19 resultados para PLANT PROTEIN-SOURCES

em Aquatic Commons


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.


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Three diets were formulated using locally available feed ingredients in Malawi to test the effect of replacing animal protein (fish meal, meat and bone meal) with soybean meal (10:0, 5:5, 0:10% of diet) as the protein source on growth and feed conversion of Oreochromis karongae. There were no significant differences in growth rate (GR), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratios (FCR) among the three diets. It can be concluded that more expensive and limited animal protein sources can totally be replaced by cheaper soybean in order to get similar growth rates in O. karongae.


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P. monodon postlarvae were fed with fresh brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei ) meat, and artificial diets containing casein, shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis ) meal, squid (Loligo ) meal, and Spirulina as protein sources at a rate of 20% of their biomass per day for a period of 10 days. No statistical difference was found among the weight gains of shrimp fed on various experimental diets. However, shrimp fed squid meal diet had highest weight gain followed by shrimp meal, fresh brown mussel meat, casein and Spirulina . Shrimp fed squid meal diet had a significantly better feed conversion and those receiving other experimental diets. Poorest fed conversion was observed in shrimp fed Spirulina . The protein efficiency ratio was statistically highest for the squid meal diet, with the lowest value again for Spirulina diets. Survival rate was significantly highest for shrimp fed the shrimp meal diet. No statistical differences were found among shrimp fed other experimental diets. Appropriate data are tabulated.


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Penaeus monodon juveniles were fed diets containing fish meal, shrimp head meal and ipil-ipil leaves soaked and unsoaked, local and peruvian varieties. Mean weight gain at the end of 8 wk was significantly highest among those given the diet containing commercial ipil-ipil leaves. Gain in length followed the same pattern as mean weight gains. Among the diets containing ipil-ipil leaves there was a direct relationship in the amount of mimosine in the diet and the survival rate, the lower the amount of mimosine (due to soaking) the higher the survival rate. The Results thus indicate the beneficial effect of the addition of commercial ipil-ipil leaves to the diets of prawns, providing the mimosine content is kept low by soaking. A reduce in costs is also obtained, since 1kg of shrimp head meal or fish costs more than 2 or 4 tons, respectively, than that of ipil-ipil foliage.


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The present study was carried out in order to establish an economical effective diet for the pacific white shrimp in the southern part conditions of Iran. With the consideration of three dietary energy levels (E1=262, E2=312, E3=362 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and six ratios of fish meal (FM) to soybean meal (SBM) [(P1=100%FM+0%SBM, P2=80%FM+20%SBM, P3=60%FM+40%SBM, P4=40%FM+60%SBM, P5=20%FM+80%SBM, P6=0%FM+100%SBM)], 18 experimental diets (with 36% crude protein) were prepared. Completely randomized design was used to assign 54 polyethylene 300 litre round tanks provided by aeration and flow through water system and was stocked by 19 juvenile as 3 replicates to each treatment. Shrimps average weight was about 0.77 grams at the start. After 56 days culture period, maximum growth and nutritional performances were observed in the P6E1 treatment (containing 100% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and P5E1 treatment (containing 80% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet). Also the highest survival rate of the shrimps was observed in the P1E1, P1E2, P3E3 and P5E3 treatments. Additionally interactive effect of different protein ratios and energy levels had significant difference on body protein, fat, fiber and ash contents (P<0.05). Results of the present study suggest the possibility replacement of at least 80% of dietary fish meal by soybean meal in the diet of pacific white shrimp in the conditions of southern part of Iran.


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In Nigeria, the culture of fish is gaining importance, but local fish farmers face a set back because of the stoppage on importation of fish feed. Locally available raw materials such as yam, plantain, banana, cowpeas, macuna, maize, cassava, millet, sorghum, groundnut, sunnhemp seed and brewery wastes are considered as potential materials for fish feed. These have been examined on their minimum protein contributions since this is the most expensive part of the fish feed. Alternative sources to animal proteins are also examined. Plant protein from groundnut, melon, mucuna and others compare favourably with bloodmeal mixture and thus can be used to replace the more expensive animal proteins. Pellet feed can be produced on a small scale or commercial basis from the locally available raw materials and the fish farmer is advised to seek assistance from qualified fisheries personnel


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A laboratory trial was conducted in a sea water recirculatory system to study the nutrient digestibility coefficients of diets with varying energy to protein ratios in Japanese flounder Paralicthys olivaceus. Six different experimental diets with two protein levels (45 and 55%) having six different energy to protein ratio of 87, 90, 94, 107, 110 and 114 were formulated using white fish meal and casein as protein sources. The results of the study showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) value ranged between 90.59 to 91.61% and there were no significant differences (P>0.05) between the APD values of diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. The apparent lipid digestibility (ALD) values of diets ranged between 88.24 to 90.18%. The apparent energy digestibility (AED) values ranged between 80.55 to 87.52% with diet 3 producing significantly the highest AED value. In general, except in diet 1 the ALD and AED values increased with the increase of dietary lipid at both protein levels. The results of the present investigation indicated that Japanese flounder can efficiently digest the dietary nutrients at varying energy to protein ratios.


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Small pelagic fish play a very important role in human nutrition and health. Lipids of these fish differ remarkably from plant and other animal lipids. The aim of the study was to describe the proximate composition of thirty-three small pelagic fish species commonly available in Sri Lanka. Fish species were collected from Negombo and Chillaw fish landing sites and subjected to analysis for moisture, ash, protein and total lipid content. Tiger tooth croaker (Otolithus ruber) was found to have the highest moisture percentage (80.0%) followed by Clarias sp. (78.9%), Indian anchovy (Steloporus indicus) and Comerson's anchovy (Stelophorus commersonii), (78%). The lowest percentage of moisture, 69.4%, was recorded in white sardinella (Sardinella albella). Indian ilisha (Ilisha melastoma) was found to have the highest amount of ash (10.1%) followed by Otolithus sp. (8%) and big-eye barracuda contained the least amount (2.5%). Carassius Carassius, pick handle barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) contained higher amounts of protein, 24.3, 20.6 and 19.2% respectively. The lowest protein content (10.1%) was found in Indian scad (Decapterus russelli). The protein content of the fish was in the range of 13-15%. The results revealed that the small fish are moderate protein sources. The total lipid content varied between 0.6-8%. White sardinella recorded the highest percentage of lipid (8%) where tiger tooth croaker contained the lowest percentage (0.6 %). The study showed high fatty species to contain low amount of moisture and vice versa establishing an inverse relation between fat and moisture quantitatively.


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A study was carried out to determine the effect of 10 or 20% leaves or seeds in the diet of Penaeus monodon , and the extent to which local ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala ) could replace head shrimp meal. A brief description is given of the experimental methodology, and details of composition of the diet, proximate chemical composition of the diets, mean weight gain and survival of Penaeus monodon larvae fed shrimp head meal and ipil-ipil as protein sources, are presented. Mean weight gains for all groups were poor and not statistically significant. Survival rates for those fed 10% ipil-ipil were significantly higher than those fed 20% diets. Wherever the survival rate was high, mean weight gain was low and vice versa. The presence of the toxic alkaloids mimosine in ipil-ipil could have caused the low survival rate.


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Fingerlings of Clarias anguillaris obtained from a homogenous source through induce breeding and each with a mean weight of 2.8g were stocked in ten hapas each measuring 1.0x1.0m in outdoor concrete tank and were fed for eight (8) weeks. Results shows that the best growth rate was recorded among fingerlings fed fish meal as the only protein source (TD5) while DT2 containing soya bean, groundnut cake (40%), blood meal as the protein sources came next. The growth rate of fingerlings fed DT2 (40 % groundnut cake, 10% soyabean meal and 10% blood meal) was higher than those fed DT4 containing 10% fish meal but lower than those fed DT5 which has fish meal as its sole source of protein (53.0%). Analysis of various growth parameters like SGR, FCR and PER. shows that DT5 was the overall best diet but there was no significant statistical difference in weight gained by fish fed the five diets (P <0.05)


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Among plant protein ingredients,ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) leafmeal (ILLM) is considered the most nutritive plant protein source after soybean meal in aquatic feeds. That was proven in a 21-day experiment conducted to assess the response of juvenile Monosex Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with four iso-nitrogenous formulated diets: One control diet was formulated based on fishmeal, one on soybean meal and one on rice bran, ipil ipil leafmeal was also included in experimental diets.


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The Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephal) leaf analyzed for crude protein (CP), fat, crude fibre (CF), ash content, moisture content and nitrogen free extract (NFE). The CP 23± 0.12 % , fat 8 ± 0.11 %, CF 18 ± 0.15 % , ash 10 ± 0.13 %, moisture 14. ± .16% and NFE 29.± 1.10 % were recorded. A twenty one days experiment was conduced to assess the response of juvenile monosex tilapia with different iso-nitrogenous formulated diets for find out the feasibility study of using ipil-ipil leaf meals as feed ingredient for juvenile tilapia. Three experimental diets were formulated by using fish meal, soybean meal, rice bran and ipil ipil leaf meal. One control diet was formulated by using fish meal, soybean meal and rice bran. Considering the high demand, limited availability of fish meal and soybean meal, ipil ipil leaf meal was incorporated in juvenile tilapia feed. Among plant protein ingredients ipil ipil leaf meal was considered as the most nutritive plant protein source after soybean meal. However, high concentration of toxic element limited the incorporation level of ipil ipil leaf meal in fish feed. Use of 15 % ipil ipil leaf meal in fish feed was more significant from the view of growth performance and economics. The higher Absolute Growth was 1119.26 gm, higher Specific Growth Rate was 6.52% /day higher Feed Conversion Efficiency was 41.23% , higher Protein Efficiency Ratio was 1.178 and higher Average Daily Growth rate was 14.00% recorded in diet-4 ( which contained 15% IILM). The lower Feed Conversion Ratio 2.42 and lower cost for per unit production 34.65 taka/kg were recorded in diet-4. The higher cost for per unit fish production 45.6 tk./kg was recorded for diet-1 where no ipil ipil leaf meal.. The results suggest that tree legumes Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephal) leaf has potential and excellent source of feed ingredients as protein supplements for juvenile monosex


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The United States' increasing competitive advantage in international seafood trade in Alaska walleye pollock. Theragra chalcogramma, has contributed to higher prices for surimi-based goods and structural changes in seafood production and trade in Japan. The objectives of this analytical investigation include: 1) Evaluation of the role reversal of Japan and the United States in international seafood trade and 2) quantification of the impact of rising prices of frozen surimi on household consumption of surimi-based foods in Japan. This study documents Japan's regression from "seafood self-sufficiency" to increasing dependence on imported products and raw materials. In particular, Japan's growing dependence on American fishermen and seafood producers is described. Surimi production by the United States, and its emerging dominance over Japanese sources of supply, are especially significant. Results of the analysis suggest that Japanese consumer demand for surimi-based food stuffs correlates directly with "competitive" food prices, e.g., pork, chicken, and beef, and inversely with personal income. Also revealed is how rising household income and relative price shifts among competing animal protein sources in the Japanese diet have contributed to declining household consumption of surimi-based foods, specifically, and a shift away from seafoods in favor of beef, in general. The linkages between, for example. Japanese domestic seafood production and consumption, international trade in marine products, and resource management decisions in the U.S. EEZ present a picture of a changing global marketplace. Increasingly, actions in one arena will have perhaps profound implications in the others.


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Six groups of albino rats were fed identical diets, differing in their protein sources for sixty days. The protein sources used were fat free casein, defatted groundnut cake, and defatted fish powders from three species of fishes, namely, the fresh water fish Labeo rohita, the marine fishes, Rastrelliger kanagurta and Otolithus argenteus and marine prawns, Parapenaeopsis stylifera. After sixty days, the levels of cholesterol in the serum, liver and heart of the rats were estimated. The casein group recorded the highest level of cholesterol. Compared to casein, the groundnut protein was distinctly hypocholesterolemic. The fish proteins had a still greater cholesterol lowering ability. Of the proteins used in this study, the proteins of prawns had the maximum hypocholesterolemic effect. An attempt is made to correlate the behaviour of the proteins in this respect, with their respective amino acid compositions.


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Groundnut cake (GNC) meal is an important source of dietary protein for domestic animals with a cost advantage over the conventional animal protein sources used in aquaculture feed production. It would be useful to evaluate the effects of GNC processing methods on the density and nutritional values of processed GNC meals. The use of processed GNC meals in the diets of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings was evaluated. Seven iso-proteic and iso-caloric diets were formulated, replacing fish meal with roasted and boiled GNC meals, each at three inclusion levels of 30%, 35%, and 40%. Diet I is 100% fishmeal, Diet II is 30% roasted GNC meal, Diet III is 35% roasted GNC meal, Diet IV is 40% roasted GNC meal, Diet V is 30% boiled GNC meal, Diet VI is 35% boiled GNC meal and Diet VII is 40% boiled GNC meal. Results showed that the crude protein content of GNC meals was 40.5% and 40.8% in boiled and roasted GNC meals respectively; the lower protein content for processed GNC meals might be due to heat denaturation of the seed protein, with boiled GNC meal being more adversely affected. The mean weight gain of fingerlings fed roasted GNC meals ranged between 5.29 – 5.64 while for boiled GNC meals, it was between 4.60 – 5.22. Generally, fish performed better when fed diets containing roasted GNC meals, than boiled GNC meals, and compared favorably with fish fed fish meal based diet. Body mass increase, total feed increase, protein efficiency ratio and specific growth rate by C. gariepinus fingerlings in all diets, showed no significant differences, suggesting that processed GNC meals could partially replace diets for C. gariepinus fingerlings without adverse consequences. This study showed that processed GNC meals could partially replace fish meal up to 30% without significantly influencing fingerling growth and health. It is recommended that the use of fish meal as the main basal ingredient for fingerlings could be discontinued, since GNC meal was a cheaper alternative, and could replace fish meal up to 35%, without any significant adverse effects on the fingerling performance. KEYWORDS: Clarias gariepinus, Fingerlings, Groundnut cake meal, Nutrient utilization, Performance.