11 resultados para Positive Tempertaure Coefficient Resistivity

em Aquatic Commons


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Distribution of polychaetes worms Nereidae in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass indicated that distribution rate of worms from the west to east for the reason status of seabed type, habitat and feeding substrate used to worms increased. Also investigation description that last-mentioned worms are belong to Nereididae family, Perinereis genus and species of Perinereis nuntia. By viewpoint seabed soil types experiments implement indicated Nereididae worms have higher survival with sandy clay loam soil texture. Statistical analysis showed positive relation coefficient correlation of Pearson between substrate type to frequency of worms and too substrate type with soil organic matter value (P<0.05). By viewpoint feeding also experiments with different feed treatment indicated that Nereid worms is Omnivore but in natural condition more utilized algae substrate special Entermorpha and survival rate had the worms last-mentioned in dietary treatments on this algae 93/3% different significant with other treatments (P<0.05). In this project pond-reared white Indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) were used in four maturation and spawning trials lasting 60 days. one group of shrimps was fed a formulated pelleted special of broodstock diet only, a second group was fed squid meat diet; a third group of shrimps with mollusca (Solen vagina) meat diet and fourth group was fed polychaete worms Nereidae family, collected in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass. Four types of dietary treatments (M1, M4) were given to separate batches that were run in three duplicate. Results of experiments demonstrate that more grew rate and maturation and spawning rate and we found that shrimps fed with polychaete worms have the best condition and then shrimps fed with solen. This is demonstrate furthermore environmental circumstance, endocrine hormone, types of feed important of maturation and spawning of shrimps and in polychaete worms used HUFA help to maturation ovarian in shrimp.


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ENGLISH: Year-class composition of catch, virtual population size and yearclass strength were determined from serial samples of size composition of catches and catch records. Murphy's Solution to the catch equation, which is free from the effects caused by changes in fishing pressure, was used to estimate year-class strength, i.e. the total population of fish age 3/4 years. The resultant estimates indicated that the X55, X56, X57, X62 and X63 year classes were above average and the X58, X59, X60, X61 and X64 year classes were below average. The year-class designation refers to the year of actual entry or presumed year of entry into the commercial fishery (at approximately 1 year of age). The strongest and poorest year classes were the X57 and X61 classes, respectively. The ratio of the strongest to the weakest year class was 2.6. This amount of variation is small compared to that found for other species of fish. It was found that the relationship between stock size and yearclass strength is of no value in predicting year-class strength. As a by-product of the analysis, estimates of the catchability coefficients (qN) of the age groups in the fishery were obtained, These estimates were found to vary with age and time. Age-two fish apparently showed the greatest vulnerability to fishing gear, followed by ages three and one, respectively. The average estimate of the catchability coefficient in weight was calculated and found to compare favorably with Schaefer's estimate. The influence of sea-surface water temperature upon year-class strength was investigated to determine whether the latter can be predicted from a knowledge of sea-surface temperatures prevailing during and following spawning. No correlation was evident. SPANISH: La composición de la clase anual en la captura, el tamaño de la población virtual y la fuerza de clase anual, fueron determinados según una serie de muestras de la composición de tamaño de las capturas y de los registros de captura. La Solución de Murphy de la ecuación de captura, que está libre de los efectos causados por los cambios de la presión de pesca, fue usada para estimar la fuerza de la clase anual, i.e. la población total de peces de 3/4 años. Las estimaciones resultantes indican que las clases anuales X55, X56, X57, X62 y X63 fueron superiores al promedio y que las clases anuales X58, X59, X60, X61 y X64 fueron inferiores al promedio. La designación de la clase anual se refiere al año actual de entrada o al año supuesto de entrada en la pesca comercial (aproximadamente a la edad de 1 año). Las clases anuales más fuertes y más pobres fueron la X57 y X61 respectivamente. La razón de la clase anual más fuerte en relación a la más débil fue 2.6. Esta cantidad de variación es pequeña comparada con la encontrada para otras especies de peces. Se encontró que la relación entre en tamaño del stock y la fuerza de la clase anual no tiene valor en predecir la fuerza de la clase anual. Se obtuvieron estimaciones de los coeficientes de capturabilidad (qN) de los grupos de edad en la pesquería como un producto derivado del análisis. Se encontraron que estas estimaciones variaron con la edad y tiempo. Los peces de edad dos aparentemente presentaron la vulnerabilidad más grande en relación al arte pesquero, seguidos por las edades tres y una, respectivamente. La estimación promedio del coeficiente de capturabilidad en peso fue calculada y se encontró que podía compararse favorablemente con la estimación de Schaefer. La influencia de la temperatura del agua superficial del mar sobre la fuerza de la clase anual fue investigada para determinar si se podía predecir esta última según el conocimíento de las temperaturas superficiales del mar prevalecientes durante el desove y después de éste. No hubo correlación evidente. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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Der Stratified Random Survey, der vom 22. 10. bis 3.11. 2004 in der Arkonasee, Kieler und Mecklenburger Bucht durchgef


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The contributions of hematological factors to the distribution and estimations of Eustrongylides africanus larvae densities in Clarias gariepinus and C. anguillaris of Bida floodplain of Nigeria were documented for the first time. The hematological factors making the most important contributions to the distributions of E. africanus larvae infections in clarias species are mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and neutrophils count, in descending order of magnitude; having the manifestations for the months of January, March, September, and December of the year being closely related. Five haematological factors (neutrophils, lymphocytes and eosinophils counts; MCH and MCV) having positive or negative correlation coefficient (r) between 0.50 and 0.85 contributed to the estimated of E.africanus larvae densities in the wild population of Clarias species


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Recent advances in our knowledge of the genetic structure of human caliciviruses (HuCVs) and small round-structured viruses (SRSVs) have led to the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular tests specific for these viruses. These methods have been developed to detect a number of human pathogenic viruses in environmental samples including water, sewage and shellfish. HuCVs and SRSVs are not culturable, and no animal model is currently available. Therefore there is no convenient method of preparing viruses for study or for reagent production. One problem facing those attempting to use PCR-based methods for the detection of HuCVs and SRSVs is the lack of a suitable positive control substrate. This is particularly important when screening complex samples in which the levels of inhibitors present may significantly interfere with amplificiation. Regions within the RNA polymerase regions of two genetically distinct human caliciviruses have been amplified and used to produce recombinant baculoviruses which express RNA corresponding to the calicivirus polymerase. This RNA is being investigated as a positive control substrate for PCR testing, using current diagnostic primer sets. Recombinant baculovirus technology will enable efficient and cost-effective production of large quantities of positive control RNA with a specific known genotype. We consider the development of these systems as essential for successful screening and monitoring applications.


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Coral reefs are damaged by natural disturbances and local and global anthropogenic stresses. As stresses intensify, so do debates about whether reefs will recover after significant damage. True headway in this debate requires documented temporal trajectories for coral assemblages subjected to various combinations of stresses; therefore, we report relevant changes in coral assemblages at Little Cayman Island. Between 1999 and 2012, spatiotemporal patterns in cover, densities of juveniles and size structure of assemblages were documented inside and outside marine protected areas using transects, quadrats and measurements of maximum diameters. Over five years, bleaching and disease caused live cover to decrease from 26% to 14%, with full recovery seven years later. Juvenile densities varied, reaching a maximum in 2010. Both patterns were consistent within and outside protected areas. In addition, dominant coral species persisted within and outside protected areas although their size frequency distributions varied temporally and spatially. The health of the coral assemblage and the similarity of responses across levels of protection suggested that negligible anthropogenic disturbance at the local scale was a key factor underlying the observed resilience.


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The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii breeds in estuaries and the juveniles after completion of their larval stage start their upward migration towards rivers. It is at this stage fishing of juveniles takes place in river mouths. Kalu River near Titwala, in Maharashtra is estimated based on data presented by Indulkar and Shirgur (1995) for 1991 and 1992 fishing seasons. The fishing mortality was estimated to be 1.50 and 1.28 for a fishing season of 3 months in 1991 and 1992 respectively, while the migration coefficient was computed to be 3.53 during the fishing season. As the average exploitation rate during the study period was only 0.24, the juveniles are not heavily fished and there is a scope for almost doubling the present catch to about 4 million seeds per fishing season.


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Comparative fishing experiments with frame nets of 0.4 and 0.5 hanging coefficients were conducted. Results indicate that net with hanging coefficient of 0.4 as more effective for better catch.


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Coagulase-positive staphylococci was found to be absent in all the frozen samples of lobsters, cuttle fish, cat fish, seer fish and red snapper examined. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were present in 38% of the cooked frozen shrimps and only 16% of the samples had staphylococci count more than 100/g. In the case of headless, peeled and deveined, peeled undeveined shrimps, the incidence of the organism was 6, 12 and 16% respectively. The study indicated that the incidence of coagulase-positive staphylococci is not a serious problem in frozen fishery products processed in this country. There was remarkable difference in the rate of destruction of coagulase-positive staphylococci in raw and cooked shrimps during freezing and frozen storage.


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Biological studies and heavy metal (Ni, v, Fe, Pb,Cd) determination in liver, gonad and muscle of Scomberomorus commerson were carried out from Oct 2006 to Sept 2007 in Hormozgan coastal waters. 599 Samples were gutted for reproduction and nutrition studies, fork length and weight were measured to nearest cm and g respectively. Meanwhile 40 samples were also investigated for heavy metal studies. All specimens were collected from two major landing sites (Bandar Lengeh & Bandar Abbas). Minimums & maximum fork length & weight were 29, 128 cm & 235 and 15350 g respectively.Isometric growth was shown according to our study and b was estimated 2.9 (overall), 2.91(male) & 2.89 (female). The average relative gut length was 0.52± 0.007 and it was determined that S. commerson is a carnivorous. More than 99 percent of gut content was different teleost fishes. Gastro somatic index had two peaks in Nov & Jan (before spawning) and with a decreased trend in July, the spawning period. Occurrence of empty stomach was estimated % 65.77. Maximum amount of condition factor was in Dec. Spawning season was started from June. The average of Absolute & relative fecundity (to weight unit) was 1217149±179315 and 178.2±15.58 respectively. Lm50% was estimated 75 cm for females. Sex ratio was 0.97: 1 (male: female). Chi- Square test showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Maximum amount of hepatosomatic index was estimated in March.Metal concentrations were determined using either Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Fe) or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Pb,Cd,Ni and V). The mean concentration (μg/g dry weight)of Pb,Cd,Ni,V and Fe in the liver were 0.0309, 0.0268, 0.0672, 0.0077, 2.5159 in the gonad 0.0440 ,0.0295, 0.1096, 0.0000, 1.4449 and in the muscle 0.0244, 0.0324, 0.0656, 0.0128, 1.6138 respectively. The maximum metal concentrations were below the maximum permissible limits for human consumption recommended by the USEPA, WHO and the UK. The results of Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient were as follows: The Liver tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulation of V, Fe, and Pb with Fork length, Pb and Fe with weight, GSI with Pb, Cd, V and 109 Fe, and a negative linear relationships between HSI with accumulation of V and Fe, Fork length, weight and GSI. The Gonad tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between GSI with accumulation of Pb, Cd, Fe, Fork length and weight, a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight and GSI. The Muscle tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulations of V, Fe with Fork length and weight factors and as well as GSI with Cd, V, Fe, Pb, Fork length and weight,a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight, Cd, Fe and GSI. The results of Mann-Whitney U tests (P≤0.05) show that there were significant differences between summer and autumn from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues point of view. The only exceptions were for Ni in the liver, gonads and muscle and as well as there were significant differences between male and female from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues. The only exceptions were for Pb in muscle, Ni in liver, gonad and muscle, V in muscle, and Cd and Fe in gonads.


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The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) of Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r²) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth.