10 resultados para Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (France)
em Aquatic Commons
In the Indo-pacific region, a study on Stomatopodes revealed two new species: Squilla carinata and Gonodactilus tweediei. Here the author gives a brief description.
Mr. G. Ranson found a small collection of plankton in Nha Trang (Vietnam), during a mission in the Far East. The samples were harvested in the Bay of Cauda at a water depth of 15-20 m. The author examined a number of samples kept in formalin, extremely rich in diatoms and in good condition. The group of pelagic copepods has been the most carefully studied.
The author presents his systematic study on a collection of 58 coral tubes containing samples of Chétognathes.
The author presents his study on marine pelagic fishes collected on the coast of Annam, in the Bay of Cauda, where the Indochina government built the Institute of Oceanography. These samples allowed the systematic identification of pelagic Copepods.
In 1953, the author received a collection of clans Siphonophores collected in Nha Trang Bay by the Director of the Maritime Station of Cauda, Nha Trang (Annam), Vietnam. This paper gives the results of his studies.
This first note deals with Diogenes of Group II (cf. Forest, 1952, p. 11). This group contains a number of highly variable species which are, in some cases, poorly characterized due to the vagueness of the original descriptions. Diogenes from Nhatrang belong to four different species but only one of them was identified with a species already described: Diogenes avarus Heller. The other three described and figured in this paper, are probably Diogenes Goniochirus, and D. leptocerus, D. serenei sp. nov.
The author had the opportunity to study a large collection of plankton tubes or pelagic marine copepods, collected in the Nha Trang region (Vietnam-South). Many of these individuals belong to the group Monstrillides.
The author gives a detailed diagnosis and complete iconography of three females of Mazellina bulbifera nov. spec.
The collections of the Oceanographic Institute of Vietnam include several species of hermit crabs of the genus Calcinus Dana. Three of keys were studied by Fize and Serene (1955): C. herbsti Man, C. gaimardi H. Milne Edwards and C. latens Randall . The seventy specimens belong to four species. The first one, C. minutus Buytendijk, was described by Indonesia in 1937; the second one, represented by a single small specimen is related to C. spicatus Forest. Finally, two other are Calcinus vachonis sp. November and Colcinus pulcher sp. nov.
The present note deals with a description of Zoanthids found on the coast of Vietnam.