10 resultados para Managerial behaviour

em Aquatic Commons


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The list provides addresses of institutions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda which are of managerial relevance to the fisheries of Lake Victoria, indicating the relevant area covered


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Co-management is a system or a process in which responsibility and authority for the management of common resources is shared between the state, local users of the resources as well as other stakeholders, and where they have the legal authority to administer the resource jointly. Co-management has received increasing attention in recent years as a potential strategy for managing fisheries. This paper presents and discusses results of a survey undertaken in the Kenyan part of Lake Victoria to assess the conditions - behaviour, attitude and characteristics of resource users, as well as community institutions - that can support co-management. It analyses the results of this survey with respect to a series of parameters, identified by Pinkerton (1989), as necessary preconditions for the successful inclusion of communities involvement in resource management. The survey was implemented through a two-stage stratified random sampling technique based on district and beach size strata. A total of 405 fishers, drawn from 25 fish landing beaches, were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The paper concludes that while Kenya's lake Victoria fishery would appear to qualify for a number of these preconditions, it would appear that it fails to qualify in others. Preconditions in this latter category include the definition of boundaries in fishing grounds, community members' rights to the resource, delegation and legislation of local responsibility and authority. Additional work is required to further elaborate and understand these shortcomings


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This paper examines the data recently collected from Lake Victoria (SEDAWOG, 2000a). In the first section, it provides the results from the survey that examines fishermen's perceptions of the status of the resource base. In the second section, it starts with an examination of boundaries, followed by an examination of these data insofar as they relate to fishermen's understanding of roles. We conclude the paper with a brief discussion of what these findings mean for fisheries management on Lake Victoria in particular, and our understanding of co-managerial applications more generally


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Observations were made on crayfish burrows in five locations on the Great Ouse River. The burrow densities and the relative abundance of crayfish were observed. Also, laboratory experiments were carried out in order to study the characteristics and mechanisms of burrowing.


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The author summarises observations on the behaviour of Polyphemus pediculus and functions of its extremities in the process of feeding. The crustacean Polyphemus pediculus seizes its prey, kills it and pulverises its food with the help of its extremities. Therefore for a study of its feeding method was necessary not only to have been acquainted in detail with the structure of its extremities, but also to have observed their interaction for the accomplishment of the stated functions.


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The behaviour in the feeding process and the functional morphology of Lathonura rectirostris O.F. Muller - one of the widely distributed species of macrothricids - is studied. The current work is an attempt at morpho-functional analysis of the apparatus of the trunk appendages of Lathonura rectirostris O.F. Muller. This highly specialized species, the method of feeding of which basically comes to the mechanical scraping-off and collection of epiphytic single-celled algae and particles deposited on the surface of aquatic plants.


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Two landing sites were chosen in Tanzania for the 4-beaches survey. The former, Ihale, is a large one with an avarage of 120 boats and direct connections to the fish processing factories. The latter, Mwasonge, is one of the smallest landing sites in the Mwanza region with totally different characteristics. This book section aims to analyse the results from these two sites in the context of the co-management potentialities in Tanzania and more generally on the Lake Victoria region.


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A study has been made primarily of the food of the chironomid Procladius nigriventris: this includes Alona affinis, Bosmina coregoni, Camptocercus, Eucyclops serrulatus, Paracyclops fimbriatus, Acanthocyclops viridis, Harpacticoida, Diaptomus graciloides, Ostracods, Chironomus sp, Polypedilum sp and Tanytarsus sp. Chironomus larvae usually found in the gut are in their 1st or 2nd instars , though occasional 3rd instars are present. The study summarises other findings on the feeding behaviour of Procladius nigriventris.


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This information is based on the limnological observations of the very interesting and remarkable discharge of the Lunzer Obersee, (1117m). On journeying towards the Mittersee, the Lunzer Obersee discharge takes on all the characteristics of spring-water; it was found to be of interest to take note of the change of the composition of the water on those stretches of the course where it flows shows the ground. For this purpose it was necessary to take temperature-recordings, chemical examination of the water and a quantitative determination of the plankton. Samples were taken in 1954 of zooplankton at different times of the year at the discharge of the lake and analysed. The significant loss of organisms in the way of discharge is discussed.