12 resultados para Serpa Uribe, Horacio

em Aquatic Commons


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Four species of Characiformes and five species of Siluriformes are recorded from ten new argentine localities. New distributional data are discussed. Relevant morphological measurements and some comments are added.


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The fishing resources of the Salado Basin are extraordinary important in the context of the inland waters of Argentina. However, the diversity of landscapes in the basin and the lack of continuity in the regional planning , have made difficult a proper management of the fishing resources. This paper has a general overview of the main aspects related to the fishing fauna of the region, with a natural point of view of the processes and mechanisms of the management. A description of the fishes basin community and the identification of the species with commercial and game interests is included . We describe the different fishing gears used in the province for game, commercial and scientific fishing. We review the criteria of diagnosis of the silver side population as a main resource of fishing interest and under this point of view we propose new outlooks to promote a proper management of the resources and its sustainable use. We identify the different kinds of fisheries that are common in the basin and we make a survey of the related socioeconomic aspects. Moreover, we analyze the development of a new institutional and regulatory frame in order to optimize the management of the fishing resources. Finally, we define criteria for ordering and conserving such resources and identify conflict points and requirements for its sustainable use in the context of new proposals for the public policies.


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El objetivo es definir las variables biológicas del pejerrey (Odonthesthes bonariensis)de las lagunas del sistema para detectar el posible impacto de las obras hidraúlicas proyectadas en la región y evaluar las características de transición del área estudiada desde el punto de vista de la composición ictiofaunística. El presente artículo es una reedición del generado por el Departamento Científico Zoología Vertebrados (actual División Zoología Vertebrados), FCNyM, UNLP, en noviembre de 1993. El anexo 7.1-Fotografías fue omitido debido a la mala calidad de las imágenes.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Sciaenids from the Pacific coast of Mexico are used as a second-class fish species for human consumption (Aguilar-Palomino et al., 1996). The dwarf weakfish (Cynoscion nannus) (Castro-Aguirre and Arvizu-Martínez, 1976) is often caught as bycatch in the shrimp fishery but, because of its small size (<27 cm TL, total length), it is not considered a valuable resource. This species can be found in great numbers in waters between 100 and 812 m (Allen and Robertson, 1994; Fischer et al., 1995) associated with the soft-bottom regions off the coast of Jalisco and Colima (González-Sansón et al., 1997).


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Stock structure of eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna was investigated by analyzing allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) from 10 samples of 20–30 individuals each, collected between 1994 and 1996 from fishing vessels operating in the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) yellowfin regulatory area (CYRA). Allozyme analysis resolved 28 loci, eight of which were polymorphic under the 0.95 criterion: Aat-S*, Glud, Gpi-F*, Gpi-S*, La, Lgg, Pap-F*, and 6-Pgd, resulting in a mean heterozygosity over all allozyme loci of H = 0.052. Four polymorphic RAPD loci were selected for analysis, resulting in a mean heterozygosity of H = 0.43. Eight of 45 pairwise comparisons of allozyme allele frequencies among the ten samples showed significant differences after correction for multiple testing (P<0.0001), all of which involved comparisons with the Gulf of California sample. Confirmation of this signal of population structure would have management implications. No significant divergence in RAPD allele frequencies was observed among samples. Weir and Cockerham θ estimated for allozyme loci (θ=0.048; P<0.05) and RAPD loci (θ=0.030; P>0.05) revealed little population structure among samples. Mantel tests demonstrated that the genetic relationships among samples did not correspond to an isolation-by-distance model for either class of marker. Four of eight comparisons of coastal and offshore samples revealed differences of allele frequencies at the Gpi-F* locus (P<0.05), although none of these differences was significant after correction for multiple testing (P>0.001). Results are consistent with the hypothesis that the CYRA yellowfin tuna samples comprise a single genetic stock, although gene flow appears to be greater among coastal samples than between coastal and offshore samples.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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En esta serie se mencionan a todos aquellos que, a través de sus pequeños o grandes aportes, contribuyeron a la consolidación de la disciplina en nuestro país. El plan general de esta contribución consiste en la elaboración de fichas individuales que contengan una lista de trabajos de los diferentes autores, acompañadas por bibliografía de referencia y, cuando ello fuera posible, por imágenes personales y material adicional. Se tratará de guardar un orden cronológico, pero esto no es excluyente, ya que priorizaremos las sucesivas ediciones al material disponible. Este es otro camino para rescatar y revalorizar a quienes en diversos contextos históricos sentaron las bases de lo que hoy es la ictiología nacional. Considero que este es el comienzo de una obra de mayor magnitud en la que se logre describir una parte importante de la historia de las ciencias naturales de la República Argentina.