52 resultados para Population parameters

em Aquatic Commons


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We examined the effect of habitat and shrimp trawl bycatch on the density, size, growth, and mortality of inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens), a nonexploited species that is among the most widespread and abundant benthic fishes in the north central Gulf of Mexico. Results of quarterly trawl sampling conducted from spring 2004 through spring 2005 revealed that inshore lizardfish are most abundant on sand habitat, but larger fish are more common on shell rubble habitat. There was no significant difference in fish density between habitats exposed to shrimp trawling on the open shelf versus those habitats within a permitted artificial reef zone that served as a de facto no-trawl area; this finding indicates that either inshore lizardfish experienced minimal effects from trawling or, more likely, that fish moved between trawled and nontrawled habitats. Exploitation ratio (bycatch mortality/total morality) estimates derived from catch curve analysis ranged from 0.43 inside the artificial reef zone to 0.55 outside the reef zone, thus indicating that inshore lizardfish are subject to significant fishing mortality in the north central Gulf of Mexico despite the lack of a directed fishery for the species. We infer from this result that effects of shrimp trawl bycatch may be significant at the population level for nonexploited species and that a broader ecosystem-scale examination of bycatch effects is warranted.


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Growth and mortality parameters, exploitation rates and annual recruitment patterns were estimated from monthly length-frequency samples for Sardinella longiceps, S. fimbriata, S. Albella, Decapterus macrosoma, Dipterygonatus balteatus, Rastrelliger faughni and Encrasicolina heteroloba. These results provide the first sets of stock parameter estimates for these species off Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. The growth parameters derived were found comparable with previous estimates available for the same species from other localities. Recruitment was noted to be year-round and bimodal. Estimates of fishing mortality and exploitation rate were found to be presently above appropriate levels.


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The growth, mortality, and recruitment pattern of Penaeus californiensis were investigated using tail length (TL)-frequency data obtained from the Gulf of Guayaquil shrimp population. Computer-based methods of tail-frequency analysis Compleat ELEFAN software were used. Results obtained gave relatively high growth and mortality estimates for both males and females. The recruitment pattern indicated two pulses annually, one significantly larger than the other.


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Estimates for the growth parameters (L sub( infinity ) and K) mortality coefficients (Z,M and F) and exploitation rate (E) for the sciaenid Plagioscion squamosissimus are presented. The following results were obtained: 1) for male: L sub( arrow right )=44.2 cm, K=0.30 yr super(1), Z=0.82 yr super(1), M=0.66 yr super(1), F=0.16 yr super(1), and E=0.20; and 2) for females: L sub( arrow right )=68.4, K=0.22 yr super(1), Z=0.91 yr super(1), M=0.47 yr super(1), F=0.44 yr super(1) and E=0.49. Females are more heavily fished than males. Artisanal fishing carried out with gillnets, is mainly directed toward the young section of the population and individuals reproducing for the first time.


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The population parameters of the two most abundant sciaenids comprising the trawl catch in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area are presented. The following parameters were estimated: 233 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.26 yr super(1) (K), -0.08 yr (t sub(0)), 4.24 yr super(1) (Z) and 2.24 yr super(1)(M) for Pennahia anear, 284 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.08 yr super(1) (K), -0.05 yr (t sub(0)), 4.41 yr super(1) (Z) and 1.92 yr super(1) for Nibea maculata. Length at first capture was 97 mm for P. anea and 124 mm for N. maculata. These lengths were noted to be less than the corresponding length at first maturity for both species. The exploitation rates (E) derived indicate that the two species are heavily fished, which may account for the decline in sciaenid catches from 1988 to 1992.


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Goldband snapper (Pristipomoides multidens) collected from commercial trap and line fishermen off the Kimberley coast of northwestern Australia were aged by examination of sectioned otoliths (sagittae).A total of 3833 P. multidens, 80–701 mm fork length (98–805 mm total length), were examined from commercial catches from 1995 to 1999. The oldest fish was estimated to be age 30+ years. Validation of age estimates was achieved with marginal increment analysis. The opaque and translucent zones were each formed once per year and are considered valid annual growth increments (the translucent zone was formed once per year between January and May). A strong link between water temperature and translucent zone formation was evident in P. multidens. The von Bertalanffy growth function was used to describe growth from length-at-age data derived from sectioned otoliths.


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Oreochromis niloticus (the Nile tilapia) and three other ti1apine species: Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia zi11ii and T. rendallii were introduced into Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo in 1950s and 1960s. The source and foci of the stockings are given by Welcomme (1966) but the origin of the stocked species was Lake Albert. The Nile tilapia was introduced as a management measure to relieve fishing pressure on the endemic tiapiines and, since it grows to a bigger size, to encourage a return to the use of larger mesh gill nets. Ti1apia zillii was introduced to fill a vacant ,niche of macrophytes which could not be utilised' by the other tilapiines. Tilapia rendallii, and possibly T. leucosticutus could been introduced into these lakes accidently as a consquence of one of the species being tried out for aquaculture. The Nile perch and Nile tilapia have since fully established themselves and presently dominate the commercial fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. The original fisheries based on the endemic tilapiines O. escu1entus and o. variabilis have collapsed. It is hypothesized that the ecological and limnological changes that are observed in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga are due to a truncation of the original food webs of the two lakes. Under the changed conditions, O. niloticus to be either playing a stabilizing role or fuelling nutrient turnover in the lakes. Other testable hypotheses point to the possible role of predation by the Nile perch, change in regional climate and hydrology in the lake basins.


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Length-frequency data collected from fish landings on Lake Naivasha were used to estimate the growth parameters: total mortality (Z), growth performance index (Ø’), exploitation rate and recruitment pattern in Oreochromis leucostictus. The asymptotic length (L∞) was 38 cm and K 0.48 yr -1 Z was estimated as 3.5 yr -1, M was 0.19 yr -1, F was 2.6 yr -1 and E of 0.74. Recruitment occurs throughout the year, with a peak in January to March, while entry into the fishery occurs at a mean length of 15.9 cm. Existing restriction on the maximum number of gill nets allowed per fishing licence (10 per boat) and a minimum mesh size (10 cm) in the lake are not adhered to. Poaching using illegal mesh size nets as small as 5 cm and use of more than 10 nets per boat are common in the lake.


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Lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens restoration is a priority throughout the Great Lakes basin, where sturgeon have been reduced to less than 1% of historic levels due to habitat degradation, overharvest, and fragmentation of spawning populations. The population parameters most important to long-term lake sturgeon persistence are unknown.


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Population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala from the trawl catches in the north-eastern part of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were investigated based on length frequency data, using complete ELEFAN computer program. The asymptotic length (Lα) and growth constant (K) were estimated to be 106.50 cm (total length) and 0.80/year respectively. Based on these growth parameters, the total mortality (Z) was estimated to be 1.89. The estimated values for natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 1.08 and 0.81 respectively. The estimated value for the exploitation rate (E) using the length converted catch curve was 0.43. The recruitment pattern showed two peaks per year. The estimated sizes of L. savala at 25, 50 and 75% probabilities of capture were 57.49, 60.39 and 63.28 cm respectively. The estimated length weight relationship for combined sex was W=0.00093 TL(super)2.97


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FiSAT program was used to estimate population parameters of Upenaeus sulphureus from length frequency data. Loc and K were found to be 22.7 em and 0.98 year1 respectively. The Wetherall plot provided an estimate of L= and Z/K were 21.585 em and 4.759 respectively. The annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were estimated as 1.91 and 3.86 respectively. The exploitation rate was 0.668. The selection pattern Lc was 10.824 em. Recruitment pattern suggest of two uneven seasonal pulses in March-April and August-October. Peaks appeared in August-October. Maximum yield could be achieved simultaneously increasing length at first capture to 10.0 em. The length weight relationship was found to be W =0.03065 Lz.8328. Highest yield and price could be achieved by decreasing the fishing mortality to 0.9 coefficient rate.


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Population parameters of Jhonius argentatus and Johnieops vogleri in coastal waters of Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were estimated by using FiSAT programme. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters, extreme length (cm) and growth constant K (year ·1) were found to be 46.50 and 0.59 for J. argentatus, and 33.50 and 0.85 for J.vogleri The Loc(cm) and Z/K estimates provided by Wetherall plot were 46.694 and 1.791 for J. argentatus, and 31.25 and 2.623 for J. vogleri. The annual rate of natural (M) and fishing mortality (F) were estimated as 1.12 and 0.78 for J. argentatus, and 1.56 and 1.28 for J. vogleri. Rate of exploitation (E) was estimated as 0.41 for J. argentatus and 0.45 for J. vogleri. About 80.04% of J. argentatus were found to be recruited during peak pulses (April-May) and 19.96% during lean pulses (October-November) and 85.75% J. vogleri during peak pulses (May-July) and 14.25% during lean pulses (September-October). The growth performance index(') was 3.11 for J. argentatus and 1.93 for J. vogleri. The total length and body weight relationship was found to be W = 0.0403 TL25723 for J. argentatus and W = 0.0907 TV3482 for J. vogleri.