6 resultados para Light control

em Aquatic Commons


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The effects of light duration on the growth and performance of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were investigated using artificial methods to simulate continuous day length and absolute darkness. The normal day length (12-H Light and 12-H Darkness) served as the control. Among some of the factors affected by the varying photoperiods there were body coloration, feeding efficiency, survival rate and Specific Growth Rate (SGR). There was notably no significant difference between the SGR of the 0-photoperiod culture and the control (P>0.05) but there was significant difference between the 0-photoperiod and the 24-H photoperiod experiment (P<0.05). The haematological profile analysed showed various degrees of changes in the blood parameters of fish cultured under different photoperiods. These changes however, did not show significant differences when subjected to statistical analysis


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The three Biesbosch Reservoirs are pumped storage reservoirs, fed with rather polluted and highly eutrophic water from the River Meuse. Air injection at the bottom of the reservoirs prevents thermal stratification, which would otherwise result in serious water quality deterioration. Reservoir mixing also serves as an economic algal control measure; mixing over sufficient depth causes light to play the role of limiting factor and this, combined with zooplankton grazing, keeps the biomass of phytoplankton at acceptable levels. Special problems are caused by benthic, geosmin-producing Oscillatoria species growing on the inner embankment. Rooting up the bottom with a harrow is used as the method of control, based on underwater observations by biological staff trained as SCUBA-divers. With regard to pollutant behaviour the three reservoirs act as a series of fully mixed reactors. This enables the application of kinetic models to describe their behaviour and allows the use of a selective intake policy, e.g. for suspended solids with associated contaminants, ammonia and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. A combination of selective intake and self- purification processes - enhanced by the compartmentalisation of the storage volume in three reservoirs - leads to a striking improvement for many water-quality parameters.


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Studies were carried out to assess some macro and trace elements of mineral composition of the male and female Heterobranchus bidorsalis adults exposed to graded concentrations (1.00-8.00m/L-1) of Bonny-light crude oil (BLCO). The experiment was monitored for 4 days (toxicity) and 42days (recovery) periods. Significant decreases (P < 0.05)in the sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), vanadium (Va), lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn) contents of the male H. bidorsalis corresponded with the increasing concentrations of BLCO. In contrast, the female fishes recorded significant increases (P < 0.05) in the values of the above elements in their tissues as the concentrations of BLCO increased. Furthermore, the values of Na, K, Mg, Ca, P, Zn, Fe, Va, Pb and Mn recorded in the male fishes where generally lower than those of their female counterparts and the control fish. Increased values of these elements were also recorded during the recovery periods (days 14, 28 and 42) of this study in the magnitudes of 15% at day 14, 20% at day 28 and 20% at day 42. This implied that the removal of crude oil stress during this period improved the quantity of these minerals deposited in the fish tissues. The highest percent proportion of Zn and the lowest proportion of Pb recorded in both male and female H. bidorsalis adults agreed with the report of other workers for other fish species. KEYWORDS: Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Mineral composition, Bonny-light crude oil, Toxicity, Recovery.


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Experiments with drift gill net with under-water lights were carried out in the sea and estuarine region along with a control net of the same specifications without any light in the same fishing ground for comparison. The experimental net caught more fish in number and weight than the control. Fishes like pomfrets (Pampus chinensis, Parastromafeus niger), seer (Scomberomorus spp), hilsa (Ilisha spp) etc showed positive phototaxis and were gilled encircling the point of illumination. Young skates (Mobula spp) and Polynemus tetradactylus were antiphototactic. The number of fishes caught increased with increase in period of illumination. The catch of larger fishes was maximum at 60 mts of illumination and the total catch increased with increase in intensity of light. Additional cost of operation with under-water light was Rs 1-25 per hr but the catch was 4 to 5 times greater than that of the control net.


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The rule of light on the timing of maturation and spawning in tropical and subtropical regions is not clear well, because the reproductive cycle in these systems is lunar synchronized. In this study, thus, the effects of different light regimes were investigated on maturational progress of whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, the commercial species in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. During prespawning season, 50 adult fish were randomly divided into ten 300-l tanks (n=5). The fish in control tank received indoor light condition and the fish in each other tanks were exposed to nine different combinations of photoperiod (8L: 16D, 12L: 12D, 16L: 8D) and light intensity (1000, 2000, 3000 lux). After 60 days, GSI and HSI values, serum levels of estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), 17-α hydroxyprogestrone (OHP), calcium (Ca2+) and gonad histology were evaluated for females and males. In females the GSI mean values of exposed fish increased in comparison with control except for fish were kept under 8L, 2000 lux (tank 8). These differences were significant only for fishes in tank 7 (8L, 3000 lux). In the cases of HSI, the results were converse, so that, the most of thanks showed significant decreasing than fishes reared under indoor condition. Morphology and histology study of Ovaries showed three developmental phases including 3, 4 and chiefly 5 that were parallel with GSI values. Fortheremore the serum levels of E2 was recorded between 0.54-15.8 ng/ml in different fish and their mean values were lower than control in all treatmants (P> 0.05). In males, the similar results were obtained. The GSI and HSI mean values in experimental regimes compared with control were upper and lower, respectively, except for fishes were reared in tank 1 (16L, 3000 lux). Testes histology of fishes were reared under different regimes showed signs of stage 5, since no blood vessels observed and thick milt exuded on slight pressure. The mean values of testosterone consentration in fishes were kept in tanks 1 and 6 (12L, 1000 lux) were higher and in other ones were lower than control group. It is also noted that the OHP and Ca2+ had diverse results including increasing and decreasing mean values than control. So, these factors contrary to E2 and T were not suitable to evaluation of maturity in both sexes. On the basis of ovarian structure in stage 5, oocyte development pattern in this species was group synchronous. So, increased mean of GSI versus decreased values of HSI, E2 and perhaps Ca2+ were the signs of improved maturation. But in males, reduced levels of T and similarity of testes morphology in all samples caused that GSI mean value was the only indicator for differentiating among treatments. These findings suggest that alternations were used in light regimes have been the reason of improved maturity in all treatments except fishes reared in tank 8. The ١٠٧ rule of light intensity on induction of maturity was cleared by comparision between fishes in tanks 4, 5, 6 and control group. Because day length was the same whereas fishes in tanks 4, 5 and 6 were exposed to increased light intensity compared with control. This fact verified by results was obtained from fishes in tanks 9 and especially 7, since photoperiod in this group was lower than control. So, higher intensity was considered as the reason of alternations. Contrasting with indoor condition, Induced maturity was also cleared for fishes were kept in tanks 1, 2 and 3, where both of light duration and intensity were increased. But, the rule of photoperiod was individually demonstrated when obtained results were compared with similar light intensities in other treatments. In conclusion, with comparison among different light regimes it is declared that siganids were kept under light condition of tank 2 including 16h light duration combined with 2000 lux intensity showed the best signs of sexual maturation in both sexes. On the basis of this study, setting up the spring light condition during prespawning season induces maturation in withspotted rabbitfish. This improvement not only by influence of photoperiod or light intensity, separately, but obtained through interaction between them. Thus, determination of threshold and resistance to light be recommended before exposure, although using proper regime during suitable time are necessary to achieve purposes considerably.


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Gill-netting and rotenoning have been used for assessing and monitoring fish stock abundance in Volta Lake. The lake and the main gear types used on it have been described. Before a gill-net sampling plan was set up, a preliminary survey was undertaken which largely determined the final form of the plan. An investigation as to whether or not the lake was being overfished concluded that it was being underfished. Commercial and experimental catch data analyses disclosed that the adults of the small species were being little utilized. Commercial sized species were also not being harvested according to their apparent proportion in the population. Production is presently fluctuating between approximately 37,000 and 40,000 tonnes. A high correlation between commercial and experimental catch was realized. Developments which have followed in the wake of stock assessment and monitoring studies include: introduction of monofilament nylon net, development of a special scoop net to permit mass harvest of clupeids after they have been attracted to light, and the design of a larger canoe which would help to extend the fishery into open water. New regulation and management policies will have to be formulated in the light of new findings before a rational exploitation of all the species can be achieved.