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The demersal stock of the Wadge Bank is known to be made up of two major groups, namely the resident and migrant stocks (Sivalingam 1966b). It is necessary to analyse the two groups separately in order to correctly interpret the changes in relative abundance of the demersal fish stocks of the Bank. The object of this paper is to present the nature of the resident stock and discuss its changes in composition from 1945 to 1960. That of the migrant population will be presented later. The significance of this analysis has been discussed earlier (Sivalingam 1966a).
This is a handbook about Chalk Rivers Nature Conservation and Management from March 1999 by the Water Research Centre and commissioned by English Nature and the Environment Agency, primarly provides an objective basis for formulating conservation strategies for relevant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). It was also seen as being applicable to chalk rivers more generally and has increasingly been regarded as important to the work of the Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group on chalk rivers, which is led by the Environment Agency. This report contains information on characteristic wildlife communities, their habitat requirements and the ecological impact of activities that are relevant to the chalk river environment. It provides guidance on setting management objectives, options for mitigating impacts, and measures for the maintaining and enhancing the river channel, riparian and floodplain areas associated. The term `chalk river’ is used to describe watercourses dominated by groundwater discharge from chalk geology, including those that flow over a range of non-chalk surface geologies at various points along their length. England contains numerous examples of this river type, located in and downstream of areas of outcropping chalk in the south, East Anglia and up into Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Indeed, England has the major part of the chalk river resource of Europe. A number of chalk rivers have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and English Nature and Environment Agency work drawing up joint conservation strategies.
ENGLISH: The tendency of the tunas, especially the yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) to be more abundant in the near vicinity of islands and seamounts, or "banks", than in the surrounding oceanic areas, is well known to commercial fishermen. This has been confirmed by statistical analysis of fishing vessel logbook records, which demonstrates that the catch-per-day's-fishing is, indeed, higher in the near vicinity of these features. It is hypothesized that islands and seamounts cause changes in the physical circulation or the biochemical cycle resulting in greater supplies of food for tunas in their immediate environs. In order to examine this hypothesis, and in order to study possible mechanisms involved, the "Island Current Survey" was undertaken from 8 May to 12 June, 1957, under the joint auspices of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Surveys of varying nature and extent were made from M/V Spencer F. Baird near Alijos Rocks, Clarion Island, Shimada Bank and Socorro Island (Figure 1). These studies sought to provide knowledge of the action of islands and seamounts in arresting, stalling or deflecting the mean current past them, in establishing convergence and divergence in the surface flow, in producing vertical motion (mixing and upwelling), and in influencing the primary production and the standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Each survey is discussed below in detail. Observations made at a front on 10 June will be discussed in another paper. SPANISH: Los pescadores que realizan la pesca comercial conocen muy bien la tendencia de los atunes, en particular del atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus), de presentarse en mayor abundancia en las cercanías inmediatas a las islas y cimas submarinas, o "bancos", que en las áreas oceánicas circundantes. Este hecho ha sido confirmado par el análisis estadístico de los registros de los cuadernos de bitácora de las embarcaciones pesqueras, demostrándose que la captura par dias de pesca es, en efecto, más abundante en la inmediata proximidad de tales formaciones. Hipotéticamente se admite que las islas y las cimas submarinas provocan cambios en la circulación física o en el ciclo bioquímico, lo cual se pone de manifiesto a través de un mejor abastecimiento de alimento para los atunes en sus cercanías inmediatas. Con la finalidad de verificar esta hipótesis y de estudiar los mecanismos que ella involucra, se realizó la “Island Current Survey” del 8 de mayo al 12 de junio de 1957, bajo los auspicios de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical y de la Institución Scripps de Oceanografia. Con el barco Spencer F. Baird se hicieron observaciones de distintas clases y alcances cerca de las Rocas Alijos, la Isla Clarion, el Banco Shimada y la Isla Socorro (Figura 1). Estos estudios tuvieron por objeto adquirir conocimientos sobre la acción que ejercen las islas y cimas submarinas sobre la corriente promedio, ya sea deteniéndola, reduciendo su velocidad o desviando su curso, así como estableciendo convergencia o divergencia en su flujo de superficie, o provocando un movimiento vertical (mezcla y afloramiento) e influyendo en la producción primaria y en las existencias de fitoplancton y zooplancton. Cada operación será tratada a continuación por separado. Las observaciones hechas el dia 10 de junio sobre un frente serán objeto de otra publicación.
The main objectives of this report, which is based on the current literature and key informant interviews, is to assess and analyse the nature and distribution of poverty and aquatic resources use, focusing especially on the livelihoods of the poor. It describes and reports different ways of measuring poverty that are used in Cambodia and quantifies the diverse nature and geographic distribution of aquatic resources use in Cambodia. (PDF contains 55 pages)
The nature and extent of morphological variation within populations of Gammarus duebeni are examined. The exceptional tolerance of G. duebeni to salinities that encompass three orders of magnitude was known in the 19th Century, and has attracted considerable attention from physiologists and ecologists in the 20th Century, including the likelihood that populations in freshwater are distinct from those living in more saline environments. It is concluded that gradual evolution into discrete and readily distinguished subspecies is currently underway, eventually producing several new species in freshwater and saline habitats.
There is, in nature, as well as in the aquarium, a parasitic disease known as 'mousse' and which attacks predominantly fish. It is caused by Phycomycete fungi, genus Saprolegnia. The fungus causes external lesions and covers the fish with a thick white layer from whence comes the name 'mousse', commonly attributed to the disease, for which the scientific name is Saprolegnia. This article provides an overview of Saprolegnia infections on fish in nature and aquaria and then discusses symptomology of Saprolegnia in the mirror caro and t roach in more detail.
This is a report on the Conservation Plan for Rostherne Mere. The project primarly involved collating existing information from a variety of sources, supplemented by a limited amount of survey work commissioned for the project, including identification of the surface water catchment, water flows, and land use within the catchment. The section 1 outlines the physical situation of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), its geological setting and hydrological regime. A summary of the ecological characteristics, conservation interest and objectives is provided in Section 2, and the issues affecting the site are identified in Section 3. . Operations and mechanisms for addressing the issues are suggested in Section 4, compiled from field visits, information held on file by English Nature and the Environment Agency, and English Nature. The last Section 5 provides a brief summary of the site’s condition and a discussion of the issues and operations suggested. A summary table is provided of the recommended actions for each site. Supporting information on the hydrology and aquatic ecology (where relevant) is provided in appendices.
Incidental capture in fishing gear is one of the main sources of injury and mortality of juvenile and adult sea turtles (NRC, 1990; Lutcavage et al., 1997; Oravetz, 1999). Six out of the seven extant species of sea turtles — the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the loggerhead (Caretta caretta), the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and the Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) — are currently classified as endangered or critically endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN, formerly the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), which makes the assessment and reduction of incidental capture and mortality of these species in fisheries priority conservation issues (IUCN/Species Survival Commission, 1995).
The present paper deals in the maturity stages, ova diameter and spawning season, of Otolithus argenteus from Karwar waters. The seven stages of maturity were determined based on the macroscopic appearance and microscopic study of intra ovarian eggs. The average size at first maturity was found to be 160 mm. The diameter of ova varies from 0.01 to 0.82 mm. with various modes, indicating the nature and the frequency of spawning.
The effects of periphyton, grown on bamboo substrates, on growth and production of Indian major carp, rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton), were studied in 10 ponds during July to October '95 at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Five ponds were provided with bamboo substrates (treatment I) and the rests without bamboo substrates (treatment II). It was revealed that there had been no discernible difference in the water quality parameters between treatments. A large number of plankton (30 genera) showed periphytic nature and colonized on the bamboo substrates. The growth and production of fish was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the ponds with bamboo substrates as compared to the ponds without substrates. The net production of rohu in treatment I was about 1.7 times higher than that of treatment II. Fish production was as much as 1899 kg/ha over a culture period of 4 months in the periphyton-based production system.
The study is prompted by the poverty that persisted among the fishing communities of lake victoria at time of considerable cash inflow into the fisheries development of fish processing industry. There has been need for understanding of the poverty and what strategies would be most appreciate for it's reduction.This study has attempted to respond to the needby identifying the nature and distribution of the poverty within the fisheries lake victoria,Uganda, the factor responsible for itand the options for poverty reduction intervention. The study examined the global and regional perspectives of poverty and wealth distribution, noting that wide disparities existed between the developed and the developing world and also between the developing countries themselves. A historical review of development policies and strategies revealed that while successive strategies were able to contribute to growth, their achievement towards poverty alleviation were less than satisfactory, hence the need for continually developing new strategies. A background to Uganda’s society and economy is provided, examining the demographic, political, environmental and economic conditions of the country. Uganda’s development strategies are reviewed, highlighting the role of the Poverty Eradication Action Plan, Uganda’s main strategy for implementing the policy of poverty reduction and wealth distribution. At the agricultural sector level, the Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture has been formulated, followed by the National Fisheries Policy, aimed at providing a policy framework for the management and development of the fisheries. An appropriate definition of poverty was formulated, considered relevant to the situation of Lake Victoria. The dimensions of poverty included inadequate basic necessities, low education and health achievements, a sense of insecurity and exposure to risk. The research methodology was enhanced by the examination of the Lélé Model of the Poverty–Environmental Degradation problem, the World Bank Model of Poverty Causation and the subsequent Lake Victoria Model developed in this study. It has provided a plan for the research, the consideration of criteria and a data collection plan. The data collection instruments included secondary data search, key informant interviews and a sample survey based on a structured questionnaire. The study identified all the four dimensions of poverty in the fisheries, provided poverty profiles with respect to the different activities, groups of people and regions in the fisheries, based on consumption poverty. Among the people identified to be in poverty were the fishing labourers, fishers of Oreochromis niloticus and those operating with non-powered boats. In the post-harvest fisheries, large proportions of processors involved in salting and sun-drying, market stall and bicycle traders were in the poverty category. The ethnic groups most affected included the Samia, Basoga and Bakenye while the Districts of Jinja, Bugiri and Busia had the highest proportions of fishers in the poverty category. With respect to the other dimensions of poverty, the study showed that educational achievement was low within the fishing communities. The health status was poor, due mainly to the prevalence of malaria, diarrhoea, bilharzia and HIV/AIDS. There was a sense of insecurity within certain sections of the fishing community, due to leadership weaknesses within the local as well as the Government institutions. Some community members operated in a state of risk because they were vulnerable to episodes of income, health and education. The causes of poverty in fisheries included weaknesses within the institutional and social environment, limitations in the technology available to the poor, resource degradation and unfavourable economic factors. The recommendations of the study for poverty reduction included strengthening of policies, developing links, improving capacities and increasing resources, to be applied at the levels of Central Government, Local Government and of the community. In view of the achievements of the methodology used on this study, involving reference to the models, it is recommended that future research should build upon this model approach, as it will continue to produce results, especially when attempting to forecast changes relating to interventions.