14 resultados para MACULATUS JENYNS 1842

em Aquatic Commons


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Pisidium obtusale in the neighbourhood of Borka occurs in deep pools on upland bogs. The majority of water-bodies where this mollusc lives are temporary. Their bottoms are covered with sedges, and sometimes mosses occur. Evidently there is a marked attraction of P. obtusale to places overgrown by willow. In pools remote from scrub or woody vegetation it does not appear. Temporary water-bodies fill up with melt water in the middle or the end of April and finally dry up at the end of July or the beginning of August. Observations on the life cycle of P. obtusale started on 21 April 1966, following on the filling-up of the water-body by melt water. The findings of the study are presented in this paper.


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Studies on the nutrient composition of smoked-dried Clarias gariepinus were carried out, to assess the effects of pest infestation on the dried catfish from two different market (Abakpa and Kpirikpiri market) area in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Fish samples from the two markets where kept for pest to infest it and it were taken to Biochemistry Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Ebonyi State University to assess the damage of pest on dried catfish using standard methods. There was a significant different among the mean weight of fish from the two markets (Abakpa and kpirikpiri; 19.13kg and 18.98kg respectively) compared with the mean weight of the control 20.09kg. There was a variation in the proximate composition of the fishes from the two markets compared with the control, the decreases of the proximate composition are: crude protein from 60.07% to 40.27%; fat from 8.35% to 5.90%; moisture content from 11.67% to 10.67; fiber from 12.93 to 11.93; ash from 4.02% to 3.54% and carbohydrate 12.67% to 5.89%. The longer the storage periods of the infested smoked fish the more the tissue was degraded. Proper handling and storage of dried catfish are required to prolong the shelf life and nutrient content of dried catfish.


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East African sun-dried fish infested by Dermestes maculatus were exposed to tropical sunlight at ambient temperature and analysed for insect mortality and weight losses. Solar treatment for 6 to 8 lo was highly effective for one layer of split sun-dried fish and 100% insect mortality was toted, while pest species were still present in the four layer batch. Weight losses between 1.2% and 10.2% were recorded, the top layer suffering the highest loss. The high surface temperature of 60°C caused fish to become brittle and quality losses occurred. A reduction in length of exposure/temperature is probably a presupposition for application of the method to local conditions.


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East African sun-dried fish dipped for 4 seconds in different solutions of pyrethrum and piperonyl butoxide were analysed for insecticide residue limits. All analyses showed residues above the FAO/WHO MRL; exceeding factors of between 7.6 (22.9 ppm) and 1.6 (5.3 ppm) were found for pyrethrum while exceeding factors between 5.1 (102 ppm) and 1.7 (33.1 ppm) were common for piperonyl butoxide after 6 months storage at ambient temperature. All insecticide treated fish, regardless of dip concentration, were observed to be less susceptible to infestation by Dermestes maculatus than samples of untreated fish. No dry weight losses due to insect infestation were recorded, however moisture evaporation caused weight losses between 6 and 8% during the period. Further investigations showed that careful handling and a dip concentration more in accordance with FAO/WHO MRL than the commercial practice will reduce the cost of insecticides from K.sh. 0.72 to K.sh. 0.23 per kg pyrethrum treated fish.


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Previously an asteroid starfish Astropecten indicus has been described by Tahera (1996), and another species of the genus Astropecten i.e. A. polyacanthus Muller and Troschel, 1842 has been collected from the subtidal region of a sandy shore of Clifton (24°47'42"N 66°59'6"E), Karachi. The latter species is here reported for the first time from the Pakistan coast of the northern Arabian Sea and fills the gap in the known distribution. The species is briefly described and illustrated.


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The genus Percichthys (Serranidae) includes three nominal species in Argentina, trucha, vinciguerrae and altispinis. The authors of this paper examine materials from: 1: the Río Negro river in its inferior course, in front of Viedma; 2: lake Pellegrini, near Neuquén, where the rivers Neuquén and Limay meet and form the Negro; 3: Plottier, near the place just named; 4: Colorado river, in Fortín Uno; 5: Curacó river, a tributary to the Colorado, now cut into separate sections since years ago on account of the lack of water; this river normally would connect the Colorado with the rivers up to the San Juan where the « trucha » lives; 6: Luro or La Salada lagoon, formed by the Colorado river near its mouth; 7: Argentino lake, in the southern Patagonia. These fishes are known as « trucha criolla » or « native trout » although the old Spanish name was « perca », more appropiate. Percichthys altispinis Regan 1905 is a good species ; it has been re-found in the Colorado river, at Fortín Uno. An illustration of it is given, characters of four specimens and a note on its scales. P. trucha C. V. reveeals itself on close examination as a complex species or linnean species (linneon) ; with several combinations of characters, but even more materials are needed to establish if there are geographical races (subspecies). A new examination of the Chilean materials is required (former authors considered them jointly with the Atlantic versant or Argentine materials). Some of the infraspeciíic forms are prognathous, and low finned ; others, the contrary; the head may be normal, or conical and bony; etc. As to P. vinciguerrae its standing as a valid species is doubtfull; perhaps, with P. laevis Jenyns it is a southern form. In the same reduced habitat (lagoon, or isolated course) diversified forms are present; some show parallelism with those of other places ; it is supposed that they show ecological influences according to the year or season of birth or developpment. A thorough study of the scales is given, with epidological characteristics and general conciusions as to the method of measuring and comparing their « reading». There are some marked differences even in the same habitat.


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In February 2006, an Alternative Platform Observer Program (APP) was implemented in North Carolina (NC) to observe commercial gillnet trips by small vessels [<24 ft (7.2 m)] in nearshore waters out to three nm (5.6 km). Efforts began with outreach to the fishing industry while simultaneously gathering information to be incorporated in a Database of Fishermen. From 30 March 2006 through 31 March 2007, 36 trips were observed. Observed trips of the NC nearshore gillnet fishery targeted seven species: kingfish (Menticirrhus spp.), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus), spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), and weakfish (Cynoscion regalis). Of the 36 trips, 20 (55.6%) were with vessels that were new to the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP), having never carried an observer. Based on the landings data for small vessels from North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF), the APP has achieved 10.1% coverage by number of trips and 4.0% by pounds landed. No incidental takes of bottlenose dolphins were observed by the APP, although bottlenose dolphins were sighted during 19 (52.8%) observed trips. The APP has drastically increased the number of observed trips of small vessels in the nearshore waters of NC. When combined with trips observed by NEFOP (n=205), the APP resulted in a 15.6% increase in the number of observed gillnet trips. (PDF contains 34 pages)


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In situ ecological assessment of the breeding grounds of palaemonid prawns was conducted in some selected locations around Ondo state coastal area between the months of April and September. Data obtained were subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics. Three species of Palaemonid prawns were identified in four different locations within the study area with relative abundance ratio of 4:3:1. Macrobrachium macrobrachion, Nematopalaemon hastatus and Palaemon maculatus respectively. Sex ratio of 1 male to 5 females for M. macrobrachion, and 1 male to 2 females for N. hastatus and P. maculatus were observed with result showing significant relationships (P < 0.05) in distribution patterns across collection sites. Population distribution within the water column showed that palaemons are sub-lithoral prawns inhabiting maximum mean depth of 0.67m ± 0.025. Surface macro-phytes such as Eichhornia crassipies, Paspalum vaginatum, and Pistia stratiotes are common providing hiding spots for the prawn at the breeding ground. The mean soil pH across the sites stands at 6.67± 0.399 with the soil textural class that range from silty-loam to silty-clay. Also, the water quality parameters of study areas suggest that captive culture and rearing of Palaemons may be feasible outside the breeding areas.


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Spencer Fullerton Baird was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, February 3, 1823. In 1834 he was sent to a Quaker boarding-school kept by Dr. McGraw, at Port Deposit, Maryland, and the year following to the Reading Grammar School. In 1836 he entered Dickinson College, and was graduated at the age of seventeen. After leaving college, his time for several years was devoted to studies in general natural history, to long pedestrian excursions for the purpose of observing animals and plants and collecting specimens, and to the organization of a private cabinet of natural history, which a few years later became the nucleus of the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. During this period he published a number of original papers on natural history. He also read medicine with Dr. Middleton Goldsmith, attending a winter course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in New York, in 1842. His medical course was never formally completed, although in 1848 he received the degree of M. D., honoris causa, from the Philadelphia Medical College. In 1845 he was chosen professor of natural history in Dickinson College, and in 1846 his duties and emoluments were increased by election to the chair of natural history and chemistry in the same institution. In 1848 he declined a call to the professorship of natural science in the University of Vermont. In 1849 he undertook his first extensive literary work, translating and editing the text for the "Iconographic Encyclopedia," an English version of Heck's Bilder Atlas, published in connection with Brockhaus's Conversations Lexikon.


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Además de sus conocidos aportes a la geología, la paleontología y la biogeografía de ecosistemas terrestres de la región pampeana y la Patagonia (Argentina), Darwin realizó notables y poco difundidas contribuciones al conocimiento de los ambientes marinos costeros del actual territorio argentino y de los organismos que habitan en ellos. La intimidad de Darwin con el mar se advierte en toda su obra: en el Viaje y en el Origen igual que en numerosos trabajos de investigación realizados y publicados a su regreso a Inglaterra. Entre 1846 y 1854 dio a conocer una extensa obra sobre cirrípedos o cirripedios, que sentó las bases del estudio de esos crustáceos y, aún hoy, es bibliografía obligada de los taxónomos. Su trabajo sobre la estructura y distribución de los arrecifes coralinos de 1842, es considerado un documento fundacional del conocimiento sobre el origen de los atolones. Los moluscos fueron igualmente objeto de publicaciones y cartas entre 1848 y 1871. La difundida imagen de Darwin sentado ante un escritorio escribiendo sus libros lleva a olvidar que pasaba también mucho tiempo con el microscopio. En el Viaje del Beagle incluyó párrafos sobre aves marinas, lo mismo que sobre briozoos o briozoarios, y en El origen, explicó sus pensamientos acerca de la migración de los ojos en los lenguados. Dedicó especial atención a las algas gigantes o sargazos marinos de Tierra del Fuego (donde se los conoce por cachiyuyos). Se incluyen los siguientes trabajos de divulgación científica -Darwin y los briozoos; -Darwin y el desarrollo larval de crustáceos; -Sobre Cirripedios; De Darwin a los acelerómetros; -Los peces de cara torcida; -La incursión en la costa sur de Buenos Aires.


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The microhabitat breadth of Vamanapuram River fish community was studied in detail. The microhabitat variables selected were relative depth, focal point velocity, water column depth, mean water velocity and substrate. Puntius filamentosus had the highest breadth in three dimensions in both stream and river habitats showing a generalistic mode of resource utilization. Garra mullya, Labeo dero and Glossogobius giuris are specialists in the usage of microhabitat variables in the stream habitat while these are G. mullya, Etroplus maculatus and Aplocheilus lineatus in river habitat. Danio aequipinnatus showed extreme variations along focal point velocity variable in both habitats indicating an. opportunistic behaviour.


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The morphological characteristics and overlap of fish community in Vamanapuram River have been studied in detail. In the 12 study sites, 19 fish species were encountered. Based on the body shape, four different types are apparent. The elongate bodied fishes (RBD<1.5) like Hemiramphus xanthopterus and Xenentodon cancila are grouped under one category. The deep bodied fishes (RBD>3.5) like Puntius filamentosus, P. ticto, P. vittatus, P. melanampyx, P. sarana, Etroplus maculatus and E. suratensis come under a separate category. Fishes with round to square cross section like Garra mullya and Glossogobius giuris form a separate group. All the other species are grouped as generalized bodied fishes. The morphological overlap studied for the Vamanapuram fish community showed that out of 190 combinations, 30 combinations have high overlaps (≥ 67). P. melanampyx has maximum number (6) of high overlaps. Puntius spp., which constituted 49.5% of the total population, have a mean morphological overlap of 52%. The morphological overlap of fish species in relation to the trophic structure is discussed in detail.