18 resultados para Jürgen Habermas

em Aquatic Commons


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The foundation of Habermas's argument, a leading critical theorist, lies in the unequal distribution of wealth across society. He states that in an advanced capitalist society, the possibility of a crisis has shifted from the economic and political spheres to the legitimation system. Legitimation crises increase the more government intervenes into the economy (market) and the "simultaneous political enfranchisement of almost the entire adult population" (Holub, 1991, p. 88). The reason for this increase is because policymakers in advanced capitalist democracies are caught between conflicting imperatives: they are expected to serve the interests of their nation as a whole, but they must prop up an economic system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of most workers and the environment. Habermas argues that the driving force in history is an expectation, built into the nature of language, that norms, laws, and institutions will serve the interests of the entire population and not just those of a special group. In his view, policy makers in capitalist societies are having to fend off this expectation by simultaneously correcting some of the inequities of the market, denying that they have control over people's economic circumstances, and defending the market as an equitable allocator of income. (deHaven-Smith, 1988, p. 14). Critical theory suggests that this contradiction will be reflected in Everglades policy by communicative narratives that suppress and conceal tensions between environmental and economic priorities. Habermas’ Legitimation Crisis states that political actors use various symbols, ideologies, narratives, and language to engage the public and avoid a legitimation crisis. These influences not only manipulate the general population into desiring what has been manufactured for them, but also leave them feeling unfulfilled and alienated. Also known as false reconciliation, the public's view of society as rational, and "conductive to human freedom and happiness" is altered to become deeply irrational and an obstacle to the desired freedom and happiness (Finlayson, 2005, p. 5). These obstacles and irrationalities give rise to potential crises in the society. Government's increasing involvement in Everglades under advanced capitalism leads to Habermas's four crises: economic/environmental, rationality, legitimation, and motivation. These crises are occurring simultaneously, work in conjunction with each other, and arise when a principle of organization is challenged by increased production needs (deHaven-Smith, 1988). Habermas states that governments use narratives in an attempt to rationalize, legitimize, obscure, and conceal its actions under advanced capitalism. Although there have been many narratives told throughout the history of the Everglades (such as the Everglades was a wilderness that was valued as a wasteland in its natural state), the most recent narrative, “Everglades Restoration”, is the focus of this paper.(PDF contains 4 pages)


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Radioactivity measured in samples from the NEA-Dumping-Site not only emanated from dumped barrels. Just as everywhere on the world also fallout from former nuclear weapon tests can be found there. Radionuclides which can emanate from different sources do not tell anything about their origin. To assess the fractions from various sources activity ratios from radionuclides can be used. There are different activity ratios for fallout and for waste from peaceful nuclear power engeneering. The comparison of the ratios of the plutonium isotopes Pu-238 and the sum of Pu-239 and Pu-240 (Pu-238/Pu-239,240) in benthic samples from the dumping site and from reference sites without waste dumping gives a clear hint. In the sampling period from 1980 to 2000 for samples from the dumping site this ratio increases significantly from 1986 on. Radioactivity emanating from the dumped barrels is regarded as causing this.


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From 1979 to 2000, the site for the dumping of low-level radioactive wastes and an unaffected site in the North-east Atlantic were investigated to determine the biomass data of the benthopelagic nekton and the benthic organisms. The investigation shall demonstrate the influence on the biocoenosis of the so-called "artificial reef effect", caused by dumped waste drums. For sampling benthopelagic and benthic organisms, we used a modified Agassiz trawl, called the Deep-sea Closing Net. With the exception of the “Amperima event” in 1996 – a unique occurrence of a large number of sea-cucumbers – there was no change in the composition of benthopelagic and benthic organisms through the years. The biomass of the benthopelagic nekton was characterized by Macrouridae(rat-tailed fishes) and the main tax on of the benthos was Actiniaria (sea-anemones).


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A subject of a change of authorised limits in 1994 for the discharge of liquid radioactive waste by the reprocessing plant Sellafield (UK) was an increase of these limits for certain radionuclides (3H, 14C, 60Co, 99Tc and 129I). It is investigated now how the radioactivity in marine biota from the North Sea and subsequently the public radiation exposure by ingestion has developed in the years since 1994. This is based on a compartment model for the Northeast Atlantic. Discharges of the reprocessing plants Dounreay (UK) and La Hague (F) are included in the assessment. It is deduced that about 60 % of 137Cs in the North Sea originate presently in the remobilisation of old Sellafield discharges from the Irish Sea sediment. A comparison with measured biota data shows that the model is conservative in the most cases. The public radiation exposure from ingestion of fish, crustaceans and molluscs from the central North Sea as the sum over 12 considered radionuclides has decreased from 1992 to 1998 from 0,13 to 0,08 μSv·y–1. For the southward and northward joined regions it was a little bit smaller with a similar decreasing trend.


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In the framework of monitoring programmes organized under several sea protection conventions (HELSINKI Conv., OSPAR Conv.) the contracting parties are requested to develop appropriate techniques for Biological-Effect- Monitoring. In following these recommendations the Institut for Fisheries Ecology studies the 7-ethoxyresorufin- O-deethylase (EROD) activity in the liver of dab. EROD represents one enzyme of the cytochrome P-450 species, also called mixed function oxygenases (MFO), which is induced by certain organic contaminants, e.g. PCBs. On the other hand, an influence of natural factors like season, temperature or spawning on the EROD activity may be possible. The present study represents an insight into the status of the EROD activity in North Sea dab. Ultimately, we intend to decide if EROD activity is an appropriate tool to detect effects of contaminants. The EROD activity in the liver of 687 dabs, caught in the North Sea at different seasons in 1995 and 1996 with the fishery research vessel “Walther Herwig III”, has been determined and the data obtained have been statistically evaluated. The logarithmically transformed values of the EROD activity are following approximately a normal distribution. Due to the wide variation of the enzyme activities and due to the small number of samples minor differences between samples are not detectable. Nevertheless, comparing the enzyme activities at different sites of the North Sea, some significant differences have been identified. A model for the discription of seasonal variations of EROD activity, developed at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, could be helpful for interpretation.


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A decrease of 137Cs concentration in cod flesh from Barents Sea is shown by six years random sampling. This reduction runs parallel to reduced emissions from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant Sellafield (Great Britain). It must be emphasized that even the highest values from 1992 are lower than comparable ones from the North Sea and from the Baltic. Although there is no increase of the radiation dose on people by consuming these fishes further monitoring should not be stopped. Potential risk arises from radioactive wastes of the russian nuclear navy in their coastal area. Obviously a safe storage seams almost too expensive.


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Die Fischereibänke der nördlichen norwegischen Küste und der Barentssee einschließlich der Gewässer um spitzbergen und der Bäreninsel sind Fanggründe, aus denen beträchtliche Mengen an wertvollen Meeresfischen wie Kabeljau, Schellfisch, Seelachs, Rotbarsch und Schwarzer Heilbutt auf den deutschen Markt kommen. So wurden beispielsweise im Jahr 1993 allein von deutschen Fangschiffen aus diesen Gewässern angelandet: 2600 t Kabeljau, 430 t Schellfisch, 3700 t Seelachs, 500 t Rotbarsch und 13 t Schwarzer Heilbutt. Darüber hinaus gelangt noch eine beträchtliche Menge an Importen von anderen EU-Staaten und von Drittländern in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, deren genaue Höhe schwierig quantifizierbar ist.


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Im Institut für Fischereiökologie werden in Aquarienuntersuchungen Parameter zur modellmäßigen Beschreibung der Biokinetik bei der Aufnahme von Schadstoffen über den Pfad Futter-Fisch bestimmt. Dabei ist eine möglichst gleichmäßige Aufteilung des Futters auf alle Fische einer Untersuchungsgruppe anzustreben. Das wird dann gut erreicht, wenn das Futter einer Fütterung in gesamter Menge auf einmal ins Hälterungsbecken gelangt.


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Über den aktuellen Radioaktivitätsgehalt des 137Cs im Fleisch von Fischen aus dem Eingangsbereich zur Barentssee in 1992 wurde bereits unmittelbar nach Abschluß der Gammaspektrometrie berichtet. Die nach radiochemischen Aufbereitungen inzwischen ermittelten 90Sr Gehaltswerte werden in diesem Artikel diskutiert.


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Die internationale Übereinkunft, Einträge in die Nordsee im Zeitraum 1985 bis 1995 deutlich zu verringern war Ergebnis der Nordseeschutzkonferenzen (London, 1987 und La Hague, 1990). Das Institut für Fischereiökologie untersucht im laufenden Joint Monitoring Programme (JI\IP) der Oslo- und Pariskommissionen die Belastung von Fischen der Nordsee mit Schadstoffen. Das Vorkommen chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe wird u.a. durch Bestimmen der Gehaltswerte von HCB und den Leitkongeneren der PCB in Lebern von Fischen erfaßt.