3 resultados para Ondes sismiques
em Aquatic Commons
Observations from three deep focus earthquakes, of focal depth 600 km, originating in the Fiji Islands region, have permitted to trace the travel-time curves for the longitudinal waves travelling through the earth's core. Of principal importance is the travel-time table for the phase PKP1 which has been given upto 158° and for which the data so far were incomplete. Other important phases observed between 103 and 143° have been illustrated and their travel-time curves drawn.
According to the authors, T waves recorded at Nhatrang from Philippine Islands earthquakes may present 3 important phases: F and G, T. and M. If h is the depth of the earthquake, a and b the land paths of T waves respectively near the epicenter and the station, these phases may be noted as: ph-Sofar-SV sub(b) for F and G; P sub(a)-Sofar-SV sub(b) for T sub(2) and problably S in sediments, for M. Sofar waves velocity in China sea, between Philippine and Vietnam, has been determined as to be: 1.48 ± 0.03km
Six earthquakes (magnitude 6 to 7) in the Fiji Islands, New Hebrides and Sulawesi, divided in two groups of depth h=100 to 200 km and h= 600 km, were studied through more than a thousand of seismographic observations in 16 months.