85 resultados para Parasite Fauna

em Aquatic Commons


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In the present study, intestinal helminth parasite fauna of 398 specimens of three species of kilkas, C. engrauliformis (N= 92), C. grimmi (N= 136) and C. cultriventris (N= 170) from Babolsar harbor were investigated. Five parasite species were found including: Corynosoma strumosum (Acanthocephala), Pronoprymna ventricosa (Trematoda), Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda), Raphidascaris sp. (Nematoda) and Anisakis sp. (Nematoda). The highest prevalence and abundance were observed in C. strumosum and P. ventricosa. The prevalence and abundance of C. strumosum in C. grimmi was significantly higher than C. engrauliformis. The prevalence and abundance of P. ventricosa in C. cultriventris was significantly higher than C. engrauliformis. The prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance of the parasites were compared according to the sex, length group and season also effect of parasite on host growth parameters was considered. The diversity, equability, similarity, species richness, dominance Indices and specificity indices of helminth parasites of the three host species were studied. Also the lead and cadmium concentrations in the intestine, muscle, liver, kidney and gonad of kilkas and their parasites C. strumosum and P. ventricosa were measured and compared. The results revealed that lead and cadmium concentrations in C. strumosum and P. ventricosa were significantly higher than kidney, liver, intestine, gonad and muscle. The lead and cadmium concentrations of the parasites were compared according to the sex, parasitism and season.


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The parasites fauna of 491 specimens of Sander lucioperca, Linnaeus 1758 (246 specimens) and catfish, Silurus glanis, Linnaeus 1758 (245 specimens) in different size from Aras Reservoir situated in North —west of the Iran was investigated. During 2006-2007 Totally 16 parasite species were recorded. The most various parasites was found in catfish (10 species) while the lowest number was recorded in Sander lucioperca (6 species). Among them, however three genera of protozoa (Trichodina, Vorticella, Ichthyophthirius), two genera of Monogenea (Gyrodactylus, Silurodiscoides), Digenea, Cestoda, Nematoda, Acanthocephala and Annelida one species each (Diplostomum, Protocephalus, Eustrongylides, Neoechinorhynchus, Pisicola) and two crustacean genera (Argulus and Lernea) recorded and we can come to conclusion in comparison with the earlier data the actual parasite fauna of two hosts has been greatly improved. According to the present study the prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity of parasites species of both hosts were highly influenced by seasons of the year. Some species found, however show a tendency to be more abundant ides Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Silurodiscoides vistolensis, Protocephalus osculatus respectively. Most parasites species live in gills and skin, where is highly sensitive to some pathogens parasites species (Trichodina, Vorticella, Ichthyophthirius, Pisicola geometra, Argulus foliaceus; Lernea) and While some are specialist (Silurodiscoides vistolensis and Silurodiscoides siluri) other more or less generalist (ichthyophthirius).


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Rutilus frisii Kutum is one of the most precious fish in the Caspian Sea. Investigation of the various aspects of its biocharactristics. Including its parasite fauna and ecological aspects are of prime importance. In this study the farmed kutum fry were on the focus of investigation in various seasons of the year and prior to their being released in the sea. This included also the study on the kutum spawners caught both from liver and the sea. The results were that 17 external and internal parasite species were distinct within different organs which were further identified down to genus and species. The single celled parasites identified included Ichthyophthirius multifilils, Chilodonella hexastica, Chilodonella pisicola, Trichodina sp Along with the monogene parasites that included Paradiplozoon chazaricum, D. rarissimus, D. turaliensis, D. nybelini, Dactylogyrus frisii. Meanwhile Diplostomum spathaceum constituted the single eyed parasites and the intestinal termatode were Aspidogaster limacoides, Asymphyoldora kubanicum as well as Bothriocephalus gowkongeniss as the sestads. The nematodes defrentiated were Raphidascaris acus, Dioctophyma renale, and Eustrongylides excisus followed by Lernaea cyprinacea as a crustacean. In this study, infestations by single celled parasites, crustaceans and sestod were found to be present only among the farmed kutum fry which varied in terms of percentage and intensity of infection as well as the parasite species and season of the year. The highest percentage of infection among kutum fry and spawners in both fresh water and in the sea during all seasons belonged to monogene parasites (33%). This was up to 100% among spawners. Infection caused by nematodes was exclusively detected among riverine spawners (7.5-5%) and the infection by Asymphyoldora kubanicum and Aspidogaster limacoides among Spawners caught at Sea and rivers varied within different seasons of the year. The infestation of Metacercer diplostomum spathaceum among kutum fry was 12% which compared to spawners was in slightly higher level. The study could identify Dioctophyma renale for the first time in the country and Eustrongylidis excisu was also detected among Rutilus frisii kutum.


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Three nematodes, two acanthocephalans and three cestodes were collected by dissecting 15 species of fish. Of these parasites only Hedruris sp. a larval nematode is responsible directly for the death of fish, since it is found in predatory species a reduction of these might prove of considerable consequence to fish, production. Bothriocephalus gowleonensis, a cestode probably introduced from China with Chinese carp, was recorded in an indigenous carp Puntius sarana. This parasite causes heavy mortality in grass carp in China and is a potential danger to local species. A single crustacean parasite was recorded. It is likely that they are widespread. No protozoa were recorded but there can be little doubt that they occur in local freshwater species and may be of considerable importance in fisheries. Several predators (insects, fish and other vertebrates) were recorded and are doubtless of considerable importance. However, the role of parasites and of predators (especially fishes) in relation to the productivity of fisheries can hardly be assessed at present and needs further study. A study of the fauna found at the shallow edges of 21 irrigation reservoirs showed an abundance of fauna in the low-country reservoirs whilst the up-country reservoirs had a poor fauna. The fauna showed insects, crustacea and mollusca in this order of abundance. The presence of insect and molluscs feeding fish in our fauna shows that these rich sources of food are being utilised.


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Executive Summary: A number of studies have shown that mobile, bottom-contact fishing gear (such as otter trawls) can alter seafloor habitats and associated biota. Considerably less is known about the recovery of these resources following such disturbances, though this information is critical for successful management. In part, this paucity of information can be attributed to the lack of access to adequate control sites – areas of the seafloor that are closed to fishing activity. Recent closures along the coast of central California provide an excellent opportunity to track the recovery of historically trawled areas and to compare recovery rates to adjacent areas that continue to be trawled. In June 2006 we initiated a multi-year study of the recovery of seafloor microhabitats and associated benthic fauna inside and outside two new Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) closures within the Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. Study sites inside the EFH closure at Cordell Bank were located in historically active areas of fishing effort, which had not been trawled since 2003. Sites outside the EFH closure in the Gulf of Farallones were located in an area that continues to be actively trawled. All sites were located in unconsolidated sands at equivalent water depths. Video and still photographic data collected via a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) were used to quantify the abundance, richness, and diversity of microhabitats and epifaunal macro-invertebrates at recovering and actively trawled sites, while bottom grabs and conductivity/temperature/depth (CTD) casts were used to quantify infaunal diversity and to characterize local environmental conditions. Analysis of still photos found differences in common seafloor microhabitats between the recovering and actively trawled areas, while analysis of videographic data indicated that biogenic mound and biogenic depression microhabitats were significantly less abundant at trawled sites. Each of these features provides structure with which demersal fishes, across a wide range of size classes, have been observed to associate. Epifaunal macro-invertebrates were sparsely distributed and occurred in low numbers in both treatments. However, their total abundance was significantly different between treatments, which was attributable to lower densities at trawled sites. In addition, the dominant taxa were different between the two sites. Patchily-distributed buried brittle stars dominated the recovering site, and sea whips (Halipteris cf. willemoesi) were most numerous at the trawled site though they occurred in only five of ten transects. Numerical classification (cluster analysis) of the infaunal samples also revealed a clear difference between benthic assemblages in the recovering vs. trawled areas due to differences in the relative abundances of component species. There were no major differences in infaunal species richness, H′ diversity, or J′ evenness between recovering vs. trawled site groups. However, total infaunal abundance showed a significant difference attributable to much lower densities at trawled sites. This pattern was driven largely by the small oweniid polychaete Myriochele gracilis, which was the most abundant species in the overall study region though significantly less abundant at trawled sites. Other taxa that were significantly less abundant at trawled sites included the polychaete M. olgae and the polychaete family Terebellidae. In contrast, the thyasirid bivalve Axinopsida serricata and the polychaetes Spiophanes spp. (mostly S. duplex), Prionospio spp., and Scoloplos armiger all had significantly to near significantly higher abundances at trawled sites. As a result of such contrasting species patterns, there also was a significant difference in the overall dominance structure of infaunal assemblages between the two treatments. It is suggested that the observed biological patterns were the result of trawling impacts and varying levels of recovery due to the difference in trawling status between the two areas. The EFH closure was established in June 2006, within a month of when sampling was conducted for the present study, however, the stations within this closure area are at sites that actually have experienced little trawling since 2003, based on National Marine Fishery Service trawl records. Thus, the three-year period would be sufficient time for some post-trawling changes to have occurred. Other results from this study (e.g., similarly moderate numbers of infaunal species in both areas that are lower than values recorded elsewhere in comparable habitats along the California continental shelf) also indicate that recovery within the closure area is not yet complete. Additional sampling is needed to evaluate subsequent recovery trends and persistence of effects. Furthermore, to date, the study has been limited to unconsolidated substrates. Ultimately, the goal of this project is to characterize the recovery trajectories of a wide spectrum of seafloor habitats and communities and to link that recovery to the dynamics of exploited marine fishes. (PDF has 48 pages.)


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This key includes 60 species of sea anemones and their relatives in the orders Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, and Zoanthidea. Species from the intertidal zone, continental slope, and deep sea are included over a geographic range from Atlantic Canada to approximately South Carolina. In addition to the illustrated key itself, characteristics of each species are summarized in tabular form, including morphology, distribution, and types and sizes of cnidae. Ecological and taxonomic information on each species are also included in an annotated species list. (PDF file contains 76 pages.)


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From the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's a series of quantitative surveys of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna were conducted in the offshore New England region (Maine to Long Island, New York). The surveys were designed to 1) obtain measures of macrobenthic standing crop expressed in terms of density and biomass; 2) determine the taxonomic composition of the fauna (ca. 567 species); 3) map the general features of macrobenthic distribution; and 4) evaluate the fauna's relationships to water depth, bottom type, temperature range, and sediment organic carbon content. A total of 1,076 samples, ranging from 3 to 3,974 m in depth, were obtained and analyzed. The aggregate macrobenthic fauna consists of 44 major taxonomic groups (phyla, classes, orders). A striking fact is that only five of those groups (belonging to four phyla) account for over 80% of both total biomass and number of individuals of the macrobenthos. The five dominant groups are Bivalvia, Annelida, Amphipoda, Echninoidea, and Holothuroidea. Other salient features pertaining to the macrobenthos of the region are the following: substantial differences in quantity exist among different geographic subareas within the region, but with a general trend that both density and biomass increase from northeast to southwest; both density and biomass decrease with increasing depth; the composition of the bottom sediments significantly influences both the kind and quantity of macrobenthic invertebrates, the largest quantities of both measures of abundance occurring in the coarser grained sediments and diminishing with decreasing particle size; areas with marked seasonal changes in water temperature support an abundant and diverse fauna, whereas a uniform temperature regime is associated with a sparse, less diverse fauna; and no detectable trends are evident in the quantitative composition of the macrobenthos in relation to sediment organic carbon content. (PDF file contains 246 pages.)


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The phylum Acanthocephala (intestinal worm parasites of vertebrates) of the Atlantic coast of the United States comprises 43 species and 20 genera belonging to three orders: Echinorhynchida, Neoechinorhynchida, and Polymorphida. Adults are exclusively intestinal parasites of vertebrates. This study includes those species found in vertebrates of marine and estuarine environments along the North American Atlantic coast between Maine and Texas. Species that can be found within that geographical range and those that typically infect freshwater fishes but that are occasionally present in marine or estuarine hosts are also included. The taxonamy, anatomy, natural history, and ecology of the phylum Acanthocephala are discussed, and an illustrated key to the genera is presented. Techniques, an annotated systematic treatment of all 43 species, and a systematic index are included. No systematic decisions will be made at this time, but areas where such decisions are pending will be indicated and discussed for future reports. (PDF file contains 32 pages.)


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The incidence of four discrete characters of individual sockeye salmon -two genetically inherited proteins (PGM-1*and PGM-2*), freshwater age at migration, and the presence of the brain-tissue parasite Myxobolus arcticus-in weekly samples from two Alaskan fisheries (Noyes Island in 1986 and Sumner Strait in 1987) were used to infer stock composition of the catches based on corresponding character samples from 73 Alaskan and Canadian stocks. Estimated contributions of 13 stock groups, formed on the basis of character similarity of their members, were roughly consistent with expectations from tagging experiments, knowledge of stock magnitudes, and similar assessments from scales. Imprecision of the estimated contributions by the 13 stock groups limited their practical value; but variability was much reduced for combined estimated contributions by two inclusive categories, namely stock groups whose members had either high or low brainparasite prevalence. Noyes Island catches consisted predominantly of unparasitized fish, most of which were probably of Canadian origin. The majority of Sumner Strait catches consisted of parasitized fish, whose freshwater origins may have been in Alaska or Canada. (PDF file contains 27 pages.)


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(PDF file contains 112 pages.)


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This manual treats the six species of dicyemid mesozoans that have been reported in three species of hosts (Octopus vulgaris, O. joubini, and O. briareus) from the eastern coast of North America and the Gulf of Mexico, including the Florida Keys. All are parasites of species of Octopus and are in the genus Dicyema, family Dicyemidae. In the introduction, the life cycle, as known, and the general morphology of dicyemids are briefly described, and methods are given for collecting and preparing material for study. These are followed by a key to species and by an annotated checklist, which includes data, some hitherto unpublished, on their known prevalence in hosts from various localities including Bimini and Bermuda.(PDF file contains 20 pages.)


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Forty-nine species of erect Bryozoa from a broad range of Cyclostome, Ctenostome, and Cheilostome families are described and illustrated, and an artificial dichotomous key is provided for their identification. In general, the marine bryozoan faunas of the northeastern coasts of the United States are poorly known; species records are sparse and voucher collections few, and it is certain that many more species occur in this region than are presently known. The species described here occur in intertidal, coastal or offshore habitats; some are well known and have been recorded on numerous previous occasions, others have been only rarely reported, while a few are known to occur commonly in the north of the region but have yet to be recorded south of Cape Cod. Some of the species described have not been recorded at all on northeastern coasts of the United States, but are widely distributed in North Atlantic continental shelf habitats and perhaps occur in similar parts of the outer shelf of this region. This fauna is thus provisional, but is intended to stimulate further work on the Bryozoa. (PDF file contains 52 pages.)


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This manual includes an introduction to the general biology, a selected bibliography, and an illustrated key to 11 genera and 17 species of copepods of the Crustacea, Subclass Copepoda, Order Cyclopoida, Families Archinotodelphyidae, Notodelphyidae and Ascidicolidae, associated with ascidians from the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Species distributed from the Gulf of Maine to Long Island Sound are emphasized. An annotated systematic list, with statements of the world distribution and new records of association with hosts, and a systematic index are also provided. (PDF file contains 44 pages.)


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The crinoid fauna of the continental margin (0-1500 m) of northeastern North America (Georgia to Canada) includes 14 species in 13 genera and 5 families. We introduce the external morphology and natural history of crinoids and include a glossary of terms, an illustrated key to local taxa, annotated systematic list, and an index. The fauna includes 2 species found no further south than New England and 8 that occur no further north than the Carolinas and Blake Plateau. Comactinia meridionalis (Agassiz) is the only species commonly found in shallow water «50 m). No taxa are endemic to the area. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)