10 resultados para Openness to diversity

em Aquatic Commons


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Ten year comparison of fish survey's with respect to diversity evenness and composition of fish communities. The upper Patuxent River was divided into Piedmont Plateau and Coastal Plain regions, not only for geographical purposes, but also because of the clustering of sewage treatment plants in the Coastal Plain region. In the Piedmont Plateau region, the fish species diversity changed very little from 1966 to 1977 ( Little Patuxent -- 2.82 to 2.66; Middle Patuxent -- 2.86 to 2.83; and main stem -- 2.46 to 2.63), except in a section of Little Patuxent River at and below the City of Columbia where the species diversity index showed a significant reduction from 2.97 to 1.99, and in a section of the main stem Patuxent River immediately downstream from the Brighton Dam of the Triadelphia Reservoir where the index increased significantly from 1.66 to 3.20. In the Coastal Plain region, a significant reduction in the fish species diversity index occurred between 1966 and 1977 below the two sewage treatment plant outfalls : Savage -- 2.69 to 0 and Patuxent-Crofton -- 3.06 to 1.33. Also, the substantial reduction in the species diversity index which had already occurred in 1966 below the six other plant: outfalls of Fort Meade No. I, Fort Meade No. 2, Maryland House of Correction, Maryland City , Parkway and Bowie, remained depressed in 1977. On the other hand, below the Horsepen Sewage Treatment Plant (a tertiary plant practicing dechlorination) the species diversity index increased from 1.91 to 2.8. (PDF contains 48 pages)


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The diversity indices can be used as a good measure for studying the effect of industrial pollution because industrial wastes and sewage almost always reduce the diversity of natural systems into which they are discharged. A measurement of diversity often provides a better index of pollution than a direct measurement of pollutants. The assessment of macrobenthos diversity with respect to diversity indices reflects the marine population and habitat disturbance, and also serves as an important indicator of environmental conditions. The present study was designed to investigate the diversity indices of selected macrobenthos at two ecologically distinct locations on the Karanja creek (District - Raigad), Maharashtra, west coast of India. Results on various diversity indices like Index of Frequency (F) or Importance Probability (Pi), Index of Dominance (c), Rarity Index (R), Shannon's Index of General Diversity (H¹) Margaf’s Richness Index (R sub(1)) and Evenness Index (e) did not vary significantly. This demonstrates that at present, Karanja creek harbours varied forms of macrobenthic community showing no effect of human disturbance, but in future, measures must be taken for the protection and conservation of macrobenthic community of the creek.


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A discussion is presented on the topic of maintaining genetic diversity in aquatic ecosystems, considering the various threats caused by irreversible damage or loss to the environment. The current situation in aquaculture and future prospects regarding the conservation and protection of endangered species are outlined, describing the case of tilapias in Africa as one particular example of fish conservation.


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This book is a modest attempt at identifying Sunamganj haor fish species, especially in areas falling under the Sunamganj Community Based Resource Management Project (CBRMP). It contains a total of 126 fish species from 39 families found in the Sunamganj haor area. CBRMP has promoted community based fisheries management approaches that, along with their livelihoods focus, are helping to preserve and enhance natural fish stocks in the hoar basin. WorldFish support to LGED involves a number of areas including monitoring the impacts of CBRMP on fish catch, bio-diversity and livelihoods.


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To evaluate the benthic diversity of River Gomti in relation to the prevailing environmental conditions, four stations, viz., Maa Chandrika Devi, Daliganj, Ambedkar Park and Aquaduct, were identified from upstream to downstream along the course of the river in Lucknow. Dissolved oxygen was low on many occasions at all the stations except Maa Chandrika Devi and chemical oxygen demand values were high. There was a gradual increase in mean nitrite and phosphate values from up to downstream. Benthic fauna was dominated by oligochaetes and chironomus larvae. Other groups reported were leeches, nematodes, sponges, crustaceans, pelycypodes, gastropods and fish fry. Population density was exceptionally high at Daliganj (20,135 m sub(-1) ) followed by Ambedkar Park (5,199 m sub(-1)) and Aquaduct (3,287 m sub(-1)), and low at Maa Chandrika Devi (264 m sub(-1)). Oligochaete genera common at all the four stations were Lumbricillus, Limnodrillus, Branchiura, Chaetogaster, Nais and Tubifex. Odonates were reported only from Maa Chandrika Devi while sponges were encountered at Daliganj and Aquaduct. On some occasions, fish fry were also found at Ambedkar Park and Aquaduct. Seasonally, maxima for population density were observed during pre-monsoon and minima during monsoon. The organic pollution indicator benthic species reported were tubificids, chironomids, culicoid larvae, Lamellidens sp., Corbicula sp., Lymnaea sp. and leech. Branchiurans, Tubifex sp. and Chironomus larvae were reported at all the stations. Filthy condition with foul smell throughout the length of the river coupled with poor water quality and appearance of indicator organisms at all the stations indicate that the river is under severe pollution stress due to anthropogenic discharges and it has reached an alarming stage.


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Biological diversity of an ecosystem is considered a reliable measure of the state of health of the ecosystem. In Uganda's large lakes, the Victoria and Kyoga, the past three decades have been characterized by profound changes in fish species composition following the introduction of the piscivorous Nile perch (Oguto-Ohwayo 1990). Over 300 haplochromine cichlid species comprising a wide range of trophic groups were lost along with a host of non-cichlid fishes which occupied virtually all available ecological niches and in the lakes (Witte 1992). A second major ecological event has been the gradual nutrient enrichment of the water bodies (eutrophication) from diffuse and point sources, while at the same time pollutants have also gained entrance into the water systems in pace with indusfrial development and human population increases in the lake basins. Eutrophication and pollution have drastically altered the physical and-chemical character of the water medium in which different fauna and flora thrive. In Lake Victoria these alterations have resulted in changes of algal species composition from pristine community dominated by chlorophytes and diatoms (Melosira etc) to one composed largely of blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Anabaena, Planktolyngbya etc) (Mugidde 1993, Hecky 1993).


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Aquatic macro-invertebrates encompass all those organisms that be seen with unaided eyes. Most macro-invertebrates are categorised as semi-aquatic in that they are aquatic in early stages, but live as terrestrial organisms as adults, while others like gastropods, bivalves, Oligochaetae, Hirudinae and ostracods are exclusively aquatic. Some of them such as mayflies lay eggs in water and subsequent stages also live in water until adulthood when they emerge to live a terrestrial life. In others, eggs are laid near the water, while some like members of Tendipedidae (midges) lay their eggs on the leaves of aquatic macrophytes and after hatching their larvae creep into water


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Cichlids are known for their explosive radiation especially in the African Great Lakes marked with a high level of lake endemism. These fishes have been characterized mainly along trophic and habitat differences, by variation in morphological structures such as teeth and jaws and by differences in body shape and coloration. Cichlids are important as a microcosm of macroevolution. The explosive radiation, young evolutionary scale, and the isolation of groups characterized with high levels of endemism and presence of living fossils makes the group important for evolutionary and genetic studies. Lake Victoria region cichlids which are isolated and relatively more recent in evolution were the last to be appreciated in their diversity. Recently Ole Seehausen has found scores of rock fishes in Lake Victoria which were up to then thought to be absent from the Lake and only known to occur in Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Greenwood put together the species groups of Lake Victoria, and later in the early 1980's revised the classification of haplochromine species to reflect the phyletic origin and interrelationship of the various groups in Lake Victoria region. Melan Stiassny has been interested in early evolution of cichlids while the likes of Paul Fuerst and Lees Kaufman and Axel Meyer have been interested and are working to explain the speciation mechanisms responsible for the explosive radiation and evolution of cichlids. Locally S.B Wandera and his student Getrude Narnulemo are spearheading the biodiversity and taxonomic studies of cichlids in Lake Victoria region


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The purpose of inlake herbicide trials was to assess on the aquatic environment and resources, of in-lake of weeder 64 (2,4-0 amine) and Rodio (Glyphosate) water hyacinth the effects application to control water hyacinth. The experiments reported here specifically studied the effects of the herbicides on the diversity and abundance of aquatic macrofauna associated with the water weed. Results from this and similar experiments which assessed herbicide efficacy on water hyacinth; dissipation in water, impact on water quality, algal biomass and on diversity and abundance of zooplankton and macrofauna were all to be evaluated as input into the environmental impact assessment exercise required to facilitate decisions on the use of herbicides to control water hyacinth in Uganda.