11 resultados para Tàpies, Antoni, 1923-
em Aquatic Commons
The aim of this study was to investigate the historical catch record from the Castle Fishery on the River Derwent over the period 1923 - 1989, to determine if changes had taken place in the composition of the catch and to examine the influence of flow on the performance of the fishery. The River Derwent is situated in West Cumbria, North West England. It flows from its source on Scafell Pike (NGR NY 229 089) westwards discharging into the Irish sea at Workington, a distance of 52 km. Over its length it receives water from an additional 214 km of stream, 5 large lakes and approximately 30 small tarns. The catchment drains a total area of 663 km2. The study concludes that through the time period there was considerable variation in catch between years. The trend was for the catch to increase steadily over the period 1923 - 1958, declining rapidly in 1959, after which catches increased steadily reaching a peak in the mid-sixties, before declining towards the end of the decade. During the seventies and eighties catches remained relatively stable at between 300 - 600 salmon per year until 1988 when over 2000 salmon were reported caught, the greatest number in any year over the study period.
The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (lA TTC) came into existence in 1950, after its convention, signed by representatives ofCosta Rica and the United States in 1949, was ratified. It was the first international tuna organization, and only the third international fisheries organization, whose staff has had the responsibility for performing scientific research, the others being the International Pacific Halibut Commission, established in 1923, and the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, established in 1937. The current members of the IATTC are Costa Rica, Ecuador, EI Salvador, France, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, the United States, Vanuatu, and Venezuela. The first Director ofthe IATTC was Dr. Milner B. Schaefer, who was in that position from 1950 to 1963. He was followed by Dr. John L. Kask (1963-1969), Dr. James Joseph (1969-1999), and Dr. Robin L. Allen (1999-present). The success ofthe IATIC showed that it was possible to carry out research and management on an international, high-seas fishery successfully. Since then other international organizations for tuna management, including the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (1969), the Forum Fisheries Agency (1979), the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (1994), and the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (1996), were established. Appropriately, the 50th anniversary celebration was held in Costa Rica, one of the two charter members of the IATTC. Persons who have held important positions in international fishery management in various parts ofthe world spoke at the celebration. Their presentations, except for that describing the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, are reproduced in this volume.
The effect of decreasing frost frequency on desert vegetation was documented in Grand Canyon by replication of historical photographs. Although views by numerous photographers of Grand Canyon have been examined, 400 Robert Brewster Stanton and Franklin A. Nims views taken in the winter of 1889-1890 provide the best information on recent plant distribution. In Grand Canyon, where grazing is limited by the rugged topography, vegetation dynamics are controlled by climate and by demographic processes such as seed productivity, recruitment, longevity and mortality. The replicated photographs show distribution and abundance of several species were limited by severe frost before 1889. Two of these, brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) and barrel cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus), have clearly expanded their ranges up-canyon and have increased their densities at sites where they were present in 1890. In 1890, brittlebush was present in warm microhabitats that provided refugia from frost damage. Views showing desert vegetation in 1923 indicate that Encelia expanded rapidly to near its current distribution between 1890 and 1923, whereas the expansion of Ferocactus occurred more slowly. The higher frequency of frost was probably related to an anomalous increase in winter storms between 1878 (and possibly 1862) and 1891 in the southwestern United States.
Sri Lanka's interest in trawler fishing dates back to 1902 when a Colombo merchant attempted to operate a trawler off Sri Lanka's waters. The next attempt was made in 1907. These attempts did not proceed any further. Between 1920 and 1923 a very comprehensive survey of the littoral waters around the island was carried out. One of the principal aims of the survey was to investigate the possibility of trawler fishing in the seas around. Malpas (1926) and Pearson and Malpas (1926) reporting the results of the survey indicated that the Wadge and Pedro banks were the only areas available for commercial trawler operations and indicated that the fish resources in the two banks could be profitably exploited. Commercial exploitation of the Wadge bank commenced in 1928 and a fishery is now firmly established in the bank. The Marine Biologist and the Director of fisheries in their administration reports and Sivalingam and Medcof (1957) and the author (1965) have reported on the progress of the Wadge bank fishery. Some of the trends indicated by an analysis of the records of the commercial trawling operations are further discussed in this paper.
The collection of blue green algae kept at the herbarium of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya, was collected by Ferguson more than 70 years ago. Since then many changes have taken place in the taxonomy of the blue green algae. West (1902), Lemmermann (1907), Wine (1915), Crow (1923), Bharadwaja (1934) and Holsinger (1935) had described some of the blue green algae of Ceylon. While examining the collections of blue green algae kept at the herbarium, the authors found that most of the identifications were incorrect and required revision. In the present paper 20 blue green algae are described. The classification and key to the species are based on the characters given by Desikachary (1959). Blue green algae are important to fisheries since Chanos larvae feed on them.
There are many types of passive fishing gear in use in the estuarine waters and lagoons in Ceylon such as the stake seine net or Kattudel, the tat trap or Jalcottu and the wing net or Sirahu valai. Of these Siraku valai is very popular in the shallow and near shore areas of the sea in north Ceylon. Sirahu valai is popular since it is relatively more economical, less time consuming and more efficient than other forms of fishing gear in shallow waters. More over the fishermen do not have to remain in the fishing grounds while his gear is fishing. Pearson (1923) described this gear as a stake net having a complicated arrangement. Sirahu valai is also referred to as Siraku valai or Kurukku valai.
The Uganda waters of Lake Victoria comprise an area of 28,500 square kilometres with a shore line of 2,380 kilometres extending from the Uganda/Tanzania border in the west to the Uganda/Kenya border in the east. A large part of the Uganda waters of the lake is less than 60 metres deep, waters deeper than 60 metres being on the eastern side of the lake. Thus the Uganda part of the lake is tilted towards the east. A number of rivers drain into the lake from the north and the River Nile flows out of the lake towards the Mediterranean Sea. The Ssese, Kome, Buvuma and Busoga Islands form a very distinctive feature of the lake. These are perhaps the remaining high hills which survived the drowning of the northern valleys during the formation of the lake. In fact, in T. P. O'Brien's book 'The Prehistoric Uganda Protectorate (1939)', Solmon gives a critical summary of the work on the formation of Lake Victoria and shows that the northern part of the lake has numerous drowned valleys, a feature which provides varying habitats for particular species of fish and which may have an effect on the species composition reflected in the catches in different areas along the northern shore of the lake. It is interesting to note that although Lake Victoria as a whole has a number of rivers draining into it, Halbfass (1923) calculated and found that 76 per cent of the water entering the lake is precipitation on the lake surface.
The present paper gives a full description of the organization of Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, a not well known member of the Rhodophyllidaceae as well as gives for the first time description of the male and tetrasporic plants. Detailed organization of the carpogonial branches, spermatia and tetraspores is also presented. Nineteen figures illustrate the text (material collected at Deseado port, Santa Cruz prov., Argentina). The following text is the content of the discussion. From the description it is possible to confirm the position of Acanthococcus in the Rhodophyllidaceac as was done by Kylin (Kylin 1960, p. 290 et seg.). It has many similarities in the development of the carpogenic branches and in the formation of spermatia as well in the production of the zonately divided tetrasporangia with the genera of the family whose reproduction is known; Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters and Rhodopyllis bifada (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylin 1923); Calliblepharis jubata (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylín 1928) and Craspedocarpus erosus (Hook. et Harvey) Sehmitz (Kylin 1932). Apparently the distinguishing feature of Acanthococcus is the structure of the vegetative frond, with the abundant development of rhizoidal filaments in the medula, besides the characteristic appendages of the cystocarps. Harvey's figure (Harvey 1847, P. 181, Fig. 3) of the tranverse section of the plant shows the central portion composed of a dense small-celled medula limited by a region of large cells which is externally covered by a small-celled cortex. As we have seen the small-celled filaments are not restricted to the central portion, but extend into the large-celled portion and can reach the cortex. On the other hand, the eros section of Acanthococcus depicted by Kützing (Kützing 1867, T. 93, Fig. h, under Callophyllis antartica), apparently belongs to another plant, so different in the structure when one compares his figure with Harvey's and the ones in this paper. RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL Este trabajo presenta una completa descripción de la organización de Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, un miembro poco conocido de las Rodofilidáceas, así como presenta por primera vez descripciones de las plantas masculinas y de las tetraspóricas. También por primera vez es presentada la organización detallada de las ramas carpogoniales, de los espermecios y de las trásporas. Diecinueve figuras completan el texto (material coleccionado en Puerto Deseado, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina).
A total of 592 individuals of Loligo brasiliensis from the Mar del Plata coastal fishing area (Buenos Aires prov., Argentina) have been studied during the 1961-1964 period. From a morphological point of view the population appears to be uniform and homogeneus. A brief description of this species is given in this paper since references in the literature are scarce from the time at which Blainville (1923) first described it. The only further references are found in D'Orbigny (1835), and Ferrusac (1839), and in Hoyle (1886), and Tyron Pilsbry (1879). In this paper the species was mentioned only as a bibliographical reference on morphological or biological conditions has been found in the literature. The distribution of this species ranges from Cuba, Brazil, Uruguay to the Argentine coast, probably down to the Gulf of San Jorge. The samples had been studied with respect to various body measurements by classifing the individuals in total length classes, since body length was considered the most significant measurement. The condition factor K has been calculated for different sexes and ages, for the various length classes. The results lead to the conclusion that the smaller the length the higher is the value obtained for K and viceversa. This is due to the fact that the length of the tentacle increases considerably with increasing size. Since the tentacle are quite light the factor K diminishes accordingly. The condition factor increases considerably from December to April with an average of 0.42, decrease and becomes stable from March to October, with an average of 0.30. This is a consequence of the ripening of the sex glands. The sex-ratios are as following: year 1961, 42 % female, 42 % male; year 1962, 51 % female, 45 % male; year 1963, 46 % female, 53 % male; year 1964, 26 % female, 42 % male, 32 % indif. The great percentage of 72 undifferentiated young individuals in the 1964 (March) sampling increases the ratio of undifferentiation. A short morphological description of both ovules and spermatozoos is given. An examination of the sex glands leads to the following conclusions: a) male and female sex gland in a preparatory stage during the whole year; b) the highest percentage of ripe glands is found through, November-March; e) the spawning appears to precede rather slowly, but this certain since the spawning environment does not coincide with the natural habitat of the species. Few spawning individuals were found; d) sexual differentiation begins at body lenght from 30 to 40 mm; i.e. a total length of approximately 145 mm. At a body length of 70 mm. the hectocotilication (sexual character) begins to appear. In June 1962, a sample gathered at Rawson (Chubut) was analyzed. The conclusion was reached that the sex glands in this population are in an earlier stage of development in comparison with those from the Mar del Plata area. Also the average for the factor K which were found to be 0.17 for females and 0.19 for male, are rather low for that date. These physiological facts are possibly related to morphological differences which will be pointed out in a forthcoming publication. Some very typical associations with Artemesia longinaris and Percophis brasiliensis were found. Cannibalism has been observed.