14 resultados para Masa muscular
em Aquatic Commons
Muscular injection has become one of the direct methods for transferring foreign DNA into organisms. The technique has been recently introduced in the development of vaccines and gene therapy. Vaccine development, in particular, would be desirable in managing viral diseases in farmed fish. In this study, the technique was performed on seabass (Lates calcarifer) and was found that the foreign gene could be transferred successfully through injection into the muscles.
ENGLISH: Tagging and the recovery of tagged yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tunas are important aspects of the investigations conducted by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The results of the tagging program provide information on population structures, migrations, mortality rates and growth rates of these two species. The present experimental program was undertaken to study the relationship between muscular fatigue and high tagging mortalities in yellowfin and skipjack. SPANISH: La marcación del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis), y el recobro de estos atunes marcados, son aspectos importantes de la investigación que efectúa la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Los resultados del programa de marcación proporcionan información sobre la estructura de las poblaciones, migraciones, tasas de mortalidad y tasas de crecimiento de estas dos especies. El programa experimental presente fue emprendido para estudiar la relación entre la fatiga muscular y la alta mortalidad causada por la marcación en el atún aleta amarilla y el barrilete. (PDF contains 52 pages.)
ENGLISH: A study of the temporal and spatial distribution of larval tunas and the concomitant oceanic conditions was made in cooperation with the Direccion General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas of Mexico. Field work consisted of eight hydrographic cruises made from October 1966 through August 1967 near the entrance of the Gulf of California. From January through April, surface currents were southerly at velocities up to 20 cm/sec; currents in June were variable in direction and mostly less than 10 cm/sec; by August the surface current was northerly at 10-15 cm/sec. Surface winds were usually secondary to the distribution of mass as an influence on the surface circulation. Currents at 100 m were generally similar in direction to those at the surface, but the water moved more slowly. Between the surface and 100 m, southbound currents crossed the entrance of the Gulf at velocities of 5-10 cm/sec during January and April, forming frontal boundaries with the California Current water, which often occurred south of the entrance. From April to August, the median concentration of surface chlorophyll a increased from 0.65 to 0.97 mg/m3, while the median productivity increased from 5.6 mgC/m3/day in April to 17.8 mgC/m3/day in June before returning to 2.6 mgC/m3/day in August. Primary productivity was closely correlated with the concentration of surface chlorophyll a. Productivity was generally higher in the vicinity of the Gulf than that found for water in the open Pacific. Productivity was highest near Islas Las Tres Marias and second highest near Cabo San Lucas, both locations of local upwelling. The standing crop of phytoplankton was shown to be subjected to progressively heavier grazing pressure in the spring and summer by zooplankton. SPANISH: Un estudio de la distribución temporal y espacial de las larvas de atún y de las condiciones oceánicas concomitantes fue realizado en cooperación con la Dirección General de Pesca e Industrias Conexas de México. El trabajo experimental consistió en ocho cruceros hidrográficos realizados desde octubre 1966 hasta agosto 1967, cerca a la entrada del Golfo de California. De enero a abril, las corrientes superficiales fueron meridionales alcanzando velocidades hasta de 20 cm/seg; las corrientes en junio fueron variables en dirección y la mayoría con una velocidad de menos de 10 cm/seg; en agosto la corriente superficial fue septentrional a 10-15 cm/seg, Los vientos superficiales fueron por lo común secundarios a la dístríbucíón de la masa, como una influencia de la circulación superficial. Las corrientes a 100 m fueron generalmente similares en dirección a las de la superficie, pero el agua se movió más lentamente. Entre la superficie y los 100 m, las corrientes que se dirigen hacia el sur cruzaron la entrada del Golfo a velocidades de 5-10 cm/seg durante enero y abril formando límites frontales con el agua de la Corriente de California, que apareció a menudo al sur de la entrada. De abril a agosto, la concentración media de la clorofila a superficial aumentó de 0.65 a 0.97 mg/m3, mientras que la productividad mediana aumentó de 5.6 mgC/m3/día en abril hasta 17.8 mgC/m3/día en junio antes de regresar a 2.6 mgC/m3/día en agosto. La productividad primaria se correlacionó estrechamente con la concentración de clorofila a superficial. La productividad fue generalmente más alta en la vecindad del Golfo que aquella encontrada en el agua de alta mar del Pacífico. La productividad fue más alta cerca a las Islas Tres Marías, y el segundo máximo fue cerca al Cabo San Lucas, ambas localidades de afloramiento local. Se indicó que la reserva permanente de fitoplancton estaba sujeta por el zooplancton a una fuerta presión progresiva de apacentamiento en la primavera y el verano. (PDF contains 116 pages.)
ENGLISH: Seasonal changes in the climatology, oceanography and fisheries of the Panama Bight are determined mainly by the latitudinal movements of the ITCZ over the region. Evaporation is about 980 mm annually. Rainfall is probably much less than previous estimates because of a discontinuity in the ITCZ. Freshwater runoff from the northern watershed varies from 22 X 109 m3/mo in October-November to 11 X 109 m3/mo in February-March; from the southeastern watershed it varies from 16 X 109 m3/mo in April-June to 9 X 109 m3/mo in October-December. Total annual runoff is about 350 X 109m3. A marked salinity front is found at all seasons off the eastern shore. In the northern part of the Bight temperatures in the upper layers remained fairly constant from May to November; by February the mean temperature had decreased by 4°C and sharp gradients existed in the geographic distributions. Salinities in the upper layers decreased steadily from May to November; by February the mean salinity had increased by 2.5‰. The mean depth of the mixed layer increased from 27 m in May to 40 m in November; by February upwelling decreased it to 18 m. Between November and February upwelling had doubled the amount of P04-P and tripled that of NO3-N in the euphotic zone; surface phytoplankton production and standing crop, and zooplankton concentrations also doubled during this period. Upwelling was about 1.5 m/mo during May-November and about 9.0 m/mo during November-February, the annual total is about 48 m, Mean primary production is about 0.3 gC/m2day during May-December and about 0.6 gC/m2day during January-April; annual production is about 140 gC/m2. A thermal ridge occurred in February running from the northern to the southwestern part of the Bight. Within this ridge was a marked thermal dome coinciding with the center of the cyclonic circulation cell. Upwelling in the dome averaged 16 m/mo in November-February. The fisheries of the Panama Bight annually produce about 30,000 metric tons of food species and about 68,000 m.t. of species used for reduction. Most attempts to further the understanding of tuna ecology were unsuccessful. The apparent abundances of yellowfin and skipjack in the northern part of the Bight appear to be related to the seasonal cycle of upwelling and enrichment, as abundances are greatest in April and May when food appears to be plentiful. The life-cycle of the anchoveta in the Gulf of Panama also appears to be related to upwelling; the species mass varies from about 39,000 m.t. in December to about 169,000 m.t, in April. About 19.1 X 1012 anchoveta eggs are spawned annually. The life-cycles of shrimp in the Panama Bight appear to be related to upwelling as catches are greatest in May-July, about 3-5 months after peak upwelling, and annual catches are inversely correlated with sea level. SPANISH: Los cambios estacionales en la climatología, oceanografía y pesquerías del Panamá Bight están determinados principalmente por el movimiento latitudinal sobre la región de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT). La evaporación es de unos 980 mm al año. La pluviosidad es probablemente muy inferior a las estimaciones previas a causa de la descontinuidad en la ZCIT. El drenaje de agua dulce, de la vertiente septentrional, varía de 22 x 109m3/mes en octubre-noviembre hasta 11 x 109m3/mes en febreromarzo; el de la vertiente sudeste varía de 16 x 109m3/mes en abril-junio a 9 x 109m3/mes en octubre-diciembre. El drenaje total, anual, es alrededor de 350 x 109m3. En todas las estaciones frente al litoral oriental se encuentra un frente de salinidad marcada. En la parte septentrional del Bight las temperaturas en las capas superiores permanecieron más bien constantes de mayo a noviembre; en febrero la temperatura media había disminuido en unos 4°C y existieron gradientes agudos en las distribuciones geográficas. Las salinidades en las capas superiores disminuyeron constantemente de mayo a noviembre; en febrero la salinidad media había aumentado en 2.5‰. La profundidad media de la capa mixta aumentó de 27 m en mayo a 40 m en noviembre; en febrero el afloramiento disminuyó el espesor de la capa mixta hasta 18 m. Entre noviembre y febrero el afloramiento había duplicado la cantidad de PO4-P y triplicado la de NO3-N en la zona eufótica; la producción superficial de fitoplancton y la biomasa primaria y las concentraciones de zooplancton también se duplicaron durante este período. El afloramiento era cerca de 1.5 mimes durante mayo-noviembre y de unos 9.0 mimes durante noviembre-febrero, el total anual es de unos 48 m. La producción media primaria es aproximadamente de 0.3 gC/m2 al día durante mayo-diciembre y cerca de 0.6 gC/m2 al día durante enero-abril; la producción anual es de unos 140 gC/m2. En febrero apareció una convexidad termal que se extendió de la parte norte a la parte sudoeste del Bight. Dentro de esta convexidad se encontró un domo termal marcado el cual coincidió con el centro de la circulación ciclonal de la célula. El afloramiento en el domo tuvo un promedio de 16 mimes en noviembre-febrero. Las pesquerías del Panamá Bight producen anualmente de cerca 30,000 toneladas métricas de especies alimenticias y unas 68,000 t.m. de especies usadas para la reducción. La mayoría de los esfuerzos realizados con el fin de adquirir más conocimiento sobre la ecología del atún no tuvo éxito. La abundancia aparente del atún aleta amarilla y del barrilete en la parte septentrional del Bight parece estar relacionada con el ciclo estacional del afloramiento y del enriquecimiento, ya que la abundancia mayor en abril y mayo cuando parece que hay abundancia es de alimento. El ciclo de vida de la anchoveta en el Golfo de Panamá parece también que está relacionada al afloramiento. La masa de la especie varía de unas 39,000 t.m. en diciembre a cerca de 169,000 t.m. en abril. Aproximadamente 19.1 x 1012 huevos de anchoveta son desovados anualmente. Los ciclos de vida del camarón en el Panamá Bight parecen estar relacionados con el afloramiento ya que las capturas son superiores en mayo-julio, unos 3-5 meses después del ápice del afloramiento, y las capturas anuales se correlacionan inversamente con el nivel del mar. (PDF contains 340 pages.)
Detailed descriptions of the early development of the striped bass, Roccus saxitilis (Walbaum), with emphasis on variation in size and morphology, sequence of fin formation, changes in body form, and attainment of the full complement of maristic numbers, are presented and illustrated for the first time. The egg is spherical, transparent, non-adhesive and relatively large. It is pelagic and buoyant, although it sinks in quiet fresh water. When unfertilized, it averages 1.3 mm, in diameter, but is 3.4 mm. when fertilized and water-hardened. The granular yolk sac, green when alive and whitish-yellow when preserved, averages 1.2 mm., and the single amber-colored oil globule is about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Newly hatched striped bass prolarvae, which range from 2.9-3.7 mm. in total length, are relatively undeveloped and nearly transparent, with no mouth opening, unpigmented eyes, and a greatly enlarged yolk sac with the large oil globule projecting beyond the head. When 5-6 mm. long the yolk sac and oil globule are assimilated and the postlarvae I show advanced development of the internal anatomy. Although the fish is still transparent, scattered melanophores are found on the head and body and chromatophores in the eyes and the ventro-posterior edge of the body. Postlarvae transform to young between 7 and 10 mm. in length when the finfolds are lost except in the dorsal, anal and caudal regions. The largest fish in this group possess a well-formed skeleton with a full complement of 25 vertebrae. Between 10 and 20 mm. in length all fish are fully transformed, muscular tissue renders most of the internal structure obscure, and the myotomes, which generally correspond in number with the vertebrae, are no longer visible. At fish lengths of 20-30 mm. scales are found on all specimens, and with the exception of the pectoral fin-rays, a full complement of meristic structures is present in all other fins. At this stage the body is pigmented uniformly with small spots. Linear regressions between several dependent variables and the , independent variable of standard length indicate that the rate of development of head, eye. and snout to anus lengths is proportional to the length of the larvae and young. Body depth and standard length are non-linear among newly-hatched larvae. Hatchery-reared striped bass demonstrated a slow rate of growth, and were regarded as "stunted," when compared to growth rates observed in another study and field collections. Observations were also made on abnormal eggs and teratological larvae and young. Blue-sac disease is tentatively identified and described for the first time in larvae and pugnosed larvae and young are also described for the first time in striped bass.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the resistance of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimps (Penaeus monodon) to the process of cooking. The cooking was carried out at 1000C six different durations 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 min. The presence of WSSV was tested by single step and nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the single step PCR, the primers 1s5 & 1a16 and IK1 & IK2 were used. While in the nested PCR, primers IK1 &IK2 – IK3 & IK4 were used for the detection of WSSV. WSSV was detected in the single step PCR with the primers 1s5 and 1a16 and the nested PCR with the primers IK1 and IK2 – IK3 & IK4 from the cooked shrimp samples. The cooked shrimps, which gave positive results for WSSV by PCR, were further confirmed for the viability of WSSV by conducting the bio-inoculation studies. Mortality (100%) was observed within 123 h of intra-muscular post injection (P.I) into the live healthy WSSV-free shrimps (P. monodon). These results show that the WSSV survive the cooking process and even infected cooked shrimp products may pose a transmission risk for WSSV to the native shrimp farming systems.
Investigations conducted since July 1988 on ulcerative fish epidemics in Assam, India, indicated that mainly four species of fishes belonging to the genera Puntius, Channa, Macrognathus and Mystus were widely affected by the disease. Results indicated that outbreak of the disease may not be due to organic pollution of water or radioactive and heavy-metallic contamination. Bacterial culture revealed colonies of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the surface muscular lesions and gill tissues while preliminary electron microscopic studies indicated the presence of viruses in the muscles and gills of diseased fishes.
The present communication deals with the feeding trials of brown (Sargassum bovianum), green (Caulerpa faridii) and red (Gracilaria corticola) seaweeds in albino rats for a period of thirty days in order to investigate their digestibility and acceptability as supplementary food for animals. The parameters used were: changes in blood hemoglobin, ESR, MCHC, PCV and plasma vitamin levels. The result revealed that all the three species of seaweeds had acceptability up to 5% level, as no ill effect was noted during the experiment. But at 10% and 20% levels, marked changes were observed in blood parameters with diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions indicating possibilities of either tissue and muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal tract necrosis or functional disorder of central nervous system. A heavy mortality was noted due to excessive water loss through diarrhea and vomiting. However, no mortality was observed after 22nd day at both 10% and 20% levels with subsided clinical signs. The results suggest that these three seaweed species could be used safely as a supplementary food, in native form, in animals at low concentrations.
A thorough comparative study on the urinogenital papilla and sexual dimorphism has been made for the first time in both the sexes of twelve Indian gobiids: Glassogobius giuris (Hamilton); Acentrogobius cyanomos (Bleeker); Eleotriodes muralis (Valenciennes); Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson); Apocryptes bato (Hamilton); Scartclaos viridis (Hamilton); Boleophthalmus boddarti (Pallas), Periophthalmus schlosseri (Pallas); P. koelreuteri (Pallas); Taenioides anguillaris (Linnaeus); T. buchanani (Day); Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton). The urinogenital papilla, originating as a free muscular organ from the ventral surface of the body-wall and shortly behind anus, is present in both the sexes. It is an important organ of primary sex recognition in all species. In case of male the papilla is conical, broad at the base and in female it is either flattened, distally truncated or bluntly rounded. The presence of permanent colour mark over the specific region of the body surface is another secondary sexual character in a few species. Besides, colouration may also be a nuptial secondary sex character developed in some during peak breeding season. The enlargement and colouration of the organ is subject to seasonal variations parallel to the seasonal gonadal cycle. The histological architecture of the papilla shows a high degree of cellular specialization and an interrelationship to the urinary and genital ducts. The functional efficacy and significance of the papilla in the breeding biology of these fishes has been discussed.
La situación de las ciencias del mar en la Argentina se puede caracterizar como una de ‘excelencia en aislamiento’. El tema dominante de las discusiones mantenidas por el comité que preparó este informe fue la virtual inexistencia de coordinación entre programas de investigación, equipo para realizar tareas de campo y personal científico y de apoyo en las instituciones. La coordinación que existe ocurre gracias a enormes esfuerzos individuales y a relaciones personales. Si bien en muchos lugares hay investigadores destacados y entusiastas, casi todos sufren de aislamiento físico, mínima financiación y la necesidad de prestar servicios por contrato para llevar adelante su trabajo. Además, como suelen carecer de interacción científica con colegas, les resulta muy difícil diseñar programas con una perspectiva amplia del ecosistema. Muchos laboratorios padecen de problemas estructurales, en especial la carencia de equipamiento moderno y destrezas actualizadas. Muy pocos reúnen una masa crítica de investigadores, y aun aquellos que congregan a muchos científicos no parecen practicar la coordinación entre proyectos ni usan mecanismos que faciliten una interacción constructiva. No se advierten programas que utilicen técnicas moleculares más allá de un nivel superficial. No hay bibliotecas adecuadas, por lo que es poco realista que las autoridades institucionales pretendan que resulten publicaciones de alto vuelo y de circulación internacional. Las mejores instituciones se encuentran diseminadas entre Ushuaia y Buenos Aires, pero hay escasas reuniones nacionales en las que establecer contactos, intercambiar ideas y diseñar colaboraciones. Con una excepción, no hay buques oceanográficos disponibles para investigar y las embarcaciones menores son pocas, lo que impide realizar estudios sobre la plataforma e incluso cercanos a la costa. Algunos de los mejores grupos han concentrado su actividad en el área costera, lo que limita seriamente el alcance de sus investigaciones. El comité formuló algunas recomendaciones, detalladas al final del informe, que permitirían comenzar a atacar estas carencias. Una necesidad fundamental sería un plan oceanográfico nacional que reconozca la magnitud de la plataforma argentina, la importancia de las ciencias del mar y la escala de los problemas que encaran sus disciplinas. Un elemento crítico de tal plan sería la necesidad de apoyar amplios estudios integradores, para comprender cómo peces y mamíferos marinos utilizan la productividad del Mar Argentino, desde la costa hasta más allá del borde de la plataforma. El plan también debería encarar la financiación unificada y el uso compartido de embarcaciones y equipo de alto costo. Por último, debería asegurar recursos para apoyar a estudiantes y, más importante aún, promover la creación de oportunidades laborales para graduados, lo que contribuiría a solucionar el problema de la fuga de cerebros que al presente acosa a estas disciplinas. Las recomendaciones contenidas en este informe acerca de reflexionar y reorganizar la infraestructura científica en el más alto nivel gubernamental no podrán encontrar aplicación sin que haya coordinación y comunicación entre la comunidad de científicos del mar en la Argentina. Las ciencias marinas necesitan unificar su discurso para explicar la importancia del ambiente oceánico y sus recursos para la nación, y para presentar recomendaciones en orden de prioridad para el futuro.
A comparative study on the effect of A.C. field on Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapta mossambica was carried out using a slowly rising field intensity. Well defined reactions appeared in the species of fish with slight specific variations, depending on their orientation in the electrical field, on reaching the field intensity to specific value. These reactions can be distinguished as first reaction, when the fish perceive the surrounding field, jerky swimming when parallel to the current lines (longitudinal oscillotaxis), the static position finally adopted by the fish sooner or latter depending on the potential gradient (transverse oscillotaxis), and a state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). After switching off the current, a hypnotic condition prevailed in the treated fishes before returning to their normal swimming condition. The orientation of fish body in the field had an important bearing on the behaviour reactions and current thresholds necessary for those reactions. Initial reaction, jerky swimming between electrodes and hypnosis after stoppage of current appeared in fishes earlier when the fish body was in parallel to the current lines, whereas fishes responded to transverse oscillotaxis quickly when perpendicular to current lines.
Response to external electric field (D. C.) of three different varieties of fish namely Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapia mossambica having different anatomical and behavioural characteristics were studied. Clearly distinguished reactions occurred one after another m all the varieties of fish with the increase in field intensity with minor specific variations. These reactions can be broadly classified into initial start (first reaction), forced swimming (galvanotaxis), slackening of body muscle (galvanonarcosis) and state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). The orientation of the organism (projection of nervous element) to the surrounding field has been found to have important bearing on the behaviour reactions. Clearly differentiated anodic taxis and true narcosis set in when fish body axis was parallel to the lines of current conduction. But with greater angle between the body axis and the current lines, fish did not show well marked reactions. Fish body, when perpendicular to current lines responded for anodic curvature and off balance swimming followed by tetanus.
Phosphorylase content in the muscle of some fish and shell fish were estimated. Jew fish (Johnius dussumeri) and 'sea naran'(Penaeus indicus) recorded the highest enzyme content among the fish and shell fish studied. As phosphorylase is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis, which is the energy source of fish for muscular activity, the possible role of phosphorylase content as an index of muscular capacity and post-mortem autolysis is discussed.
A new species of trematodes Pleorchis heterorchis is described from the fishes Lutjanus johnii and Otolithus argenteus of Karachi coast. The new species is characterized by having a lanceolate body with a notch at the middle of the posterior end of the body. Body surface is smooth, ventral sucker rounded, situated at the anterior middle region of the body, pre-pharynx is well developed, widened posteriorly, pharynx muscular, oesophagus short, intestine H-shaped with anterior arms much shorter than the posterior, intestinal bifurcation almost in the middle of fore body, anterior caeca wide and short extending as far as anterior limit of pharynx. Posteriorly caeca reach to posterior end of the body with no lateral out pocketing. Testes 44 in number, intercecal arranged in 2 parallel rows, sub-globular, entire to slightly irregular, almost of same sizes extending immediately from posterior of the ovary to anterior of excretory vesicle. Cirrus pouch overlaps the ventral sucker, extends into hind body, terminating above the ovary, containing bipartite seminal vesicle, pars prostatica and ejaculatory duct. Genital pore behind the intestinal bifurcation and pre-acetabular. Ovary pre-testicular, consists of 16 follicles of varying sizes. Vitellaria lateral, follicular, extending from post bifurcal to posterior extremity. Excretory vesicle reaches to the posterior level of last pair of testes.