5 resultados para Leptodactylus

em Aquatic Commons


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This study was carried out to seasonal determination of some morphological characteristics, Seasonal fecundity, Seasonal fluctuations of vertebrate-type steroids and seasonal analysis of gonadal histology in both female and male sexes of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823) in the area of Aras dam Lake. Crayfish were collected respectively in June, August, November (2011) and January (2012). The average length and weight of male crayfish was higher than that of females. %GSI of females fluctuated within an extended range (between 0.6 and 13.5% from June to January). Both of synchronous and asynchronous ovaries were seen in August sampled ovaries; however asynchronous form was higher than another. The annual reproductive cycle of male A. leptodactylus was surveyed by study on the seasonal changes of the external appearance of the testes and vasa deferentia, fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI%) and the histological analysis of the male reproductive system. Based on the histological differentiation of testis, spermatogenisis devided to 5 separated stages. The findings suggested asynchronous testis in the species A.leptodactylus. The presence of primary spermatophore layer may help keeping spermatozoa alive while the secondary spermatophore layer may produces spermatophore or synthesize of acellular material which forms spermatophre. Pleopodal fecundity was 37.3%lower than ovarian fecundity observed. The significantly higher number of eggs attached to 3rd and 4th pairs of pleopods. The egg number and gonadosomatic index increased with female size while egg weight and egg diameter didn’t increase with female size. Hemolymph levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone followed a similar fluctuation pattern with % GSI in females, while testosterone didn’t follow the mentioned pattern. The testis of November sampled crayfish presented significantly higher gonadosomatic (%GSI) index (P < 0.05).The most observed gonadosomaticindices were 13.5%(forfemales) and 1.21% (for males, in autumn. Althogh the lowest GSI was (0.50%) formales in spring and (0.26%0 for spent females in January. Testosterone which followed a similar pattern with %GSI in males increased remarkably in November. 17β-estradiol increased strictly in January. The strictly enhancement of the three estroid hormones in January in both male and female sexes could bedue totheir stimulating role in in spermatophre and egg lying in the mating season (In January). Most of the ovaries followed the asynchoronous growth pattern. Also the testes presented asynchoronous growth pattern in autumn.


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A factorial experiment was conducted for 60 days to determine of the response of Narrow clawed crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (average weight of 17±2.3 g) to diets containing various protein and energy levels. Nine diets containing three levels of protein (30, 35 and 40 %) and three levels of energy (300,370 and 450 kcal/100g) were formulated and prepared in this trial. Each diet also was used in two levels of salinity include 0 (fresh water) and 12 ppt(Caspian sea water). So this study was conducted with 18 treatments and triplicates random group of 5 crayfish per each 110-litre tank. Weight Gain, Feed conversion ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Net Protein Utilization (NPU), Daily Food Consumption (DFC), Survival (SVR) and body composition of tail-muscle meat of animal were determined. Comparing the growth parameters in response to interaction between protein, energy and salinity levels demonstrated that all growth parameters have difference between them significantly (p<0.05). Comparing between survival in fresh and Caspian Sea water showed difference significantly. Compare the body composition results indicate the greatest amount of protein absorption in diet number 2(30/370) on fresh water condition. Results from this study indicate that narrow clawed crayfish can be fed a practical diet containing 30% protein and 370 Kcal/100g on non-salinity water which is the optimize CP percentage for their producer’s profits.


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In this study, four hundred freshwater Crayfish (A. leptodactylus) with average weight of 25-40g were purchased from Aras dam reservoirs in west Azerbayjan province and transported to Iranian Artemia Research Center of Uromya province in September 2010. (One hundred crayfish extra purchased for probably mortality). Before implement of experiment the Crayfish were acclimated for ten days. These experiments was designed in four group treatments (Number, 1,2,3,4) and one control group (Number 5) in triplicate with 20 Crayfish in each repetition prepared of glass aquarium with size (50x40x30cm). Many of infected Crayfish were used for isolation of bacteria. Haemolymph sample had been gathered from infected Crayfish with cutting their antennules and transferred to TSA medium (tryptic soy agar) and then A. hydrophila were determined in order to biochemical test. The treatments and repetitions has exposed to A. hydrophila. The concentrations of the bacteria in 4 treatments were respectively 3 x 108 (T=10-15°C), 3x106 (T=25°C), 3 x 106 and 3 x 104 Cfu mL-1 (T=10- i5oc) (4, 2, 3 and 1) that were prepared in individual containers for exposure of treatments. The control (5) prepared without any bacteria and disinfected by oxytetracycline antibiotic with concentration 100 ppm for 24 hours. The hemolymph samples were withdrawn from abdominal second segments of Crayfish for measuring of THC and TPC in interval hours (2, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 144, 240 and 336). For histopatological studies the crayfish samples fixed in Davidson fixative. The results indicated that interval 2 hours after experiment the difference of THC value between treatment 4 with control and treatments 1,2, and 3 was significant (P< 0.05). After 48 hours of experiment the difference of THC value between control group with treatment 1 ,2 and 3 was significant (P< 0.05). The interval 336 hours after experiment also the difference of THC value between treatment 2 with treatments 1, 3 and 4 was significant (P< 0.05). The finding of TPP value showed that the last time after challenge (336 h) there was significant difference between treatment 2 with treatment 4 and control group (P< 0.05). In histopathology studying, in hepatopancreas observed hemocyte aggregated and necrosis withof peknosis nucleus that with increased concentration of bacteria and temperature, The value of hemocyte has increased. Gill revealed necrosis and cell death especially with increased concentration of bacteria and temperature. In lower concentration of bacteria in heart no difference observed, but with increased concentration of bacteria (3 x 108) the low aggregation of hemocyte observed in heart. In treatment 3 x 106 with high temperature also distributed of high hemocyte in heart was observed. In digestive system didn't appear any difference in treatments land 3 but in concentration of 3 x 108 Cfu m1-1 and 3 x 106 (T=25°C) in digestive system was revealed the low aggregation of hemocyte.


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This account concentrates on the six species of crayfish found in Austria, and the current state of knowledge on their distribution and laws affecting conservation. In general the occurrence and distribution of crayfish in Austria is poorly known, although information obtained by researchers and the general public, after careful checking, is increasing. Three native crayfish species occur in Austria: Austropotamobius torrentium which is relatively widespread, A. pallipes with a restricted distribution, and Astacus astacus which is widespread. Three species of non-native (alien) crayfish have been recorded from a total of 158 localities in Austria. They are Astacus leptodactylus from eastern Europe, and two Nearctic species: Pacifastacus leniusculus and Orconectes limosus. The introduction of alien species causes considerable problems as they act as vectors of crayfish plague and are able to outcompete native species by higher reproductive capacities.


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This is the Aphanomycosis of crayfish: crayfish plague report produced by the Environment Agency in 2000. Crayfish plague is an extremely virulent fungal disease of European crayfish species, the white clawed or stone crayfish of Western Europe Austropotamobius pallipes, the Noble crayfish of northern Europe Astacus astacus and the narrow clawed crayfish of Eastern Europe, Astacus leptodactylus. The white claw crayfish A. pallipes is the indigenous native crayfish of the British Isles. Until the early 1980s there were extensive healthy populations of this crayfish in almost all suitable alkaline river and lake environments in England and Wales as far north as Northumberland. The conservation importance of this native crayfish is widely recognised. This report provides a general review of the literature of crayfish plague, including an overview of its spread through the British Isles from CEFAS records. Information on current diagnostic methods from the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) Aquatic Disease Manual is provided. Information on the taxonomy, morphology and physiology of the pathogen is reviewed, together with the pathogenicity and pathology of the disease and current means of prevention and control.