7 resultados para Quality factor meters

em Aquatic Commons


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The California Department of Fish and Game's Natural Stocks Assessment Project (NSAP) collected water quality data at high tides on a monthly basis from February 1991 to October 1994, and during low tides from March 1992 to June 1994 in the Klamath River estuary to describe water quality conditions. NSAP collected data on water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, depth of saltwedge, and Klamath River flow. Klamath River flows ranged from 44.5 cubic meters per second (1570 cfs) in August 1994 to 3832.2 cubic meters per second (135,315 cfs) in March 1993. Saltwater was present in the estuary primarily in the summer and early fall and generally extended 2 to 3 miles upstream. Surface water temperatures ranged from 6-8° C in the winter to 20-24° C in the summer. Summer water temperatures within the saltwedge were generally 5 to 8° C cooler than the surface water temperature. Dissolved oxygen in the estuary was generally greater than 6 to 7 ppm year-round. A sand berm formed at the mouth of the river each year in the late summer or early fall which raised the water level in the estuary and reduced tidal fluctuation so that the Klamath estuary became essentially a lagoon. I hypothesize the formation of the sand berm may increase the production of the estuary and help provide favorable conditions for rearing juvenile chinook salmon.


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The three Biesbosch Reservoirs are pumped storage reservoirs, fed with rather polluted and highly eutrophic water from the River Meuse. Air injection at the bottom of the reservoirs prevents thermal stratification, which would otherwise result in serious water quality deterioration. Reservoir mixing also serves as an economic algal control measure; mixing over sufficient depth causes light to play the role of limiting factor and this, combined with zooplankton grazing, keeps the biomass of phytoplankton at acceptable levels. Special problems are caused by benthic, geosmin-producing Oscillatoria species growing on the inner embankment. Rooting up the bottom with a harrow is used as the method of control, based on underwater observations by biological staff trained as SCUBA-divers. With regard to pollutant behaviour the three reservoirs act as a series of fully mixed reactors. This enables the application of kinetic models to describe their behaviour and allows the use of a selective intake policy, e.g. for suspended solids with associated contaminants, ammonia and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. A combination of selective intake and self- purification processes - enhanced by the compartmentalisation of the storage volume in three reservoirs - leads to a striking improvement for many water-quality parameters.


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Water quality problems are reported to be the factor limiting prawn production in the local prawn farm. This investigation was carried out to monitor water quality and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ponds in order to establish what factors should be monitored in order to predict problems. Pond collapse was found to be associated with high concentrations of ammonium, high pH and blue-green algae dominated phytoplankton populations. There was no easy means of predicting the imminent collapse of ponds as the phenomenon was never associated with the extreme of any of the conditions monitored. Rather it seemed to be related to the stability of the pond's algal population, which was largely unaccounted for. Recommendations toward improving water quality are proposed.


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The influences of age, size, and condition of spawning females on fecundity and oocyte quality were analyzed for the Patagonian stock of Argentine Hake (Merluccius hubbsi). Samples of mature females were collected in the spawning area as part of 2 research surveys conducted in January 2010 and 2011, during the peak of the reproductive season. Batch fecundity (BF) ranged between 40,500 (29 cm total length [TL]) and 2,550,000 (95 cm TL) hydrated oocytes, and was positively correlated with TL, gutted weight, age, hepatosomatic index (HSI), and the relative condition factor (Kn). Relative fecundity ranged between 85 and 1040 hydrated oocytes g–1 and showed significant positive relationships with gutted weight, HSI, and Kn; however, coefficients of determination were low for all regressions. Dry weights of samples of 100 hydrated oocytes ranged between 1.8 and 3.95 mg and were positively correlated with all variables analyzed, including batch and relative fecundity. Multiple regression models created with data of the morphophysiological characteristics of females supported maternal influences on fecundity and egg weights. Within the studied size range (29–95 cm TL), larger individuals had better somatic and egg condition, mainly revealed by higher HSI and hydrated oocytes with larger oil droplets (275.71μm [standard error 1.49]). These results were associated with the higher feeding activity of larger females during the spawning season in comparison with the feeding activity of young individuals (<5 years old); the better nutritional state of larger females, assumed to result from more feeding, was conducive to greater production of high-quality eggs.


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The possible factors leading to the loss of flavour and general quality of crab during freezing and frozen storage have been studied. The preprocess ice storage condition of the raw material was found to be one such important factor while the fresh frozen crab meat remained in good organoleptic condition for about 51 weeks at -23°C, the 7 days iced material held frozen was found to have a shelf life of about 21 weeks. The fall in myofibrillar protein noted during frozen storage together with the loss of myosin ATPase activity correlated well with the loss of organoleptic qualities.


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During storage of Tilapia nilotica in refrigerated brine at 4°C, the whole (ungutted) fish had higher levels of free fatty acid and spoiled faster than the gutted fish. The shelf life of whole fish was 16 days and that of gutted 28 days; these values are, at least, as good as those reported for ice storage. Flavour of the cooked fish appeared to be the quahty-hm1tmg factor reducing the shelf-life of gutted tilapia to 28 days even though the raw gutted fish was judged acceptable, after 31 days retaining 65-70% freshness.


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Using water quality management programs is a necessary and inevitable way for preservation and sustainable use of water resources. One of the important issues in determining the quality of water in rivers is designing effective quality control networks, so that the measured quality variables in these stations are, as far as possible, indicative of overall changes in water quality. One of the methods to achieve this goal is increasing the number of quality monitoring stations and sampling instances. Since this will dramatically increase the annual cost of monitoring, deciding on which stations and parameters are the most important ones, along with increasing the instances of sampling, in a way that shows maximum change in the system under study can affect the future decision-making processes for optimizing the efficacy of extant monitoring network, removing or adding new stations or parameters and decreasing or increasing sampling instances. This end, the efficiency of multivariate statistical procedures was studied in this thesis. Multivariate statistical procedure, with regard to its features, can be used as a practical and useful method in recognizing and analyzing rivers’ pollution and consequently in understanding, reasoning, controlling, and correct decision-making in water quality management. This research was carried out using multivariate statistical techniques for analyzing the quality of water and monitoring the variables affecting its quality in Gharasou river, in Ardabil province in northwest of Iran. During a year, 28 physical and chemical parameters were sampled in 11 stations. The results of these measurements were analyzed by multivariate procedures such as: Cluster Analysis (CA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), and Discriminant Analysis (DA). Based on the findings from cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and factor analysis the stations were divided into three groups of highly polluted (HP), moderately polluted (MP), and less polluted (LP) stations Thus, this study illustrates the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques for analysis and interpretation of complex data sets, and in water quality assessment, identification of pollution sources/factors and understanding spatial variations in water quality for effective river water quality management. This study also shows the effectiveness of these techniques for getting better information about the water quality and design of monitoring network for effective management of water resources. Therefore, based on the results, Gharasou river water quality monitoring program was developed and presented.