27 resultados para Lang, Brent
em Aquatic Commons
This is a report of PICES Working Group 3 (Coastal Pelagic Fishes) for 1993 and the first Annual Report of the Subarctic Gyre Working Group (WG-6). (PDF contains 131 pages)
Ghost shrimp and mud shrimp in the decapod infraorder Thalassinidea are ecologically important members of many benthic intertidal and shallow subtidal infaunal communities, largely due to the sediment filtration and mixing that result from their burrowing and feeding behavior. These activities considerably modify their immediate environment and have made these cryptic animals extremely interesting to scientists in terms of their behavior, ecology, and classification. Over 20 years ago, seven species of thalassinideans were known from the South Atlantic Bight (Cape Hatteras, NC to Cape Canaveral, FL). During this study, the examination of extensive collections from the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), the Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center (SERTC), and regional institutions, resulted in the identification of 14 species of thalassinideans currently known to occur within this region. The family Axiidae is represented by three species: Axius armatus, Calaxius jenneri, and Paraxiopsis gracilimana; the Callianassidae by six: Biffarius biformis, B. cf. fragilis, Callichirus major, Cheramus marginatus, Gilvossius setimanus, and Necallianassa berylae; the Calocarididae by two: Calocaris templemani and Acanthaxius hirsutimanus; and the families Laomediidae, Thomassiniidae, and Upogebiidae are each represented by one: Naushonia crangonoides, Crosniera wennerae, and Upogebia affinis, respectively. An illustrated key is presented for species level identification and supplemental notes on the ecology, distribution, and taxonomy of the species are provided.(PDF file contains 38 pages.)
Due to their carcinogenic properties, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are important environmental contaminants which may lead to increased levels of neoplastic aberrations in fish liver. To measure the PAH contamination of fish, concentrations of PAH metabolites were determined in the bile. The main metabolite 1-hydroxypyrene was determined in concentrations from < 0.8 to 189 ng/ml in bile of dab caught in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea re-spectively. The concentrations are comparable to levels of 1-hydroxypyrene measured in cod and herring from the Baltic Sea. The highest concentrations in dab bile were measured in fish from the inner German Bight and the Kiel Bight.
Am 25. März 2003 verstarb mit 61 Jahren nach längerer, schwerer Krankheit Prof. Dr. Volkert Dethlefsen,kurz nach seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Institut für Fischereiökologie der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, wo er als Wissenschaftlicher Direktor tätig war. Er hinterlässt seine Frau und zwei Töchter, denen unser Mitgefühl gilt. Prof. Dethlefsen wurde am 27. Juni 1941 in Niebüll geboren. Von 1964 bis 1970 studierte er Fischereibiologie an der Universität Hamburg und beendete das Studium 1970 mit einer Diplomarbeit über die Biologie und Verbreitung des Muschelparasiten Mytilicola intestinalis an der deutschen Nordseeküste. 1975 promovierte er mit einer Arbeit über den Einfluss von Schadstoffen auf frühe Lebensstadien von Kabeljau, Flunder und Scholle. 1990 habilitierte er sich an der Universität Hamburg, wo er 1995 die Venia Legendi erhielt und 2002 zum Professor ernannt wurde.
Data are presented on the spatial distribution and long-term temporal trends in the occurrence of neoplastic liver lesions of North Sea dab (Limanda limanda) in the period 1988 to 2001, obtained in the framework of the regular fish disease monitoring programme carried out by the German Federal Research Centre for Fishery. Highest prevalences consistently recorded in the first part of the period occurred in the German Bight, at the Dogger Bank and at sampling sites off Humber and Wash. In contrast, stations in the northern North Sea (e.g. in the Firth of Forth area) were always characterised by low prevalences. Particularly during the first years of observation, a clear and general decrease in prevalence could be observed, that was most pronounced in the hot spot areas German Bight and Dogger Bank compared to the Firth of Forth. Current data reveal that, due to the decrease, spatial differences between sampling sites are now much less obvious than at the beginning of the studies. Limited chemical data available suggest that the temporal decrease in prevalence of liver tumours and their precursor stages generally correspond with the decrease in organic contaminants in dab livers as well as in water and sediments. However, the spatial variation in prevalence recorded can not entirely be explained by contaminant levels. For instance, the prevalence was continuously low in the Firth of Forth area wheras the contaminant levels in dab were comparatively high. The opposite feature was observed at the Dogger Bank. Future studies will therefore address the role of other host- and site-specific factors potentially involved in the aetiology of the disease.
BECPELAG: Ein internationaler Workshop über biologische Schadstoffeffekte in pelagischen Ökosystemen
Im Februar 2001 begann unter der Schirmherrschaft des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES) und der Ozeanographie Kommission der UNESCO (IOC) der internationale Workshop Biological Effects of Contaminants in Pelagic Ecosystems, BECPELAG mit folgenden Zielen: • Untersuchungen über das Auftreten biologischer Effekte von Umweltschadstoffen auf Meeresorganismen in der Freiwasserzone (Pelagial) der Nordsee • Überprüfung von Methoden zur Erkennung von biologischen Schadstoffeffekten in pelagischen Organismen auf ihre Eignung für zukünftige Überwachungsprogramme
An overview is presented on the M74-Syndrome of Baltic salmon which is known since 1974 and which, since 1992, has caused considerable losses of artificially produced yolk-sac larvae in Swedish and Finnish hatcheries responsible for compensatory salmon stocking programmes. The syndrome only affects offspring of wild salmon ascending the rivers for spawning and not offspring derived from salmon broodstocks permanently kept in hatcheries. The syndrome seems to be restricted to the Baltic Sea where it has been recorded in all of the remaining Swedish (except the west coast) and Finnish salmon rivers as well as in populations of Estonian rivers and the Russian River Neva. In Sweden and in Finland, the syndrome has been recorded in recent years in offspring of up to 80 % of female salmon used for spawning and resulted in a larval mortality of up to 90 %. A nutrition-associated thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is considered as primary cause. However, other environmental factors seem to be involved in addition. There is concern that the syndrome constitutes a major threat with respect to the survival of the few still naturally reproducing populations of Baltic salmon.
Die mauretanische Atlantikküste ist rund 700 km lang. Der Küste vorgelagert ist ein ca. 30 bis 120, im Mittel 50 km breiter Schelf, von insgesamt 34 000 km2, wenn man die 200-m-Tiefenlinie als Schelfgrenze zugrundelegt. Dieses Schelfgebiet liegt im Bereich des nordost-atlantischen Auftriebs. Aufsteigende, kalte und sauerstoffreiche Tiefenwasser führen dort zu einer hohen Primärproduktion. Das bedeutet gute Nahrungsbedingungen für eine vielfältige und reichhaltige Fauna mit hoher Reproduktionsfähigkeit. Das bedeutet gleichzeitig ideale Bedingungen für eine vielfältige und ertragreiche Fischerei. So ist die Fischerei auch neben dem Eisenerzabbau die wichtigste wirtschaftlichen Grundlage für das Land. Das Forschungsinstitut in Nouadhibou, der zweitgrößten Stadt des Landes, schätzt das Fischereipotential innerhalb der Wirtschaftszone auf über 1 Mill. Tonnen, wovon ca. 80 % auf pelagische Arten entfallen. Die unmittelbare Nutzung der Ressourcen durch die einheimische Fischerei spielte bisher nur eine kleine Rolle. Zwar ändert sich das in dem Maße wie die Bevölkerungszahl zunimmt, aber immer noch werden die größeren Anteile der fischbaren Reserven an ausländische Fischereien vergeben, gegen Lizenzgebühren, versteht sich. Einer der Vertragspartner Mauretaniens ist die Europäische Union. Seit dem 1. August 1996 ist ein Fischereiabkommen in Kraft, das der Union Fischereirechte an bestimmten Arten einräumt. Dieses Abkommen gilt zunächst für 5 Jahre, kann aber um jeweils den gleichen Zeitraum erweitert werden. Es soll hier umrissen werden, wie sich dieser Vertrag in die biologischen, fischereilichen, sozialen und politischen Bedingungen des Landes einfügt.
In June 1994 and 1995 stations in the North, Irish, Celtic Seas and the Channel were studied for the occurrence of Myxobolus aeglefini in whiting (Merlangius merlangus). The disease was visible externally as either white nodules of a few millimeters diameter in the upper mouth cavity, gill arches and the basis of pelvic fins and in severe cases also on the lower jaws or in the cornea and sclera of the eye. It was verified morphometrically in histological sections of infected eyes by size and shape of spores. Myxobolus aeglefini was present in low prevalences at two North Sea stations and high prevalences of up to 49 % in the Irish Sea (Solway Firth) during both cruises. Whiting between 23 and 55 cm were found to be infected. Neither length-age prevalences nor condition factors and gonado, spleen, liver somatic indices differed in diseased and healthy fishes.
From 25 November until 8 Deeember 1994, a sea-going workshop with the above title was carried out on board RV "Walther Herwig IlI" under the umbrella of the Baltie Marine Biologists (BMlJ) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Under the co-convenorship of the first two authors of this paper, 11 seientists from 8 of the 9 countries bordering the Baltic Sea (except Sweden) actively involved in research monitoring into fish diseases/parasites participated. The main reason for holding the workshop was that, although fish disease monitoring programmes on the abundance and spatial distribution of fish diseases/parasites are being carried out by some of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, there is still a striking lack of seientific information as compared to other seas, such as the North Sea. Moreover, since new fish disease monitoring programmes have recently been started (mainly by the new Baltic republics Latvia and Estonia, which recently became ICES-member countries) or are planned for the near future (Lithuania), BMB as weil as ICES felt the need for a interealibration and standardization of methodologies applied during fish disease/parasite surveys for the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Therefore, the major objectives of the workshop were -to obtain information about the disease/parasite prevalence in Baltic (Platichthys flesus) and other abundant fish species along a transect from the western (Mecklenhurg Bight) to the eastern (Gulf of Finland) Baltic Sea to be used as a baseline for future studies, -to intercalibrate methodologies applied for sampling, diagnosis of diseases/parasites, reporting and analyses of disease data, -if necessary, to recommend standard methodologies to be used for fish disease/parasite monitoring programmes under the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Although the data have yet not been completely analyzed, there is indication for some pronounced spatial trends regarding the prevalence of certain diseases/parasites, mainly for Iymphocystis and skin ulcerations in flounder but also for diseases and parasites of cod (Gadus morhua) which can be seen in figures 2 and 4. Recommendations for standard methodologies will later be published elsewhere.
Seit dem Massensterben von Heringen entlang der schwedischen Südküste im Sommer 1991, aufgrund einer Infektion mit dem parasitischen Pilz Ichthyophonus sp., wird der Gesundheitszustand der Heringsbestände in den europäischen Seegebieten intensiv überwacht. Diese Untersuchungen, an denen sich auch die Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei beteiligt, werden koordiniert von der "Arbeitsgruppe über Pathologie und Krankheiten mariner Organismen" des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung (ICES). Im folgenden sollen als Ergänzung eines in den Inf Fischw. 39(2) erschienenen Artikels (Lang 1992) neuere Erkenntnisse und Hypothesen zur Verbreitung der Epidemie und zu ihren möglichen Ursachen diskutiert werden.