13 resultados para RENDÓN SOLÓRZANO, MANUEL, 1848?-1934

em Aquatic Commons


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Este documento recuerda la figura de Mariano M. Martínez a diez años de su fallecimiento. Se han compilado los homenajes y semblanzas realizadas en ese período y se señalan algunas de sus importantes contribuciones. Los escritos de su padre, amigos y colegas nos describen su capacidad, bonhomía, generosidad y amor por la vida, lo que hizo de Mariano un individuo singular y carismático. Por esto, quién escribe estas líneas, considera que poco se puede agregar a lo ya dicho, ya que el conjunto nos brinda una acabada síntesis de su persona. Las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina perdieron tempranamente a uno de sus estudiosos y los que tuvimos el privilegio de compartir momentos de su vida, tuvimos a un ser invalorable que recordamos con una profunda nostalgia. (PDF tiene 22 paginas.)


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Dr. Charles M. Breder participated on the 1934 expedition of the Atlantis from Woods Hole, Massachusetts to Panama and back and kept a field diary of daily activities. The Atlantis expedition of 1934, led by Prof. A. E. Parr, was a milestone in the history of scientific discovery in the Sargasso Sea and the West Indies. Although naturalists had visited the Sargasso Sea for many years, the Atlantis voyage was the first attempt to investigate in detailed quantitative manner biological problems about this varying, intermittent ‘false’ bottom of living, floating plants and associated fauna. In addition to Dr. Breder, the party also consisted of Dr. Alexander Forbes, Harvard University and Trustee of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI); T. S. Greenwood, WHOI hydrographer; M. D. Burkenroad, Yale University’s Bingham Laboratory, carcinology and Sargasso epizoa; M. Bishop, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Zoology Dept., collections and preparations and H. Sears, WHOI ichthyologist. The itinerary included the following waypoints: Woods Hole, the Bermudas, Turks Islands, Kingston, Colon, along the Mosquito Bank off of Nicaragua, off the north coast of Jamaica, along the south coast of Cuba, Bartlett Deep, to off the Isle of Pines, through the Yucatan Channel, off Havana, off Key West, to Miami, to New York City, and then the return to Woods Hole. During the expedition, Breder collected rare and little-known flying fish species and developed a method for hatching and growing flying fish larvae. (PDF contains 48 pages)


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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A taxonomic assessment of fish species was carried out in the Lake Ayamé as a preliminary evaluation within the framework of a project to appraise the biodiversity changes occurred in fish after the construction of a dam at Ayamé in 1959.


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The widespread and commercially important rougheye rockfish, Sebastes aleutianus (Jordan and Evermann, 1898), has been considered a single variable species, with light- and dark-colored forms, found on the outer continental shelf and upper slope of the North Pacific Ocean. Genetic analysis of 124 specimens verified the presence of two species in new specimens collected from Alaska to Oregon, and the two species were analyzed for distinguishing color patterns and morphological characters. Characters distinguishing the two were extended to an analysis of 215 additional formalin-fixed specimens representing their geographic ranges. Sebastes aleutianus is pale, often has dark mottling on the dorsum in diffuse bands, and does not have distinct dark spots on the spinous dorsal fin; it ranges from the eastern Aleutian Islands and southeastern Bering Sea to California. Sebastes melanostictus (Matsubara, 1934), the blackspotted rockfish, ranges from central Japan, through the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, to southern California. It is darker overall and spotting is nearly always present on the spinous dorsal fin. Sebastes swifti (Evermann and Goldsborough, 1907) is a synonym of S. aleutianus; S. kawaradae (Matsubara, 1934) is a synonym of S. melanostictus. The subgenus Zalopyr is restricted to S. aleutianus and S. melanostictus. Nomenclatural synonymies, diagnoses, descriptions, and distributions are provided for each species.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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Cephalopods gained importance in the fishing industry when they emerged as one of the leading sea food products exclusively for international market in the mid seventies. Cephalopods fishery in India is still in an infant stage with vast scope for exploitation. The present work on the cephalopods fishery along the Bombay coast is an effort to quantify the resource potential of Sepia acculeata. The morphometry, growth parameters, mortality (total, natural and fishing) rates, the yield per recruit and standing stock were studied.


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Coilia dussumieri Valenciennes, 1848 a component of 'dol' net fishery forms an important pelagic resource along northwest coast of India. The present communication deals with morphometry and length-weight relationship of this species along Mumbai coast. Morphometric study showed a positive correlation among the compared characters. The length-weight relationship for the species from Mumbai coast was found to be W=0.017L super(2.4223).


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Seventeen morphometric characters of Sepia aculeata of Mumbai coast have been studied and the relationships of morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) were established. The characters compared showed a fair to high degree of correlation ('r' 0.63-0.99). Number of arm suckers and shell rings were related with DML. The shell rings also showed high degree of correlation with DML ('r' 0.79-0.95). However, the relationship between arm suckers and DML was not so good ('r' 0.1-0.4). The length-weight relationship is described as W=0.1821336 L sub(2.801102). Food and feeding analysis confirm the carnivorous feeding behaviour of the species. Mature females found in all months indicate that it has prolonged spawning season with two peaks, september and march-april. Absolute fecundity ranged from 214 to 4143 eggs.


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A mes y medio de mi jubilación presento este artículo que para mí era una de las tantas deudas pendientes, pero ésta en particular acentuaba mi sentido de pertenencia. Se trata de un artísta prácticamente desconocido nacido en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires el 16 de julio de 1921 y fallecido en la misma ciudad el 26 de julio de 1995. Por cuestiones de vida, que no viene al caso mencionar, dejó de lado su verdadera vocación como principal labor y casi sin preparación previa la llevó a cabo como hobby sólo en su tiempo libre. Me pregunto cómo hubiera sido su producción artística o hasta dónde habría llegado si hubiera estudiado en alguna escuela de arte o practicado en algún reconocido atelier. No es de mi conocimiento que haya expuesto y estoy segura que de haberlo hecho, público y jurados se habrían enamorado como yo de sus pinturas y dibujos. Demuestra su habilidad y capacidad innatas, dones reservados para unos pocos, y su voluntad de plasmar lo que evidentemente le emanaba desde sus entrañas. Aquí se presentan parte de, a mi criterio, sus excelentes obras, complementadas con imágenes de él y de su contexto afectivo. No se dispone del nombre, año de realización y/o técnica utilizada de algunas de ellas, y muchas otras lamentablemente se perdieron o fueron donadas sin ser fotografiadas. Debo aclarar que Hugo López no me permitía editarlo porque consideraba que no correspondía por tratarse de su padre. Ante mi insistencia, recién ahora asintió, pidiéndome que yo fuera la única responsable. Pronta acepté antes de que se arrepienta y por ello, aparezco como única compiladora. Es mi esperanza que se conozca en el mayor grado posible el enorme artista contenido en este hombre que en soledad pintaba o dibujaba principalmente para él mismo, y luego, para su entorno, sin poder concretar mayores aspiraciones. Si es cierto que, como algunos dicen, cuando alguien ya no está nos observa desde alguna parte del universo, estoy segurísima que se sentirá un poco recompensado y esbozará una sonrisa de satisfacción.


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The influence of a fish gut bacterium Lactobacillus sp on the production of swordtail Xiphophorus helleri was studied for a period of one year. The Lactobacillus sp P21 produced bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance and exhibited wide spectrum of action against Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus spp, Pseudomonas spp and Citrobacter freundi in vitro. The growth performance of X. helleri reared in the presence of Lactobacillus P21 at 106/ml rearing water was better than the control. The total plate counts, total MRS agar counts and the counts of motile aeromonads, presumptive pseudomonads, lactose fermenters and lactose non-fermenters in the gut of probiotic group were comparatively low than the control. On day 60 the count of Lactobacillus sp P21 was observed to be log 5.28/g in the gut of X. helleri indicating colonization of this bacterium in the gastrointestinal tract. The fecundity of X. helleri was in the range of 9-134. On average, it produced from 39.42±18.72 fry/female in control group to 53.00±23.57 fry/female in probiotic group. The increase in average fecundity in probiotic group over the control group was about 25%. There existed significant difference between probiotic group and control in respect of average fecundity/female (p<0.02), average number of fry survived /female (p<0.006) and average number of fry dead/female (p<0.029). The results of the present study demonstrated that the rearing of X. helleri in probiotic-enriched water have growth inducing ability and favourably influenced the reproductive performance in terms of high fecundity, high fry survival, reduced fry mortality and reduced fry deformity.


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The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) of Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r²) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth.