6 resultados para Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1749-1802.

em Aquatic Commons


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The findings are presented of a study undertaken to provide baseline information that may be employed to develop a simplified hatchery technique for postlarval feeding of Clarias gariepinus on zooplankton cultured indoors in small aquaria. Three series of experiments were undertaken to identify the type and quantity of organic manure that would produce maximum densities of zooplankton in the shortest time in indoor cultures. Results suggest the possibility of the culture of natural zooplankton populations for use in larval feeding of C. gariepinus fry. Its effective hatchery application would bring about reduction in the unit cost per fingerling and ensure continuous hatchery operations even in the absence of Artemia cysts


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Preface [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Masaaki Aota Long-term tendencies of sea ice concentration and air temperature in the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.05 Mb] Hajime Ito & Miki Yoshioka Geography of the seasonally ice covered seas [pdf, 0.5 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Victor F. Putov On wind and tide induced sea-ice drift on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island (analysis of radar data) [pdf, 0.96 Mb] Boris S. Dyakov, A.A. Nikitin, L. S. Muktepavel & T.A. Shatilina Variability of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas ice cover depending on geopotential field H500 over the Far-Eastern region [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Aleksandr G. Petrov & Nikolay A. Rykov Intermediate cold layer and ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.37 Mb] Vladimir Ponomarev, Olga Trusenkova, Elena Ustinova & Dmitry Kaplunenko Interannual variations of oceanographic and meteorological characteristics in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.16 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Akie Kato Seasonal and interannual changes of atmospheric pressure, air and water temperature in the area of the Kuril Ridge [pdf, 0.13 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Vladimir Yu. Saveliev Spatial variability of the wind field in the area of the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Igor A. Zhigalov Seasonal variability and specifity of the oceanological conditions in the northern Okhotsk Sea in 1997 [pdf, 1.04 Mb] Igor A. Zhabin Ventilation of the upper portion of the intermediate water in the Okhotsk Sea [pdf, 0.80 Mb] Vladimir A. Luchin & Alexander L. Figurkin Oceanographic conditions over the Kashevarov Bank [pdf, 0.61 Mb] Toshiyuki Awaji, Tomohiro Nakamura, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto & Takatoshi Takizawa Tidal exchange through the Kuril Straits [pdf, 2.01 Mb] Tomohiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Awaji, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto, Takatoshi Takizawa & Masao Fukasawa Vertical mixing induced by tidally generated internal waves in the Kuril Straits [pdf, 0.83 Mb] Katsuro Katsumata & Ichiro Yasuda Water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific Ocean estimated by simple models [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Konstantin A. Rogachev Oyashio west path culmination as the consequence of a rapid thermohaline transition in the Pacific Subarctic [pdf, 0.22 Mb] Yasuhiro Kawasaki On the year-to-year change in subarctic water characteristics around the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Evgeniy E. Ovsyannikov Influence of oceanological conditions of the West Kamchatka shelf waters on spawning grounds and on pollock egg distribution [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin & Alexander A. Bogdanovsky Transport and turbulence characteristics for the northeastern Sakhalin shelf conditions [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin, Alexander A. Bogdanovsky, Valentina D. Budaeva, Vyacheslav G. Makarov, Vasily F. Mishukov, S.N. Ovsienko, Victor F. Putov, L.A. Reitsema, J.W. Sciallabba, O.O. Sergucheva & P.V. Yarosh Modeling of oil spills for the shelf conditions of northeastern Sakhalin [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Valentina D. Budaeva & Vyacheslav G. Makarov A peculiar water regime of currents in the area of eastern Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.66 Mb] Nikolay A. Rykov The oceanographic databases on the Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.27 Mb] Akifumi Nakata, Iori Tanaka, Hiroki Yagi, Tomomi Watanabe, Gennady A. Kantakov & Andrew D. Samatov Formation of high-density water (over 26.8 sigma-t) near the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait) [pdf, 0.09 Mb] Minoru Odamaki & Kouji Iwamoto Currents and tidal observations by Hydrographic Department of Maritime Safety Agency, off the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.16 Mb] Yasushi Fukamachi, Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, Motoyo Itoh, Masaaki Wakatsuchi & Masaaki Aota Mooring measurements off Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido in 1997-1998 [pdf, 0.19 Mb] Mikhail A. Danchenkov, David Aubrey & Stephen C. Riser Oceanographic features of the La Perouse Strait [pdf, 0.91 Mb] Iori Tanaka & Akifumi Nakata Results of direct current measurements in the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait), 1995-1998 [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Gennady A. Kantakov & George V. Shevchenko In situ observations of Tsushima and West-Sakhalin currents near La Perouse (Soya) Strait [pdf, 0.79 Mb] Irina Y. Bragina Geographical and biological characteristics of the net zooplankton in the southwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk during 1987-1996 [pdf, 0.27 Mb] List of corresponding authors [pdf, 0.01 Mb] (Document pdf contains 193 pages)


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We monitored litterfall biomass at six different sites of melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake) forested wetlands in South Florida from July 1997 to June 1999. Annual litterfall of melaleuca varied between sites from 6.5 to 9.9 t dry wt ha(-1) yr(1) over the two-year period. Litterfall was significantly higher (p < 0.0001) in scasonally flooded habitats (9.3 t ha(-1) yr(1)) than in non-flooded (7.5 t ha(-1) yr(1)) and permanently flooded habitats (8.0 t ha(-1) yr(1)). Leaf fall was the major component forming 70% of the total litter, woody material 16%, and reproductive material 11%. Phenology of flowering and leaf flush was investigated by examination of the timing and duration of the fall of different plant parts in the litter traps, coupled with monthly field observations during the two-year study. In both years, flowering began in October and November, with peak flowers production around December, and was essentially completed by February and March. New shoot growth began in mid winter after peak flowering, and extended into the spring. Very little new growth was observed in melaleuca forests during the summer months, from May to August, in South Florida. In contrast, the fall of leaves and small wood was recorded in every month of the year, but generally increased during the dry season with higher levels observed from February to April. Also, no seasonality was recorded in the fall of seed capsules, which apparently resulted from the continual self-thinning of small branches and twigs inside the forest stand. In planning management for perennial weeds, it is important to determine the period during its annual growth cycle when the plant is most susceptible to control measures. These phenological data suggest that the appropriate time for melaleuca control in South Florida might be during late winter and early spring, when the plant is most active.


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Ceylon’s fishery for the tunas is presently limited to the coastal waters which in the present context have an off-shore limit of 15 miles and our contribution to the world tuna production is a little over 1%. Four varieties of tuna are largely exploited in the coastal waters. Of these, Baleya or the skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis Linn. 1758) is the predominant variety followed by attavalla or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus ajfinis, Cantor, 1850), kelawalla or yellowfin (Thunnus albacares, Bonnaterre, 1788) and alagoduwa or frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard Lacepede, 1802). Other varieties like the thora-baleya or bonito (Sarda orientalis) and asgedi kelawalla or big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) are also landed frequently but in extremely small quantities. Figure 1 illustrates the relative composition of the tuna varieties in the catch and their percentage composition further sub-divided according to the type of effort applied. It is evident that Ceylon's coastal fishery for tunas is greatly influenced by the production of smaller varieties of the tunas.