9 resultados para Snow.

em Aquatic Commons


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Delayed mortality associated with discarded crabs and fishes has ordinarily been observed through tag and recovery studies or during prolonged holding in deck tanks, and there is need for a more efficient assessment method. Chionoecetes bairdi (Tanner crab) and C. opilio (snow crab) collected with bottom trawls in Bering Sea waters off Alaska were evaluated for reflexes and injuries and held onboard to track mortality. Presence or absence of six reflex actions was determined and combined to calculate a reflex impairment index for each species. Logistic regression revealed that reflex impairment provided an excellent predictor of delayed mortality in C. opilio (91% correct predictions). For C. bairdi, reflex impairment, along with injury score, resulted in 82.7% correct predictions of mortality, and reflex impairment alone resulted in 79.5% correct predictions. The relationships between reflex impairment score and mortality were independent of crab gender, size, and shell condition, and predicted mortality in crabs with no obvious external damage. These relationships provide substantial improvement over earlier predictors of mortality and will help to increase the scope and replication of fishing and handling experiments. The general approach of using reflex actions to predict mortality should be equally valuable for a wide range of crustacean species.


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Unobserved mortalities of nontarget species are among the most troubling and difficult issues associated with fishing, especially when those species are targeted by other fisheries. Of such concern are mortalities of crab species of the Bering Sea, which are exposed to bottom trawling from groundfish fisheries. Uncertainty in the management of these fisheries has been exacerbated by unknown mortality rates for crabs struck by trawls. In this study, the mortality rates for 3 species of commercially important crabs—red king crab, (Paralithodes camtschaticus), snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and southern Tanner crab (C. bairdi)—that encounter different components of bottom trawls were estimated through capture of crabs behind the bottom trawl and by evaluation of immediate and delayed mortalities. We used a reflex action mortality predictor to predict delayed mortalities. Estimated mortality rates varied by species and by the part of the trawl gear encountered. Red king crab were more vulnerable than snow or southern Tanner crabs. Crabs were more likely to die after encountering the footrope than the sweeps of the trawl, and higher death rates were noted for the side sections of the footrope than for the center footrope section. Mortality rates were ≤16%, except for red king crab that passed under the trawl wings (32%). Herding devices (sweeps) can expand greatly the area of seafloor from which flatfishes are captured, and they subject crabs in that additional area to lower (4–9%) mortality rates. Raising sweep cables off of the seafloor reduced red king crab mortality rates from 10% to 4%.


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The effects of commercial fishing with crab pots on the physical condition of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and southern Tanner crab (C. bairdi) were investigated in the Bering Sea and in Russian waters of the Sea of Okhotsk. In crabs that were subjected to pot hauling, the presence of gas embolism and the deformation of gill lamellae were found in histopathological investigations. Crab vitality, which was characterized subjectively through observation of behavioral responses, depended on not only the number of pot hauls but also the time between hauls. Immediately after repeated pot hauls at short time intervals (≤3 days), we observed a rapid decline in vitality of crabs. When hauling intervals were increased to >3 days, the condition of crabs did not significantly change. After repeated pot hauls, concentration of the respiratory pigment hemocyanin ([Hc]) was often lower in the hemolymph of crabs than in the hemolymph of freshly caught animals. Our research indicated that changes in [Hc] in crabs after repeated pot hauls were caused by the effects of decompression and not by starvation of crabs in pots or exposure of crabs to air. We suggest that the decrease in [Hc] in hemolymph of snow and southern Tanner crabs was a response to the adverse effects of decompression and air-bubble disease. The decrease in [Hc] in affected crabs may be a result of mechanisms that regulate internal pressure in damaged gills to optimize respiratory circulation.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A net snow accumulation time series is presented. It is derived from a 102.5 m ice core retrieved from Mt. Logan at an altitude of 5340 m a.s.l. Annual increments are identified using stable isotopes, trace chemistry, and beta activity. ... The resulting time series of nearly 300 years seems to indicate a lower mean accumulation from AD 1700 to the mid-19th century than after that time. The last 100 years of the series correlates significantly with certain instrumental station records at mid-northern latitudes.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Several snow accumulation time series derived from ice cores and extending over 3 to 5 centuries are examined for spatial and temporal climatic information. ... A significant observation is the widespread depression of net snow accumulation during the latter part of the "Little Ice Age". This initially suggests sea surface temperatures were significantly depressed during the same period. However, prior to this, the available core records indicate generally higher than average precipitation rates. This also implies that influences such as shifted storm tracks or a dustier atmosphere may have been involved. Without additional spatial data coverage, these observations should properly be studied using a coupled (global) ocean/atmosphere GCM.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) whether the cooperative station snow depth contains useful weather and climate information, (2) how cooperative snow depth variability is related to snowcourse variability, and (3) how it is related to other weather elements. From an examination of stations in the Sierra Nevada of California, it is clear that cooperative snow records and snowcourse records have consistent spatial and temporal variability. ... We show that high snow ratio (low density snow or high SD/Ppt) events have low temperatures and high amplitude atmospheric circulation patterns over the eastern North Pacific. In contrast, low snow ratio (high density or low SD/Ppt) events have warm temperatures and a zonal flow pattern with a southerly displaced storm track from Hawaii to the West Coast.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We estimate monthly runoff for a 2-dimensional solution domain containing those areas tributary to Pyramid Lake, Nevada (the Truckee River drainage basin) at a 1-kilometer grid cell spacing. ... To calculate the effect of snow on the hydrologic system, we perform two experiments. In the first we assume that all precipitation falls as rain; in the second we assume that some precipitation falls as snow, thus available water is a combination of rain and snowmelt. We find that considering the effect of snow results in a more accurate representation of mean monthly flow rates, in particular the peak flow during the melt season in the Sierra Nevada. These preliminary results indicate that a relatively simple snow model can improve the representation of Truckee River basin hydrology, significantly reducing errors in modeled seasonal runoff.


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Absolute fecundity of Schizothorax plagiostomus varied from 3474 in a fish measuring 345 mm (T.L.) and weighing 315 g to 13916 in a fish measuring 540 mm (T.L.) and weighing 1370 g. The weight of the fish ovaries accounted for 7.02 to 17.78% of the total weight of the fish. The average number of eggs per kg weight of fish and per gram of ovary weight was found to be 10820 and 81 respectively. The fecundity per kg of body weight was found to be 11539. The relationships between fecundity and other parameters (fish length/fish weight/ovary weight/ovary volume/ovary length) and fish length-ovary weight and fish weight-ovary weight were also determined.


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Incidences of furunculosis were reported in Schizothorax spp. (Schizothorax niger, S. esocinus, S. curvifrons and S. labiatus) in Wular Lake, Kashmir, from 2003 to 2005. The disease was reported during summer and winter months, but the percentage of infection was maximum during winter. Mortality rate ranged from 8 to 15%. Artificial challenge of Schizothorax spp. with Aeromonas salmonicida produced symptoms pertinent to furunculosis. The incidence of disease was the highest (13.87%) in December, and lowest (0.40%) in May and October. S. esocinus exhibited the maximum (44.48%) percentage of infection, while as S. labiatus exhibited the minimum (14.28%) throughout the study period. Haematological investigations revealed devastating changes in various blood parameters. Chemotherapeutic tests revealed complete recovery of the disease using 20 ppm oxytetracycline and 30 ppm streptomycin.