11 resultados para Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Theoretical Division.

em Aquatic Commons


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As the global population has increased, so have human influences on the global environment. ... How can we better understand and predict these natural and potential anthropogenic variations? One way is to develop a model that can accurately describe all the components of the hydrologic cycle, rather than just the end result variables such as precipitation and soil moisture. If we can predict and simulate variations in evaporation and moisture convergence, as well as precipitation, then we will have greater confidence in our ability to at least model precipitation variations. Therefore, we describe here just how well we can model relevant aspects of the global hydrologic cycle. In particular, we determine how well we can model the annual and seasonal mean global precipitation, evaporation, and atmospheric water vapor transport.


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We describe a preliminary investigation into large-scale atmospheric and surface moisture variations over North America. We compare large-scale hydrologic budgets in the Los Alamos general circulation model (GCM) to observed precipitation and vertically integrated atmospheric moisture fluxes derived from the National Meteorological Center's operational analyses. THe GCM faithfully simulates the integrated flux divergence and P-E differences. However, the integrated moisture content is too low, and precipitation and evaporation are too high. The model produces summertime soil moisture dryness, which supports previous studies showing increased droughts under warmer conditions.


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The Scientific Forum on the Gulf of Mexico: The Islands in the Stream Concept took place in January 2008 in Sarasota, Florida. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together scientists and managers from around the Gulf of Mexico to discuss a range of topics on our knowledge of the Gulf of Mexico, from its geology to larger-scale connectivity to the Caribbean region, and their applications to the concept of a more integrated approach to area-based management. The forum included six panels of invited experts who spoke on the oceanographic and biological features in the Gulf of Mexico, including connections with Mexico and the Mesoamerican barrier reef system, and the legal and regulatory structure currently in place. The charge to the group was to share information, identify gaps in our knowledge, identify additional potential areas for protection, and discuss available science about connectivity and the potential value of establishing a marine protected area network in the Gulf of Mexico. (PDF has 108 pages.)


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The rhythm of division of 9 species belonging to different groups of algae were analysed in situ and in the laboratory. The research which developed in different environmental conditions attempted to establish the capacity for multiplication and assimilation of chlorophyll on the part of the algae under study with a view to placing them in a culture. The results obtained showed that the green multicellular algae (eg. Ulothrix) and the blue algae (eg. Lyngbya, Oscillatoria) are able to produce an appreciable quantity of dry matter, just as the unicellular algae. At the same time it arises that amongst the numerous factors of the environment, temperature plays one of the most important roles in the process of multiplication.


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A workshop was convened by the MODEL Task Team and held June 23-28, 1996, in Nemuro, Japan, to develop the modeling requirements of the PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC) Program. It was attended by over 40 scientists from all member nations of PICES. The principal objectives of the workshop were to • review the roles and limitations of modeling for the CCCC program; • propose the level of modeling required; and • provide a plan for how to promote these modeling activities. Secondary activities at the workshop included organisational meetings of the Regional comparisons (REX) and Basin-scale experiment (BASS) Task Teams, and a symposium by Japan-GLOBEC on “Development and application of new technologies for measurement and modeling in marine ecosystems.” This report serves as a record of the proceedings of this workshop. (PDF contains 89 pages)


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Between 1981 and 1995, we published five bibliographic lists (López et al., 1981, 1982,1987, 1989 y 1995) that included the publications referred to Argentine freshwater fishes and related general information published since Ringuelet et al. (1967). We included Uruguayan papers until 1989, when it became apparent that our access to those materials was not complete. Other bibliographic collections were published on several subjects (López et al., 1991, 1993, y Ferriz et al., 1998). In the foreword to the 1995 list, López stated that it was difficult to assess the actual usefulness of the lists, since they were seldom quoted in research papers. This consideration, along with the wide success of electronic databases, caused us to discontinue the series, since its only goal had been to increase the knowledge and access to local research papers and foreign publications of interest to local researchers. Regrettably, our experience indicates that access to scientific literature is still, if not difficult, somewhat arbitrary. Apart from that, the continuous work on diverse research lines at División Zoología Vertebrados of Museo de La Plata leads to the accumulation of a multiplicity of information which may be sorted out for the use of others without much difficulty. At present, electronically-supported databases appear as the simplest way to do this. The future will show if this method is more efficient than the preceding one. In this issue we have included papers published between 1996 and 2002; and it is our purpose to update the list on a yearly basis. Papers included cover Argentine fish fauna and some related subjects of more general interest. Naturally, it is hardly surprising that some involuntary omissions will occur when addressing this subject. Any corrections and/or additions will be incorporated in following versions; and all information is most welcome.


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Forward: Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LKNMS) was designated in 1981 to protect and promote the study, teaching, and wise use of the resources of Looe Key Sanctuary (Plate A). In order to wisely manage this valuable resource, a quantitative resource inventory was funded by the Sanctuary Programs Division (SPD), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in cooperation with the Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA; the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), University of Miami; the Fisher Island Laboratory, United States Geological Survey; and the St. Petersburg Laboratory, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources. This report is the result of this cooperative effort. The objective of this study was to quantitatively inventory selected resources of LKNMS in order to allow future monitoring of changes in the Sanctuary as a result of human or natural processes. This study, referred to as Phase I, gives a brief summary of past and present uses of the Sanctuary (Chapter 2); and describes general habitat types (Chapter 3), geology and sediment distribution (Chapter 4), coral abundance and distribution (Chapter 5), the growth history of the coral Montastraea annularis (Chapter 6), reef fish abundance and distribution (Chapter 7), and status of selected resources (Chapter 8). An interpretation of the results of the survey are provided for management consideration (Chapter 9). The results are expected to provide fundamental information for applied management, natural history interpretation, and scientific research. Numerous photographs and illustrations were used to supplement the report to make the material presented easier to comprehend (Plate B). We anticipate the information provided will be used by managers, naturalists, and the general public in addition to scientists. Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were taken at Looe Key Reef by Dr. James A. Bohnsack. The top photograph in Plate 7.8 was taken by Michael C. Schmale. Illustrations were done by Jack Javech, NMFS. Field work was initiated in May 1983 and completed for the most part by October 1983 thanks to the cooperation of numerous people and organizations. In addition to the participating agencies and organizations we thank the Newfound Harbor Marine Institute and the Division of Parks and Recreation, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources for their logistical support. Special thanks goes to Billy Causey, the Sanctuary Manager, for his help, information, and comments. We thank in alphabetical order: Scott Bannerot, Margie Bastian, Bill Becker, Barbara Bohnsack, Grant Beardsley, John Halas, Raymond Hixon, Irene Hooper, Eric Lindblad, and Mike Schmale. We dedicate this effort to the memory of Ray Hixon who participated in the study and who loved Looe Key. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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Marine reserves, often referred to as no-take MPAs, are defined as areas within which human activities that can result in the removal or alteration of biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem are prohibited or greatly restricted (NRC 2001). Activities typically curtailed within a marine reserve are extraction of organisms (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing, kelp harvesting, commercial collecting), mariculture, and those activities that can alter oceanographic or geologic attributes of the habitat (e.g., mining, shore-based industrial-related intake and discharges of seawater and effluent). Usually, marine reserves are established to conserve biodiversity or enhance nearby fishery resources. Thus, goals and objectives of marine reserves can be inferred, even if they are not specifically articulated at the time of reserve formation. In this report, we review information about the effectiveness of the three marine reserves in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, Point Lobos Ecological Reserve, Big Creek Ecological Reserve), and the one in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (the natural area on the north side of East Anacapa Island). Our efforts to objectively evaluate reserves in Central California relative to reserve theory were greatly hampered for four primary reasons; (1) few of the existing marine reserves were created with clearly articulated goals or objectives, (2) relatively few studies of the ecological consequences of existing reserves have been conducted, (3) no studies to date encompass the spatial and temporal scope needed to identify ecosystem-wide effects of reserve protection, and (4) there are almost no studies that describe the social and economic consequences of existing reserves. To overcome these obstacles, we used several methods to evaluate the effectiveness of subtidal marine reserves in Central California. We first conducted a literature review to find out what research has been conducted in all marine reserves in Central California (Appendix 1). We then reviewed the scientific literature that relates to marine reserve theory to help define criteria to use as benchmarks for evaluation. A recent National Research Council (2001) report summarized expected reserve benefits and provided the criteria we used for evaluation of effectiveness. The next step was to identify the research projects in this region that collected information in a way that enabled us to evaluate reserve theory relative to marine reserves in Central California. Chapters 1-4 in this report provide summaries of those research projects. Contained within these chapters are evaluations of reserve effectiveness for meeting specific objectives. As few studies exist that pertain to reserve theory in Central California, we reviewed studies of marine reserves in other temperate and tropical ecosystems to determine if there were lessons to be learned from other parts of the world (Chapter 5). We also included a discussion of social and economic considerations germane to the public policy decision-making processes associated with marine reserves (Chapter 6). After reviewing all of these resources, we provided a summary of the ecological benefits that could be expected from existing reserves in Central California. The summary is presented in Part II of this report. (PDF contains 133 pages.)


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Presentation to elected officials [and American Fisheries Society] on the wealth of research to be done in the Chesapeake Bay. Citing drop in oyster production from a high of 17,000,000 bushels in 1885 to 2,000,000 bushels in 1925 or one-eighth of its one-time abundance. Citing water studies through the late 1880's-90's. Report of experiments with the Japanese Oyster O. gigas. Also addresses Crab, Callinectes sapidus and classes held. (PDF contains 7 pages)


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English: For nearly a century, fisheries scientists have studied marine fish stocks in an effort to understand how the abundances of fish populations are determined. During the early lives of marine fishes, survival is variable, and the numbers of individuals surviving to transitional stages or recruitment are difficult to predict. The egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine fishes are characterized by high rates of mortality and growth. Most marine fishes, particularly pelagic species, are highly fecund, produce small eggs and larvae, and feed and grow in complex aquatic ecosystems. The identification of environmental or biological factors that are most important in controlling survival during the early life stages of marine fishes is a potentially powerful tool in stock assessment. Because vital rates (mortality and growth) during the early life stages of marine fishes are high and variable, small changes in those rates can have profound effects on the properties of survivors and recruitment potential (Houde 1989). Understanding and predicting the factors that most strongly influence pre-recruit survival are key goals of fisheries research programs. Spanish: Desde hace casi un siglo, los científicos pesqueros han estudiado las poblaciones de peces marinos en un intento por entender cómo se determina la abundancia de las mismas. Durante la vida temprana de los peces marinos, la supervivencia es variable, y el número de individuos que sobrevive hasta las etapas transicionales o el reclutamiento es difícil de predecir. Las etapas de huevo, larval, y juvenil de los peces marinos son caracterizadas por tasas altas de mortalidad y crecimiento. La mayoría de los peces marinos, particularmente las especies pelágicas, son muy fecundos, producen huevos y larvas pequeños, y se alimentan y crecen en ecosistemas acuáticos complejos. La identificación los factores ambientales o biológicos más importantes en el control de la supervivencia durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos es una herramienta potencialmente potente en la evaluación de las poblaciones. Ya que las tasas vitales (mortalidad y crecimiento) durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos son altas y variables, cambios pequeños en esas tasas pueden ejercer efectos importantes sobre las propiedades de los supervivientes y el potencial de reclutamiento (Houde 1989). Comprender y predecir los factores que más afectan la supervivencia antes del reclutamiento son objetivos clave de los programas de investigación pesquera.


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English: Food selection of first-feeding yellowfin tuna larvae was studied in the laboratory during October 1992. The larvae were hatched from eggs obtained by natural spawning of yellowfin adults held in sea pens adjacent to Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The larvae were fed mixed-prey assemblages consisting of size-graded wild zooplankton and cultured rotifers. Yellowfin larvae were found to be selective feeders during the first four days of feeding. Copepod nauplii dominated the diet numerically, by frequency of occurrence and by weight. The relative importance of juvenile and adult copepods (mostly cyclopoids) in the diet increased over the 4-day period. Rotifers, although they comprised 31 to 40 percent of the available forage, comprised less than 2.1 percent of the diet numerically. Prey selection indices were calculated taking into account the relative abundances of prey, the swimming speeds of yellowfin larvae and their prey, and the microscale influence of turbulence on encounter rates. Yellowfin selected for copepod nauplii and against rotifers, and consumed juvenile and adult copepods in proportion to their abundances. Yellowfin larvae may select copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults based on the size and discontinuous swimming motion of these prey. Rotifers may not have been selected because they were larger or because they exhibit a smooth swimming pattern. The best initial diet for the culture of yellowfin larvae may be copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults, due to the size, swimming motion, and nutritional content of these prey. If rotifers alone are fed to yellowfin larvae, the rotifers should be enriched with a nutritional supplement that is high in unsaturated fatty acids. Mouth size of yellowfin larvae increases rapidly within the first few days of feeding, which minimizes limitations on feeding due to prey size. Although yellowfin larvae initiate feeding on relatively small prey, they rapidly acquire the ability to add relatively large, rare prey items to the diet. This mode of feeding may be adaptive for the development of yellowfin larvae, which have high metabolic rates and live in warm mixed-layer habitats of the tropical and subtropical Pacific. Our analysis also indicates a strong potential for the influence of microscale turbulence on the feeding success of yellowfin larvae. --- Experiments designed to validate the periodicity of otolith increments and to examine growth rates of yellowfin tuna larvae were conducted at the Japan Sea-Farming Association’s (JASFA) Yaeyama Experimental Station, Ishigaki Island, Japan, in September 1992. Larvae were reared from eggs spawned by captive yellowfin enclosed in a sea pen in the bay adjacent to Yaeyama Station. Results indicate that the first increment is deposited within 12 hours of hatching in the otoliths of yellowfin larvae, and subsequent growth increments are formed dailyollowing the first 24 hours after hatching r larvae up to 16 days of age. Somatic and otolith gwth ras were examined and compared for yolksac a first-feeding larvae reared at constant water tempatures of 26�and 29°C. Despite the more rapid develo of larvae reared at 29°C, growth rates were nnificaifferent between the two treatments. Howeve to poor survival after the first four days, it was ssible to examine growth rates beyond the onset of first feeding, when growth differences may become more apparent. Somatic and otolith growth were also examined for larvae reared at ambient bay water temperatures during the first 24 days after hatching. timates of laboratory growth rates were come to previously reported values for laboratory-reared yelllarvae of a similar age range, but were lower than growth rates reported for field-collected larvae. The discrepancy between laboratory and field growth rates may be associated with suboptimal growth conditions in the laboratory. Spanish: Durante octubre de 1992 se estudió en el laboratorio la seleccalimento por larvaún aleta amarillmera alimentación. Las larvas provinieron de huevos obtenidosel desove natural de aletas amarillas adultos mantenidos en corrales marinos adyacentes a la Isla Ishigaki, Prefectura de Okinawa (Japón). Se alimentó a las larvas con presas mixtas de zooplancton silvestre clasificado por tamaño y rotíferos cultivados. Se descubrió que las larvas de aleta amarilla se alimentan de forma selectiva durante los cuatro primeros días de alimentación. Los nauplios de copépodo predominaron en la dieta en número, por frecuencia de ocurrencia y por peso. La importancia relativa de copépodos juveniles y adultos (principalmente ciclopoides) en la dieta aumentó en el transcurso del período de 4 días. Los rotíferos, pese a que formaban del 31 al 40% del alimento disponible, respondieron de menos del 2,1% de la dieta en número. Se calcularon índices de selección de presas tomando en cuenta la abundancia relativa de las presas, la velocidad de natación de las larvas de aleta amarilla y de sus presas, y la influencia a microescala de la turbulencia sobre las tasas de encuentro. Los aletas amarillas seleccionaron a favor de nauplios de copépodo y en contra de los rotíferos, y consumieron copépodos juveniles y adultos en proporción a su abundancia. Es posible que las larvas de aleta amarilla seleccionen nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos con base en el tamaño y movimiento de natación discontinuo de estas presas. Es posible que no se hayan seleccionado los rotíferos a raíz de su mayor tamaño o su patrón continuo de natación. Es posible que la mejor dieta inicial para el cultivo de larvas de aleta amarilla sea nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos, debido al tamaño, movimiento de natación, y contenido nutritivo de estas presas. Si se alimenta a las larvas de aleta amarilla con rotíferos solamente, se debería enriquecerlos con un suplemento nutritivo rico en ácidos grasos no saturados. El tamaño de la boca de las larvas de aleta amarilla aumenta rápidamente en los primeros pocos días de alimentación, reduciendo la limitación de la alimentación debida al tamaño de la presa. Pese a que las larvas de aleta amarilla inician su alimentación con presas relativamente pequeñas, se hacen rápidamente capaces de añadir presas relativamente grandes y poco comunes a la dieta. Este modo de alimentación podría ser adaptivo para el desarrollo de larvas de aleta amarilla, que tienen tasa metabólicas altas y viven en hábitats cálidos en la capa de mezcla en el Pacífico tropical y subtropical. Nuestro análisis indica también que la influencia de turbulencia a microescala es potencialmente importante para el éxito de la alimentación de las larvas de aleta amarilla. --- En septiembre de 1992 se realizaron en la Estación Experimental Yaeyama de la Japan Sea- Farming Association (JASFA) en la Isla Ishigaki (Japón) experimentos diseñados para validar la periodicidad de los incrementos en los otolitos y para examinar las tasas de crecimiento de las larvas de atún aleta amarilla. Se criaron las larvas de huevos puestos por aletas amarillas cautivos en un corral marino en la bahía adyacente a la Estación Yaeyama. Los resultados indican que el primer incremento es depositado menos de 12 horas después de la eclosión en los otolitos de las larvas de aleta amarilla, y que los incrementos de crecimiento subsiguientes son formados a diario a partir de las primeras 24 horas después de la eclosión en larvas de hasta 16 días de edad. Se examinaron y compararon las tasas de crecimiento somático y de los otolitos en larvas en las etapas de saco vitelino y de primera alimentación criadas en aguas de temperatura constante entre 26°C y 29°C. A pesar del desarrollo más rápido de las larvas criadas a 29°C, las tasas de crecimiento no fueron significativamente diferentes entre los dos tratamientos. Debido a la mala supervivencia a partir de los cuatro primeros días, no fue posibación, uando las diferencias en el crecimiento podrían hacerse más aparentes. Se examinó también el crecimiento somático y de los otolitos para larvas criadas en temperaturas de agua ambiental en la bahía durante los 24 días inmediatamente después de la eclosión. Nuestras estimaciones de las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio fueron comparables a valores reportados previamente para larvas de aleta amarilla de edades similares criadas en el laboratorio, pero más bajas que las tasas de crecimiento reportadas para larvas capturadas en el mar. La discrepancia entre las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio y el mar podría estar asociada con condiciones subóptimas de crecimiento en el lab