22 resultados para Primary teeth

em Aquatic Commons


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Preliminary results show microradiography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to be more accurate methods of accessing growth layer groups (GLGs) in the teeth of Tursiops truncatus than transmitted light microscopy. Microradiography shows the rhythmic deposition of mineral as alternating radiopaque and radiolucent layers. It improves the resolution of GLGs near the pulp cavity in older individuals, better than either SEM or light microscopy. SEM of etched sections show GLGs as ridges and grooves which are easily counted from the micrograph. SEM also shows GLGs to be composed of fine incremental layers of uniform size and number which may allow for more precise age determination. Accessory layers are usually hypomineralized layers within the hypermineralized layer of the GLG and are more readily distinguishable as such in SEM of etched sections and microradiographs than in thin sections viewed under transmitted light. The neonatal line is hypomineralized, appearing translucent under transmitted light, radiolucent in a microradiograph, and as a ridge in SEM. (PDF contains 6 pages.)


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Teeth were taken from 120 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, which had stranded on the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. The number of annual growth layer groups (GLGs) for each animal was used to construct a growth curve. The growth rate of coastal North Atlantic Ocean Tursiops is similar to other cetaceans in having a high initial rate of growth, with no differences in growth between females and males. In females, the first dentinal GLG is thickest and is followed by GLGs which become progressively narrower. In males, the second GLG is thicker than the first; GLGs beyond number two become progressively smaller but at a slower rate than in females. In males and females, the translucent layer makes up proportionally larger parts of the GLG as the animal ages, but in males the percent translucent layer remains constant at about 50% while in females it continues to increase up to about 70% of the GLG. These two factors, GLGs width and translucent layer width, indicate that the sex and age of the animal influence the deposition of GLGs. Incremental layers are also present, averaging 12 per GLG, and seem similar to incremental layers described in other marine mammals. A plot of the relationship of percent growth of the last GLG to time of death suggests that the deposition of GLGs is relatively constant, at least during the first half of the year, and that North Atlantic Ocean Tursiops give birth in the fall as well as in the spring. (PDF contains 31 pages.)


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This paper is an account of preparation and examination techniques and criteria used to estimate age in decalcified and stained tooth thin sections from spinner and spotted dolphins. A dentinal growth layer group (GLG), composed of two thin light and two thicker dark-stained layers, is deposited annually. The GLG component layers are variably visible, but the "ideal" pattern and successive thinning of dentinal GLGs are used as a guide to determine GLG limits. Age-specific thicknesses of dentinal GLGs found in Hawaiian spinner dolphin teeth seem to be applicable to teeth of spotted dolphins and can be used as an aid in locating GLG boundaries. Cementa1 GLGs are composed of a dark-stained and alightly stained layer and usually are deposited at a rate of one per year, but may be deposited every other year or two or three times per year. Two slightly different methods of counting dentinal GLGs are presented, along with guidelines for determining whether dentinal or cementa1 GLG counts provide the best estimate of age for a specimen. (PDF contains 23 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Between 1 October and 17 December 1955 investigations of the physical, chemical and biological oceanography of the Eastern Pacific Ocean in a region bounded approximately by 30° N. latitude, 9° S. latitude, 120° W. longitude and the mainland coast were conducted from the vessels Horizon and Spencer F. Baird of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California. These were part of a cooperative operation, designated for convenience by the code name "Eastropic," in which a vessel of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service worked, during this same period, further west and a vessel of the Peruvian Navy worked further south, offshore from Peru. A vessel of the California State Fisheries Laboratory also conducted certain sub-surface tuna fishing operations and other studies in the same general region as the Scripps vessels. In addition to carrying out a number of special studies related to particular oceanographic features, the Scripps vessels occupied a considerable number of hydrographic stations. The locations of these stations, at each of which were made net-hauls for zooplankton, are shown in Figure 4 and Tables 2 and 3. At some of the hydrographic stations, and in Some places between stations, there were made from the Spencer F. Baird measurements of chlorophyll "a" and of primary production (by the C14 technique), both in situ and in a shipboard incubator. The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of these biological observations. SPANISH: Entre el 1° de octubre y el 17 de diciembre de 1955, a bordo de los barcos Horizon y Spencer F. Baird) de la Institución Scripps de Oceanografía de la Universidad de California, se hicieron investigaciones sobre la oceanografía física, química y biológica del Océano Pacífico Oriental, en una región limitada aproximadamente por los 30° N. de latitud, 9° S. de latitud, 120° O. de longitud y la costa continental. Estas investigaciones fueron parte de una operación que se realizó cooperativamente y a la que se convino darle el nombre codificado de "Eastropic". En ella, durante el mismo período, una embarcación del Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) trabajó más hacia el oeste, y un barco de la armada peruana más hacia el sur, frente a la costa del Perú. También colaboró una nave del Laboratorio de Pesquerías del Estado de California (California State Fisheries Laboratory), realizando algunas operaciones de pesca de atún en aguas subsuperficiales, y otros estudios en la misma región general que recorrieron las embarcaciones de Scripps. Además de efectuar estudios especiales relacionados con las caracteristicas oceanográficas particulares de la región, las naves de Scripps establecieron un buen número de estaciones hidrográficas. La localización de estas estaciones se indica en la Figura 4 y en las Tablas 2 y 3; en cada una de ellas se hicieron rastreos con redes planctónicas para recoger muestras de zooplancton. En algunas de las estaciones hidrográficas, así como en algunos lugares entre estaciones, en el Spencer F. Baird se hicieron mediciones de la clorofila "a" y de la producción primaria (mediante la técnica del C14), tanto in situ como en una incubadora instalada a bordo. El propósito del presente trabajo es dar a conocer los resultados de estas observaciones biológicas. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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The environmental conditions of Kainji Lake from 1971/72 to date appear to have stabilized to a large extent, judging from the similarity of physico-chemical parameters investigated in this study over the period. Solar radiation (as reflected in variation in temperature) and pH have remained largely constant over the years, while conductivity (index of nutrient enrichment), though significantly higher in 1995/96, could be described as sporadic and needs further monitoring to ascertain its trend in the lake. While water transparency and dissolved oxygen were higher in 1971/72 compared to the other years, these increases cannot be said to be overwhelming. The lower transparency in 1995/96 was due to the exceptional flood of that year and may have also accounted for the poorer dissolved oxygen concentration compared to the other years due to its impact on photosynthesis. There is no evidence from this study to indicate that primary productivity has increased over the years. Consequently, the observed increase in fish yield by the KLFPP from CAS, which is corroborated by estimates from the MEI, cannot be supported on the basis of improved photosynthetic production. The phenomenal high levels of conductivity recorded during certain periods in 1995 (600 mu mhos cm super(-1)) are hitherto unknown in the lake and may indicate a trend towards nutrient enrichment. However, it is premature at this stage to conclude on its long-term impact on primary production and consequently, on fish yield. Secondly, the notion of overfishing in the 80s (Ita, 1993), may need to be further examined as low or dwindling catches could be due to a number of factors among which are the level of fishing effort, the type and efficiency of gears and the intensity of sampling. It would appear that with the intervention of KLFPP, the better management of the lake's fisheries would increase the current level of catch. It also needs to be examined how much of the clupeid fisheries, which is now known to account for a substantial proportion of the total fish yield in Kainji Lake, was included in the sampling of the 80s. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.


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Earlier findings on epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) and the present observation of the authors on transmission of EUS to snakehead (Channa sp.) without skin damage provide evidence to suggest that the invasive fungus associated with EUS is a primary pathogen.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The suppression of primary productivity observed in eastern boundary ecosystems of the Pacific during El Nino episodes does not occur throughout the Gulf of California. On the contrary, analysis of the modern siliceous phytoplankton record from annually layered sediments and compilation of available primary productivity measurements indicate that production is significantly increased in the central Gulf during El Nino years compared to anti-El Nino years. Integrated observations of biological and physical variability during the spring of 1983, under the influence of the strong El Nino, show that very high primary productivity occurred along the eastern margin of the central Gulf. This resulted from the upwelling of a nutrient rich source provided by the locally formed Gulf water mass originating in the northern Gulf. Lower productivity and phytoplankton biomass were associated with the anomalous penetration of Tropical Surface Water along the western side of the Gulf.


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Using a 10-yr time-series data set, we analyzed the effects of two severe droughts on water-quality and ecosystem processes in a temperate, eutrophic estuary (Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina). During the droughts, dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations were on average 46–68% lower than the long-term mean due to reduced riverine input. Phytoplankton productivity and biomass were slightly below average for most of the estuary during a spring–autumn drought in 2002, but were dramatically lower than average throughout the estuary during an autumn–winter drought in 2007–2008. Droughts affected upper trophic levels through alteration of both habitat condition (i.e., bottom-water dissolved oxygen levels) and food availability. Bottomwater dissolved oxygen levels were near or slightly above average during the 2002 drought and during summer 2007. Concomitant with these modest improvements in bottom-water oxygen condition, fish kills were greatly reduced relative to the long-term average. Low-oxygen bottom-water conditions were more pronounced during summer 2008 in the latter stages of the 2007–2008 drought, and mesozooplankton abundances were eight-fold lower in summer 2008 than during nondrought years. Below-average mesozooplankton abundances persisted for well over 1 yr beyond cessation of the drought. Significant fish kills were observed in summer 2008 and 2009, perhaps due to the synergistic effects of hypoxia and reduced food availability. These results indicate that droughts can exert both ephemeral and prolonged multiyear influence on estuarine ecosystem processes and provide a glimpse into the future, when many regions of the world are predicted to face increased drought frequency and severity due to climate change.


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Fluctuations in primary productivity at two subalpine lakes reveal both meteorological and biological influences. At Castle Lake, California, large-scale climate events such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation affect total annual production and, combined with human fishing activity, modify the seasonal pattern of productivity. At Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, local spring weather conditions modulate annual production and its seasonality by determining the depth of mixing and resulting internal nutrient load. Climatic conditions also contribute to deviations from the long-term trend in productivity by increasing the incidence of forest fires and through anomalous external nutrient loads during precipitation extremes. A 3-year cycle in productivity of as yet unknown origin has also been detected at Lake Tahoe.


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The coastal areas of Bombay are generally turbid and the euphotic zone in these waters hardly exceeds 6 m. Primary productivity is largely confined to surface layers. Nearshore polluted stations have low values of dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH. Nutrients, on the other hand, are high. Primary productivity in these areas was 16.86 mg C m super(-3) d super(-1) in October. Column production for all the 4 stations ranged from 10.32 to 2511.30 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1). A direct correlation was found between nutrients and productivity values.


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The importance of the ocean as a source of cheap protein food is too well-known to be emphasised. In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in the fishing activity in all maritime nations and during the last few years the total world production has markedly grown. This study explains the importance of a planned exploitation according to scientific principles to preserve the availability and natural fluctuations in the abundance of stocks of marine fish and other commercially important organisms.


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The review report on Kyoga basin lakes (NAFIRRI 2007) described Kyoga basin lakes as important natural resource for the communities within the basin and the surrounding areas. Fisheries of the basin provide a source of protein, income, and employment to generally poor communities in the area. The lakes also generate revenue to the local Governments within the catchment. This indicates that the fisheries of Kyoga basin lakes are a key instrument in poverty eradication and food security. The lakes also act as a source of water for domestic, agricultural and transport purposes. Some of the Kyoga small lakes harbour fish species, which have disappeared from the main lakes Victoria and Kyoga and are therefore important for biodiversity conservation


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Kalyani lake (P sub(1)), a weed infested recreational water body and a weed chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) in the heart of Kalyani city of West Bengal were studied for a period of one year for their primary productivity and other physicochemical parameters. Very low primary productivity (GPP=360-1237mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=157-787 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was recorded in P sub(2) in spite of having a high concentration of nutrients (PO sub(4)–P=0.052-0.260mg l super(- 1); NO sub(3)-N=0.110-0.412mg l super(-1)). On the other hand, moderate primary productivity (GPP=1687-3195mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=900-2700mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was found in P sub(1) with comparatively low range of nutrients (P0 sub(4)-P =0.010-0.058mg l super(-1); NO sub(3)-N=0.032-0.118mg l super(-1)). After studying the other physicochemical parameters (temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity and macrophytic biomass), it was found that the overall hydro-biological conditions of the weed-chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) is not congenial for biological production as compared to Kalyani Lake (P sub(1)). Kalyani Lake may be used for fish culture with proper management practices.