30 resultados para Patronato Turismo Costa Blanca Comunidad Valenciana

em Aquatic Commons


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El Río de la Plata es uno de los cuerpos de agua más importantes de América del Sur. En la actualidad este ambiente es utilizado por el hombre con diferentes propósitos (GARIBOGLIO, 1987; DARRIGRAN, 2002): • Con fines económicos y de recreación (pesca, deportiva y comercial; turismo; deportes; etc.). • Como puerto. • Como fuente de captación de agua para consumo humano. • Como receptor de efluentes industriales. • Como cuerpo receptor de efluentes municipales, sin tratamiento previo. Estos distintos usos que el hombre le da a las aguas del Río de la Plata, muchas veces incompatibles entre ellos, producen un impacto en dicho ambiente difícil de evaluar, debido al escaso conocimiento que existe sobre ese ecosistema. El estudio de la comunidad bentónica, como consecuencia de su limitada movilidad y ciclo de vida apropiado en su duración, es un elemento importante para detectar y evaluar las alteraciones provocadas por la acción humana. En nuestro país no existen estudios específicos sobre el bentos litoral del estuario del Río de la Plata. Referidas a ciertas taxocenosis del macrobentos litoral de la costa argentina del Río de la Plata, se encuentran los trabajos de Darrigran y Rioja (1988), Gullo y Darrigran (1991), relacionados a la distribución de la fauna de isópodos talasoides e hirudíneos, respectivamente. En los 90, existen los trabajos de Darrigran (1991 a y b; 1993; 1998/99); Darrigran y López Armengol (1998), sobre moluscos litorales. Sobre la costa uruguaya del estuario, Scarabino, et al. (1975), realizan un estudio sobre las comunidades bentónicas en el sistema litoral del Departamento de Montevideo. Investigaciones sobre la malacofauna del macrobentos del litoral uruguayo del estuario del Río de la Plata, se encuentran en Sprechmann (1978). En la década de los 90, investigadores del Uruguay, a través de un Programa uruguayo-canadiense orientado hacia la sustentabilidad del estuario Río de la Plata (EcoPlata, 1996), tratan al macrobentos litoral en forma monográfica (Masello & Menafra, 1996). En el presente trabajo se consideran los muestreos de la taxocenosis de moluscos realizados en la zona interna y media de la costa argentina del estuario, antes de la introducción del bivalvo invasor o mejillón dorado, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) a dicha costa (Darrigran & Pastorino, 1995). Cuando se introduce una especie, pueden ocurrir diferentes sucesos: que simplemente se adapte al lugar, en relativo equilibrio con la comunidad pre-existente, o cuando la especie introducida presenta ciertas características (alta tasa de crecimiento, alta capacidad reproductiva-adaptativa, gran poder de dispersión, etc.), sumadas a la falta de enemigos naturales (parásitos, depredadores y/o competidores por los recursos), esta especie está capacitada para realizar una ocupación expansiva, rápida y efectiva del territorio. A esta especie se la denomina “invasora”. A partir de los asentamientos de Limnoperna fortunei, se han detectado severos impactos tanto en el ambiente humano (Darrigran, 1995), como en el ambiente natural (Martín & Darrigran, 1994; Darrigran, et. al, 1998). Estos hechos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de conocer la biodiversidad del bentos en general y de la malacofauna y su distribución en particular, antes de la manifestación de este tipo de contaminación por especies (Rappoport, 1990), como así también, ante el continuo impacto que ejercen las grandes ciudades sobre este cuerpo de agua. Los objetivos de la presente contribución son: 1) Establecer la composición y distribución de la malacofauna del litoral argentino del estuario del Río de la Plata, existente hasta 1991, en relación con dos factores: la salinidad y la contaminación ambiental. 2) Proponer una zonación longitudinal del litoral argentino del Río de la Plata, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos a partir del primer objetivo. (Text in Spanish. PDF contains 41 pages.)


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El estuario de Bahía Blanca es uno de los accidentes geográficos menos conocidos de la costa atlántica de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se pueden apreciar interesantes y hasta excepcionales características biológicas, geomorfológicas y oceanográficas. Es un área de algo más de 3000 km2 que, en su tipo, es sólo superada en extensión en la Argentina por el estuario del Plata. Este artículo de divulgación científica se pregunta por qué este notable desconocimiento de uno de los accidentes costeros más llamativos del país; incluye información sobre diversos tipos de estuarios, detalles sobre cangrejales y otros temas, así como lecturas sugeridas.


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ENGLISH: Distributions of salinity, temperature, and oxygen in the Gulf of Nicoya based on approximately bimonthly surveys between the period March 1952 to December 1957 have been examined. SPANISH: Se examinó la distribución de la salinidad, temperatura y oxígeno en el Golfo de Nicoya, sobre la base de observaciones aproximadamente bimensuales efectuadas de marzo de 1952 a diciembre de 1957.


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The ecology and reproductive biology of the leatherback turtle (Dennochelys coriacea) was studied on a high-energy nesting beach near Laguna Jalova, Costa Rica, between 28 March and 8 June 1985. The peak of nesting was between 15 April and 21 May. Leatherbacks here measured an average 146.6 cm straightline standard carapace length and laid an average 81.57 eggs. The eggs measured a mean 52.12 mm diameter and weighed an average of 85.01 g. Significant positive relationships were found between the carapace lengths of nesters and their clutch sizes and average diameter and weight of eggs. The total clutch weighed between 4.02 and 13.39 kg, and yolkless eggs accounted for an average 12.4% of this weight. The majority of nesters dug shallow (<24 cm) body pits and spent an average 81 minutes at the nest site. A significant number of c1utcbes were laid below the berm crest. In a hatchery 42.2% of the eggs hatched, while in natural nests 70.2% hatched. The average hatchling carapace length was 59.8 mm and weight was 44.6 g. The longevity of leatherback tracks and nests on the beach was affected by weather. One nester was recaptured about one year later off the coast of Mississippi, U.S.A. Egg poaching was intense on some sections of the Costa Rican coast. Four aerial surveys in four different months provided the basis for comparing density of nesting on seven sectors of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. The beach at Jalova is heavily used by green turtles (Chelonia mydJJs) after the leatherback nesting season. The role of the Parque Nacional Tortuguero in conserving the leatherback and green turtle is discussed.(PDF file contains 20 pages.)


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ENGLISH: In 1952 and 1953, during the course of a study of the abrupt decline and apparent disappearance from the Gulf of Nicoya of the population of anchovetas (Cetengraulis mysticetus), an important tuna bait fish, considerable material was collected on the taxonomy, biology, and ecology of the several anchovies and the herrings inhabith1g the Gulf. The Gulf of Nicoya, approximately 50 miles long and varying in width from about 5 to 35 miles, is located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The family Engraulididae is represented by four genera comprising fourteen species, and nine species were identified as members of eight genera of the family Clupeidae. All of the species inhabit other coastal areas of the tropical Eastern Pacific. SPANISH: En 1952 Y 1953, durante el curso de un estudio sobre la declinación abrupta y la aparente desaparición en el Golfo de Nicoya de la población de anchovetas (Cetengraulis mysticetus) un pez de importancia para la pesca del atún, se recolectó material considerable relacionado con la taxonomía, biología y ecología de las diversas especies de anchoas y arenques que habitan dicho Golfo. El Golfo de Nicoya, que mide aproximadamente 50 millas de largo y varía en su anchura entre 5 y 35 millas, se encuentra en la costa del Pacífico de Costa Rica. La familia de los Engráulidos está representada por cuatro géneros que comprenden catorce especies, y otras nueve fueron identificadas como miembros de ocho géneros de la familia Clupeidae. Todas estas especies habitan otras áreas costeras del Pacífico Oriental tropical. (PDF contains 144 pages.)


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This thesis explored the relationship between hydrological variability and associated changes in fish communities in the upper Salado river lakes (Pampa plain, Argentina). The sampling design included five sites along the river connected lakes being explored for fish, hydrological and environmental data during different hydrological conditions. The temporal dynamic of main environmental characteristics of these lakes show that hydrology largely regulates some of the most important factors influencing fish ecology. Changes in fish communities associated with this hydrological and environmental dynamic allow to speculate a first approach towards the functioning of the system as a whole. Following oscillation between droughts and floods, study lakes have shown significant changes on abundance of major fish species, as well as on their recruitment success, which finally leaded to marked changes in fish community structure. Interestingly, trophic structure of communities did not change as much. iOdontesthes bonariensis/i was more abundant during droughts and in saltier sites but also displayed an improvement in recruitment success during these harsh abiotic conditions. Conversely, the abundance of iParapimelodus valenciennis, Cyphocharax voga/i and iCyprinus carpio/i as well as its recruitment success, were largely favoured by lower water residence times and total salinity. This dichotomy is mainly based on different life history strategies of these species against flor and environmental variability and it support the existence of different functional groups among the fish species of upper Salado river lakes. iOligosarcus jenynsii/i did not showed as evident functional response. In conclusion, hydrological and environmental variability can be considered as one of the main factors regulating the functioning and structure of fish communities in these very shallow lowland river lakes of the Pampa plain. Following these results some implications for an eventual regulation of the river regime are discussed.


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The present paper is concerned with studies on the larval development of two species of crustacean Decapoda: Pachyceles haigae Rodrigues Da Costa, 1960 family Porcellanidae and Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851, family Grapsidae. One preazoea, two zoeae with a total of five sub-stages, a and b, and the second zoea had sub-stages a, b and c. The greatest changes are observed in the transition from the first to the second zoea and from this to the megalopa. During the sub-stages, there occured minor changes, and a net moulting of the cuticle is not observed. The differences in these sub-stages are marked by changes in the number and shape of the appendages.


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Large numbers of fishing vessels operating from ports in Latin America participate in surface longline fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), and several species of sea turtles inhabit the grounds where these fleets operate. The endangered status of several sea turtle species, and the success of circle hooks (‘treatment’ hooks) in reducing turtle hookings in other ocean areas, as compared to J-hooks and Japanese-style tuna hooks (‘control’ hooks), prompted the initiation of a hook exchange program on the west coast of Latin America, the Eastern Pacific Regional Sea Turtle Program (EPRSTP)1. One of the goals of the EPRSTP is to determine if circle hooks would be effective at reducing turtle bycatch in artisanal fisheries of the EPO without significantly reducing the catch of marketable fish species. Participating fishers were provided with circle hooks at no cost and asked to replace the J/Japanese-style tuna hooks on their longlines with circle hooks in an alternating manner. Data collected by the EPRSTP show differences in longline gear and operational characteristics within and among countries. These aspects of the data, in addition to difficulties encountered with implementation of the alternating-hook design, pose challenges for analysis of these data.


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This paper presents results of stock assessment on two snapper species, Lutjanus vivanus and L. buccanella, in the north Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Growth parameters, mortality rates, length-weight relationships, recruitment patterns and exploitation rates for the two species are given. Results indicate that the two species are subject to relatively low exploitation levels with E = 0.25 for L. vivanus and E = 0.39 for L. buccanella.


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This research focuses on the social dimensions of marine conservation, and makes an assessment of the experiences of coastal and fi shing communities with regard to the governance of MPAs in Central America, based on case studies from Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. It examines the national contexts of the above countries in relation to the governance of MPAs. Furthermore, it analyzes the social impacts of MPAs on coastal communities by gathering the experiences and the voices of the communities and institutions involved, and reflects on how to build bridges in the search for forms and models of conservation that respect human rights and which are able to successfully integrate into local development efforts without affecting cultural and/or social patterns. To this end, this monograph looks at nine case studies across the region: in Honduras, the Islas de la Bahia-Guanaja Marine National Park, the Cayos Cochinos Marine Archipelago Natural Monument, and the Cuero and Salado Wildlife Refuge; in Nicaragua, the Chacocente Wildlife Refuge; in Costa Rica, the Guanacaste Conservation Area, the Ballena Marine National Park and the Golfo Dulce Responsible Fishing Area; and, in Panama, the Nargana Protected Area, in the Comarca de la Biosfera Guna-Yala, the Bastimentos Island Marine National Park, and Bocas del Toro.