39 resultados para Systemically Important Firm

em Aquatic Commons


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Table of Contents [pdf, 1 Kb] Summary [pdf, 85 Kb] Introduction [pdf, 0.8 Mb] Major Species and Stocks of Crabs in the PICES Region [pdf, 1.23 Mb] Major Species and Stocks of Shrimps in the PICES Region [pdf, 0.5 Mb] Oceanography [pdf, 0.4 Mb] Sampling and Data Analysis [pdf, 0.38 Mb] Acknowledgements [pdf, 0.27 Mb] References [pdf, 0.33 Mb] Appendices [pdf, 0.3 Mb] Plates 1-5 [pdf, 0.95 Mb] (Document contains 83 pages)


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Why are SRS important? The answer is to be found in this well-structured survey under: SRS as food source; SRS as additional source of cash income; Role of SRS in social capital. An analysis of the threats to SRS and the potential management options for farmer managed aquatic systems are also available in this survey along with the following definition of SRS: SRS are defined as aquatic animals that can be harvested from farmer managed aquatic systems without regular stocking. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Histopathologic studies of lesions found in commercially important North Atlantic marine fishes are uncommon. As part of a comprehensive Northeast Fisheries Center program ("Ocean Pulse") to evaluate environmental and resource health on the U.S. Continental Shelf from Cape Hatteras to Nova Scotia, grossly visible lesions of the gills, integument, muscle, and viscera of primarily bottom-dwelling fishes were excised and examined using light microscopy. Several gadid and pleuronectid fishes accounted for most of the lesions observed. Most pathological examinations were incidental to samples taken for age and growth determination and evaluation of predator/prey relationships. Several gadids, with either gill, heart, or spleen lesions, were sampled more intensively. Gill lesions principally affected gadids and were caused by either microsporidans or an unidentified oocyte-like cell. The majority of gastrointestinal lesions consisted of encapsulated or encysted larval worms or microsporidan-induced cysts. Few heart lesions were found. Integumental lesioos included ulcers, lymphocystis, and trematode metacercariae. Liver lesions almost always consisted of encapsulated or encysted larval helminths. Necrotic granulomata were seen in muscle and microsporidan-induced granulomata in spleen. Although not numerous, histologically interesting lesions were noted in integument, heart, liver, spleen, and muscle of several fish species. Histologic study of tissues excised from a variety of demersal and pelagic fishes from the eastern North Atlantic (France, Germany, Spain) revealed assorted integumental, renal, hepatic, and splenic lesions. Small sample size and non-random sampling precluded obtaining a meaningful quantitative estimate of the prevalence of the observed lesions in the population at risk; however, a useful census has been made of the types of lesions present in commercially important marine fishes. (PDF file contains 20 pages.)


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Diets of 76 species of fish larvae from most oceans of the world were inventoried on the basis of information in 40 published studies. Although certaln geographlc, size- and taxon-specific patterns were apparent, certain zooplankton taxa appeared in the diets of larvae of a variety of fish species in numerous localities. Included were six genera of calanoid copepods (Acartia, Calanus, Centropages, Paracalanus, Pseudocaianus, Temora), three genera of cyclopoid copepods (Corycaeus, Oilhona, Oncata), harpacticoid copepods, copepod nauplii, tintinoids, cladocerans of the genera Evadne and Podon, barnacle nauplii, gastropod larvae, pteropods of the genus Limacina, and appendicularians. Literature on feeding habits of these zooplankters reveals that most of the copepods are omnivorous, feeding upon both phytoplankton and other zooplankton. Some taxa, such as Calanus, Paracalanus, Pseudocalanus, and copepod nauplii appear to be primarily herbivorous, while others, such as Acartia, Centropages, Temora, and cyclopoids exhibit broad omnivory or carnivory. The noncopepod zooplankters are primarily filter-feeders upon pbytoplankton and/or bacterioplankton. Despite the importance of zooplankters in larval fish food webs, spectic knowledge of the feeding ecology of many taxa is poor. Further, much present knowledge comes only from laboratory investigations that may not accurately portray feeding habits of zooplankters in nature. Lack of knowledge of the feeding ecology of many abundant zooplankters, which are also important in larval fish food webs, precludes realistic understanding of pelagic ecosystem dynamics. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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About 86 species of fish have been recorded in the Lake Chad. Most of the species occurring in the lake are widespread including most of the commercially important species. Fish distribution in the lake was adversely affected by the 1972/73 and 1983/84 droughts. The commercially important species before the 1972/73 drought were; Lates, Labeo distichodus, Heterotis, Gymnarchus, Hydrocynus, Citharinus and Bagrus. Other species which had less commercial value at that time include, Clarias, Gnathanemus, Polypterus, Protopterus, Tilapia and Synodontis. Lates niloticus was the most predominant species of commercial importance comprising 50-60% of the total catches of fishermen between 1962 and 1973. Before the 1972/73 drought, occurrence of Clarias lazera was negligible and restricted to long line catches and had little commercial value. As a result of the drought of 1972/73 which resulted in near drying up to the northern sector of the lake, fish populations were confined to isolated pools and were completely scooped out. The remaining fish populations retreated to the southern basin where enough water always remained to hold the surviving representatives of the population. The effects of the drought resulted in occurrence of the little known C. lazera along with other hardy species like Tilapia and Protopterus to dominate the existing fish species composition. In 1976, C. lazera dominated the total catches of fishermen with 85.6%. An overview of the fish population in the lake, their relative abundance, changes in species composition, the effects of drought on the fauna of the lake based on the available data are discussed in this paper


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The result of this preliminary report highlighted prevalence of an endoparasite (nematode) in order of prevalence. Four non-scaly commercially important fishes, namely:- Clarias sp Hererobranchus bidorsalis. Bagrus sp and Synodontis sp.; and nine scaly fishes, namely; - Gymnarchus sp, Protopterus annectus. Tilapia sp, Lates niloticus. Heterotis niloticus, Mormyrops sp, Channa Obscurus, Labeo sp and Distochodus rostratus of freshwater fadama of the Bida Area, Niger State. The extent of the spread was evaluated. While the reactions of fishermen, middlemen (fishmongers) and fish-eaters in order to appreciate the impacts of the nematode infested fishes on the populace were recorded. The paper suggested areas for further studies towards evoking desirable management strategies for the study area as follows. Such suggested areas are:- Identification and confirmation of the nematode species; life cycle of the nematode species; influence of season on the prevalence, spread and pathology in the nematode infested fishes, etc


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When hazardous storms threaten coastal communities, people need information to decide how to respond to this potential emergency. NOAA and NC Sea Grant are funding a two-year project (Risk Perceptions and Emergency Communication Effectiveness in Coastal Zones) to learn how residents, government officials, businesses and other organizations are informed and use information regarding hurricane and tropical storms. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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This paper conducts an exposition on the field identification of Clariid catfishes Heterobranchus, Clarias and their hybrid as an important tool in fish breeding and genetics. The paper explained the classification and aquacultural importance of Clariid catfishes. Parameters necessary for fish identification were highlighted. The identification of Heterobranchus, Clarias, their hybrid and sexual differences were also identified. The paper is of the position that the identification of Heterobranchus, Clarias and their hybrid is important in their genetic conservation and in achieving success in breeding and genetic studies


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The level and distribution of some heavy metals viz Cadmium, Lead, Copper Zinc, and Cobalt in five commercially important fishes, water and sediments at three different locations in Kainj Lake were determined using standard methods. The results show that the ranges of heavy metals mu g/g in fishes in Dam site Laotian are: Cd (0.05~c0.01-20~c01), (Pb(ND-1.12 plus or minus )1), Cu (0.81~c25-2.93~c06), Zn (20.89 arrow right .15-36.78~c2.97), Co(0.08~c01-0.27~c02); in cover Dam, the ranges are Cd (0.04~c02-0.16~c0.2), Pb (nd-02~c01), Cu(0.75~c05-2.61~c13), Zn(15.70~c1.55-32.23~c2.70), Co(0.04~c02-0.25~c0.01) and in Yuna they are Cd (0.05~c01-0.14~c02), Pb (nd-0.32~c01), Cu (0.23~c07-2.70~c05), Zn(15.50 plus or minus `.35-25.62~c2.47), Co(0.07~c02-23~c0.01). The metals concentration (mg/l) in the water sample from Dam site, cover dam and Yuna respectively are Cd(0.007~c001,. 004~c001 and 0.005~001), Pb(013~c001, ND and ND), Cu(.055~c008.030~c007, 05 plus or minus .010), Zn(0.13~c01, 0.060 plus or minus .0055) and Co (.026 plus or minus .022 plus or minus .004, .024 plus or minus .004), while the metals concentration ( mu g/g) in sediments sample from Dam site, cover dam and Yuna are respectively Cd(.05 plus or minus .01, .02 plus or minus .01), Pb(16.00~c1.00, ND and 9.33~c1.01), Cu(24.00~c1.34, 4.26 plus or minus .91 and 11.08~c1.32), Zn(42.00~c1.00, 35~c10 and 38.00 plus or minus .45), Co(15.00~c1.17, 8.69~c1.21 and 10.91~c44). The concentrations of the tested heavy metals are within the acceptable standards of WHO (1987a)


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The fetal and larval development of many freshwater fish is already relatively well covered. Coverage of the morphology of fish-species' eggs is very sparse. For this reason the authors have attempted to prepare a key on fish eggs which covers the bulk of German Teleostei fish. The key also includes a discussion of problems of categorization and terminology.


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Book Reviews: Darwin's Finches by David Lack. Field Guide to the Birds of the Galapagos by Michael Harris.


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The parameters of the length-weight relationship of the form W = aLb are presented for 51 species of commercially important marine fishes and shellfishes caught along the southern coast of Karnataka, India. Samples from commercial (trawl, purse seines, gill nets) and artisanal gears were taken during August 1999 to May 2001. The ‘b’ value ranged between 1.942 and 3.616 with a mean of 2.80, standard deviation of 0.32, and mode of 3.