22 resultados para Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)

em Aquatic Commons


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Kainji Lake, the first man-made lake in Nigeria is one of the most researched water bodies in Africa. Earlier studies indicated that there was no systematic management of the lake fisheries involving the participation of the fishers in the decision-making processes before 1993. In 1993, the Nigeria-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP) started the introduction of a bottom-up approach in the management of the fishery resources through a random selection of some fishers representatives for the decision making body of the project. The paper traces the democratization process of the management approach to the lake fisheries culminating in the systematic selection, appointment, training and assignment of responsibilities to twenty-four Wakilis covering the 316 fishing communities around Lake Kainji


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(PDF contains 17 pages)


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The objectives of the education programme included: making the fishing community and the younger generation aware of the importance of conserving marine resources; to obtain their suggestions and opinions; and to identify gaps and needs to strengthen local participation.


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This research is part of the Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), which was initiated in 1998. In 1995-96, a baseline study on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of proposed FKNMS management strategies and regulations of commercial fishers, dive operators and on selected environmental group members was conducted by researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Atmospheric and Marine Science (RSMAS). The baseline study was funded by the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, and components of the study were published by Florida Sea Grant and in several peer reviewed journals. The study was accepted into the Socioeconomic Research & Monitoring Program at a workshop to design the program in 1998, and workshop participants recommended that the study be replicated every ten years. The 10-year replication was conducted in 2004-05 (commercial fishers) 2006 (dive operators) and 2007 (environmental group members) by the same researchers at RSMAS, while the University of Florida researchers were replaced by Thomas J. Murray & Associates, Inc., which conducted the commercial fishing panels in the FKNMS. The 10-year replication study was funded by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program. The study not only makes 10-year comparisons in the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of FKNMS management strategies and regulations, but it also establishes new baselines for future monitoring efforts. Things change, and following the principles of “adaptive management”, management has responded with changes in the management plan strategies and regulations. Some of the management strategies and regulations that were being proposed at the time of the baseline 1995-96 study were changed before the management plan and regulations went into effect in July 1997. This was especially true for the main focus of the study which was the various types of marine zones in the draft and final zoning action plan. Some of the zones proposed were changed significantly and subsequently new zones have been created. This study includes 10-year comparisons of socioeconomic/demographic profiles of each user group; sources and usefulness of information; knowledge of purposes of FKNMS zones; perceived beneficiaries of the FKNMS zones; views on FKNMS processes to develop management strategies and regulations; views on FKNMS zone outcomes; views on FKNMS performance; and general support for FKNMS. In addition to new baseline information on FKNMS zones, new baseline information was developed for spatial use, investment and costs-and-earnings for commercial fishers and dive operators, and views on resource conditions for all three user groups. Statistical tests were done to detect significant changes in both the distribution of responses to questions and changes in mean scores for items replicated over the 10-year period. (PDF has 143 pages.)


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C2R is a collection of C routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 C2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the C2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer C2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 27 pages)


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For2R is a collection of Fortran routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 For2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the For2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer For2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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Biología pesquera de agua dulce.Curso 1990. Ictiología Continental Argentina. Curso de posgrado 2000. Ictiología Continental Argentina. Curso de posgrado 2002. pdf contains 147 pages.


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(PDF contains 19 pages)


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Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is an indigenous tilapia species in southern Africa, until now the majority of genetic research has been carried out on Asian species of tilapia but this project aims to look at this African species. Those most suited to further development in aquaculture in southern Africa have now been identified. The genetic characterisation of strains has been completed. This information has aided the choice of strains for use in small scale aquaculture and for genetically male tilapia (GMT) production. They will form the basis of future strategies for further genetic improvement, and management of genetic diversity of Mozambique tilapia. The information will also contribute towards responsible management and development of genetic resources, particularly with regard to indigenous species of tilapia. Good progress has been made with the adaptation and implementation of producing the supermale fish required to produce all male offspring, resulting in faster growing populations of tilapia. The presence of the project and its associated activity has been a catalyst for a surge in interest in tilapia culture throughout southern Africa. [PDF contains 183 pages]


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It is a common knowledge that there exists a wide gap between domestic fish production and demand in Nigeria. Government recognizes this situation and has in recent years encouraged fish production through fishing inputs subsidies, DFRRI assisted fingerlings production among others. Despite these efforts, impact at the grassroots has been low. One of the major reasons for the failure could be attributable to inadequate involvement of rural communities in fish production. This missing link appears to be ignorance of local communities in harnessing this potential to stimulate fish production. There is therefore the need to educate the rural dwellers through effective extension services. Strategies to achieve the required awareness have been discussed


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Fisheries is important to Nigeria agricultural economy because it provides employment for fisherfolks (men and women fishers, fishmongers (fish traders), fish processors and fish farmers. It also supplies protein to the diet of Nigerians and it is equally a viable source of foreign exchange earning to the government.The estimated Nigeria population of 120 million consumes about 1.2million metric tones of fish and fish products annual. This justified the important role fisheries could play in nigerian diet considering that Nigeria has vast inland waters that cover an estimated total surface area of 199,580km super(2) and equally vast sea area of 25,000km super(2). In these waters the author claimed that there are diverse fish resources that are of economic importance in both inland and seawaters. FDF (2000) also estimated that the current annual yield of both inland and seawater put together is about 418,069,3 metric tones from artisanal fisheries and 23,720 metric tones from aquaculture. The shortage between the annual consumption level of 1.2million metric tones and annual yield of 418,069,3 metric tones is made available through importation. It is therefore of concern that given the level of current fish yield from the various fisheries resources the demand still exceeds supply. One wonders whether the production inadequacy is due to poor management of available fisheries resources or that improved fisheries technology that could aid increased production was not efficiently transferred to fish farmers. To answer these questions one need to examine the past and present extension policy in Nigeria as they affect dissemination of fisheries technologies


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The study describes the main causes of captures and productions decreasing of swimming crab Callinectes amnicola (Decapoda Portunidae) in Aby lagoon complex. For that, docks of two Sub Prefectures of Adiaké and Assini-Mafia respectively including the villages of Adiaké, Anga, Assomlan, Epleman, Aby and Man-Man, M'Bratty, Assini-Ngouankro and Assini-Mafia were studied from 2006 to 2009 and completed with previous results obtained from 1988 to 2005. Field investigators were identified by site/village and they recorded daily activities of fishermen (number of effective fishermen, number of gears and area of fishing, duration of fishing, types and quantity of bait) and landing of swimming crabs. During recent period of the study, total production decreased from 3742 tons in 2006 to 1500 tons in 2009. Matrix correlations and correlation analysis indicated that this downward trend was due to the increase of the number of fishermen, number of fishing gear, the decrease in female crabs capture and degradation of the environment related to gradual closure of the Assini-Mafia channel. Despite this decline, total production in Aby lagoon remained high compared to the productions of some lagoons of the country and the region. Given the importance of fishing swimming crabs in Aby lagoon, since it concerns many young people and it is a source of income, stringent measures for sustainable and responsible management must be taken and implemented as part of a co-management plan involving all stakeholders to sustainably manage the resource


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The commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria are presently dominated by three species: the stocked Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus, and the endemic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. The three comprise at least 90% of the commercial catch while the rest of the endemic species mostly occur as by-catch (incidental catch) except in localised areas. Apart from being a major source of food, the three species especially the Nile perch represent the usually recognized main forms of predation, As they exert a "top-down" effect on production, they are important in the trophic dynamics of the Lake Victoria ecosystem. However, another form of predation which is usually unrecognized in the lake productivity mechanisms is one due to fishing mortality. Fishermen essentially behave as predatory elements in the ecosystem. This is manifested in ways that paral1el the effect of fish as predators e.g. some fishermen are habitat restricted and specialised in catching particular species or sizes, others are opportunistic and switch to whatever species (prey) are available which may depend on season, etc. There are also indirect factors that influence fishing mortality as a form of predation e.g. availability on the market of different gears, thefts of nets and of fish from nets, civil strife, market demand etc. The fatter are essentially socioeconomic factors. Application of the principles of fisheries management requires "a data base from which effective options can be generated. It is considered that one of the fundamental requirements for such a data base is information on the spatial distribution of the species fishery. This can be combined with information on landings which can eventually be incorporated into a programme of stock monitoring. The aim of this paper is to highlight information on the Tilapia fishery that may benefit fisheries management.


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This paper presents nine tenets for management as formulated in the literature in recent decades. These tenets, and the principles behind them, form the foundation for systemic management. All tenets are interrelated and far from mutually exclusive or discrete. When we consider them seriously and simultaneously, these tenets expose serious flaws of conventional resource management and define systemic management. Systemic management requires that we manage inclusively and avoid restricting management to any particular interaction between humans and other elements of nature. The management tenets presented here are considered with particular attention to the interrelationships among both the tenets and principles upon which they are based. The case is made that the tenets are inseparable and should be applied collectively. Combined consideration of the tenets clarifies the role of science, contributes to progress in defining management, and leads to the development of ways we can avoid mistakes of past management. Systemic management emerges as at least one form of management that will consistently account for and apply to the complexities of nature.