19 resultados para K.K. Landwirthschaftsgesellschaft in Steiermark.

em Aquatic Commons


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Thirty largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoide s Lacepde) were implanted with radio tags in late October 2003 in two coves of Lake Seminole, Georgia, and tracked over a 24-hour period about every 10 days to determine their response to herbicide application. After five weeks of tracking, hydrilla ( Hydrilla verticillata Royle) in each cove was treated in early December 2003 with dipotassium salt of endothall (Aquathol K; 7-oxabicyclo [2.2.1] heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid) at a rate of 3.5 ppm. Largemouth bass were tracked during application and tracking continued for three months post treatment to assess effects of herbicide treatment on activity patterns. The treatment in Desser Cove successfully reduced hydrilla in approximately half the cove. However, the treatment in Peacock Lake completely eliminated all submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) by April 2004. Movement and activity centers remained similar between treatment periods in Desser Cove, but increased after treatment in Peacock Lake. Depth occupied by telemetered fish decreased after Aquathol K treatment in both coves. In general, behavior of largemouth bass did not change appreciably during treatment, and only minor changes were observed in the posttreatment period in Peacock Lake, where all SAV was eliminated. Fish showed little attraction to or movement away from treatment areas, and fish migration from either cove was nil after treatment. Application of Aquathol K and subsequent reduction of SAV had little effect on largemouth bass behavior or movement. (PDF has 8 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Knowledge of spawning habits is useful in the elucidation of the life history, ecology and population structure of tropical tunas, and is essential to the sound management of these resources. Until recently, little was known concerning the spawning of tunas, or about the distribution of their larval and juvenile stages, in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Nichols and Murphy (1944) reported the capture off Colombia of young scombroids ultimately identified as frigate mackerel, Auxis thazard (Schaefer and Marr, 1948a). Fowler (1944) reported the capture off Manzanillo, Mexico of two young tunas, one of which is definitely and the other most likely Neothunnus macropterus (Klawe, 1959). In 1947, young of N. macropterus, K. pelamis, A. thazard and E. lineatus were caught offshore from Central America (Schaefer and Marr, 1948a, 1948b, and Schaefer, 1948). Further collections of young N. macropterus, A. thazard and E. lineatus were made in the same general area in the spring of 1949 (Mead, 1951). In January and February 1955, Clemens (1956) carried Out experiments in rearing young tunas, E. lineatus and A. thazard, in shipboard aquaria, using fish caught off Central America. Matsumoto (1958) reported captures of larval N. macropterus and K. pelamis in the area along the 120th meridian of west longitude. Klawe (1958 and 1961b) reported captures of larval N. macropterus and Auxis from the Revillagigedo Islands. Captures of young Auxis and E. lineatus in the Gulf of Panama in January 1922 during the Dana Expedition have recently been reported by Matsumoto (1959). Capture of juveniles of K. pelamis, E. lineatus and Auxis in the area off tropical Mexico and in the area of outlying islands during the SCOT Expedition has been reported by Klawe (1960a). SPANISH: El conocimiento sobre los hábitos del desove es útil para el esclarecimiento de la historia natural, ecología y estructura de las poblaciones de atunes tropicales, y es esencial para la acertada administración de estos recursos. Hasta hace poco tiempo no se sabía mucho sobre el desove de los atunes o acerca de la distribución de sus larvas y juveniles en el Océano Pacífico Oriental. Nichols y Murphy (1944) informaron sobre la captura frente a Colombia de escómbridos jóvenes últimamente identificados como melva, Auxis thazard (Schaefer y Marr, 1948a). Fowler (1944) también informó sobre la captura de dos atunes jóvenes frente a Manzanillo, México, uno de los cuales era definitivamente Neothunnus macropterus y el otro era lo más probable que también lo fuera (Klawe, 1959). En 1947 se capturaron especímenes juveniles de N. macropterus, K. pelamis, A. thazard y E. lineatus frente a la América Central (Schaefer y Marr, 1948a, 1948b, y Schaefer, 1948). Otras recolecciones de ejemplares jóvenes de N. macropterus, A. thazard y E. lineatus fueron hechas en la misma área general durante la primavera de 1949 (Mead, 1951). En enero y febrero de 1955, Clemens (1956) efectuó experimentos de crianza de atunes jóvenes, E. lineatus y A.. thazard, en acuarios a bordo para lo que empleó peces capturados frente a la América Central. Matsumoto (1958) informó sobre capturas de larvas de N. macropterus y K. pelamis en el área a lo largo del meridiano 120 de longitud oeste. Klawe (1958 y 1961b) ha dado cuenta también de capturas de larvas de N. macropterus y Auxis en las Islas Revillagigedo. Matsumoto (1959) ha informado recientemente acerca de capturas de ejemplares jóvenes de Auxis y E. lineatus en el Golfo de Panamá en enero de 1922 durante la Expedición Dana. Klawe (1960a) informó así mismo que durante la Expedición SCOT se capturaron juveniles de K. pelamis, E. lineatus y Auxis en el área frente a la zona tropical de México y en la región de las islas alejadas del continente.


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In 1999, the Chesapeake Bay Program completed a survey of existing data on chemical contaminants and the potential for bioeffects in 38 tidal river systems of Chesapeake Bay. This review led to the identification of 20 areas for which there were insufficient data to adequately characterize the potential for contaminant bioeffects on the Bay’s living resources. The goal of the present study was to estimate the current status of ecological condition in five of these areas and thus help to complete the overall toxics inventory for the Bay. These five systems included the Chester River, Nanticoke River, Pocomoke River, Lower Mobjack Bay (Poquosin and Back Rivers) and the South and Rhode Rivers. This study utilized a Sediment Quality Triad (SQT) approach in combination with additional water-column contaminant analysis to allow for a “weight of evidence” assessment of environmental condition. A total of 60 stations distributed among the five systems, using a probabilistic stratified random design, were sampled during the summer of 2004 to allow for synoptic measures of sediment contamination, sediment toxicity, and benthic condition. Upon completion of all analyses, stations were assigned to one of four categories based on the three legs of the triad. Stations with high sediment quality had no hits on any of the three legs of the triad; those with moderate quality had one hit; those with marginal quality had two hits; and those with poor quality had hits for all three legs of the triad. The Pocomoke River had by far the largest proportion of the total area (97.5%) classified as having high sediment quality, while the Rhode/South system had the highest proportion (11.4%) classified as poor. None of the stations in the Chester River, Nanticoke River, and Lower Mobjack Bay systems were classified as poor. More than 65% of the area of each of the five systems was classified with high to moderate sediment quality. The Rhode/South system had 30.4% of total area classified with marginally to severely poor quality. The results of this study highlight the importance of using multiple indicators and a “weight of evidence” approach to characterize environmental quality and the potential bioeffects of toxic contaminants.


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In the Florida Panhandle region, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been highly susceptible to large-scale unusual mortality events (UMEs) that may have been the result of exposure to blooms of the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and its neurotoxin, brevetoxin (PbTx). Between 1999 and 2006, three bottlenose dolphin UMEs occurred in the Florida Panhandle region. The primary objective of this study was to determine if these mortality events were due to brevetoxicosis. Analysis of over 850 samples from 105 bottlenose dolphins and associated prey items were analyzed for algal toxins and have provided details on tissue distribution, pathways of trophic transfer, and spatial-temporal trends for each mortality event. In 1999/2000, 152 dolphins died following extensive K. brevis blooms and brevetoxin was detected in 52% of animals tested at concentrations up to 500 ng/g. In 2004, 105 bottlenose dolphins died in the absence of an identifiable K. brevis bloom; however, 100% of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 29,126 ng/mL. Dolphin stomach contents frequently consisted of brevetoxin-contaminated menhaden. In addition, another potentially toxigenic algal species, Pseudo-nitzschia, was present and low levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) were detected in nearly all tested animals (89%). In 2005/2006, 90 bottlenose dolphins died that were initially coincident with high densities of K. brevis. Most (93%) of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 2,724 ng/mL. No DA was detected in these animals despite the presence of an intense DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia bloom. In contrast to the absence or very low levels of brevetoxins measured in live dolphins, and those stranding in the absence of a K. brevis bloom, these data, taken together with the absence of any other obvious pathology, provide strong evidence that brevetoxin was the causative agent involved in these bottlenose dolphin mortality events.


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In tropical countries like India, climatic conditions vary in different parts, as a result the breeding of fast growing species such as Catla and silver carps poses considerable problems due to erratic or late monsoon or prolonged dry spell. Hence it is not possible to meet the fish seed requirement of the country. Therefore: to meet the future requirement and to over-come the environmental conditions a Modern carp Hatchery CIFE D-81 was designed. The system provides optimum temperature, silt free clean, cool, highly oxygenated water, low current and continuous removal of metabolites. It has been successfully demonstrated at Rawatbhata (Rajasthan), Badkhal (Haryana), Badbhada (M.P), Guntur and East Godavari District (A.P). Recently a Modern Carp Hatchery was installed in a semi-arid zone, Damdama (Haryana), during 1984, where it has produced record 1.88 crores of fish seed and worked successfully.


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Development of a portable self-contained electronic meter for on the spot determination of temperature and salinity is described. Instant and remote measurements of temperature and salinity of sea and estuarine waters in the range of 25-30°C and 30-35°C for temperature with an accuracy ± 0.05°C and 0-37‰ and 31-37‰ for salinity with an accuracy of ± 0.2‰ and ± 0.05‰ respectively are possible with the instrument. The temperature compensations of the salinity measurements are done manually with the help of temperature charts. The temperature and salinity measurements can be fed to continuous recorders.


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To investigation of the toxic effects of atrazine on newly hatched larvae and releasing age fry of the Caspian Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum, the 96h LC50 was determined as 18.53 ppm and 24.95 ppm, respectively. Newly hatched larvae were exposed to three sublethal concentrations of atrazine (1/2LC50, 1/4LC50 and 1/8LC50) for 7 days. Different histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed larvae. Fry’s were exposed to one sublethal concentration of atrazine (1/2LC50) for four days, and like the larvae’s, many histopathological alterations were observed in fins and integument, gills, Kidney, digestive system, liver and the brain of the exposed fry’s, too. Also, measurements of the body ions: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- in atrazine exposed larvae and fry’s compare to control groups showed that atrazine is changed the body ions composition. No significant differences were found in length growth rate, weight growth rate and the condition factor of the atrazine exposed larvae and fry. Immunohistochemical localization of the Na+, K+-ATPase in integumentary and gill ionocytes, showed no differences in dispersion pattern of the ionocytes in atrazine exposed larvae and fry, compare to control group. Measuring the dimensions of the ionocytes and counting the ionocytes showed that atrazine is affecting on ionocytes by mild increasing in size and mild decreasing in number. Ultrastructural studies, using SEM and TEM, showed that atrazine have significant effects on cellular and subcellular properties. It caused necrosis in surface of the pavement cells in branchial epithelium, necrosis in endoplasmic reticulum of the ionocytes and changed the shape of the mitochondria in these cells. Results showed that sublethal concentrations of atrazine were very toxic to larvae and fry of the Rutilus frisii kutum, and at these levels can made some serious histopathological alterations in their tissues. Related to the severe histopathological alterations in osmoregulatory organs, like gill, kidney and digestive system, and the alterations in the body ion composition, it could be concluded that atrazine could interfere with the osmoregulation process of the Rutilus frisii kutum at the early stages of the life history.


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In Fortsetzung der seit 1954 vom Institut für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei durchgeführten Langzeitbeobachtungen zur Zusammensetzung der Beifänge in der Garnelenfischerei wurden 1988 378 Fangproben im Gesamtgewicht von 2900 kg untersucht. Die Fangproben entstammen den Fängen der Büsumeer, Cuxhavener und Norddeicher Krabbenfischerei.


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In this brief introduction, we set out to provide an overview of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project (LVFRP) and, more specifically, its socio-economic program, and to define the place of the Co-management Survey within the activities of the LVFRP as a whole.


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In this book section, the theoretical background to the methodology is outlined, questionnaire development described, sample selection outlined and biases and shortcomings to the survey noted.


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In many developing countries, availability of suitable tags for use in genetics and aquaculture research has been a problem as they are often expensive and have to be imported from other countries. A simple and inexpensive method used by scientists in Ghana that can be tried and improved by others is described in this article.


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In the history of whaling from prehistoric to modern times, the large whales, sometimes called the “great whales,” were hunted most heavily owing in part to their corresponding value in oil, meat, and baleen. Regional populations of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis glacialis, were already decimated by 1700, and the North Atlantic gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, was hunted to extinction by the early 1700’s (Mitchell and Mead1).


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In 2004, Congress reauthorized the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act of 1998 with the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Amendments Act (HABHRCA 2004). The 2004 legislation required the generation of five reports, including this "Scientific Assessment of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms." HABHRCA 2004 stipulates that this report 1) examine the causes, consequences, and economic costs of freshwater HABs, 2) establish priorities and guidelines for a research program on freshwater HABs, and 3) make recommendations to improve coordination among Federal agencies with respect to research on HABs in freshwater environments. This report is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1 provides the legislative background and process for developing the report, Chapter 2 describes the problem of freshwater and inland HABs in the United States, Chapter 3 outlines the current Federal efforts in freshwater and inland HAB research and response, Chapter 4 discusses the future research priorities, and Chapter 5 delineates opportunities for coordination to advance research efforts. The document is based, in large part, on the proceedings (Hudnell 2008) of the International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms, a meeting convened by EPA and sponsored by a variety of Federal agencies, to describe current scientific knowledge and identify priorities for future research on CyanoHABs. This report offers a plan for coordinating the important research that is currently ongoing in the United States and for guiding future research directions for Federal programs as well as for state, local, private, and academic institutions in order to maximize advancements. To this end, the Interagency Working Group on Harmful Algal Blooms, Hypoxia, and Human Health (IWG-4H) identifies seven priorities, all of equal weight, for freshwater HAB research and response. These priorities represent research areas where there is the greatest potential for progress in freshwater HAB research. This report does not attempt to assess the relative importance of freshwater HAB research compared to other research areas or other priorities for Federal or state investment.


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In a cooperative agreement between Amoco Production Company and the University of Arizona Geosciences Department, extensive data and resources associated with 15 deep wells drilled in the Great Salt Lake are currently on loan at the University of Arizona. Seismic data, electric and lithologic logs, cuttings and previously-prepared pollen slides will eventually permit a thorough study of both the tectonic and climatic history of the Great Salt Lake region. The preliminary study presented here concentrates on the Late Tertiary and Pleistocene climatic reconstruction of the eastern Great Basin through examination of fossil pollen.


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In order to evolve suitable electrical fishing gear for inland waters, preliminary experiments have been conducted to observe effect of a. c. currents on Catla catla at voltages of 30, 90 and 120, pH 7.3 and 8.4, temperature 48°F, 78°F and 105°F, distance between electrodes 25 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm, size range of fish 100 mm, to 235 mm. Apparatus used was a 5 kw; a. c. 60 cycles generator with resistance control. Larger sizes of fish were more prone to electric shock. Higher temperature increases the intensity of the shock, while variation of pH between 7.3 to 8.4 did not materially affect the intensity of the shock. Fishing with a mixed population of Catla catla and Ophicephalus punctatus gave a greater percentage of mortality for the latter.