6 resultados para Research Line

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH (pgs. 267-283): In the spring of 1963, the senior author, who is a member of the staff of the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research. Laboratory, Fisheries Agency, Japanese Government, came to the Institute of Marine Resources of the University of California as a visiting investigator, bringing with him catch statistical data from the fishery in the eastern Pacific, which had been collected at the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) through September 1962, in order to conduct studies of these data in collaboration with the junior author, and with investigators of the InterAmerican Tropical Tuna Commission. A general review of the long-line fishery, based on the catch statistics of the commercial fishing fleet has been published by Suda and Schaefer (1965). In this paper we present an analysis of data respecting the size-composition of yellowfin tuna taken on long-line gear throughout the eastern Pacific between 1958 and 1962, and make some comparisons with data on size-composition of yellowfin tuna taken in the near-surface fishery, by bait boats and purse-seiners, in waters adjacent to the American coast. As has been shown by Suda and Schaefer (1965), the long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific is primarily directed toward the capture of bigeye tuna. However, considerable quantities of yellowfin tuna are also taken on this gear, and, in addition, there are substantial catches of albacore and of several species of spearfishes in some parts of the range of this fishery. Information respecting the catch rates of yellowfin tuna, and information respecting the size-composition of the stock of yellowfin tuna being exploited by the long-line fishery, is of particular interes~" because the yellowfin tuna population of the eastern Pacific is also subject to an intensive fishery by baitboats and purse-seiners which capture this species, together with skipjack, near the surface along the coast of the Americas, and around the outlying islands, in the region of California to northern Chile. SPANISH (pgs. 311-329): En la primavera de 1963, el autor principal, quien es miembro del personal del Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Agency del gobierno japonés, vino al Institute of Marine Resources de la Universidad de California en calidad de investigador visitante y trajo consigo datos estadísticos de las capturas de la pesquería en el Pacífico oriental, que habían sido recolectados en el Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) hasta septiembre de 1962, con el fin de hacer estudios de esos datos en colaboración con el coautor y con investigadores de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical. Una revisión general de la pesquería con palangre, basada sobre las estadísticas de captura de la flota pesquera comercial, ha sido publicada por Suda y Schaefer (1965). En este trabajo presentamos un análisis de los datos correspondientes a la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla capturado con equipo palangrero en todo el Pacífico oriental, entre 1958 y 1962, y hacemos algunas comparaciones con los datos sobre la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla cogido en la pesquería superficial cercana, por barcos de carnada y rederos en aguas adyacentes a la costa americana. Como ha sido demostrado por Suda y Schaefer (1965) la pesquería con palangre en el Pacífico oriental tiene como principal objeto la captura del atún ojo grande. Sin embargo, considerables cantidades de atún aleta amarilla son capturadas también por este equipo y, además, hay también considerables capturas de albacora y de diversas especies de peces-espada en algunas partes de la región que abarca esta pesquería. La información respecto a las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla, y la relativa a la composición de tamaños del stock de esta especie que explota la pesquería con palangre, es de particular interés, a causa de que la población de atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental es también objeto de una pesca intensiva por barcos de carnada y rederos que capturan esta especie, junto con el barrilete, cerca de la superficie a 10 largo de la costa de las Américas y alrededor de las islas mar afuera, en la región desde California hasta el norte de Chile.


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ENGLISH: This paper constitutes a study of the fishery by Japanese long-line vessels in the area to the eastward of longitude 130°W, which was initiated at the western margin of this region in late 1956 and early 1957, and which has expanded fairly quickly eastward through 1962. The major part of the data was collected by the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) from fishing vessels landing at Tokyo and Yaizu and by the Kanagawa Perfectural Fisheries Experimental Station from fishing vessels landing at Misaki. SPANISH: Este trabajo constituye un estudio de la pesquería efectuada por los barcos Japoneses de palangre en el área hacia el este de los 130°W de longitud, que fue iniciada en el margen occidental de esta región a fines de 1956 y principios de 1957, y que se ha expandido bastante rápidamente hacia el este a través de 1962. (PDF contains 158 pages.)


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In line with its mandate of poverty reduction and sustainable development, the WorldFish Center is orienting its research towards high impact scientific activity. Identifying such activities is the task of prospective impact assessment, in turn based on impact pathway analysis. The paper describes a framework for analyzing benefits from aquatic resources research, the relevant research categories, pathways to impact by category, and indicators along each pathway that can be estimated in order to quantify probable research impact.


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Marine line-fishing is seen to be of major importance to the social well-being and economy of many coastal people of Mozambique. Aspects of the artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries of Mozambique are described and a recent significant increase in effort is noted. Landings are seen to comprise a high proportion of vulnerable, endemic species, several of which are shared with neighbouring South Africa. Trends in CPUE, sex ratios and yield per recruit suggest that future landings may decline if conservative management is not introduced. Strategies for data collection and biological research on key species are proposed.


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Under a joint agreement the Government of Sri Lanka and the Nichiro Fishing Company of Japan have undertaken an experimental pole and line fishery around Sri Lanka with a view to determining the feasibility of establishing a joint commercial venture. 3 Japanese vessels conducted trials during the period March 1973-October 1974. Details of the vessels and cruises are given. A variety of fish were tried as bait, and the selection of appropriate bait is discussed. Catches and catch and effort statistics are presented, with tables showing distribution of the tuna. The results of the trials were below expectations, and are in part attributed to bait availability, and unfavorable weather conditions. Seasonal variation of the type of fishery is suggested in order to take account of this, and it is concluded that a fishery based on 45/50 ft combined pole and line and drift net fishing vessels might prove feasible.


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Surrounding Net Fishery (laila) and Bottom Long Line Fishery which operate in the coastal waters of Kalpitiya Peninsula, compete for the same fish resources, resulting in a fishery dispute between the respective fishermen. Both fisheries target demersal as well as mid pelagic fishes, such as travellys (parava), mullets (galmalu) and barracudas (ulava). As the dispute had an adverse impact on the social harmony in the fishing community of the area, a socio-economic survey was conducted to study the underlying factors and to suggest policy measures to resolve the issue. The laila fishermen were resident fishermen in the Kalpitiya Peninsula while bottom long line fishermen were migratory fishermen from Negombo and Chilaw areas in the west coast of Sri Lanka. The Kalpitiya peninsula is located in the North West coast, some 50 km away from the west coast. Although the educational level and literacy rate of the laila community was below that of the bottom long line community, the laila community was economically better off. The net economic returns from laila fishery were superior to that from bottom long line fishery. The boat owner's and crew's share per operation of laila fishery were Rs.3,736 and Rs.947 respectively. The same figures for bottom long line fishery were Rs.588 and Rs.327 respectively. The resource rent from laila fishery was Rs.5,860, however, and much higher than that for bottom long line fishery (Rs.275), showing that the laila fishery exploits the targeted fish resource at a much higher rate compared to bottom long line fishery. This situation badly affects the equitable distribution of resources between the two fishing communities and results in unequal economic gains. Based on the findings of this study, certain input/output controls are proposed to address this problem, among which is the need to increase license fee for laila fishery units to offset the higher exploitation rate of fish resources.