4 resultados para Straight lines

em Aquatic Commons


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Short-duration (5- or 10-day) deployments of pop-up satellite archival tags were used to estimate survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) released from the western North Atlantic recreational fishery. Forty-one tags, each recording temperature, pressure, and light level readings approximately every two minutes for 5-day tags (n= 5) or four minutes for 10-day tags (n= 36), were attached to white marlin caught with dead baits rigged on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (n =21) or circle hooks (n=20) in offshore waters of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela. Forty tags (97.8%) transmitted data to the satellites of the Argos system, and 33 tags (82.5%) transmitted data consistent with survival of tagged animals over the deployment duration. Approximately 61% (range: 19−95%) of all archived data were successfully recovered from each tag. Survival was significantly (P<0.01) higher for white marlin caught on circle hooks (100%) than for those caught on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (65%). Time-to-death ranged from 10 minutes to 64 hours following release for the seven documented mortalities, and five animals died within the first six hours after release. These results indicate that a simple change in hook type can significantly increase the survival of white marlin released from recreational fis


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Numerous studies have applied skeletochronology to sea turtle species. Because many of the studies have lacked validation, the application of this technique to sea turtle age estimation has been called into question. To address this concern, we obtained humeri from 13 known-age Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and two loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles for the purposes of examining the growth marks and comparing growth mark counts to actual age. We found evidence for annual deposition of growth marks in both these species. Corroborative results were found in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles from a comparison of death date and amount of bone growth following the completion of the last growth mark (n=76). Formation of the lines of arrested growth in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles consistently occurred in the spring for animals that strand dead along the mid- and south U.S. Atlantic coast. For both Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, we also found a proportional allometry between bone growth (humerus dimensions) and somatic growth (straight carapace length), indicating that size-at-age and growth rates can be estimated from dimensions of early growth marks. These results validate skeletochronology as a method for estimating age in Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles from the southeast United States.


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Experimental fishing operations with shark long lines were conducted in the sea off Veraval with a view to studying their efficiency and gathering information on the available resources of sharks to be used for planning the future gear investigations. The trials were undertaken in 1967, employing departmental fishing vessel "Fishtech No. IV" (10.9 m O.L. and 48 H.P. engine). A total of 5525 hooks were employed and 242 sharks weighing 8629 kg were landed. Data on composition of catch, weight of fishes landed, effectiveness of various baits in capture of different species of sharks and effectiveness of gear including its catch efficiency in this area were compiled. Bait preference was also observed in certain species of sharks caught. Chirocentrus dorab proved to be the cheapest and most effective bait in capture of all the three varieties of sharks landed.


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Hither to comprehensive data on the various types of baits used for capture of predatory fish and selective action of different hooks for bottom-drift-long lines is conspicuous by its absence. In the present studies attempts were made to evaluate the effectiveness of three types of baits and four sizes of hooks. Significant results obtained during the course of these investigations are presented in this communication.