate as well as tropical oceans, making interpretation of growth bands on skeletal hardparts more difficult than with more sedentary temperate species. Many oceanic pelagics are also long-lived, attaining ages in excess of 30 yr, and more often than not, their life cycles do not lend themselves easily to artificial propagation and culture. These factors contribute to the difficulty of determining ages and are generally characteristic of this group-the tunas, billfishes, and sharks. Accordingly, the rapidly growing international concern in managing oceanic pelagic fishes, as well as unique difficulties in ageing these species, prompted us to hold this workshop. Our two major objectives for this workshop are to: I) Encourage the interchange of ideas on this subject, and 2) establish the "state of the art." A total of 65 scientists from 10 states in the continental United States and Hawaii, three provinces in Canada, France, Republic of Senegal, Spain, Mexico, Ivory Coast, and New South Wales (Australia) attended the workshop held at the Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Fla., 15-18 February 1982. Our first objective, encouraging the interchange of ideas, is well illustrated in the summaries of the Round Table Discussions and in the Glossary, which defines terms used in this volume. The majority of the workshop participants agreed that the lack of validation of age estimates and the means to accomplish the same are serious problems preventing advancements in assessing the age and growth of fishes, particularly oceanic pelagics. The alternatives relating to the validation problem were exhaustively reviewed during the Round Table Discussions and are a major highlight of this workshop. How well we accomplished our second objective, to establish the "state of the art" on age determination of oceanic pelagic fishes, will probably best be judged on the basis of these proceedings and whether future research efforts are directed at the problem areas we have identified. In order to produce high-quality papers, workshop participants served as referees for the manuscripts published in this volume. Several papers given orally at the workshop, and included in these proceedings, were summarized from full-length manuscripts, which have been submitted to or published in other scientific outlets-these papers are designated as SUMMARY PAPERS. In addition, the SUMMARY PAPER designation was also assigned to workshop papers that represented very preliminary or initial stages of research, cursory progress reports, papers that were data shy, or provide only brief reviews on general topics. Bilingual abstracts were included for all papers that required translation. We gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone involved in this workshop. Funding was provided by the Southeast Fisheries Center, and Jack C. Javech did the scientific illustrations appearing on the cover, between major sections, and in the Glossary. (PDF file contains 228 pages.)


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. Inland capture fisheries in India have declined in recent years, leaving thousands of fishers to sink deeper into poverty. Freshwater aquaculture in small water bodies like ponds now contributes 80% of the country¡¯s inland fish production. This manual outlines the use of small reservoir for freshwater aquacultureas a means of providing rural areas with food and livelihoods and protecting aquatic ecosystems, in particular by facilitating the conservation of indigenous fish species. (PDF contains 22 pages)


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. The objective of this technical manual is to relay the field experience of a group of scientists who have worked extensively in small fisheries in sub-Sahara Africa and Asia and lay out a series of simple and pragmatic pointers on how to establish and run initiatives for community catch assessment. The manual relies in particular on practical experience gained implementing Project 34 of the Challenge Programme on Water and Food: Improved Fisheries Productivity and Management in Tropical Reservoirs. (PDF contains 26 pages)


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The purpose of the project is to develop sustained small-scale cage fish culture in inland and coastal waters through improved understanding of the social, institutional and resource environment of resource poor groups. Two Asian countries, Bangladesh (inland systems) and Vietnam (marine), were studied with this workshop bringing together both sides of the project together with representatives of collaborative institutions, government departments and universities. Addressing the overall aim of producing guidelines for the planning and extension of cage aquaculture in Asia a combination of group work and plenary discussion was conducted producing the following outputs. 1) An assessment of cage aquaculture potential, 2) Development options for small-scale cage culture, 3) A review of tools and methodologies and 4) Policy initiatives for sustainable cage culture development. Key issues raised were the use of outputs as a guide to be adapted to regional circumstances to facilitate farmer and extension worker discussion and not as a rigid methodology. The degree of linkage between development, research and government institutions was also considered a crucial factor in benefiting the research and development of cage culture at the local, regional and national level and vital in affecting the future policies by both development and government institutions. [PDF contains 242 pages]