9 resultados para Omega ruin

em Aquatic Commons


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Oxidative refolding is one of the key challenges hampering the development of peptide based compounds as therapeutics. The correct refolding for three disulfide peptide like w-Conotoxi n MVIIA is difficult and crucial for biological activity. This work advanced knowledge of chemical and biological for improve oxidative refolding of synthetic w-Conotoxi n MVIIA in base of Conus magus venom. The present study aimed to set up an appropriate and effective protocols for refolding of disulfide-rich w-Conotoxin MVIIA. In this study, the crude peptide was protected with Acm group, according to the right amino acid sequences (Synthesized by Australian Company). The crude peptide was purified by H PLC. To prepare the peptide to refolding, innovative deprotection applied molar ratio (AMR) method was performed based on mercury. Accuracy of deprotection was approved by reverse phase chromatography. The deprotected target peptide (omega-conotoxin) was determined by SDS-PAGE. Then the Oxidative refolding of target peptide was performed in six protocol based on Guanidinium chloride and oxidized and reduced Glutathione. Analgesic effect of refolded peptide was surveyed with formalin test in mice Balb/c. Non neurotoxic effects of target peptides were survey with ICV injection in mice model (C57/BL6). The innovative deprotection protocol performed based on the best ratio of mercury/2-mercaptoethanol adjusted to 1mg/10p1 in 90 minute. The results showed the yield and purity of omega-conotoxin MVIIA as 93 and 95%, respectively. Refolding of 40 mg omega Conotoxin with GSSG and GSH on ratio of 10:1 and 20 mM ammonium acetate showed the best analgesic effect compared with the other methods. The result showed 95.5% yield and 98% purity of omega-conotoxin MVIIA in this refolding method. Related refolding method reduced 85% pain in experimented mice using 7 ng of the peptide. That was 71.5 fold stronger than morphine and 2 times than standard Prialt®. And it was not neurotoxic in mice. In this study, refolding method for omega-conotoxin MVIIA was optimized in the fourth factor including: reducing the time, amount and number of reagent and increase the efficiency. We introduced new method for deprotection of omega-conotoxin MVIIA. Effective, economic and applied refolding and deprotecti on method was performed in this research may al so be applied to similar omega conotoxin peptides.


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The moisture, fat, ash, fatty acid profile, and cholesterol content are reported for cooked and raw fillets from 22 species of finfish found in the Northwest Atlantic. All but nine species had 1%or less fat. Ocean perch and a spring sampling of mackerel and wolffiSh had about 2% fat, followed by yellowfin tuna, whiting, silver hake, butterfish, and a summer -sampling of mackerel and wolffish with a range of 3-7% fat. Herring had a range of 5-12% fat representing a winter sampling on the low end and summer sampling on the high end of the range. Bluefin tuna (a summer sampling) contained the most fat with a high of 23% fat. Omega-3 fatty acids were present in excess of omega-6 fatty acids. The fattier fISh supplied the most omega-3 fatty acids per gram of tissue. The mean cholesterol content for all species was 57 ± 16 mg/l00 g raw tissue. Finfish from the Northwest Atlantic would appear to fit into the regime for a healthy heart, being low in fat and cholesterol and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.(PDF file contains 42 pages.)


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A method of identifying the beaks and estimating body weight and mantle length of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean is presented. Twenty specimens were selected from each of the following cephalopod species: Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis, Dosidicus gigas, Ommastrephes bartramii, S. luminosa, Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus hawaiiensis, Ornithoteuthis volalilis, Hyaloteuthis pelagica, Onychoteuthis banksii, Pterygioteuthis giardi, Abraliopsis affinis, A. felis, Liocranchia reinhardti, Leachia danae, Histioteuthis heteropsis, H. dofleini, Gonalus onyx, and Loligo opalescens. Dimensions measured on the upper and lower beak are converted to ratios and compared individually among the species using an analysis of variance procedure with Tukey's omega and Duncan's multiple range tests. Significant differences (P =0.05) observed among the species' beak ratio means and structural characteristics are used to construct artificial keys for the upper and lower beaks of the 18 species. Upper and lower beak dimensions are used as independent variables in a linear regression model with mantle length and body weight (log transformed). (PDF file contains 56 pages.)


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At present both the wedge gauge and the ICES mesh gauge are used to examine the mesh opening of trawl cod-ends. A thorough investigation of both instruments by an EU project (MESH) has revealed a number of deficiencies. This has lead to the conclusions to not further recommend the use of both devices but to go for the development of a complete new measurement tool. This is presently progressing in a further EU project named OMEGA. Prototypes of the new device have been produced and a number of introductory tests have already been made. This contribution reports on further laboratory tests carried out at the Institute for Fishing technology and Fish Quality with special emphasis on netting yarn diameters below 4 mm. The results demonstrate further yarn size depending inaccuracies of the wedge gauge and support the rapid introduction of the newly developed measurement instrument.


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Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is an ecologically and economically valuable species in many food webs, yet surprisingly little is known about the variation in the nutritional quality of these fish. Atlantic herring collected from 2005 through 2008 from the Bay of Fundy, Canada, were examined for variability in their nutritional quality by using total lipid content (n=889) and fatty acid composition (n=551) as proxies for nutritional value. A significant positive relationship was found between fish length and total lipid content. Atlantic herring also had significantly different fatty acid signatures by age. Fish from 2005 had significantly lower total lipid content than fish from 2006 through 2008, and all years had significantly different fatty acid signatures. Summer fish were significantly fatter than winter fish and had significantly different fatty acid signatures. For all comparisons (ontogenetic, annual, and seasonal) percent concentrations of omega-3, -6, and long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids were the most important for distinguishing between the fatty acid signatures of fish. This study underscores the importance of quantifying variation in prey quality synoptically with prey quantity in food webs over ontogenetic and temporal scales when evaluating the effect of prey nutritional quality on predators and on modeling trophic dynamics.


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Although menhaden, Brevoortia spp., represent 23.5 percent of United States commercial fishery landings, they represent only about 2.6 percent of the total landed value of fishery products. New food products and markets are needed to increase the economic value of the menhaden resource. This paper describes investigations of menhaden as a raw material for both traditional and new forms of food products. Canned menhaden is a logical food product, but the production of a menhaden surimi with good functionality has recently been demonstrated. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has placed partially hydrogenated menhaden oil on the GRAS list of ingredients for food products, but a decision on the status of nutritionally beneficial refined menhaden oil is not yet available. Refined menhaden oil is currently the raw material for biomedical test materials being used in research approved by the National Institutes of Health to determine the health benefits of fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids. The test materials are being produced, with strict quality controls, at the NMFS Charleston Laboratory.


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The purpose of this study, Evaluation the effect of Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris extracts on the stability of poly unsaturated fatty acids in frozen Silver carp minced. Treatments include: Treatment 1 - Control: frozen meat packaged in conventional Treatment 2: Frozen Silver carp minced+Thyme 300 mg/kg in normal packaging Treatment 3: Frozen Silver carp minced+Rosemary 200 mg/kg in normal packaging Treatment 4: Frozen Silver carp minced+Rosemary compound (100 mg/kg) and Thyme (100 mg/kg) in normal packaging After rapid freezing of samples in the spiral freezer by individual quick freezing method, to maintain the cold temperature (-18) °C were transferred. Sampling and measurements to determine the fatty acid profile of the zero phase beginning in the first month and then every ten days, and 15 days in the second month of the third month after the monthly test. Identifying, defining and measuring the fatty acid profile by gas chromatography was performed. In this study, levels of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in three experimental and one control were identified as follows: A: saturated fatty acids: Meristic C14: 0/Palmitic C16: 0/Hepta decaenoic C17: 0/Stearic C18: 0/Arashidic C20: 0/B:Mono unsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic C16: 1-W7/Oleic C18: 1-W9/Gadoleic C20: 1-W9 C:Poly unsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic C18: 2-W6/α-Linolenic C18: 3-W3 D:High unsaturated fatty acids: Arachidonic C20: 4-W6 Eicosapentaenoic acid C20: 5-EPA/W3 Docosahexaenoic C22: 6-DHA/W3 Results of this study was to determine, Thyme and rosemary extracts containing silver carp minced stored in freezing conditions, Stability of different types of fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are. So that none of the fatty acids measured were not significant 100% increase or decrease, While changes in the fatty acid oxidation during storage time is minimized. The results obtained from the fatty acid profiles and indicators of their and statistical tests show that treatment with rosemary extract More stable during storage (-18) ° C In comparison with the control and other treatments are shown; And at relatively low compared to other treatments and control samples oleic acid and linoleic acid, palmitic more. According to studies,in Silver carp minced that containing rosemary extract, end of the storage period of six months. Were usable, so even rosemary extract the shelf-life examples to increase more than six months.


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The purpose for which this study was intended wasto compare nutritive value among the farmed Vannamei, sea Green Tiger and Banana shrimps native to the PersianGulf. To provide the samples of farmed shrimps at the end of the farming season (Oct. 23rd through Nov. 22nd of 2011), we chosen one farm of the Holleh Shrimp Farming, from which 100 shrimps were randomly selected. From among these 100 shrimps, 3 to 5 ones were taken to conduct an analysis upon. Further, to obtain the Banana and Green Tiger shrimps sampling was done at the fishing season (July 23rd through Aug. 22rd of 2011) at Halileh Fishing Wharf located in Bushehr Fishing Harbor and also Bandar Abbas Wharf. The samples obtained were immediately kept in the ice powder. After some biometric tasks done upon them, they were at the shortest possible time transferred to a laboratory where they went through various experiments to determine their content of raw protein, fat, ash, moisture, various fatty acids and their types, cholesterol, vitamins A and E, and such mineral elements as iron and calcium. All the experimentswere carried out three times to establish confidence in the results to be obtained. Findings of the comparison showed the content of raw protein, fat, moisture, and ash of, respectively, 23.233%, 600%, 73.077% and 2.500% for the Vannamei samples, of 22.717%, 427%, 74.133% and 1.826% for our Banana shrimps and of 17.377%, 430%, 79.866% and 1.313% for the Green Tiger samples. A total of 24 fatty acids for the Vannamei shrimps and 27 for the Banana and Green Tiger were detected. SFA of the Banana shrimps was 368.45 mg/100g (51.76%), while those of the Vannamei and Green Tiger samples were observed, respectively, 363.54 mg/100g (37.26%) and 296.06 mg/100g (49.12%).A similar measurement for MUFA content of the three types of our samples revealed 243.85mg/100g (24.9%) for the Vannamei, 203.177 mg/100g (33.76%) for the Green Tiger and 179.033 mg/100g (25.14%) for the Banana shrimps. The content of PUFA unsaturated fatty acids in the Vannamei, 131 Green Tiger and Banana samples were, respectively, 370.660 mg/100g (37.84%), 101.573 mg/100g (16.9%) and 163.733 mg/100g (23.1%). Further, the comparison found a omega-3-fatty-acids total of 151.747 mg/100g(15.51%) for the Vannamei, 57.123 mg/100g (9.54%) for the Green Tiger and 130.460 mg/100g (18.46%) for the Banana species under study.


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The artisanal fish preservation methods in Uganda are characterized by extreme operating conditions. Consequently, vital nutritional components diminish in value and quantity which renders fish consumer nutritionally insecure. To establish the magnitude of nutritional loss, duplicate samples of Mukene Rastrineobola argentea were collected from Kiyindi landing site on L. Victoria and Moone landing site on L. Kyoga. Each set of duplicate samples was divided into five portions and kept on ice. For each preservation method a portion was processed into respective products at Food Bioscience and Agri-Business Laboratories aside from the control (fresh) sample. Both preserved and control samples were analysed for nutrient loss at Department of Chemistry, Makerere University using AOAC methods. The composition of fatty acids was determined by methanolysis gas chromatography and Mass spectrophotometry of the resultant methyl esters. The results indicate that nutrients of all preserved samples did not vary significantly from the control except for some fatty acids. The Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in fresh samples declined from 6.72% to 1.08% in deep-fried samples constituting 83.93% nutrient loss. The sum ratio w3:w6 as well as EPA: DHA (Docosahexaenoic) ratio in fried samples also varied significantly (p<0.5) lower than 0.668 and 0.20 for the average of either preservation methods and experts recommended ratio respectively. Further research has been recommended to ascertain the causative factor, since Mukene frying is being promoted in the Great lakes region as alternative method to sun-drying. In conclusion, regular consumers of fried Mukene do not benefit much from the nutritional and health attributes of Omega 3 and 6.