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em Aquatic Commons


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The author uses clicker technology to incorporate polling and multiple choice question techniques into library instruction classes. Clickers can be used to give a keener understanding of how many students grasp the concepts presented in a specific class session. Typically, a student that aces a definition-type question will fail to answer an application-type question correctly. Immediate, electronic feedback helps to calibrate teaching approaches and gather data about learning outcomes. This presentation will analyze learning outcomes specific to scientific disciplines, and demonstrate the usefulness of clickers to engage and sustain student learning.


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There is a clear need to develop fisheries independent methods to quantify individual sizes, density, and three dimensional characteristics of reef fish spawning aggregations for use in population assessments and to provide critical baseline data on reproductive life history of exploited populations. We designed, constructed, calibrated, and applied an underwater stereo-video system to estimate individual sizes and three dimensional (3D) positions of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) at a spawning aggregation site located on a reef promontory on the western edge of Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI, on 23 January 2003. The system consists of two free-running camcorders mounted on a meter-long bar and supported by a SCUBA diver. Paired video “stills” were captured, and nose and tail of individual fish observed in the field of view of both cameras were digitized using image analysis software. Conversion of these two dimensional screen coordinates to 3D coordinates was achieved through a matrix inversion algorithm and calibration data. Our estimate of mean total length (58.5 cm, n = 29) was in close agreement with estimated lengths from a hydroacoustic survey and from direct measures of fish size using visual census techniques. We discovered a possible bias in length measures using the video method, most likely arising from some fish orientations that were not perpendicular with respect to the optical axis of the camera system. We observed 40 individuals occupying a volume of 33.3 m3, resulting in a concentration of 1.2 individuals m–3 with a mean (SD) nearest neighbor distance of 70.0 (29.7) cm. We promote the use of roving diver stereo-videography as a method to assess the size distribution, density, and 3D spatial structure of fish spawning aggregations.


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ENGLISH: Morphometric studies by Godsil (1948), Godsil and Greenhood (1951), Royce (1953) and Schaefer (1952, 1955) have indicated that the yellowfin tuna of the Eastern Pacific are distinct from those of the Central Pacific. Tagging of yellowfin tuna by the California Department of Fish and Game, and by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in the Eastern Pacific, and by the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations in the Central Pacific, have not yet revealed any migrations between these areas. Shimada and Schaefer (1956) have compared changes in population abundance and fishing intensity, considering the population in the Eastern Pacific as a separate entity. They conclude " ... the amount of fishing has had a real effect upon the stock of Eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna, taken in the aggregate, over the period studied. The evidence suggests also that for this species the intensity of fishing in some recent years has reached and might have even exceeded the level corresponding to the maximum equilibrium yield." Tagging experiments by the California Department of Fish and Game and by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission have yielded returns in the order of one to five percent (Roedel 1954, and unpublished data of both agencies), a level much lower than that at which fishing intensity would be expected to noticeably affect the population size. These results are probably a reflection of the inadequacies of the present tagging methods, but they could lend doubt to the conclusions of Shimada and Schaefer. It is desirable, therefore, to examine other, independent, evidence as to the effects of fishing on the population. At the high levels of fishing intensity suggested by Shimada and Schaefer, in addition to changes in quantity, measurable changes would be expected to have occurred in the quality of the yellowfin tuna stocks, because the average age and size of the fish would have been reduced by the high mortality rates accompanying high fishing intensities. A continuing regular program of sampling catches and determining their length composition, to assess changes in the size composition of the stocks, was initiated by the Commission in 1954 but direct measurements are not available for the earlier, more dynamic period of growth of the fishery. Consequently, other, more general indications of possible changes in the size composition were sought. SPANISH: Los estudios morfométricos efectudos por Godsil (1948), Godsil y Greenhood (1951), Royce (1953) y Schaefer (1952, 1955), han demostrado que el atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico Oriental es distinto del que habita el PacÍfico Central. Los experimentos del Departamento de Pesca y Caza de California y de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical en el Pacífico Oriental, así como los de las Investigaciones Pesqueras del Océano Pacífico en el Pacífico Central,consistentes en la marcación de atunes aleta amarilla, aún no han puesto de manifiesto movimientos migratorios entre dichas áreas. Shimada y Schaefer (1956) han hecho estudios comparativos sobre la abundancia de la población y la intensidad de la pesca, considerando a la población del Pacífico Oriental como una entidad separada. Su conclusión es que " ... la intensidad de la pesca ha tenido un definido efecto sobre la población del atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico Oriental, tomada en conjunto, a lo largo del período estudiado. La evidencia de que se dispone sugiere así mismo que, por lo que hace a esta especie, la intensidad de la pesca en los últimos años ha alcanzado y quizás aún sobrepasado el nivel correspondiente a la máxima pesca de equilibrio". Los experimentos de mar•cación del Departamento de Pesca y Caza de California y de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical han producido recuperaciones ,entre el uno y el cinco por ciento (Roedel 1954 y datos inéditos de ambos organismos), lo que constituye un nivel mucho más bajo de aquél en que la intensidad de la pesca podría considerarse que afectaría notablemente el tamaño de la población. Estos resultados reflejan probablemente lo inadecuados que son aún los métodos de marcación, pero ellos podrían, quizá, poner en tela de juicio las conclusiones de Shimada y Schaefer. Por lo tanto,es deseable examinar otras fuentes de evidencia independientes, relacionadas con el efecto que la pesca tiene sobre la población. En efecto, si los altos índices de pesca sugeridos por Shimada y Schaefer son correctos, es de esperar que, además de los cambios en la magnitud de la población, se hayan producido otros, concomitantes y sensibles, en la calidad de los stocks de atún aleta amarilla, puesto que tanto el promedio de edad como el de tamaño de los individuos habrían disminuído debido a las elevadas tasas de mortalidad inherentes a las altas intensidades de pesca. En 1954 la Comisión inició un programa ininterrumpido para tomar muestras y determinar en ellas las frecuencias de tallas y evaluar de este modo los cambios correlativos que tuvieran lugar en los stocks pero, infortunadamente, este sistema de evaluación directa no fué practicado en el período anterior, que fué precisamente el de rápida expansión de la pesquería. En tal virtud, hubo de ser necesario buscar indicios más generales referentes a los cambios posibles en la composición de tamaños. (PDF contains 20 pages.)


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A new method is described and evaluated for visually sampling reef fish community structure in environments with highly diverse and abundant reef fish populations. The method is based on censuses of reef fishes taken within a cylinder of 7.5 m radius by a diver at randomly selected, stationary points. The method provides quantitative data on frequency of occnrrence, fish length, abundance, and community composition, and is simple, fast, objective, and repeatable. Species are accumulated rapidly for listing purposes, and large numbers of samples are easily obtained for statistical treatment. The method provides an alternative to traditional visual sampling methods. Observations showed that there were no significant differences in total numbers of species or individuals censused when visibility ranged between 8 and 30 m. The reefs and habitats sampled were significant sources of variation in number of species and individuals censused, but the diver was not a significant influence. Community similarity indices were influenced significantly by the specific sampling site and the reef sampled, but were not significantly affected by the habitat or diver (PDF file contains 21 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Since its inception in 1950 by agreement between the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission has been engaged in studies of the biology, ecology and population dynamics of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Prime consideration has been given to the evaluation of the effects of fishing pressure on the yellowfin tuna in this area in order to estimate the maximum sustainable yield. A portion of the eastern Pacific has been defined by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (1963) as a regulatory area for yellowfin tuna (Figure 1). SPANISH: Desde su incepción en 1950, por un acuerdo entre la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha estado ocupada en los estudios de la biología, ecología y dinámica de las poblaciones del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico Oriental. Se consideró primariamente la evaluación de los efectos de la presión de la pesquería sobre el atún aleta amarilla en esta área, para poder estimar el rendimiento máximo sostenible. Una parte del Pacífico Oriental ha sido definida por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical (1963), como área de reglamentación del atún aleta amarilla (Figura 1). (PDF contains 60 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Three distinct versions of TUNP0P, an age-structured computer simulation model of the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacores, stock and surface tuna fishery, are used to reveal mechanisms which appear to have a significant effect on the fishery dynamics. Real data on this fishery are used to make deductions on the distribution of the fish and to show how that distribution might influence events in the fishery. The most important result of the paper is that the concept of the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna stock as a homogeneous unit is inadequate to represent the recent history of the fishery. Inferences are made on the size and distribution of the underlying stock as well as its potential yield to the surface fishery as a result of alterations in the level and distribution of the effort. SPANISH: Se han empleado tres versiones diferentes de TUNP0P, un modelo de simulación de la computadora (basado en la estructura de la edad) de la población y la pesca epipelágica del atún aleta amarilla, Tbunnus albacares, del Pacífico oriental, para revelar los mecanismos que parecen tener un efecto importante en la dinámica pesquera. Se emplean los datos verdaderos de esta pesca para hacer deducciones sobre la distribución de los peces y para mostrar cómo puede influir esta distribución en los eventos de pesca. La conclusión más importante de este estudio es que el concepto de que la población del aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental es una unidad homogénea, es inadecuado para representar la historia reciente de pesca. Se teoriza sobre la talla y distribución de la población subyacente como también sobre su producción potencial en la pesca epipelágica al cambiar el nivel y distribución del esfuerzo.


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A study was conducted examining the structure of fish marketing in Kwara State and also the conduct of participants within the market structure. The performance of the marketing system was evaluated, highlighting bottlenecks in the system and means of overcoming them


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Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.


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For an explanation of the dynamics of numbers of chydorids, appearing a massive group in the littoral of fresh water bodies, the structure of the limbs of 29 species was studied.


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The seminal bag, or seminal receptacle, forms a characteristic organ of cyclopids, serving for retention of the sperms discharged from the spermatophores. The structure of the seminal receptacle, more precisely its form, is fairly widely used in diagnosis and undoubtedly can be more widely applied in the systematics of the group. Within the limits of the family Cyclopidae it is possible to distinguish crustaceans with three basic types of seminal bag. The differences consist of the position which this organ occupies in the genital segment. of one species, we carried out a series of observations on its formation in ontogenesis and during the life of the adult stage. As material for observation the study used laboratory cultures of three species; Acanthocyclops americanus (Marsh) from the plankton of the Moscow River, Cyclops vicinus Uljan and Mesocyclops leuckarti Glaus from the plankton of the channel section of the upper part of the Gorkovsk reservoir. The author concluded that the irreversibility of the changes in the seminal receptacle presents the possibility of utilising this structure as one of the indicators of the growth of the individual.


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Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.


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ENGLISH: The population structure and production of Pacific yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, were examined by studying most of the basic data available on stock assessment, as well as other data, for the period 1965 to 1972. The data were obtained mainly from the Japanese longline fishery in the Pacific Ocean east of about 1200E and from the purse-seine fishery in the eastern Pacific east of about 140oW. Data from genetic studies of subpopulations were not used due to their preliminary nature. It was concluded that the concept of "semi-independent" subpopulations proposed by Kamimura and Honma (1963) and Royce (1964) defines the population structure of Pacific yellowfin. At least three stocks (i.e. western, central and eastern), relatively independent of each other, are thought to exist, but the actual number and location of subpopulations is still unclear. Possible north-south separations, indicated to some extent by genetic studies and tagging, could be neither substantiated nor rejected on the basis of this study. Finally, unless some major change in the fishing technology occurs, it is doubtful if any significant sustainable increase in yellowfin production from the Pacific is possible. The greatest potential for increase, if any, appears to be based on changing the size structure of yellowfin in the catch from the central Pacific. SPANISH: Se examino la estructura de la población y la producción del atún aleta amarilla del Pacifico Thunnus albacares para estudiar la mayoría de los datos básicos que se tenían sobre el avalúo de la población, como también otra información correspondiente al periodo de 1965·1972. Los datos fueron obtenidos principalmente de las pescas palangreros japonesas del Océano Pacifico al este de los 1200 E y de las pescas con redes de cerco del Pacifico oriental, al este de los 140oW. No se emplearon los datos de estudios genéticos de las subpoblaciones porque eran mas bien preliminares. Se concluyo que el concepto propuesto por Kamimura y Honma (1963) y Royce (1964) de subpoblaciones "semiindependientes" define la estructura de la población del aleta amarilla en el Pacifico. Se cree que existen por 10 menos tres existencias (e.d. la occidental, central y oriental), relativamente independientes la una de la otra, pero no se conoce con certeza cuantas subpoblaciones hay y donde se encuentran. La posible separación norte-sur, indicada, hasta cierto punto, por los análisis genéticos y del marcado, no puede ni confirmarse ni rechazarse basados en este estudio. Finalmente, a no ser que ocurra algún gran cambio en la tecnología pesquera es dudoso que sea posible obtener un aumento constante e importante en la producción del aleta amarilla del Pacifico. El potencial mayor de aumento, si es que existe alguno, parece que se basa en el cambio de la estructura de talla en la captura del aleta amarilla del Pacifico central. (PDF contains 169 pages.)


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During 1993, a comprehensive data set of scale readings, length and weight measurements was established for migratory salmonids on the River Lune. This information was collected using three methods of fish capture: 1. The Lune estuary commercial nets. 2. River Lune Forge weir fish trap. 3. River Lune rod catch scale returns. Additional information was contributed by the Kent, Leven and Duddon rod and commercial fisheries. The data shows that the salmon stock in 1993 was dominated by two year old smolts. This varies from year to year. The sea trout population displays a normal population curve in terms of numbers of fish in each age and weight class. The growth rate of salmon and sea trout is very similar even though salmon have the benefit of high sea feeding.


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Population structure of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) from British Columbia and Washington was examined with a survey of microsatellite variation to describe the distribution of genetic variation. Variation at 16 microsatellite loci was surveyed for approximately 46,500 pink salmon sampled from 146 locations in the odd-year broodline and from 116 locations in the even-year broodline. An index of genetic differentiation, FST, over all populations and loci in the odd-year broodline was 0.005, with individual locus values ranging from 0.002 to 0.025. Population differentiation was less in the even-year broodline, with a FST value of 0.002 over all loci, and with individual locus values ranging from 0.001 to 0.005. Greater genetic diversity was observed in the odd-year broodline. Differentiation in pink salmon allele frequencies between broodlines was approximately 5.5 times greater than regional differentiation within broodlines. A regional structuring of populations was the general pattern observed, and a greater regional structure in the odd-year broodline than in the even-year broodline. The geographic distribution of microsatellite variation in populations of pink salmon likely ref lects a distribution of broodlines from separate refuges after the last glaciation period.


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Field experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses that Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) display small-scale spatial structure within longline catches, relative to other species and empty hooks, or within-species based on sex or length. Sequential hook-by-hook inventories, along with length and sex data, were taken at thirty-one survey stations. Two-dimensional spatial statistics were used to test for 1) aggregation, defined as the clustering of individuals within a given demographic of size or sex over small intervals of distance; and 2) segregation, defined as the sequential occurrence of individuals within a given demographic of size or sex, uninterrupted by other observations, irrespective of the distance between individuals. Statistically significant structure was detected within catches that is more commonly associated with fish length than sex. Significant spatial structuring occurred at 60% of all stations tested. Significant aggregation of halibut of legal length for commercial retention (≥82 cm) was detected at 44% of stations and aggregation of sublegal-size halibut was detected at 11%. Maleand female-based aggregations were observed at 22% and 11% of stations, respectively. Significant segregation of females was observed at 20% of stations, male segregation occurred at 8% of stations, and segregation by size at 16% of stations. Understanding small-scale spatial structure within longline catches may help us interpret changes in survey and commercial catch data. If structure is generated by behavior, then observed size-at-age or relative sex-ratios may be biased relative to underlying distributions. Although physical processes such as gape limitation should remain stable over the time, dynamic processes may be spatially and temporally variabl