34 resultados para Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)

em Aquatic Commons


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The stock of salmon in any river is largely dependent upon the escapement of sufficient fish to ensure that an adequate quantity of ova is deposited and full use is made of all suitable spawning areas. At the present time, no accurate information is available on the numbers of fish entering rivers. Therefore, catch returns provide valuable information on fish stocks. This report summarises the catch returns for salmon in the Lancashire River Authority in the North of England for the years 1960-1964. Rivers included are the Lune, Ribble, Kent, Leven and Duddon.


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Size variation, growth, condition index and spawning periodicities of three species of molluscs were studied for a period of 15 months from a polluted and a relatively clean marine habitat near Bombay, Maharashtra, India. Growth of Saccostrea cucullata was 1.2 times and of Cerithium rubus was 1.6 times higher in unpolluted habitat than the polluted water. Spawning was during premonsoon in S. cucullata, post monsoon in C. rubus and monsoon in Tellina angulata. Condition index and percentage edibility values were higher at less polluted stations.


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ENGLISH: In the eastern Pacific Ocean nearly all of the commercial catches of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) are taken by two types of vessels, baitboats, which use pole and line in conjunction with live-bait, and purse-seiners. From its inception until very recently (1959), this fishery was dominated by baitboats. This method of fishing has been described by Godsil (1938) and Shimada and Schaefer (1956). From 1951 through 1958 baitboats caught between 66.4 and 90.8 per cent of the yellowfin and between 87.2 and 95.3 per cent of the skipjack landed by the California-based fleet. These vessels fished for tuna throughout the year and covered virtually all of the area from southern California to northern Chile. The purse-seine fishery for tunas developed out of the round-haul net fisheries for California sardines and other species. Scofield (1951) gives a detailed description of the development of gear and fishing methods. Prior to 1959 many of the seiners engaged in other fisheries during the fall and early winter months and consequently most of the fishing effort for tuna occurred in the period February-August. The vessels were quite small, averaging approximately 120 tons carrying capacity (Broadhead and Marshall, 1960), in comparison to the baitboats, of which the most numerous size-class was 201-300 tons. The seiners were naturally more restricted in range than the baitboats and most of their effort was restricted to the northern grounds. During the period 1959-61 most of the large baitboats were converted for purse-seining and the existing seiner fleet was modernized. These developments increased the range of the seiner fleet and resulted in a wider and more nearly even spatial and temporal distribution of effort. By the early part of 1961, the purse-seine fleet approximated the level of the preconversion baitboat fleet in amount of effort applied and area covered. The changes in the purse-seine fishery and the fishing methods employed in the modernized fleet are described by Orange and Broadhead (1959), Broadhead and Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) and Broadhead (1962). The change in the relative importance of the two gears is illustrated by the decline in the proportion of the total logged tonnage landed by California-based baitboats, in comparison to the proportion landed by seiners. In 1959 baitboats landed 49.5 per cent of the yellowfin and 87.8 per cent of the skipjack. In 1960 these percentages were 22.9 and 74.7 respectively and in 1961 the decline continued to 12.6 per cent of the yellowfin and 30.0 per cent of the skipjack (Schaefer, 1962). In previous Bulletins of this Commission (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) the baitboat catch and effort statistics were used to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and the fluctuations of these indices were analyzed in some detail. Due to the change in the relative importance of the two gears it is appropriate to extend this investigation to include the purse-seine data. The objectives of this paper are to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and to examine the fluctuations in these indices before and after the changes in the fishery. A further objective is to compare the purse-seine indices with those of the baitboats for the same time periods. SPANISH: En el Océano Pacífico Oriental casi todas las capturas comerciales del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) son efectuadas por dos tipos de barcos, los barcos de carnada que emplean la caña y el anzuelo en conjunto con la carnada viva, y los barcos rederos. Desde su comienzo hasta hace poco tiempo (1959), esta pesquería estaba dominada por los barcos de carnada. El método de pesca usado por estos barcos ha sido descrito por Godsil (1938) y por Shimada y Schaefer (1956). De 1951 a 1958, los barcos de carnada pescaron entre el 66.4 y el 90.8 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y entre el 87.2 y el 95.3 por ciento del barrilete descargados por la flota que tiene su base en California. Estos barcos pescaron atún durante todo el año y cubrieron virtualmente toda el área de California meridional hasta la parte norte de Chile. La pesquería del atún con redes de cerco se originó en las pesquerías de las sardinas de California y otras especies, con redes que se remolcaban circularmente. Scofield (1951) dá una descripción detallada del desarrollo de los métodos y del equipo de pesca. Antes de 1959 muchos de los rederos se dedicaban a otras pesquerías durante los meses del otoño y a principios del invierno y consecuentemente, la mayor parte del esfuerzo depesca para la producción del atún ocurría en el período febrero-agosto. Las embarcaciones eran bastante pequeñas, con un promedio de aproximadamente 120 toneladas de capacidad para el transporte (Broadhead y Marshall, 1960) en comparación con los barcos de carnada, de los cuales la clase de tamaño más numerosa era de 201 a 300 toneladas. Los rederos estaban naturalmente más restringidos en su radio de acción que los barcos de carnada y la mayor parte de su esfuerzo se limitaba a las localidades del norte. Durante el período 1959-61, la mayoría de los grandes barcos de carnada fueron convertidos al sistema de pesca con redes de cerco, y se modernizó la flota existente de los rederos. Estos cambios aumentaron el alcance de la flota de los barcos rederos dando como resultado una distribución más amplia y casi más uniforme del esfuerzo espaciado y temporal. En la primera parte del año 1961, la flota de rederos se aproximó al nivel de la preconversión de la flota de clipers, en la cantidad de esfuerzo aplicado y al área comprendida. Los cambios en la pesquería con red y los métodos de pesca empleados en la flota modernizada, han sido descritos por Orange y Broadhead (1959), Broadl1ead y Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) y Broadhead (1962). El cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca está ilustrado por la declinación en la proporción del tonelaje total registrado, como descargado por los barcos de carnada que tienen su base en California, comparado con la proporción desembarcada por los barcos rederos. En 1959 los clipers descargaron el 49.5 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 87.8 por ciento del barrilete. En 1960 estos porcentajes fueron del 22.9 y 74.7 respectivamente, y en 1961 continuó la reducción hasta el 12.6 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 30.0 por ciento del barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). En Boletines anteriores de la Comisión (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) las estadísticas de la pesca y el esfuerzo de los clipers se utilizaron para computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y se analizaron algo detalladamente las fluctuaciones de estos índices. Debido al cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca, es conveniente extender esta investigación para incluir los datos correspondientes a los barcos rederos. Los objetivos del presente estudio son de computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y examinar las fluctuaciones en estos índices, antes y después de los cambios en la pesquería. Otro objetivo es de comparar los índices de los barcos rederos, con aquellos de los clipers en los mismos períodos de tiempo.


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The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: temperature range and salinity, measurable coast granule, determination of sex ratio, relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M:F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: In female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and in male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: in female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and in male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW=aCL+b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW=aCLb And increased crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64, K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.


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The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of Crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: Temperature range and salinity, Measurable coast granule, Determination of sex ratio, Relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, Growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M: F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW = a CL + b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW= aCLb and increased Crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64 , K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.


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The crinoid fauna of the continental margin (0-1500 m) of northeastern North America (Georgia to Canada) includes 14 species in 13 genera and 5 families. We introduce the external morphology and natural history of crinoids and include a glossary of terms, an illustrated key to local taxa, annotated systematic list, and an index. The fauna includes 2 species found no further south than New England and 8 that occur no further north than the Carolinas and Blake Plateau. Comactinia meridionalis (Agassiz) is the only species commonly found in shallow water «50 m). No taxa are endemic to the area. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Technologies and Methodologies for the Detection of Harmful Algae and their Toxins" convened in St. Petersburg, Florida, October 22- 24, 2008 and was co-sponsored by ACT (http://act-us.info); the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET, http://ciceet.unh.edu); and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC, http://www.myfwc.com). Participants from various sectors, including researchers, coastal decision makers, and technology vendors, collaborated to exchange information and build consensus. They focused on the status of currently available detection technologies and methodologies for harmful algae (HA) and their toxins, provided direction for developing operational use of existing technology, and addressed requirements for future technology developments in this area. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) in marine and freshwater systems are increasingly common worldwide and are known to cause extensive ecological, economic, and human health problems. In US waters, HABs are encountered in a growing number of locations and are also increasing in duration and severity. This expansion in HABs has led to elevated incidences of poisonous seafood, toxin-contaminated drinking water, mortality of fish and other animals dependent upon aquatic resources (including protected species), public health and economic impacts in coastal and lakeside communities, losses to aquaculture enterprises, and long-term aquatic ecosystem changes. This meeting represented the fourth ACT sponsored workshop that has addressed technology developments for improved monitoring of water-born pathogens and HA species in some form. A primary motivation was to assess the need and community support for an ACT-led Performance Demonstration of Harmful Algae Detection Technologies and Methodologies in order to facilitate their integration into regional ocean observing systems operations. The workshop focused on the identification of region-specific monitoring needs and available technologies and methodologies for detection/quantification of harmful algal species and their toxins along the US marine and freshwater coasts. To address this critical environmental issue, several technologies and methodologies have been, or are being, developed to detect and quantify various harmful algae and their associated toxins in coastal marine and freshwater environments. There are many challenges to nationwide adoption of HAB detection as part of a core monitoring infrastructure: the geographic uniqueness of primary algal species of concern around the country, the variety of HAB impacts, and the need for a clear vision of the operational requirements for monitoring the various species. Nonetheless, it was a consensus of the workshop participants that ACT should support the development of HA detection technology performance demonstrations but that these would need to be tuned regionally to algal species and toxins of concern in order to promote the adoption of state of the art technologies into HAR monitoring networks. [PDF contains 36 pages]


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The Improved Fish Smoker (IFS) was designed and constructed by NIFFR in collaboration with GTZ in 1997. After the on-station trials, five fishing villages with pronounced fishing activities were selected for the demonstration. The IFS and the traditional Smoking Kiln were compared in one of the fishing villages using Gross Margin analysis (GM) and productivity index to determine the profitability and productivity of the two kilns. It was found that the average income of IFS users at fully capacity was N5, 555.50 per day in a year N1.3 million would be realized. Conversely, the average income of the users of Traditional Smoking Kiln (TSK) was N649.00 per day and about N152, 150.50 would be realized in a year. From this estimate, it is evident that the IFS are more profitable than the TSK. Productivity index of the two kilns also revealed that the productivity of IFS is higher than the TSK. Thus, using the IFS would enhance the income of artisanal women Fish Processors (AWOFPS) and ensure food security for the household


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The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) staff has been sampling the size distributions of tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) since 1954, and the species composition of the catches since 2000. The IATTC staff use the data from the species composition samples, in conjunction with observer and/or logbook data, and unloading data from the canneries to estimate the total annual catches of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and bigeye (Thunnus obesus) tunas. These sample data are collected based on a stratified sampling design. I propose an update of the stratification of the EPO into more homogenous areas in order to reduce the variance in the estimates of the total annual catches and incorporate the geographical shifts resulting from the expansion of the floating-object fishery during the 1990s. The sampling model used by the IATTC is a stratified two-stage (cluster) random sampling design with first stage units varying (unequal) in size. The strata are month, area, and set type. Wells, the first cluster stage, are selected to be sampled only if all of the fish were caught in the same month, same area, and same set type. Fish, the second cluster stage, are sampled for lengths, and independently, for species composition of the catch. The EPO is divided into 13 sampling areas, which were defined in 1968, based on the catch distributions of yellowfin and skipjack tunas. This area stratification does not reflect the multi-species, multi-set-type fishery of today. In order to define more homogenous areas, I used agglomerative cluster analysis to look for groupings of the size data and the catch and effort data for 2000–2006. I plotted the results from both datasets against the IATTC Sampling Areas, and then created new areas. I also used the results of the cluster analysis to update the substitution scheme for strata with catch, but no sample. I then calculated the total annual catch (and variance) by species by stratifying the data into new Proposed Sampling Areas and compared the results to those reported by the IATTC. Results showed that re-stratifying the areas produced smaller variances of the catch estimates for some species in some years, but the results were not significant.


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Redd counting is an integral part of most Fishery Officers duties. The number and distribution of salmonid redds throughout salmonid catchments provides invaluable information on the range and extent of spawning by both salmon and sea trout. A project was initiated by the Fisheries Science and Management Team of Central Area, North West Region in England in liaison with the Flood Defence function. The main objective of this project was to assess redd count data for Central Area and attempt to quantify these data in order to produce a grading system that would highlight key salmonid spawning areas. By showing which were the main areas for salmon and sea trout spawning, better informed decisions could be made on whether or not in-stream Flood Defence works should be given the go-ahead. The main salmonid catchments in Central Area were broken into individual reaches, approximately 1 km in length. The number of redds in these individual reaches were then calculated and a density per lkm value was obtained for each reach. A grading system was devised which involved looking at the range of density per km values and dividing this by five to produce 5 classes, A - E. A sixth class (F) was used where the density per Ion value was 0.00. This grading system was calculated at two levels of detail. Grades for salmon and sea trout were produced for each individual catchment and also on an Area-wide level. Maps were produced using a range of colours to represent the grade for each reach. These maps provide a highly useful overview of the status of salmonid spawning for each catchment over individual years and highlight the key salmon and sea trout spawning areas in each catchment. These maps and the associated summary data should now provide Flood Defence and Fisheries staff with a fairly detailed overview of the status of spawning in any location within the. main salmonid catchments in Central Area. Although these maps are very useful they should only be used as a guide. The current practice of consulting with the local Fishery Officer should be continued to ensure that expert local knowledge is taken into account.


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The abundance of juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico was investigated in response to climate-related hydrological regimes. Two distinct periods of blue crab abundance (1, 1973–94 and 2, 1997–2005) were associated with two opposite climaterelated hydrological regimes. Period 1 was characterized by high numbers of crabs, whereas period 2 was characterized by low numbers of crabs. The cold phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and high north-south wind momentum were associated with period 1. Hydrological conditions associated with phases of the AMO and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in conjunction with the north-south wind momentum may favor blue crab productivity by influencing blue crab predation dynamics through the exclusion of predators. About 25% (22–28%) of the variability in blue crab abundance was explained by a north–south wind momentum in concert with either salinity, precipitation, or the Palmer drought severity index, or by a combination of the NAO and precip


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Tree-ring chronologies, developed from cores from Pinyon pines growing on climatically sensitive sites in the north-central Great Basin, have been used to reconstruct precipitation and drought histories of the area from A.D. 1600 to 1982. Analysis of these hydrologic time series helps to place current climatic conditions into the perspective of the past 383 years (since 1600). ... The years 1934 and 1959 were the first and fourth driest while 1934 had the lowest July Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) of the reconstructed records. Nevertheless, the decade of the 1930's is only the seventh driest since 1600; the decade 1953-1962 ranks as the second driest. The driest non-overlapping decade since 1600 was 1856-1865. Interestingly, the second wettest decade was 1932-1941. An examination of 30-year mean precipitation data shows that the driest 30-year period was 1871-1900; 1931-1960 ranks as the fourth driest. The current 30-year period (1951-1980) ranks twelfth.


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The study was conducted in pond to determine the fecundity and gonadosomatic index of chapila, Gudusia chapra. The male fish was found to attain sexual maturity at 7.7 cm and 7.41 g and that of the female at 9.3 cm and 14.65 g by standard-length and body-weight respectively. The investigated fishes were found to be male and female at the ratio of 1:3 and generally female was found to be larger than male. The fish was found to spawn for several months with two spawning peaks, one in April and another in August as indicated by the peaks of gonadosomatic index and ova diameter. Fecundity of the fish ranged from 25,220 to 154,528 with an average value of 72,383 and was found to increase with the increase in length and weight of the fish. The relationships between fecundity and standard-length, body-weight, gonad-length and gonad weight of the fish were found to be linear and significant.


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This study was carried out to seasonal determination of some morphological characteristics, Seasonal fecundity, Seasonal fluctuations of vertebrate-type steroids and seasonal analysis of gonadal histology in both female and male sexes of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823) in the area of Aras dam Lake. Crayfish were collected respectively in June, August, November (2011) and January (2012). The average length and weight of male crayfish was higher than that of females. %GSI of females fluctuated within an extended range (between 0.6 and 13.5% from June to January). Both of synchronous and asynchronous ovaries were seen in August sampled ovaries; however asynchronous form was higher than another. The annual reproductive cycle of male A. leptodactylus was surveyed by study on the seasonal changes of the external appearance of the testes and vasa deferentia, fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI%) and the histological analysis of the male reproductive system. Based on the histological differentiation of testis, spermatogenisis devided to 5 separated stages. The findings suggested asynchronous testis in the species A.leptodactylus. The presence of primary spermatophore layer may help keeping spermatozoa alive while the secondary spermatophore layer may produces spermatophore or synthesize of acellular material which forms spermatophre. Pleopodal fecundity was 37.3%lower than ovarian fecundity observed. The significantly higher number of eggs attached to 3rd and 4th pairs of pleopods. The egg number and gonadosomatic index increased with female size while egg weight and egg diameter didn’t increase with female size. Hemolymph levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone followed a similar fluctuation pattern with % GSI in females, while testosterone didn’t follow the mentioned pattern. The testis of November sampled crayfish presented significantly higher gonadosomatic (%GSI) index (P < 0.05).The most observed gonadosomaticindices were 13.5%(forfemales) and 1.21% (for males, in autumn. Althogh the lowest GSI was (0.50%) formales in spring and (0.26%0 for spent females in January. Testosterone which followed a similar pattern with %GSI in males increased remarkably in November. 17β-estradiol increased strictly in January. The strictly enhancement of the three estroid hormones in January in both male and female sexes could bedue totheir stimulating role in in spermatophre and egg lying in the mating season (In January). Most of the ovaries followed the asynchoronous growth pattern. Also the testes presented asynchoronous growth pattern in autumn.