9 resultados para Stable And Unstable Manifolds

em Aquatic Commons


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Changes in the quality of canned tilapia packed in oil and tomato sauce at ambient and accelerated temperatures were examined by microbiological and sensory evaluation. Canned tilapia were found to be microbiologically stable and organoleptically acceptable after six months storage period. Total viable count (TVC) were generally low (2.5 x 10 super(2)). Thermophilic organisms (Clostridium) were absent in all samples. The yield of edible part of tilapia was 72% after dressing. Pre-cooking of tilapia resulted in a loss of 21.5% of its dressed weight. Comparison of canned tilapia with available canned fishes (geisha and bonga) showed similar trends in the taste, proximate composition, microbiological stability and sensory scores.The possibility for investment in tilapia cannary was also investigated. It was found that production of canned tilapia will be economically viable if a ten hectare tilapia farm is used as a source of raw materials.


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Over the years, Nigeria have witnessed different government with different policy measures. Against the negative consequences of the past policies, the structural adjustment was initiated in 1986. Its aims is to effectively altar and restructure the consumption patterns of the economy as well as to eliminate price distortions and heavy dependence on the oil and the imports of consumer goods and services. Within the period of implementation, there has been a decreasing trend in yearly fish catch landings and sizes but the reverse in shrimping. There is also a gradual shift from fishing to shrimping, from the vessels purchased with 83.3% increase of shrimpers from 1985 to 1989. Decreasing fish catch sizes and quantity aggravated by the present high cost of fishing coupled with the favourable export market for Nigeria shrimp tend to influence the sift. This economic situation is the result of the supply measures of SAP through the devaluation of the Naira. There is also overconcentration of vessels on the inshore waters as majority of the vessels are old and low powers hence incapable of fishing on the deep sea. Rotterdam price being paid for automotive gas oil (AGO) by fishing industries is observed to be discriminating and unhealthy to the growth of the industry as it is exceedingly high and unstable thus affecting planning for fishing operation. Fuel alone takes 43% of the total cost of operation. The overall consequences is that fishing days are loss and therefore higher overhead cost. It was concluded that for a healthy growth and sustainable resources of our marine fishery under the structural adjustment programme licensing of new fishing vessels should be stopped immediately and the demand side of SAP should be employed by subsidizing high powered fishing vessels which can operate effectively on the deep sea


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This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of fluorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and fluoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0=–2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.


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Some presently used anti-fouling materials contain metals and other compounds, which are toxic in the environment. Coating products are not always stable, and there is a resulting pollution hazard. In particular if surfaces are poorly prepared and manufactures' instructions are not closely followed the application of anti-fouling substances becomes pointless and dangerous. In addition the salinity, constant biological activity and suspended particles make seawater a highly corrosive material in its own right.


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The introduction of a long-term management plan for the cod socks by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC) to ensure stable and high yields and to conserve the fish stocks of the Baltic demands certain conservation measures. One is the use of the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) based on precautionary approches. In addition the exploitation pattern and the selectivy of trawls shall be improved to increase the spawning stock biomass and to reduce the presently high discard rates. The contributation demonstrates by means of model calculations for the cod stock of the ICES Sub-divisions 22 to 24 ( Western Baltic ) the short- and long-term effects of an improvement of the trawl selectivity on stock size, yields and profit.


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Although one of the best possibilities for raising the animal protein of the diets of Nigerian is to increase the consumption of fish; particularly through the use of several methods of long term preservation techniques, such as drying, no radical approach has yet emerged. Although, a great deal of the artisanal fish catch is dried for the huge consumer and distant markets, the traditional methods of fish preservation need improvements to cope with demand for increased quantity, shelf-stable, and improved quality of fish products. The paper discusses drying requirements, heat and mass transfer, consumer acceptance, fuel sources, storage and marketing of dried fish products; and suggest ways and means of structurally transforming the artisanal technology of fish drying


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Fisheries resource surveys are regular management tools for rational exploitation of commercial fisheries. In a growing number of cases, the use of these resource surveys has been largely restricted to assessment of the relative well being of fish stocks and the potential yields of such fisheries. This paper seeks to demonstrate that the data from such surveys can also be easily used to evaluate species diversity of such fisheries, both in terms of species richness and equitability of distribution. Using published data on two freshwater and two marine fisheries as case studies, Shannon-Wiener Diversity Function and Simpson's Index were computed for each of these fisheries. These biodiversity indices gave a deeper insight into the environmental status of each of these fisheries, beyond what the length-weight relationship models can reveal. Generally, while the marine fisheries showed more species richness, the freshwater fisheries apparently had more stable and equilibrated fish communities


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During 1991–2000, the west-are additional mortalities that fueled the ern stock of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias decline. We tabulated the levels of reported jubatus, declined at 5.03% (SE = 0.25%) anthropogenic sources of mortality (sub- per year, statistically significant rates (P < sistence, incidental take in fisheries, and 0.10) in all but the eastern Aleutian Islands research), estimated another (illegal shoot-region. The greatest rates of declines oc-ing), then approximated levels of predation curred in the eastern and central Gulf of Alas-(killer whales and sharks). We attempted to ka and the western Aleutian Islands (> 8.2% partition the various sources of “additional” per year). Using a published correction mortalities as anthropogenic and as addifactor, we estimated the total non-pup pop-tional mortality including some predation. ulation size in Alaska of the western stock We classified 436 anthropogenic mortalities of Steller sea lions to be about 33,000 ani-and 769 anthropogenic plus some predation mals. Based on a published life table and mortalities as “mortality above replace-the current rate of decline, we estimate that ment”; this accounted for 26% and 46% of the total number of mortalities of non-pup the estimated total level of “mortality above Steller sea lions during 1991–2000 was replacement”, respectively. The remaining about 6,383 animals; of those, 4,718 (74%) mortality (74% and 54%, respectively) was are mortalities that would have occurred if not attributed to a specific cause and may be the population were stable, and 1,666 (26%) the result of nutritional stress.


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Between July 2005 and February 2008, ten Catch Assessment Surveys (CASs) were conducted at 54 pre-selected fish landing sites in the Ugandan part of Lake Victoria comprising approximately 10% of all landing sites in each of the 11 districts sharing the lake. The CASs were conducted following regionally harmonised Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This report covers the CAS conducted in February 2008 and puts into context the trends generated by results of the previous surveys. The catch rates of Nile perch in gillnetting boats with motor/sail, reduced from 26.9 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 to 22.8 kg boat-1 day-1 in February 2008. Whereas the catch rates of paddle Sesse boats remained more or less the same as in August 2007. The Nile perch catch rates of the long line fishery of the boats using motor/sail was similar, 35 and 36 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 and February 2008 respectively but the catch rates of paddle Sesse boats using long lines showed some more increase from 19 to 22 kg boat (-1) day (-1). In the tilapia fishery, the catch rates of the parachute boats using gillnets showed further decrease in a row from 12.6 kg boat-1 day-1 in December 2006, 11.6 kg boat-1 day-1 in March 2007, 11.2 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 and 10.0 kg boat-1 day-1 in February 2008. The overall impact of reduced catch rates in the predominant effort groups, e.g. gillnetting boats using motor/sail in the Nile perch fishery and Parachute boats using gillnets in the tilapia fishery overshadowed the increases in less dominant effort groups and resulted in the lowest monthly catch estimates recorded in the surveys conducted since 2005. Whereas there was a clear downward trend in the Nile perch catch rates of boats using gillnets, which corroborates with the information of declining stocks from the recent Acoustics surveys, the catch rates in the long line fishery remained stable and even somewhat increasing in the last four surveys. The factors that maintain high catches against reduction of fish biomass in the long line fishery and their effects on sustainability of the Nile perch fishery should be investigated further. The Mukene fishery, characterised by large fluctuations in the catch rates did not show much change in the last two surveys in August 2007 and February 2008 and the annual catch estimates showed an overall increase of 7% from 2005 to 2007. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria remained a near shore fishery in which paddle Sesse boats using small seines or scoop nets were the dominant craft.