13 resultados para Systemic infection

em Aquatic Commons


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On 15-16 January 2005, three offshore species of cetaceans (33 short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, one minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, and two dwarf sperm whales, Kogia sima) stranded alive on the beaches of North Carolina. The pilot whales stranded near Oregon Inlet, the minke whale in northern North Carolina, and the dwarf sperm whales near Cape Hatteras. Live strandings of three species in one weekend was unique in North Carolina and qualified as an Unusual Mortality Event. Gross necropsies were conducted on 16-17 January 2005 on 27 pilot whales, two dwarf sperm whales, and the minke whale. Samples were collected for clinical pathology, parasitology, gross pathology, histopathology, microbiology and serology. There was variation in the number of animals sampled for each collection type, however, due to carcasses washing off the beach or degradation in carcass condition during the course of the response. Comprehensive histologic examination was conducted on 16 pilot whales, both dwarf sperm whales, and the minke whale. Limited organ or only head tissue suites were obtained from nine pilot whales. Histologic examination of tissues began in February 2005 and concluded in December 2005 when final sampling was concluded. Neither the pilot whales nor dwarf sperm whales were emaciated although none had recently ingested prey in their stomachs. The minke whale was emaciated; it was likely a dependent calf that became separated from the female. Most serum biochemistry abnormalities appear to have resulted from the stranding and indicated deteriorating condition from being on land for an extended period. Three pilot whales had clinical evidence of pre-existing systemic inflammation, which was supported by histopathologic findings. Although gross and histologic lesions involving all organ systems were noted, consistent lesions were not observed across species. Verminous pterygoid sinusitis and healed fishery interactions were seen in pilot whales but neither of these changes were causes of debilitation or death. In three pilot whales and one dwarf sperm whale there was evidence of clinically significant disease in postcranial tissues which led to chronic debilitation. Cardiovascular disease was present in one pilot whale and one dwarf sperm whale; musculoskeletal disease and intra-abdominal granulomas were present in two pilot whales. These lesions were possible, but not definitive, causal factors in the stranding. Remaining lesions were incidental or post-stranding. The minke whale and three of five tested pilot whales had positive morbillivirus titers (≥1:8 with one at >1:256), but there was no histologic evidence of active viral infection. Parasites (nematodes, cestodes, and trematodes) were collected from 26 pilot whales and two dwarf sperm whales. Sites of collection included stomach, nasal/pterygoid, peribullar sinuses, blubber, and abdominal cavity. Parasite species, locations and loads were within normal limits for free-ranging cetaceans and were not considered causative for the stranding event. Gas emboli lesions which were considered consistent with or diagnostic of sonarassociated strandings of beaked whales or small cetaceans were not found in the whales stranded as part of UMESE0501Sp. Twenty-five heads were examined with nine specific anatomic locations of interest: extramandibular fat, intramandibular fat, auditory meatus, peribullar acoustic fat, peribullar soft tissue, peribullar sinus, pterygoid sinus, melon, and brain. The common finding in all examined heads was verminous pterygoid sinusitis. Intramandibular adipose tissue reddening, typically adjacent to the vascular plexus, was observed in some individuals and could represent localized hemorrhage resulting from vascular rete rupture, hypostatic congestion, or erythrocyte rupture during the freeze/thaw cycle. One cetacean had peracute to acute subdural hemorrhage that likely occurred from thrashing on the beach post-stranding, although its occurrence prior to stranding cannot be excluded. Information provided to NMFS by the U.S. Navy indicated routine tactical mid-frequency sonar operations from individual surface vessels over relatively short durations and small spatial scales within the area and time period investigated. No marine mammals were detected by marine mammal observers on operational vessels; standard operating procedure for surface naval vessels operating mid-frequency sonar is the use of trained visual lookouts using high-powered binoculars. Sound propagation modeling using information provided to NMFS indicated that acoustic conditions in the vicinity likely depended heavily on position of the receivers (e.g., range, bearing, depth) relative to that of the sources. Absent explicit information on the location of animals meant that it was not possible to estimate received acoustic exposures from active sonar transmissions. Nonetheless, the event was associated in time and space with naval activity using mid-frequency active sonar. It also had a number of features in common (e.g., the “atypical” distribution of strandings involving multiple offshore species, all stranding alive, and without evidence of common infectious or other disease process) with other sonar-related cetacean mass stranding events. Given that this event was the only stranding of offshore species to occur within a 2-3 day period in the region on record (i.e., a very rare event), and given the occurrence of the event simultaneously in time and space with a naval exercise using active sonar, the association between the naval sonar activity and the location and timing of the event could be a causal rather than a coincidental relationship. However, evidence supporting a definitive association is lacking, and, in particular, there are differences in operational/environmental characteristics between this event and previous events where sonar has apparently played a role in marine mammal strandings. This does not preclude behavorial avoidance of noise exposure. No harmful algal blooms were present along the Atlantic coast south of the Chesapeake Bay during the months prior to the event. Environmental conditions, including strong winds, changes in upwelling- to downwelling-favorable conditions, and gently sloping bathymetry, were consistent with conditions which have been correlated with other mass strandings. In summary, we did not find commonality in gross and histologic lesions that would indicate a single cause for this stranding event. Three pilot whales and one dwarf sperm whale had debilitating conditions identified that could have contributed to stranding, one pilot whale had a debilitating condition (subdural hemorrhage) that could have been present prior to or resulting from stranding. While the pilot and dwarf sperm whale strandings may have had a common cause, the minke whale stranding was probably just coincidental. On the basis of examination of physical evidence in the affected whales, however, we cannot definitively conclude that there was or was not a causal link between anthropogenic sonar activity or environmental conditions (or a combination of these factors) and the strandings. Overall, the cause of UMESE0501Sp in North Carolina is not and likely will not be definitively known. (PDF contains 240 pages)


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This paper presents nine tenets for management as formulated in the literature in recent decades. These tenets, and the principles behind them, form the foundation for systemic management. All tenets are interrelated and far from mutually exclusive or discrete. When we consider them seriously and simultaneously, these tenets expose serious flaws of conventional resource management and define systemic management. Systemic management requires that we manage inclusively and avoid restricting management to any particular interaction between humans and other elements of nature. The management tenets presented here are considered with particular attention to the interrelationships among both the tenets and principles upon which they are based. The case is made that the tenets are inseparable and should be applied collectively. Combined consideration of the tenets clarifies the role of science, contributes to progress in defining management, and leads to the development of ways we can avoid mistakes of past management. Systemic management emerges as at least one form of management that will consistently account for and apply to the complexities of nature.


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The localization of the stretch sensitivity and myogenic automatism in the systemic heart of Octopus vulgaris has been studied on an isolated preparation in which the ventricle was zoned by ligatures. Each region has been submitted to two different levels of internal hydrostatic pressure (1 and 2 kPa). Only the two atrio-ventricular regions were able to contract regularly when submitted to internal pressure, with a frequency dependent from the pressure value, while the ventricle-aortic region was insensitive to the stretching by internal pressure. This result supports the hypothesis that the automatism in this heart is localized. Electrocardiogram recordings from different areas of an isolated and perfused preparation of the systemic heart ventricle are also reported, which suggest that the electrical activity of the ventricle originates in two narrow areas near the atrio-ventricular valves.


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The causes of mortality of fry of cultivable fishes in a fish seed farm were investigated. The mortality was due to fungal infection and the pathogen was Saprolegnia sp. The sources of infection were unhygienic breeding hapas, spawnery hapas in the cemented ponds, hatching jars and excess feeding. Application of one kg slaked lime followed by 75g of CuSo sub(4)(l-0.5 p.p.m.) and 150g of KMno sub(4)(2-1 p.p.m.) per each nursery (158m³ water) controlled the pathogen.


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A brief description is given of a preserved specimen of eel (Thysoidea macrurus) infested with Aspergillus flavus. It is suggested that proper washing of the eels is required to remove the slime covering and the specimens should be completely submerged in formalin in order to successfully preserve the eels.


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Iron is required for many microbes and pathogens for their survival and proliferation including Leishmania which cause leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is an increasingly serious infectious disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. These range from localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions to a lethal visceral form. Certain strains such as BALB/c mice fail to control L. major infection and develop progressive lesions and systemic disease. These mice are thought to be a model of non-healing forms of the human disease such as kala-azar or diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. Progression of disease in BALB/c mice has been associated with the anemia, in last days of their survival, the progressive anemia is considered to be one of the reasons of their death. Ferroportin (Fpn), a key regulator of iron homeostasis is a conserved membrane protein that exports iron across the duodenal enterocytes as well as macrophages and hepatocytes into the blood circulation. Fpn has also critical influence on survival and proliferation of many microorganisms whose growth is dependent upon iron, thus preparation of Fpn is needed to study the role of iron in immune responses and pathogenesis of micoorganisms. To prepare and characterize a recombinant ferroportin, total RNA was extracted from Indian zebrafish duodenum, and used to synthesize cDNA by RT-PCR. PCR product was first cloned in Topo TA vector and then subcloned into the GFP expression vector pEGFP–N1. The final resulted plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) was used for expression of FPN-EGFP protein in Hek 293T cells. The expression was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometery. Recombinant Fpn was further characterized by submission of its predicted amino acid sequences to the TMHMM V2.0 prediction server (hidden Markov model), NetOGlyc 3.1 server and NetNGlyc 3.1 server. Data emphasised that obtained Fpn from indian zebrafish contained eight transmembrane domains with N- and C-termini inside the cytoplasm and harboured 78 mucin-type glycosylated amino acid. The results indicate that the prepared and characterized recombinant Fpn protein has no membrane topology difference compared to other Fpn described by other researcher. Our next aim was to deliver recombinant plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) to entrocyte cells. However, naked therapeutic genes are rapidly degraded by nucleases, showing poor cellular uptake, nonspecificity to the target cells, and low transfection efficiency. The development of safe and efficient gene carriers is one of the prerequisites for the success of gene therapy. Chitosan and alginate 139 polymers were used for oral gene carrier because of their biodegradability, biocompatibility and their mucoadhesive and permeability-enhancing properties in the gut. Nanoparticles comprising Alginate/Chitosan polymers were prepared by pregel preparation method. The resulting nanoparticles had a loading efficiency of 95% and average size of 188 nm as confirmed by PCS method and SEM images had showed spherical particles. BALB/c mice were divided to three groups. The first and second group were fed with chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing the pEGFP-ZFpn and pEGFP plasmid, respectively (30 μgr/mice) and the third group (control) didn’t get any nanoparticles. The result showed BALB/c mice infected by L.major, resulted in higher hematocryte and iron level in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Consentration of cytokines determined by ELISA showed lower levels of IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of IFN-γ/IL-4 and IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Morover more limited increase of footpad thickness and significant reduction of viable parasites in lymph node was seen in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice. The results showed the first group exhibited a highr hematocryte and iron compared to the other groups. These data strongly suggests the in vivo administration of chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing pEGFP-ZFpn suppress Th2 response and may be used to control the leishmaniasis .


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The effect of adenosine on the function of the heart in Octopus vulgaris was studied using an isolated heart preparation. Bolus injections of adenosine or AMP (adenosine precursor) induced both positive chronotropic and inotropic effects. The maximum inotropic effect preceded the maximum chronotropic effect. The impermeable adenosine analogue 2-chloroadenosine elicited a similar effect, while the adenosine uptake blocker dipyridamole did not affect the adenosine response. These results suggest that adenosine acted extracellularly. The concentration-response curves of adenosine and AMP were also determined, by evaluating the effects on ventricular and coronary function. Under these conditions, the potent chronotropic effect elicited by both substances apparently masked or compensated for the inotropic effect, owing to the negative force-frequency relationship known to occur in the octopus heart. The AMP displayed a lower threshold than adenosine, suggesting an higher affinity for the purinergic receptors involved or a strict association between 5'-nucleotidase and the adenosine receptor on the plasma membrane.


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Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) is a popular cultivable species and valuable foreign exchange earning item among all the fishery commodities in Bangladesh. At present with semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture practices, disease is a problem. Protozoan infection, caused by the Zoothamnium sp. is one of the causes of damage in the total production by growth retardation and mortality. No work has yet been done on shrimp disease in Bangladesh. The present account therefore, constitutes the first report on it from the shrimp culture ponds of Cox's Bazar. The present work includes the occurrence and prevalence of protozoan disease, its seasonal variations and level of infestation in different length groups in Penaeus monodon.


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The occurrence of diseases is a significant setback for successful aquafarming. One of the common fish bacterial disease syndromes, Edwardsiellosis is caused by Edwardsiella tarda, a gram-negative, rod shaped bacterium associated with several diseases of marine and fresh water fish. In this study, an attempt was made to observe and analyze the onset of clinical symptoms and certain haematological parameters in Koi Carp, Cyprinus carpio L., following artificial infection with Edwardsiella tarda. The disease progress was observed and the clinical symptoms were monitored over a period of 15 days following infection. Fish were sampled at three day intervals to analyse the haematological parameters: total erythrocyte counts (RBC), total leucocyte counts (WBC), haemoglobin content and differential leucocyte count. Clinical symptoms observed included: erratic swimming behaviour, loss of appetite, haemorrhages, dropsy and exophthalmia. There was a significant decrease in the total RBC and haemoglobin levels by the 3rd and 6th day post infection, and an increase thereafter. WBC counts were higher in all infected groups in comparison to the control group. A significant increase in the number of neutrophils was found in the infected group up to the 9th day and a decrease thereafter. The lymphocyte number was significantly less up to the 12th day while the monocyte counts were significantly higher up to the 12th day post infection. The results showed that the bacterium, E. tarda, is pathogenic to Koi Carp. The hematological changes and clinical signs in infected fish reported in this paper will be helpful in the identification and the control of this infection.


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Ozone due to having low half-life and devoid of environmental harmful effects is recognized as one of the most effective disinfectant and fungicide in aquaculture. The objective of this study is to consider the effects of periodicay ozonation, hydrogen peroxide treatment, and physical treatment capability in hatching rate enhancement. Three concentrations of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 ppm ozone (10 min) and peroxide hydrogen with dose of 500 and 1000 ppm in two procedures accompanied with physical treatment and without physical treatment were examined on hatching rate. In the first year, Egg ozonation (0.1 ppm) with physical treatment have been resulted the greatest hatching rate (81.4%). In the second year, egg treatment with 1000 ppm hydrogen peroxide with physical treatment have been showed the greatest hatching rate (78%). Average hatching rate for the blank control treatment (without disinfectin and physical treatment) was 32.7%. From the economic viewpoint, 0.05 ppm ozone with physical treatment, due to considerable minimizing at consumption energy and ozonation system retention costs, indicated as the best treatment than other ozone treatments for fungal control. Very low correlation (r=-0.14) have been observed between hatchery water temperature and fungal infection percentage in control treatment.