29 resultados para Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain)--History

em Aquatic Commons


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This article explores aspects of sustainability and the importance of sustainable development, including the place of the crucially important resource of fresh water and of freshwater ecosystems. It examines the treatment of natural resources by the economic system that underpins global business, outlines some progress towards more sustainable approaches to business, and recommends steps to re-establish science as the driver of wise policies that contribute to sustainable development.


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Four groups of brackishwater catfish were fed four diets: N.F. (NIOMR formula 1 feed), A. B. and C. for seven weeks. Feeds N.F., A., B and C. contained 1.21% fish oil + 5.59% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 7.39% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 9.09% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 10.89% vegetable oil respectively. Results of feeding trial showed that growth was best in the group fed diets containing 10.89% vegetable oil and least in those containing 9.09% vegetable oil


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In the author’s opinion, extremely little is known of fresh and brackish water species, i.e. those supporting the traditional artisanal fisheries and most likely to include suitable candidates for aquaculture. The immediate purpose of this paper is to document the species which are encountered in artisanal fisheries, give available background information on them relevant to fisheries and aquaculture work, and to provide a means for their identification in the field by nonspecialists. Scope of Coverage the "Niger Delta" in the title reflects the geographical area of the author’s personal experience. For purposes of identification, the scope of the paper is West African for brackish species, and Nigerian for freshwater species


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About 86 species of fish have been recorded in the Lake Chad. Most of the species occurring in the lake are widespread including most of the commercially important species. Fish distribution in the lake was adversely affected by the 1972/73 and 1983/84 droughts. The commercially important species before the 1972/73 drought were; Lates, Labeo distichodus, Heterotis, Gymnarchus, Hydrocynus, Citharinus and Bagrus. Other species which had less commercial value at that time include, Clarias, Gnathanemus, Polypterus, Protopterus, Tilapia and Synodontis. Lates niloticus was the most predominant species of commercial importance comprising 50-60% of the total catches of fishermen between 1962 and 1973. Before the 1972/73 drought, occurrence of Clarias lazera was negligible and restricted to long line catches and had little commercial value. As a result of the drought of 1972/73 which resulted in near drying up to the northern sector of the lake, fish populations were confined to isolated pools and were completely scooped out. The remaining fish populations retreated to the southern basin where enough water always remained to hold the surviving representatives of the population. The effects of the drought resulted in occurrence of the little known C. lazera along with other hardy species like Tilapia and Protopterus to dominate the existing fish species composition. In 1976, C. lazera dominated the total catches of fishermen with 85.6%. An overview of the fish population in the lake, their relative abundance, changes in species composition, the effects of drought on the fauna of the lake based on the available data are discussed in this paper


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The meristic and morphometric characteristics of Gymnarchus niloticus are described and linear equations relating various parts of the body to the head length or total length are given. The age of G. niloticus in Lake Chad (Nigeria) was determined from growth marks on the opercular bones. The mean lengths for age, and mean weights for age obtained for the first five years of life are given. The assymptotic length and the von Betarlanffy growth parameters for the males and females combined are given


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The effects of some socio-economic variables on the performance of artisanal fishermen were investigated. The variables include the age-structure of the fishermen, level of investment, educational background, membership of co-operative societies and marketing arrangements. All these variables were found to be crucial to productivity in the artisanal fishing sector


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Studies in fish feed technology revealed that there is a potential for big time investment into fish feed production and marketing in view of the growing awareness of fish farming in Nigeria. Intensification of aquaculture is one of the primary methods of food (finfish) production which requires technical knowledge and expertise in the formulation and manufacture of adequate feeds for the cultured species. Studies also revealed that all sort of food items were used by fish farmers ranging from animal dung, groundnut cake etc, to culture fish to table size because of non-availability of rightly prepared feeds. Inadequate knowledge of detailed requirements of tropical cultured species was found to pose a hindrance to formulation despite the fact that a lot has been accumulated in terms of biochemical and nutritive values of food sources in Nigeria. The investigation further revealed the challenges posed to researchers in aquaculture, fish nutritionists and fisheries biologists among others to elucidate the complete requirements of local fish species in terms of their protein, lipid and carbohydrate requirements such that their patents could be made available to companies like PFIZER, IBRU etc, and individuals alike to make commercialization of fish feeds a reality


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The investment prospects of fish farming in the Jos-Plateau, Nigeria, strategically located in about the centre of the country are discussed with special reference to its numerous abandoned mine lakes and the tripartite role of government, universities and individuals. In the Jos-Plateau, about 17.0 km super(2) is covered by these disused mine lakes, making up about 20-30% of the area covered. In such enterprise, problems commonly encountered, like population growth and government planning policies, fish demand and supply, manpower, feed and seed availability, preservation, processing and marketing are discussed. Inspite of these, prospects still abound with regards to land-use of these numerous disused mine lakes and feed availability based on the principles of using both industrial and farm by-products for fish culture, processing and marketing. These potentials, if properly harnessed, will help to supplement the protein insufficiency in the diet of the populace. In this regard, proposals on the economics of production and sales, strategies for achieving these development goals, cost-benefit analysis and their implications in further development of fish culture are discussed


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The paper examines the fisheries resources and activities in Ondo State, Nigeria. As a result of the geographical advantage via location along the Atlantic coast the potentials and constraints of coastal artisanal fisheries in Ondo State are assessed. Practical suggestions and approaches for a successful commercialisation of fishery production are given. These include: (a) Identification of useful and reliable fisheries institutions, (b) Inauguration establishment and coordination of a fishery development agency, (c) establishment of aquaculture technology centres (ATC), (d) provision of fishery development fund, (e) Standardisation of fishery consultancy units, etc


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The involvement of women in the marketing of frozen fish in Lagos State (Nigeria) was examined in this study. Two hundred questionnaires were administered to fish marketers in five markets randomly selected within the Lagos metropolis based on their storage capacities. These markets were Balogun (500 tones), Idumagbo and Idumota (250 tonnes each) Obalende and Epetedo (37.5 tonnes each). From the study results, a greater percentage of women (64.2%) are actively involved in marketing of frozen fish in the study areas. Over 56% of these traders are retailers while about 33% are wholesalers. More than 91% of the marketers were found to be literate. A high percentage of the frozen fish are imported (68%), 27% from coastal fishing and 5% from riverine fishing. The commonest fish in the markets were titus (34%), sardine (32%), hake 19%, catfish 10% and argentine 5%. Catfish has the highest profit margin. The greatest problem of these traders is the lack of modern storage facilities and where available, the erratic power supply constitutes a problem


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A diagnostic survey of the incidence of mayfly (Povilla sp.) infestation of wooden infrastructures of the artisanal fishers in ten (10) lagoons and marine fishing villages of Ogun States (Nigeria) was carried out through the application of structured questionnaire and participatory Rural Appraisal interviews. The demographic, infrastructural and socioeconomic characteristics of the ten fishing villages sampled were derived and analyzed. The infestation which occurs all year round is found to be most prevalent (70%) in the wet season, increasing proportionally with salinity from 56% (brackish water); to 63% (marine water). The life-span of Povilla sp. is reduced from 55% to 62% (freshwater); 41% (brackish water) and 38% (marine water). Annual financial loss of N10,000.00 per fisher or N80,000,000.00 to the 8000 artisanal fishers affected in Ogun State is discussed. It is recommended that fishers should preferably use non-wood crafts and infrastructures while adopting appropriate management strategies for containing the existing infestation


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A preliminary survey of Cross River National Park (Nigeria), Okwangwo Division was carried out. The combined natural and human pressures being exerted on the aquatic resources were also investigated. Information on the existing fishing communities in and around the park area are given. The fishermen, their fishing methods and fishing grounds were identified. Limiting factors (natural and human) to the fisheries production, are analysed. Positive measures for conservation, protection and management of healthy and natural aquatic environment are suggested


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The paper reports on the study carried out at the Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries and Technology (Nigeria) and the Hatchery Complex in 1997. The physico-chemical parameters of an earthen fish pond and concrete tank were analysed. The abundance and distribution of phytoplankton and zooplankton were recorded. A total of eight species of phytoplankton were observed. These species can be classified as Chlorophyceae (green algae), Bacillariophyceae (diatom algae) and Cyanophyta (blue-green algae). Eight zooplankton species were observed in the pond and 6 in the tank. Moina was observed and recorded as the most abundant cladoceran species in the tank


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Fry of Heterobranchus bidorsalis (mean weight, 0.03g) were fed at 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% of their body weight (bw)/day in outdoor concrete tanks in New Bussa, Nigeria. The fry attained the highest average weight of 6.66g in 10 weeks when fed at 40% bw/day. Feed conversion ratio ranged from 2.13 to 9.65, the protein efficiency ratio from 1.33 to 5.93. Results indicated that H. bidorsalis are efficient feed converters. Feed intake was significantly different (p<0.05) between the treatments, specific growth rate (SGR), daily growth rate (DGR), production and average weight gain indicated that 40% of fish biomass was the optimum feeding level


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Most of the fish marketed throughout Nigeria are in either smoked or dried form. The technological requirement for other forms of preservation like chilling and freezing cannot be afforded by the small scale fisher folk. Considerable quantities of fish processed for distant consumer markets are lost at handling, processing, storage and marketing stages. Significant losses occur through infestation by mites, insects, fungal infestation and fragmentation during transportation. This paper attempts to describe the effect of these losses on fish quality and suggests methods of protecting fish from agents of deterioration