21 resultados para Retail outlets
em Aquatic Commons
Study carried out on the quality of fresh fish in retail markets of Bombay revealed that only 75% of the samples were of acceptable quality. Incidence of faecal streptococci was generally high, indicating poor sanitary and hygienic practices in handling of fresh fish. Total bacterial counts higher than Indian standard specified limits were observed in more than one third of the samples analysed. 7.5% of the samples were found to be contaminated either with Salmonella or Clostridium perfringens, thus posing a serious potential health hazard to the consumer. The quality of fish in different markets is also discussed. The urgent need for formulation and implementation of quality standards for fresh fish in domestic trade is highlighted.
This paper reports the results of a retail price survey at Lusaka markets on split, smoked, dried bream (Tilapia spp.) in 1968-69 and dried Lake Tanganyika sardines (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanangicae) in 1969-70. During the survey periods the average prices of these products maintained a level 70% to 130% higher than those fixed by the Government. Price fluctuations in relation to season, size and quality of the products were discussed. The prices were affected by season and size of the products but not by quality in terms of appearance and smell of the non-cooked products.
This study analyses competition in the wholesale and retail fish marketing system in Kisumu, which is Kenya's largest fish market. It is based on cross sectional and time series primary data collected in a survey involving 88 retailers and 47 wholesale traders of fish in the town. Stratified random sampling method was used in selecting the respondents, Concentration ratios, Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients are derived and evaluated for both markets. They demonstrate that market shares are unequally distributed among the wholesalers and retailers. The Gini coefficients are 0.37 and 0.45 for the whole and retail markets respectively. Based on a Gini coefficient cut-off level of 0.4, it is concluded that the wholesale fish market exhibits effective competition while the retail outlet has oligopolistic tendencies. The implication of this level of competition to price efficiency is discussed. Intervention measures to enhance competition in the market are recommended.
The four main objectives of this case study are: 1. Understanding market chains: an overview of the market chain from Indonesian reefs to international retail, with greater detail for case study sites. 2. Identifying poor people in the market chains: including people involved in the chain of custody and others who may be indirectly involved or impacted. 3. Understanding the influence of the marine ornamentals trade on the livelihoods of poor people: the case study looks specifically for underlying as well as obvious factors contributing to poverty reduction, and identify examples of better practice for poverty reduction in the marine ornamentals trade, including examples of positive livelihood outcomes from participation of poor people. 4. Identifying recommendations to improve poor people’s livelihoods. (PDF contains 286 pages)
Accurate and precise estimates of age and growth rates are essential parameters in understanding the population dynamics of fishes. Some of the more sophisticated stock assessment models, such as virtual population analysis, require age and growth information to partition catch data by age. Stock assessment efforts by regulatory agencies are usually directed at specific fisheries which are being heavily exploited and are suspected of being overfished. Interest in stock assessment of some of the oceanic pelagic fishes (tunas, billfishes, and sharks) has developed only over the last decade, during which exploitation has increased steadily in response to increases in worldwide demand for these resources. Traditionally, estimating the age of fishes has been done by enumerating growth bands on skeletal hardparts, through length frequency analysis, tag and recapture studies, and raising fish in enclosures. However, problems related to determining the age of some of the oceanic pelagic fishes are unique compared with other species. For example, sampling is difficult for these large, highly mobile fishes because of their size, extensive distributions throughout the world's oceans, and for some, such as the marlins, infrequent catches. In addition, movements of oceanic pelagic fishes often transect temperate as well as tropical oceans, making interpretation of growth bands on skeletal hardparts more difficult than with more sedentary temperate species. Many oceanic pelagics are also long-lived, attaining ages in excess of 30 yr, and more often than not, their life cycles do not lend themselves easily to artificial propagation and culture. These factors contribute to the difficulty of determining ages and are generally characteristic of this group-the tunas, billfishes, and sharks. Accordingly, the rapidly growing international concern in managing oceanic pelagic fishes, as well as unique difficulties in ageing these species, prompted us to hold this workshop. Our two major objectives for this workshop are to: I) Encourage the interchange of ideas on this subject, and 2) establish the "state of the art." A total of 65 scientists from 10 states in the continental United States and Hawaii, three provinces in Canada, France, Republic of Senegal, Spain, Mexico, Ivory Coast, and New South Wales (Australia) attended the workshop held at the Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Fla., 15-18 February 1982. Our first objective, encouraging the interchange of ideas, is well illustrated in the summaries of the Round Table Discussions and in the Glossary, which defines terms used in this volume. The majority of the workshop participants agreed that the lack of validation of age estimates and the means to accomplish the same are serious problems preventing advancements in assessing the age and growth of fishes, particularly oceanic pelagics. The alternatives relating to the validation problem were exhaustively reviewed during the Round Table Discussions and are a major highlight of this workshop. How well we accomplished our second objective, to establish the "state of the art" on age determination of oceanic pelagic fishes, will probably best be judged on the basis of these proceedings and whether future research efforts are directed at the problem areas we have identified. In order to produce high-quality papers, workshop participants served as referees for the manuscripts published in this volume. Several papers given orally at the workshop, and included in these proceedings, were summarized from full-length manuscripts, which have been submitted to or published in other scientific outlets-these papers are designated as SUMMARY PAPERS. In addition, the SUMMARY PAPER designation was also assigned to workshop papers that represented very preliminary or initial stages of research, cursory progress reports, papers that were data shy, or provide only brief reviews on general topics. Bilingual abstracts were included for all papers that required translation. We gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone involved in this workshop. Funding was provided by the Southeast Fisheries Center, and Jack C. Javech did the scientific illustrations appearing on the cover, between major sections, and in the Glossary. (PDF file contains 228 pages.)
Abstract Fish sauce belongs to the most important condiments in Southeast Asian cuisine. It is a clear, amber to reddish liquid with an intensive smell. Fish sauce is used instead of salt for nearly each meal. Asian fish sauce is made from anchovies and other small fish. For the traditional process whole fresh fish are mixed with salt in the ratio 1:1 to 6:1 in wooden, clay or concrete tanks at tropical temperatures for 6 to 18 months. The liquefaction of the fish tissue is due to the action of endogenous enzymes in fish and exogenous enzymes from bacteria. During the fermentation amino acids, peptides and a lot of other substances are built, which are responsible for the characteristic aroma and flavour of these sauces. You can buy pure fish sauce, diluted fish sauce and fish sauce made from other types of animals like mussels, prawns and squids. In single Asian countries there are different national standards for the quality of fish sauces. In order to get a general idea of these products we have bought 16 fish and two oyster sauces from the retail trade in Hamburg and analyzed them with physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological methods. Kurzfassung Fischsauce gehört zu den wichtigsten Würzsaucen in der südostasiatischen Küche. Es ist eine klare, bernsteinfarbene bis rötlichbraune, sehr intensiv riechende Flüssigkeit. Sie wird anstelle von Salz verwendet und daher fast zu jedem Essen gereicht. Zur Herstellung von Fischsaucen werden hauptsächlich Anchovis und ähnliche kleine Fische verwendet. Bei der traditionellen Herstellung werden die ganzen Fische mit Meersalz in einem Holzfass, Tongefäß oder Betontank im Verhältnis 1:1 bis 6:1 gemischt. Während der anschließenden 6 – 18 Monate dauernden Lagerung bei tropischen Temperaturen bauen sich die Gewebeproteine durch fischeigene Enzyme und Mikroorganismen ab. Bei diesem mehrmonatigen Fermentationsprozess entstehen die für den Geschmack wichtigen Aminosäuren, Peptide und Aromastoffe. Es gibt neben reiner Fischsauce, auch verdünnte Fischsauce und Fischsaucen aus anderen Tieren wie Muscheln, Garnelen und Tintenfische. In den einzelnen asiatischen Ländern gibt es unterschiedliche nationale Qualitätsstandards. Um diese Produktgruppe näher kennen zu lernen, haben wir 16 Fisch- und 2 Austernsaucen aus dem Einzelhandel (Hamburg) mit physikalischen, chemischen, sensorischen und mikrobiologischen Verfahren untersucht.
This paper focusses on the activities of trade associations in the marketing of fish in Lagos State. The study covers 6 different markets in Lagos State of Nigeria. Analysis indicates that 86% of the traders are members of the associations. The ages of the traders range from 21 to over 55 years. However, majority are between the ages of 31 and 45 years. Traders secure their initial capital mostly from trade associations and Esusu/Ajo. Most traders have no working capital to maintain a regular series of outlets, so wholesalers turn to associations for funds, while retailers turn to wholesalers. They eventually pay back when they sell to consumers. The fish industry is found to be imperfectly competitive mostly because of the actions of fish trader associations. The fish marketing system is highly personalised and loyality exists between wholesalers and retailers and their customers
This paper highlights the potential contribution of the processed food industry (especially with regard to prepared and preserved fish) to the domestic industrial sector. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 85 retail canned fish sellers in South-Western Nigeria (45 and 40 respondents in Oyo and Lagos states respectively). Approaches were also made to government officials and merchant-agents connected with the importation, trade-regulation and distribution of fish in Nigeria. The study examined, in considerable detail, the marketing channels, services, prices and margins of canned fish in the area of study. The paper concludes that efforts should be made to encourage local processing and canning of fish not only to save on foreign exchange and importation costs but also to be able to meet the rapidly growing demand for this product in the country
The findings are presented of a survey conducted regarding the fishers of Lake Victoria, which examined the relationships affecting supply flows of raw material on to the market, and also the characteristics of fishing activities and their effects on fish quality and distribution. Fish marketing plays a vital role in the lives of much of the lake basin's population, both in terms of employment and nutrition. The results of the survey comprise, in part, a base-line data set which will facilitate further research, analysis and management decision-making in relation to stakeholders of the lake's resources. Data collection, methods and research difficulties encountered are described and details given of a profile of a boat owner/renter and aslo of a profile of a crew member. The survey shows that Lake Victoria's fishery is one of very limited diversity. The fishers recount that they consistently target one or more of the 3 most common species within the lake (Nile perch, tilapia and dagaa) and very rarely consider any other species type. The largest proportion of fishers on the lake are Nile perch fishers; there is considerable demand for this species, and hence fishers have little incentive to either target alternative fish species, not to try and establish firm marketing outlets through the creation of arrangements with their principal buyers. In Kenyan waters, however, the number of Nile perch fishers is equaled by the number of dagaa fishers; this fish now commands a considerable portion of the market for fish from Lake Victoria through its availability as well as its relatively low prices. The tilapia fishery is in decline, and all 3 riparian states would not appear to be attracting investment almost certainly as a result of declining catches. For many of those working in Lake Victoria's fishery, the problems faced appear most often to be associated with the vagaries of an unstable market which may rise or fall depending on the state of the international market or the state of access roads to fish landings. (PDF contains 42 pages)
The Geologic Atlas of the United States was digitized and stored in the Texas A&M University institutional repository. Extensive metadata was created which emphasized the geographic and geologic aspects of the material. The map sheets were also convered into kml files for Google Earth and ESRI shape files for use in GIS. A Yahoo!Map interface allows for visualization of the locations of each folio and user friendly browsing across the collection. Details of the project will be discussed, including the selection, digitization methods and standards, preservation, metadata, web presence and staffing. Its storage in DSpace, assortment of publicity outlets, and its inclusion in targeted clearinghouses expand its potential use to national and international audiences.
Petersen disc tag marking experiments confirm the influence of animal size and marking time on the recapture rate. Westward migrations occur, probably following the Ivorian undercurrent. Catchability coefficients have been evaluated for the Grand-Bassam fishing ground and tentatively extrapolated to the other fishing areas. The extrapolated non weighted coefficient for the entire fishing areas is q=0.00069/fishing day for an area of 390 miles. The instantaneous coefficient of residual mortality X taken as a first and possibly slightly overestimated value of M the natural mortality, has been estimated at 0.155/month, strongly corroborating Berry's results (1967). This value is however much smaller than that given by earlier authors. It is suggested that q could have a higher value during the very first weeks of exploitation at sea, when the juveniles are concentrated near the lagoon outlets.
Gravid Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, are available along the central coast of North Carolina during the fall and are harvested by the purse-seine fleet from the port of Beaufort. Virtually all of the catch, sexually immature fish included, is reduces to fish meal, fish oil, and fish solubles; however, minor quantities of roe from ripening female menhaden are extracted for local consupmtion. Routine and selective port sampling information was used to characterize the seasonal and biostatistical nautre of the roe menhaden catches at Beaufort. Fishermen recognize two size classes of roe Atlantic menhaden: "forerunners," which are usually the smallest and earliest adult menhaden encountered in the Fall Fishery, and "mammy shad," which are the largest menhaden harvested and produce the greatest roe yields. Roe is extracted from femal fish at various points along the reduction process stream and by several techniques. Vessel cremen and factory personnel extract menhaden roe for personal and local consumption. Undetermined quantities of menhaden roe are channeled into local retail seafood markets. Wholesale prices are about $20 per gallon of roe, while retail prices are about $5 per pound. Carteret County, North Carolina, is probably the only area on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts where menhaden roe is sold in retail seafood markets. The potential of extracting menhaden roe for foreign markets is discussed
This paper provides the first description of the mangrove cockle, Anadara spp., fisheries throughout their Latin American range along the Pacific coast from Mexico to Peru. Two species, A. tuberculosa and A. grandis, are found over the entire range, while A. similis occurs from El Salvador to Peru. Anadara tuberculosa is by far the most abundant, while A. grandis has declined in abundance during recent decades. Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis occur in level mud sediments in mangrove swamps, comprised mostly of Rhizophora mangle, which line the main-lands and islands of lagoons, whereas A. grandis inhabits intertidal mud flats along the edges of the same mangrove swamps. All harvested cockles are sexually mature. Gametogenesis of the three species occurs year round, and juvenile cockles grow rap-idly. Cockle densities at sizes at least 16–42 mm long ranged from 7 to 24/m2 in Mexico. Macrofaunal associates of cockles include crustaceans, gastropods, and finfishes. The mangrove swamps are in nearly pristine condition in every country except Honduras, Ecuador, and Peru, where shrimp farms constructed in the 1980’s and 1990’s have destroyed some mangrove zones. In addition, Hurricane Mitch destroyed some Honduran mangrove swamps in 1998. About 15,000 fishermen, including men, women, and children, harvest the cockles. Ecuador has the largest tabulated number of fishermen, 5,055, while Peru has the fewest, 75. Colombia has a large number, perhaps exceeding that in Ecuador, but a detailed census of them has never been made. The fishermen are poor and live a meager existence; they do not earn sufficient money to purchase adequate food to allow their full health and growth potential. They travel almost daily from their villages to the harvesting areas in wooden canoes and fiberglass boats at low tide when they can walk into the mangrove swamps to harvest cockles for about 4 h. Harvest rates, which vary among countries owing to differences in cockle abundances, range from about 50 cockles/fisherman/day in El Salvador and Honduras to 500–1,000/ fisherman/day in Mexico. The fishermen return to their villages and sell the cockles to dealers, who sell them mainly whole to market outlets within their countries, but there is some exporting to adjacent countries. An important food in most countries, the cockles are eaten in seviche, raw on the half-shell, and cooked with rice. The cockles are under heavy harvesting pressure, except in Mexico, but stocks are not yet being depleted because they are harvested at sizes which have already spawned. Also some spawning stocks lie within dense mangrove stands which the fishermen cannot reach. Consumers fortunately desire the largest cockles, spurning the smallest. Cockles are important to the people, and efforts to reduce the harvests to prevent overfishing would lead to severe economic suffering in the fishing communities. Pro-grams to conserve and improve cockle habitats may be the most judicious actions to take. Preserving the mangrove swamps intact, increasing their sizes where possible, and controlling cockle predators would lead to an increase in cockle abundance and harvests. Fishes that prey on juvenile cockles might be seined along the edges of swamps before the tide rises and they swim into the swamps to feed. Transplanting mangrove seedlings to suitable areas might increase the size of those habitats. The numbers of fishermen may increase in the future, because most adults now have several children. If new fishermen are tempted to harvest small, immature cockles and stocks are not increased, minimum size rules for harvestable cockles could be implemented and enforced to ensure adequate spawning.
The precious coral fishery in Hawaii and the Western Pacific consists of one industry but two distinct and separate fisheries. The first is the harvest of black coral by scuba divers from depths of 30-100 m. The second is a fishery for pink and gold coral at depths between 400 and 1500 m and employs either a human-operated submersible that permits selective harvest or tangle net dredges which are nonselective. The modern history of these fisheries date from 1958 until the present. In this paper the ecology, life history. and management of the dominant species that make up these fisheries are reviewed. Research needs of the fisheries and the economic and future prospects of the precious coral industry are also described. At the present, the precious coral jewelry industry in Hawaii (all species) is valued at about $25 million at the retail level.
U.S. tuna fleet activity, canned tuna processing, ex-vessel, wholesale and retail prices and imports in 1987 are described and compared to their counterparts in previous years. Industry statistics gathered from government agencies and industry contacts are presented in 14 figures and 8 tables. In 1987, U.S. tuna fisheries delivered 253,136 short tons (tons) of tuna to U.S. canneries. Domestic deliveries of albacore (white-meat) tuna were 2,836 tons, down 20 percent from 1986 levels. Domestic deliveries of tropical (light-meat) tuna (bigeye, blackfin, bluefin, skipjack, and yellowfin) were 251,000 tons, up 12 percent. Contract prices for tuna delivered by U. S. vessels to U. S. canneries increased dramatically in 1987. Depending on the size of fish in the delivery, ex-vessel prices of white-meat tuna increased as much as 27 percent, and prices of light-meat tuna increased as much as 47 percent. U. S. cannery receipts of imported and domestically caught raw frozen tuna for canning totaled 532,704 tons in 1987, up 2 percent from 1986 levels. U.S. cannery receipts of white-meat tuna were 104,197 tons, down 10 percent from 1986. Imports made up 97 percent of the total cannery supply. Total 1987 U. S. cannery receipts of raw, frozen light meat tuna were 428,507 tons, up 5 percent from 1986 levels. Imports made up 41 percent of the total cannery supply. The 1987 U.S. pack of canned tuna was 33.6 million standard cases, up 3 percent from 1986. The pack of white-meat tuna was 7.2 million standard cases, down 11 percent from 1986; the pack of light-meat tuna was 26.4 million standard cases, up 7 percent. U. S. imports of canned tuna in 1987 were 10.8 million standard cases, down 11 percent from 1986 levels, the first time in recent years that imports have declined. Per capita consumption of canned tuna in the United States was 3.5 pounds in 1987, down slightly from 1986. The retail composite price was $2.26 per pound, unchanged from 1986.