3 resultados para RA résistance
em Aquatic Commons
Se analiza el aporte de la comunidad bentónica de la ría Deseado a la dieta del róbalo (Eleginops maclovinus), para contribuir al conocimiento de la trama alimentaria costera en la Patagonia austral. Entre la primavera 2005 y otoño 2006 se estudiaron las comunidades bentónicas submareales en áreas de pesca de E. maclovinus y paralelamente, se analizaron los contenidos alimentarios estomacales de róbalos provenientes de la pesca deportiva. La comunidad bentónica de planicies areno-fangosas fue dominada por poliquetos, representados principalmente por las familias Onuphidae, Orbiniidae y Maldanidae. Los crustáceos constituyeron el segundo grupo en importancia y estuvieron representados principalmente por los anfípodos gamáridos Heterophoxus sp. y Ampelisca sp. La comunidad submareal de fondos de rodados estuvo dominada por poliquetos de las familias Nereididae, Cirratulidae y Polynoidae, y los moluscos Perumytilus purpuratus y Margarites violacea. E. maclovinus presentó una dieta bentónica de tipo oportunista y generalista, con una tendencia hacia la ingesta de anfípodos gamáridos y algas clorofíceas. Durante la marea baja, la mayor contribución a su dieta la realizó la comunidad de planicies areno-fangosas submareales. Durante la marea alta, E. maclovinus se alimentó también en el intermareal rocoso, donde preda preferentemente las clorofíceas Enteromorpha spp. ENGLISH: The role of the benthic communities at Ría Deseado in the diet of the Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) was analyzed in order to increase the understanding of the coastal food web in southern Patagonia. Subtidal benthic communities were surveyed between spring 2005 and autumn 2006 in areas of E. maclovinus sport fishing. Simultaneously, the stomach contents of patagonian blenny specimens caught during sport fishing were analyzed. The benthic community over flat sandy-muddy bottoms was dominated by polychaetes, mainly from the families Onuphidae, Orbiniidae and Maldanidae, followed by crustaceans, which were mainly represented by the gammarid amphipods Heterophoxus sp. and Ampelisca sp. The subtidal benthic community over pebbly bottoms was dominated by polychaetes from the families Nereididae, Cirratulidae and Polynoidae and the mollusks Perumytilus purpuratus and Margarites violacea. The diet of E. maclovinus was benthic opportunist and generalist, with a preference to feed on gammarid amphipods and chlorophycea algae. During low tide, the main dietary contribution came from the subtidal community over flat sandy-muddy bottoms whereas, during high tide, E. maclovinus also preyed on rocky intertidal species, mainly the Chlorophycea Enteromorpha spp.
Undaria pinnatifida was registered in Ría Deseado (47º45´S, 65º55´W _ southern Patagonia) by the first time in spring 2005, colonizing the intertidal and shallow subtidal. A seasonal survey in 2006 showed that U. pinnatifida was established in a sheltered zone inside the estuary, along a coastal fringe of 8 km between Punta Cascajo and Cañadón del Puerto. This continuous distribution was only interrupted in the mouth of canyons that flow into Ría Deseado, where the bottom is conformed by mud and sand. The sporophytes were mainly found colonizing the rocky bottom in the lower intertidal, bordering the Macrocystis pyrifera population. The highest density and biomass of sporophytes (12.13 ind. m-2; 254.60 g m-2) were registered during spring, when the population was mainly conformed by individuals of medium sizes. The lowest density and biomass (0.33 ind. m-2; 5.69 g m-2) were registered in autumn. Juvenile sporophytes recruited throughout the year, but presented the highest percentage in the population during autumn and winter. First mature sporophytes appeared in spring and attained their maximum size in summer. After this, the sprophytes decayed and disappeared. Environmental factors such as rocky bottoms availability and water transparency may be the main factors determining the sporophytes distribution in Ría Deseado. The field experiment point out that M. pyrifera population is an important factor controlling the dispersion of U. pinnatifida towards the subtidal. SPANISH: Undaria pinnatifida fue registrada en la Ría Deseado (47º45´ S, 65º55´ W _ Patagonia austral) durante la primavera de 2005, colonizando el intermareal y submareal somero. Los relevamientos estacionales realizados durante el 2006, revelaron que U. pinnatifida se encontró establecida en una zona protegida en el interior de la ría, ocupando una franja costera de aproximadamente 8 km de largo entre Punta Cascajo y el Cañadón del Puerto. Esta distribución casi continua sólo presentó algunas interrupciones en la boca de los cañadones que desembocan en la ría, donde el fondo predominante es de tipo areno-fangoso. Los esporofitos de U. pinnatifida ocuparon preferentemente el fondo rocoso del intermareal inferior, limitando con la población de Macrocystis pyrifera. La densidad y biomasa más altas de esporofitos (12,13 ind. m-2; 254,60 g m-2) fueron registradas en primavera, cuando la población se encontró compuesta principalmente por individuos de tallas intermedias. La densidad y biomasa más bajas (0,33 ind. m-2; 5,69 g m-2) fueron registradas durante el otoño. Los esporofitos juveniles se reclutaron a lo largo de todo el año, pero alcanzaron su mayor proporción en la población durante el otoño y el invierno. Los esporofitos reproductivamente maduros aparecieron durante la primavera y alcanzaron su talla máxima durante el verano, luego del cual comenzaron a deteriorarse y a desaparecer. Factores como la disponibilidad de fondos rocosos y la transparencia de las aguas podrían actuar como los principales factores determinantes de su distribución en la ría. El experimento de campo realizado revela que los bosques de M. pyrifera actúan también como un importante factor de control, limitando la dispersión de U. pinnatifida hacia el submareal.
From October 1970 through February 1972, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, secchi depth and five major nutrients were observed at approximately monthly intervals in Elkhorn Slough and Moss Landing Harbor. In addition, similar hourly observations were made during two tidal studies during the wet and dry seasons. From the salinity measurements during the summer, a salt balance for Elkhorn Slough is formulated and rnean eddy diffusion coefficients are determined. The diffusion nlodel applied to longitudinal phosphate distributions yielded a mean diffusive flux of 12 kg P04/day (140 pg-at/m^2/day) for the area above the mean tidal prism. Consistent differences, apparently due to differing regenerati on ra tes, were observed in the phosphate and nitrogen distributions. Bottom sediments are proposed as a possible source for phosphate and as a sink for fixed nitrogen. Dairy farms located along central Elkhorn Slough are apparently a source for reduced nitrogen. During summer, nitrogen was found to be the limiting nutrient for primary production in the upper slough. Tidal observations indicated fresh water of high nutrient concentration consistently entered the harbor from fresh water sources to the south. This source water had a probable phosphate concentration of 40 to 60 ug-at/l and seasonally varying P:N ratio of 1:16 and 1:5 during the winter and summer respectively. Net production and respiration rates are calculated from diurnal variations in dissolved oxygen levels observed in upper Elkhorn Slough. Changes in phosphate associated with the variations in oxygen was close to the accepted ratio of 1:276 by atoms. Document is 88 pages.