19 resultados para Peak periods.

em Aquatic Commons


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Preliminary investigations to study the lunar, diurnal and tidal periodicity in abundance and migrations of prawns were made in the Bairavapalam distributary of the Goutami branch of the Godavari estuary during the period of November 1961 to July 1962. The study was based on observation of the catches of a stake net (bag net) operated near the mouth of the estuary. Records of the catches were maintained tidewise daily. Comparative estimates of abundance were made on the basis of catch per hour's operation. It was generally observed that the catches were higher during the darker half of the month than in the brighter fortnight. The landings during low tides were generally higher than those during high tides and usually heavier catches were made during nocturnal low tides than during the day low tides. A continuous inward and outward (immigration and emigration) movement of prawns of all size groups was observed in the estuary from November to July. In general, more penaeid prawns were found to be immigrating at dawn than at dusk. Similarly, the number of emigrants was also found to be generally higher during the new moon period than during the full moon. Metapenaeus monoceros showed an almost distinct nocturnal periodicity in migration, while no such periodicity was observed, distinctly, in other species. In the case of Penaeus indicus the movement of migrants was prolonged. In M. brevicornis the migrants were scarce till March and thereafter increased numerically. The migrant forms of Metapenaeus dobsoni continued to be abundant till May with peak periods in January and February. The migratory pattern of Metapenaeus affinis was similar to that of Metapenaeus brevicornis, though the migrants of the former species appeared a month earlier than the latter. Intensive studies over extended areas for longer periods are required to understand clearly the migratory pattern of the various species. The phenomenon of immigration of prawns can be clearly understood only by vital staining or tagging studies. Perhaps the emigrants might be returning with the succeeding changing life. To verify this, laboratory experiments, by vital stains, were conducted. The marked specimens, if released during the low tides on a large scale, may be recaptured during the subsequent high tides and the duration also may be calculated. At least some percentage of the emigrants remains in the sea for maturity and breeding.


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The timing and duration of the reproductive cycle of Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) was validated by using observations from time-lapse video and data from archival tags, and the start, peak, and end of spawning and hatching were determined from an incubation model with aged egg samples and empirical incubation times ranging from 44 days at a water temperature of 9.85°C to 100 days at 3.89°C. From June to July, males ceased diel vertical movements, aggregated in nesting colonies, and established territories. Spawning began in late July, ended in mid-October, and peaked in early September. The male egg-brooding period that followed continued from late November to mid-January and duration was highly dependent on embryonic development as affected by ambient water temperature. Males exhibited brooding behavior for protracted periods at water depths from 23 to 117 m where average daily water temperatures ranged from 4.0° to 6.2°C. Knowledge about the timing of the reproductive cycle provides a framework for conserving Atka mackerel populations and investigating the physical and biological processes influencing recruitment.


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Between 1990 and 1995, Pacific coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gillii) were studied using photo-identification during 228 boat-based surveys of the coastal strip (<1 km offshore) between Marina and New Brighton Beach in Monterey Bay (18 km of coastline). The study period encompassed 3 regular (1990, 1991 and 1995) and 3 El Niño years (1992, 1993, 1994). Based on dorsal fin markings, 97 unique individuals were identified. Eighteen animals (19%) showed a high level of site fidelity (defined as presence in at least 5 of the 6 years), although their overall range was larger than the study area. Thirty-eight animals (39%) were transient, leaving for periods of time, and 41 (42%) were occasional encounters. The rate of discovery indicated a pulsed recruitment of new individuals into the study area, with periods of stable school composition, especially during non-El Nino years, and periods of high school fluidity. Encounter rate was significantly higher in El Niño (81%) than non-El Niño years (61%). School size averaged 16 individuals (C.I.3, =0.05) and was significantly larger in El Niño years. Schools where calves were present were twice as large (mean=15; S.D.=8) than schools without calves (mean=8; S.D.=6). Newborns represented 12% of the sightings and were seen year round with a peak in summer and fall. Crude birth rate ranged between 0.09 and 0.17 (mean=0.13; S.D.=0.03). Five females calved in consecutive years and a resident female calved once a year for the duration of the study, possibly indicating a high rate of mortality for calves in this area. Individuals often traveled as subgroups of more consistent composition than the school itself, possibly indicating that a stronger social bond exists within these units which may function as “bands” (sensu Wells 1991) of same sex individuals traveling within a larger school of mixed composition. (ppt file of poster)


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Monthly catches of the Macrobrachium fisheries were recorded at a commercial shrimp landing site on the coasts of Calabar (Nigeria), from April 1997 to August 1998. Catches fluctuated over an annual cycle, with two peaks occurring from May-July and November-December. These peaks represented periods of major activities, reproduction, recruitment or migration. Also, mean catches decreased in the months of February and August, corresponding to the peak of dry season and the so-called 'August break', respectively. Catches from active gears (seine, push net) varied among the moon phases too, with a main peak during full moon, and the minimum catch was recorded during the first moon quarter. However, the catch from passive gear (trap) depicted an inverse relationship, showing a peak during the first moon quarter. Variation in catches at different months and moon phases were significant at P:0.05. Recognize these variations and trends would help in management decisions such as defining closed seasons without adversely affecting the economy of the fishers


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Investigation were carried out on the effect of some locally available species in the enhancement of the organoleptic quality and the storage periods of smoked Heterotis niloticus using Pprosopis africana as common smoke sources. Samples of fresh H. niloticus were bought, cut into chunks while extract juice from pepper, ginger rhizomes, garlic, onion bulb were used as sources of spices. Samples of fish were divided randomly into five (5) batches dipped into spice extract juices for 10 minutes drained and smoked with common firewood. Treatment without spice extract juice served as control. Each batch of fish was smoked for 7 hours on a drum-made smoking kiln products were individually packaged in polythene bag stored at room temperature and used for sensory evaluation and microbial analysis. Results of the sensory evaluation indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.005) for taste, appearance, colour and overall acceptance for the treatments. Ginger juice extract had the best overall acceptance. Similarly there was significant difference (P>0.05) in the microbial analysis. The garlic juice extract had the longest storage period with minimum total plate and mould count after 8 weeks


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Biweekly samples of fish species obtained from five randomly selected Andoni artisanal fisheries within the Andoni River system, Niger Delta of Nigeria were collected between January and December 1999 and their length frequencies analyzed using FISAT (FAO-ICLARM STOCK ASSESSMENT TOOL). The peak recruitment period for Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Galeodes decadactylus, Pomadasys jubelini and Sarotherodon melanotheron constituting 54.55% was between June and October while Liza grandisquamis and Lutjanus goreensis, Ilisha Africana. Tilapia guinensis and Pseudotolithus elongate constituting 27.27% had two peak recruitment periods including March-May and May- October. In view of this result it is advisable for fishers to intensify fishing effort between May and October for most commercially important fish species for bountiful harvest


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In this paper, some observations are made following a flash-flood that occurred in Stake Clough, a small tributary of the River Goyt, during the evening of 6 August 1996. The site was visited eight times between 8 August - 30 October 1996 to take samples and make observations on the stream. The flood scoured the bed of Stake Clough but more significantly, caused it to change course along the middle part of the floodplain. Initially after the flood, the numbers of insects in all stretches of the stream channel were low (100-200 m super(2)), but then gradually rose to population densities approaching ten times this figure. The benthos was dominated by the Chironomidae and also leuctrid stoneflies (Leuctra nigra, L. hippopus and L. inermis). On 8th August 1996, 12 mesh bags, each containing oak leaves, were placed in the stream and collected after 24 hours. These were also dominated by chironomids, and contained relatively high numbers of the caddis, Potamophylax cingulatus.


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Since 1967 data have been collected on the distribution of fish caught in a 24 hour period during the winter angling season. The present study on activity periods is based on data from nearly 2000 perch collected between 1967 and 1971. The distribution of number of fish caught during 24 hrs during December - May was studied. Of the total, the most productive period was found to be between 0600 - l600 hrs., with the peak period occurring between 0800 - 1000 hrs. The present data together show that during the darkest months of the year, the perch is only active in the mid-day period. Throughout the whole winter fishing season, activity only occurs during the time between surise and sunset.


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Like other rivers in the Paris area, the Oise is subject to important seasonal algal blooms. This eutrophication generates notable problems for the production of drinking-water from a treatment plant on the river at Méry. A mathematical model has been developed to simulate variation in water quality in a pre-treatment storage basin, and another model is currently being adapted to model the River Oise. Integration of the two models should provide a comprehensive tool for predicting variations of phytoplankton and water-quality parameters associated with algal blooms. This will be a decision-aid for optimizing control of the treatment process for providing potable water.


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The reproductive biology of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western Indian Ocean was investigated from samples collected in 2009 and 2010. In our study, 1012 female Yellowfin Tuna were sampled: 320 fish on board a purse seiner and 692 fish at a Seychelles cannery. We assessed the main biological parameters that describe reproductive potential: maturity, spawning seasonality, fish condition, and fecundity. The length at which 50% of the female Yellowfin Tuna population matures (L50) was estimated at 75 cm in fork length (FL) when the maturity threshold was established at the cortical alveolar stage of oocyte development. To enable comparison with previous studies, L50 also was estimated with maturity set at the vitellogenic stage of oocyte development; this assessment resulted in a higher value of L50 at 102 cm FL. The main spawning season, during which asynchrony in reproductive timing among sizes was observed, was November–February and a second peak occurred in June. Smaller females (<100 cm FL) had shorter spawning periods (December to February) than those (November to February and June) of large individuals, and signs of skip-spawning periods were observed among small females. The Yellowfin Tuna followed a “capital-income” breeder strategy during ovarian development, by mobilizing accumulated energy while using incoming energy from feeding. The mean batch fecundity for females 79–147 cm FL was estimated at 3.1 million oocytes, and the mean relative batch fecundity was 74.4 oocytes per gram of gonad-free weight. Our results, obtained with techniques defined more precisely than techniques used in previous studies in this region, provide an improved understanding of the reproductive cycle of Yellowfin Tuna in the western Indian Ocean.


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Southern bluefin tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) growth rates are estimated from tag-return data associated with two time periods, the 1960s and 1980s. The traditional von Bertalanffy growth model (VBG) and a two-phase VBG model were fitted to the data by maximum likelihood. The traditional VBG model did not provide an adequate representation of growth in SBT, and the two-phase VBG yielded a significantly better fit. The results indicated that significant change occurs in the pattern of growth in relation to a VBG curve during the juvenile stages of the SBT life cycle, which may be related to the transition from a tightly schooling fish that spends substantial time in near and surface shore waters to one that is found primarily in more offshore and deeper waters. The results suggest that more complex growth models should be considered for other tunas and for other species that show a marked change in habitat use with age. The likelihood surface for the two-phase VBG model was found to be bimodal and some implications of this are investigated. Significant and substantial differences were found in the growth for fish spawned in the 1960s and in the 1980s, such that after age four there is a difference of about one year in the expected age of a fish of similar length which persists over the size range for which meaningful recapture data are available. This difference may be a density-dependent response as a consequence of the marked reduction in the SBT population. Given the key role that estimates of growth have in most stock assessments, the results indicate that there is a need both for the regular monitoring of growth rates and for provisions for changes in growth over time (possibly related to changes in abundance) in the stock assessment models used for SBT and other species.


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This study reports new information about searobin (Prionotus spp.) early life history from samples collected with a Tucker trawl (for planktonic stages) and a beam trawl (for newly settled fish) from the coastal waters of New Jersey. Northern searobin, Prionotus carolinus, were much more numerous than striped searobin, P. evolans, often by an order of magnitude. Larval Prionotus were collected during the period July–October and their densities peaked during September. For both species, notochord flexion was complete at 6–7 mm standard length (SL) and individuals settled at 8–9 mm SL. Flexion occurred as early as 13 days after hatching and settlement occurred as late as 25 days after hatching, according to ages estimated from sagittal microincrements. Both species settled directly in continental shelf habitats without evidence of delayed metamorphosis. Spawning, larval dispersal, or settlement may have occurred within certain estuaries, particularly for P. evolans; thus collections from shelf areas alone do not permit estimates of total larval production or settlement rates. Reproductive seasonality of P. carolinus and P. evolans may vary with respect to latitude and coastal depth. In this study, hatching dates and sizes of age-0 P. carolinus varied with respect to depth or distance from the New Jersey shore. Older and larger age-0 individuals were found in deeper waters. These variations in searobin age and size appear to be the combined result of intraspecific variations in searobin reproductive seasonality and the limited capability of searobin eggs and larvae to disperse.


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Seasonal variations in the occurrence and abundance of penaeid prawn larvae in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries of Goa were studied. Larvae and post-larvae of commercially important species viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers), M.affinis (H. Milne Edwards). M. Monoceros (Fabricius), Penaeus merguiensis de Man and Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards) were recorded in that order of abundance. Protozoea and mysis stages were dominant in surface zooplankton collections while the post-larvae were more in the bottom samples. Based on larval density, M. dobsoni appeared to be a continuous breeder. The active spawning periods in other species were during the late post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons varying with the species. Peak recruitment of post-larvae in the estuaries was observed mostly during southwest monsoon months (June to September). Penaeid prawn larval ingression was more in the Zuari estuary compared to the Mandovi estuary. Their numerical abundance gradually decreased towards the upstream areas. The feasibility of large scale collection of penaeid prawn larvae for aquaculture is indicated.


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Gill net fishery exclusively for the white sardine, Escualosa thoracata, which started in mid-eighties at Versova, is described. During 1987-88 to 1991-92 periods, the annual average landing of the species was 202.2 tons with year to year fluctuations. The peak fishing season was during April-May. The size range of the species in the gill net was 41-105 mm and the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, L. and K, estimated by the ELEFAN program were 110 mm and 1.8 per year. The length-weight relationship was W=0.000001508 L(super 3.3946) for the males and W=0.000002561 L(super 3.2706) for the females. The food consisted of copepods, cladocerans and crustacean larvae. The size at maturity for the females was 82 mm and spawning took place during October - February period. The sex-ratio showed equal proportion except during January, July and October when females dominated in the catch.