74 resultados para Iraq War, 2003- - Protest movements

em Aquatic Commons


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The 23rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation was held between 17 and 21 March 2003 at The Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted by the Community Conservation Network, Hawaii, and WWF-Malaysia. The meeting was attended by slightly more than 300 participants representing 73 countries, a dramatic drop in participation from previous years brought about in no small part by the looming war in the middle east region and concerns over travel safety. For 22 years the Symposium had bee an Americas-based event, even though it is the annual gathering of the "international" sea turtle society, and with the move to Malaysia, the Symposium hoped to raise the awareness among the general public of the plight of amrine turtles in Southeast Asia, and share the enormous exspertise of the world authorities on sea turtles with this so-far underrepresented region. Adopting the thems, "Living With Turtles", the Symposium had a very personal flavour, and the smaller number of participants made it possible to make and renew acquaintances, and have time for discussion between sessions. While the travel safety concern excuse was often quoted, it was a pity, particularly to the large contingent of people who attended the event for the first time from underrepresented regions, that many of the household names linked to marine turtle biology and conservation were not present to share their knowledge and promote the global concerns on the plight of turtle populations.


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With a focus on white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), a concurrent electronic tagging and larval sampling effort was conducted in the vicinity of Mona Passage (off southeast Hispaniola), Dominican Republic, during April and May 2003. Objectives were 1) to characterize the horizontal and vertical movement of adults captured from the area by using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs); and 2) by means of larval sampling, to investigate whether fish were reproducing. Trolling from a sportfishing vessel yielded eight adult white marlin and one blue marlin (Makaira nigricans); PSAT tags were deployed on all but one of these individuals. The exception was a female white marlin that was unsuitable for tagging because of injury; the reproductive state of its ovaries was examined histologically. Seven of the PSATs reported data summaries for water depth, temperature, and light levels measured every minute for periods ranging from 28 to 40 days. Displacement of marlin from the location of release to the point of tag pop-up ranged from 3l.6 to 267.7 nautical miles (nmi) and a mean displacement was 3.4 nmi per day for white marlin. White and blue marlin mean daily displacements appeared constrained compared to the results of other marlin PSAT tagging studies. White marlin ovarian sections contained postovulatory follicles and final maturation-stage oocytes, which indicated recent and imminent spawning. Neuston tows (n=23) yielded 18 istiophorid larvae: eight were white marlin, four were blue marlin, and six could not be identified to species. We speculate that the constrained movement patterns of adults may be linked to reproductive activity for both marlin species, and, if true, these movement patterns may have several implications for management. Protection of the potentially important white marlin spawning ground near Mona Passage seems warranted, at least until further studies can be conducted on the temporal and spatial extent of reproduction and associated adult movement.


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Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) in the mid-Atlantic Bight undertake seasonal cross-shelf movements to occupy inshore rocky reefs and hardbottom habitats between spring and fall. Shelf-wide migrations of this stock are well documented, but movements and home ranges of fish during their inshore residency period have not been described. We tagged 122 Black Sea Bass with acoustic transmitters at a mid-Atlantic reef to estimate home-range size and factors that influence movements (>400 m) at a 46.1-km2 study site between May and November 2003. Activity of Black Sea Bass was greatest and most consistent during summer but declined rapidly in September as water temperatures at the bottom of the seafloor increased on the inner shelf. Black Sea Bass maintained relatively large home ranges that were fish-size invariant but highly variable (13.7–736.4 ha), underscoring the importance of large sample sizes in examination of population-level characteristics of mobile species with complex social interactions. On the basis of observed variations in movement patterns and the size of home ranges, we postulate the existence of groups of conspecifics that exhibit similar space-use behaviors. The group of males released earlier in the tagging period used larger home ranges than the group of males released later in our study. In addition, mean activity levels and the probability of movement among acoustic stations varied among groups of fish in a complex manner that depended on sex. These differences in movement behaviors may increase the vulnerability of male fish to passive fishing gears, further exacerbating variation in exploitation rates for this species among reefs.


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Cover [pdf, 1.2 Mb] PICES Science Board and Governing Council hold their first joint meeting [pp. 1-3] [pdf, 0.2 Mb] 3rd International Zooplankton Production Symposium [pp. 4-7] [pdf, 0.6 Mb] The state of the eastern North Pacific entering spring 2003 [pp. 8-9] [pdf, 0.4 Mb] The state of the western North Pacific in 2002 [pp. 10-13] [pdf, 0.6 Mb] The Bering Sea: Current status and recent events [pp. 14-15] [pdf. 0.7 Mb] Patricia Livingston [pp. 16-19] [pdf. 0.5 Mb] Recent changes in the abundance of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) off the Pacific Northwest, tracking a regime shift? [pp. 20-21] [pdf. 0.6 Mb] Developing new scientific programs in PICES [pp. 22-26] [pdf. 0.2 Mb] Report of the Yokohama 2003 MODEL Task Team Workshop to develop a marine ecosystem model of the North Pacific Ocean including pelagic fishes [pp. 27-29] [pdf. 0.5 Mb] 3rd PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent Areas [pp.30-31] [pdf. 0.4 Mb] Recent oceanographic and marine environmental studies at FERHRI [pp.32-34] [pdf. 0.4 Mb] Symposium Announcement [p. 35] [pdf. 0.3 Mb] PICES announcements [p. 36] [pdf. 0.3 Mb]


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Editorial and Contents The state of PICES science - 2002 Second annual Wooster Award to Yutaka Nagata Qingdao Open Science Meeting: A major landmark for GLOBEC GLOBEC OSM Session Highhlights PICES/GLOBEC Data Management Workshop PICES and GLOBEC modelling Some personal impressions of the GLOBEC OSM Photo highlights of PICES XI and GLOBEC OSM PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC) Integration Workshop PICES/CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Variability in the Pacific and its impact on the marine ecosystem IGBP/SCOR Open Science Meeting on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Analysis Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study (SERIES): eastern subarctic Pacific in July 2002 Introducing the GLOBEC International Project Office / GLOBEC Calendar 2003 Introducing the PICES Secretariat PICES Calendar


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 58 KB) Report of Governing Council Meeting (pdf 244 KB) Report of 2003 interim Governing Council meeting Tenth Anniversary PICES Organization Review Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 102 KB) 2002 Auditor's report to the Organization Review of PICES Publication Program Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board/Governing Council interim meeting (pdf 81 KB) Science Board (pdf 95 KB) Study Group on PICES Capacity Building Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 65 KB) Advisory Panel on Micronekton sampling gear intercalibration experiment Advisory Panel on Marine birds and mammals Fishery Science Committee (pdf 41 KB) Working Group 16 on Climate change, shifts to fish production, and fisheries management Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 76 KB) Working Group 15 on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the North Pacific Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 70 KB) Working Group 17 on Biogeochemical data integration and synthesis Advisory Panel on North Pacific Data Buoy Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 32 KB) Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 64 KB) Nemuro Experimental Planning Team (NEXT) BASS Task Team (pdf 35 KB) Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment MODEL Task Team (pdf 29 KB) MONITOR Task Team (pdf 30KB) REX Task Team (pdf 25 KB) Documenting Scientific Sessions (pdf 164 KB) List of Participants (pdf 60 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 21 KB)


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*Table of Contents* Sustainable Aquaculture Fertilization, soil and water quality management in small-scale ponds part II:Soil and water quality management S. Adhikari Fisheries and aquaculture activities in Nepal Tek Gurung Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: A knowledge-base for rural aquaculture Farmers as Scientists: Commercialization of giant freshwater prawn culture in India M.C. Nandeesha Aquaculture in reservoir fed canal based irrigation systems of India – a boon for fish production K.M. Rajesh, Mridula R. Mendon, K. N. Prabhudeva and P. Arun Padiyar Research and Farming Techniques Production and grow-out of the Black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera Idris Lane Breeding of carps using a low-cost, small-scale hatchery in Assam, India: A farmer proven technology S.K. Das Genes and Fish: Hybridisation – more trouble than its worth? Graham Mair Breeding and culture of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in Vietnam R. Pitt and N. D. Q. Duy The potential use of palm kernel meal in aquaculture feeds Wing-Keong Ng Using a Simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural aquaculture in the wider environment Simon R. Bush Aquaculture fundamentals: Getting the most out of your feed Simon Wilkinson Marine finfish section Status of marine finfish aquaculture in Myanmar U Khin Kolay Regional training course on grouper hatchery production Aquatic Animal Health Advice on aquatic animal health care: Problems in Penaeus monodon culture in low salinity areas Pornlerd Chanratchakool


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*Table of Contents* Sustainable Aquaculture Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Peri-urban aquaculture in Kolkata A case of informal shrimp farmers association and its role in sustainable shrimp farming in Tamil Nadu, India M. Kumaran, N. Kalaimani, K. Ponnusamy, V.S. Chandrasekaran, D. Deboral Vimala Diffusion and adoption of shrimp farming technologies M. Kumaran, K. Ponnusamy and N. Kalaimani Farmers as Scientists: Aquaculture education in India - opportunities for global partnership M.C. Nandeesha Information system of fish germplasm resources in China Yang Ningsheng, Ge Chanshui, Ouyang Haiying, Yuan Yongming Status and development needs of freshwater crustacean aquaculture in China Xu Pao Research and Farming Techniques Aquaculture fundamentals: Getting the most out of your feed Part II: The role of macronutrients Simon Wilkinson Fish breeding in captivity - some innovative adaptations of technology by Bengal farmers N.R. Chattopadhyay Scientific guidelines for farmers engaged in freshwater prawn farming in India Vishal Saxena Marine Finfish Section News and publications Status and development of mariculture in Indonesia Ketut Sugama Aquatic Animal Health Use of probiotics in larval rearing of new candidate species Rehana Abidi Advice on aquatic animal health care: Problems in shrimp culture during the wet season (Thai/English languages) Pornlerd Chanratchakool


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(PDF contains 94 pages.)


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CONTENTS: Learning insights from the Fisheries Resource Management Project, by Tee-Jay A San Diego. An orientation on the SIAD approach and participatory local development planning, by Elizabeth M. Gonzales. Group-building, production success and the struggle to prevent capture of the resource, by B.K. Sahay, K.P. Singh and S.N. Pandeya. Urban agriculture, water reuse and local economies: case study of coastal riverine Settlements of Ondo State, Nigeria, by Yemi Akegbejo-Samsons. Livelihoods analysis: actual experience from using PRA, by Pham Minh Tam and Trinh Quang Tu. A sustainable livelihoods approach to fisheries development for poverty alleviation in southeastern Vietnam, by Nguyen Van Tu and Nguyen Minh Duc


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CONTENTS: Livelihoods and languages: a SPARK-STREAM learning and communications process, by Kath Copley and William Savage. Towards broader contextual understandings of livelihoods, by Elizabeth M. Gonzales, Nguyen Song Ha, Rubu Mukherjee, Nilkanth Pokhrel and Sem Viryak. Using tools to build shared understandings, using a sustainable livelihoods framework to learn, by Nuchjaree Langkulsane. Learning about rattan as a livelihood, by Mariel de Jesus and Christine Bantug. Meanings of “community-managed area,” by Arif Aliadi. Lessons learnt about processes for learning and communicating, by Graham Haylor and Ronet Santos.


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CONTENTS: Livelihood Improvements through fisheries in the Pode community in Pokhara, Nepal, by Tek Bahadur Gurung and Jay Dev Bista. Women’s participation in coastal resources management and livelihoods in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam, by Nguyen Thu Hue, Than Thi Hien, Pham Thi Phuong Hoa, Nguyen Viet Vinh and Dao Viet Long. Supporting people’s efforts and interactions in coastal resources management in Indonesia, by Tabitha Yulita. Planning for a community fisheries M&E system, by Heather Airlie and Haiko Meelis. Identifying needs and recommendations for efficient stakeholder communications through an information access survey, by Elizabeth M. Gonzales, Malene Felsing and Erwin L Pador. IEC seminar-workshop in support of fisheries ordinance implementation in Roxas City, Philippines, by Belinda M. Garrido and Elizabeth M. Gonzales.


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According to our statement in the previous editions of this list (1996-2002), we provide here an update to the year 2004, including, as always, some references omitted before. This bibliography is edited electronically, considering that this method assured a wider distribution, at least in the opinion sent us by some researchers. The increase, progressive in general, in the number of publications, is evident. It has been analysed by Gómez & Ferriz [2002 (2004)], using mainly the present series of compilations. A reading of this list shows a change, with a noticeable increase in the number of papers on molecular aspects and genetics, and also in conservations subjects. This, in our opinion, show real recent changes in approximations and technologies. We thankfully acknowledge to many authors for sending information about their works.


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CONTENTS: An experience with group formation in Jabarrah, West Bengal, by Amar Prasad, Virendra Singh, Binay Sahay and Gautum Dutta. Aquaculture self-help groups in rural West Bengal, by Satyendra Tripathi, Graham Haylor and William Savage in consultation with Jagdish Gangwar, Virendra Singh, Gautam Dutta and Prabhat Pathak. Lessons learned for Fulwar Toli from an exposure visit to Jabarrah Bhim Nayak and Rubu Mukherjee. Livelihood intervention by Fish Farmers Development Agency: a success story from Mayurbhanj, Orissa, by G.B. Parida. Understanding of assets-based livelihoods through participatory rural appraisal to eliminate hunger, by Binay Sahay. Poverty ranking tools in PRA: experiences of EIRFP in addressing vulnerability, by Binay Sahay.