5 resultados para Layer-by-layer technique

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH: The rate of growth of tropical tunas has been studied by various investigators using diverse methods. Hayashi (1957) examined methods to determine the age of tunas by interpreting growth patterns on the bony or hard parts, but the results proved unreliable. Moore (1951), Hennemuth (1961), and Davidoff (1963) studied the age and growth of yellowfin tuna by the analysis of size frequency distributions. Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961), and Fink (ms.), estimated the rate of growth of yellowfin tuna from tagging data; their estimates gave a somewhat slower rate of growth than that obtained by the study of length-frequency distributions. For the yellowfin tuna, modal groups representing age groups can be identified and followed for relatively long periods of time in length-frequency graphs. This may not be possible, however, for other tropical tunas where the modal groups may not represent identifiable age groups; this appears to be the case for skipjack tuna (Schaefer, 1962). It is necessary, therefore, to devise a method of estimating the growth rates of such species without identifying the year classes. The technique described in this study, hereafter called the "increment technique", employs the measurement of the change in length per unit of time, with respect to mean body length, without the identification of year classes. This technique is applied here as a method of estimating the growth rate of yellowfin tuna from the entire Eastern Tropical Pacific, and from the Commission's northern statistical areas (Areas 01-04 and 08) as shown in Figure 1. The growth rates of yellowfin tuna from Area 02 (Hennemuth, 1961) and from the northern areas (Davidoff, 1963) have been described by the technique of tracing modal progressions of year classes, hereafter termed the "year class technique". The growth rate analyses performed by both techniques apply to the segment of the population which is captured by tuna fishing vessels. The results obtained by both methods are compared in this report. SPANISH: La tasa del crecimiento de los atunes tropicales ha sido estudiada por varios investigadores quienes usaron diversos métodos. Hayashi (1957) examinó los métodos para determinar la edad de los atunes interpretando las marcas del crecimiento de las partes óseas o duras, pero los resultados no han demostrado eficacia. Moore (1951), Hennemuth (1961) y Davidoff (1963) estudiaron la edad y el crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla por medio del análisis de las distribuciones de la frecuencia de tamaños. Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) y Fink (Ms.), estimaron la tasa del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla valiéndose de los datos de la marcación de los peces; ambos estimaron una tasa del crecimiento algo más lenta que la que se obtiene mediante el estudio de las distribuciones de la frecuencia de longitudes. Para el atún aleta amarilla, los grupos modales que representan grupos de edad pueden ser identificados y seguidos durante períodos de tiempo relativamente largos en los gráficos de la frecuencia de longitudes. Sin embargo, ésto puede no ser posible para otros atunes tropicales para los cuales los grupos modales posiblemente no representan grupos de edad identificables; este parece ser el caso para el barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). Consecuentemente, es necesario idear un método para estimar las tasas del crecimiento de las mencionadas especies sin necesidad de identificar las clases anuales. La técnica descrita en este estudio, en adelante llamada la "técnica incremental", emplea la medida del cambio en la longitud por unidad de tiempo, con respecto al promedio de la longitud corporal, sin tener que identificar las clases anuales. Esta técnica se aplica aquí como un método para estimar la tasa del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla de todo el Pacífico Oriental Tropical, y de las áreas estadísticas norteñas de la Comisión (Areas 01-04 y 08), como se muestra en la Figura 1. Las tasas del crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla del Area 02 (Hennemuth, 1961) y de las áreas del norte (Davidoff, 1963), han sido descritas por medio de una técnica que consiste en delinear las progresiones modales de las clases anuales, en adelante llamada la "técnica de la clase anual". Los análisis de la tasa del crecimiento llevados a cabo por ambas técnicas se refieren al segmento de la población capturada por embarcaciones pesqueras de atún. Los resultados obtenidos por ambos métodos se comparan en este informe.


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The population structure of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean remains unknown. We examined elemental signatures in the otoliths of larval and juvenile pollock from locations in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to determine if there were significant geographic variations in otolith composition that may be used as natural tags of population affinities. Otoliths were assayed by using both electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Elements measured at the nucleus of otoliths by EPMA and laser ablation ICP-MS differed significantly among locations. However, geographic groupings identified by a multivariate statistical approach from EPMA and ICP-MS were dissimilar, indicating that the elements assayed by each technique were controlled by separate depositional processes within the endolymph. Elemental profiles across the pollock otoliths were generally consistent at distances up to 100 μm from the nucleus. At distances beyond 100 μm, profiles varied significantly but were remarkably consistent among individuals collected at each location. These data may indicate that larvae from various spawning locations are encountering water masses with differing physicochemical properties through their larval lives, and at approximately the same time. Although our results are promising, we require a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling otolith chemistry before it will be possible to reconstruct dispersal pathways of larval pollock based on probe-based analyses of otolith geochemistry. Elemental signatures in otoliths of pollock may allow for the delineation of fine-scale population structure in pollock that has yet to be consistently revealed by using population genetic approaches.


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The present studies are aimed to achieve a high survival rate of carp spawn to fry stage under Air Lift Water Circulation system at high stocking density. Three experiments using Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala were conducted in one cement tank of 50 sq.m. area. The results showed a survival rate ranging from 90.5 to 95.2% at stocking density of 20 to 25 million/ha. By this technique it is possible to rear high number of spawn in limited area with high rate of survival up to fry stage.


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This research was conducted to identify Cuttlefish population (Sepia pharaonis) in The Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea using PCR-RFLP. Specimens were collected from )0 different stations. Bottom trawling method was used for sampling from different zones of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, and finally specimens from S. Pharaonis were collected at each station . DNA was extracted by phenol—Coloroform method. One pair primer was designed based on 1As rRNA gene nucleotide sequences. The results obtained from 1 As rRNA gene RFLP, which was reproduced by PCR technique, were analyzed and utilized for study of diversity of the Cuttlefish population. PCR product with o pair base in length achieved for all specimens, which was subjected to enzymatic digestion by A restriction action enzymes: Alu I-Taq I-Mnl I-Rsa I-Hind III-Dra I-vu II and Hae II DNA bands patterns in all specimens digested by those enzymen showed similarity with no any polymorphism. From this result, it can be concluded that there is not any possibility to isolate different populations in the studied Cuttlefish species under exploitation of rRNA gene.


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The paper deals with the collection of gall bladders, isolation of bile and identification of the constituents of the bile salts from different fishes. The yield of bile contents from fresh water fishes rohu, mrigal and catla was compared with that from marine fishes seer, tuna, shark and sardine. Considerable variation in yield was showed between marine and fresh water fish as well as between the species in both groups. It ranged from 0.04 to 0.06% of the body weight of fish in calla, mrigal and rohu. The bile constituents from rohu and mrigal were analysed by thin layer chromatography. The result showed that bile of rohu and mrigal contains mainly taurine derivative of lithocholic acid.