12 resultados para Making and Evaluating Strategy: Learning from the Military

em Aquatic Commons


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This working paper aims to synthesize and share learning from the experience of adapting and operationalizing the Research in Development(RinD) approach to agricultural research in the five hubs under the The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. It seeks to share learning about how the approach is working in context and to explore the outcomes it is achieving through initial implementation over 3 ½ years. This learning can inform continuation of agricultural research in the second phase of the CGIAR research programs and will be useful to others aiming to implement research programs that seek to equitably build capacity to innovate in complex social-ecological systems. Each of the chapters in this working paper have shown that RinD has produced a range of outcomes that were often unexpected and broader in scope than might result from other approaches to agricultural research. RinD also produces innovations, and there is evidence that it builds capacity to innovate.


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A major challenge for international agricultural research is to find ways to improve the nutrition and incomes of people left behind by the Green Revolution. To better address the needs of the most marginal and vulnerable people, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the research-in-development (RinD) approach. In 2012, WorldFish started to implement RinD in Solomon Islands. By building people’s capacity to analyze and address development problems, actively engaging relevant stakeholders, and linking research to these processes, RinD aims to develop an alternative approach to addressing hunger and poverty. This report describes the key principles and implementation process, and assesses the emergent outcomes of this participatory, systems-oriented and transformative research approach in Solomon Islands.


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ENGLISH: This is a data report based on information collected from the logbooks of baitboats and purse-seiners engaged in the fishery for yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsulvonus pelamis) tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean from 1951 through 1958. The detailed analysis of these data appears in other research bulletins, some already published and others in preparation. SPANISH: Este es un informe basado en los datos contenidos en la información recogida de los registros de bitácora de los barcos de carnada y rederos que se dedicaron a la pesca de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical de 1951 a 1958. El análisis detallado de estos datos aparece en otros boletines de investigación, algunos de los cuales ya han sido publicados y otros están en preparación.


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ENGLISH: This report is a sequel to one previously published by the Commission (Alverson, 1960) which covered the years 1951 through 1958. It is based entirely on information collected from the logbooks of purse-seiners and baitboats engaged in the fishery for yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna in the Eastern Pacific from 1959 through 1962. SPANISH: Este informe es una secuela de uno publicado previamente por la Comisión (Alverson, 1960) que cubrió los años de 1951 a 1958. Se basa enteramente en la información recoleetada ,de los diarios de pesca de los barcos rederos y de carnada, que se ocupande la pesquería del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) en el Pacífico Oriental, desde 1959 a 1962.


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A method of identifying the beaks and estimating body weight and mantle length of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean is presented. Twenty specimens were selected from each of the following cephalopod species: Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis, Dosidicus gigas, Ommastrephes bartramii, S. luminosa, Todarodes pacificus, Nototodarus hawaiiensis, Ornithoteuthis volalilis, Hyaloteuthis pelagica, Onychoteuthis banksii, Pterygioteuthis giardi, Abraliopsis affinis, A. felis, Liocranchia reinhardti, Leachia danae, Histioteuthis heteropsis, H. dofleini, Gonalus onyx, and Loligo opalescens. Dimensions measured on the upper and lower beak are converted to ratios and compared individually among the species using an analysis of variance procedure with Tukey's omega and Duncan's multiple range tests. Significant differences (P =0.05) observed among the species' beak ratio means and structural characteristics are used to construct artificial keys for the upper and lower beaks of the 18 species. Upper and lower beak dimensions are used as independent variables in a linear regression model with mantle length and body weight (log transformed). (PDF file contains 56 pages.)


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Estimates of length-weight relationship in Otolithes cuvieri justify separate equations for males (log W =-5.0100+3.1365 log L) and females (log W =-5.2000+3.1006 log L). Relative condition factor "Kn" was found to be 0.877-1.946 in males and 0.879-1.328 in females. High "Kn" values during March to September at 180-220 mm TL in either sexes are indicative of the maturation of gonads. Separate equations for length-weight relationship are also justified for males (log W = -5.1126 + 3.0690 log L) and females (log W = -5.6400 + 3.3070 log L) of Johnius elongatus . "Kn" values were found to be 0.924-1.894 for males and 0.894-1.087 for females. High "Kn" values during January-May and August-September at 130 mm TL onward are indicative of gonadal maturation.


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Attempts have been made to characterize and purify immunoglobulins from the serum of Clarias gariepinus, which has been immunized with bovine serum albumen. Initially, the proteins in the serum were chromatographed successively by affinity chromatography column. The affinity-purified fraction was concentrated and checked in SDS-PAGE, two bands of heavy chain and two bands of light chain were observed. Since teleost immunoglobulins have been shown to belong to a single class, the extra bands in light and heavy chains in the present study might be the breakdown of immunoglobulin or some unpurified contaminants. The affinity-purified fraction was also subjected to gel filtration chromatography column.


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Excirolana orienta/is (Dana, 1853) belonging to the Cirolanidae, hitherto unknown from Pakistan, is collected from the rocky intertidal region of Manora Island, Karachi coast The specimens are fully described and illustrated. A list of the known species of the genus Excirolana is also provided since the genus is also first time reported from here.


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ENGLISH: In a previous Commission Bulletin, Shimada (1957) has described the geographical distribution of the yearly catches of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the Eastern Pacific Ocean for the period 1952 to 1955 inclusive, based on information obtained from logbook records of baitboats and purse-seiners. In view of the seasonal nature of the fishery in different areas, a summary of the catches by smaller time units may be of additional value. Accordingly, statistical data employed earlier by Shimada have been retabulated by quarters of the year and form the basis of the present report. SPANISH: En un Boletín anterior de la Comisión, Shimada (1957) hizo un estudio sobre la distribución geográfica de las pescas anuales de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) del Océano Pacifico Oriental, en el perlado comprendido por los años 1952 a 1955 inclusive. Dicho estudio fué hecho sobre la base de la información obtenida en los registros de las bitácoras de los barcos carnaderos y rederos. Pero en vista de la naturaleza que imprimen las estaciones a la pesquería en las diferentes áreas se ha considerado que podría tener valor complementario un resumen de las pescas en unidades de tiempo menores. De acuerdo con este criterio, los datos estadísticos empleados antes por Shimada, se han tabulado de nuevo ahora, por trimestres, y constituyen siempre la base del presente informe. (PDF contains 49 pages.)


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Water beetle larvae and pupae were collected from the lotic biotopes in localities of the southern part of Ceylon. The species are described and findings are related to previous investigations. The following families were represented: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Helodidae, Dascillidae (Eubrianacinae), Dryopidae and Lampyridae.