8 resultados para Intertidal Zostera
em Aquatic Commons
The present study with headline investigation on reproduction in two species of Crab Eriphia sebana and Ocypode saratan was carried out in the intertidal zone of Chabahar in thirteen month from December 2004 to December 2005. Checked samplings have been taken, 45 number Crab monthly from any four stations by manual or use trap. During this study the following subjects were measured: Temperature range and salinity, Measurable coast granule, Determination of sex ratio, Relations carapace width with carapace length, Carapace width with total body weight, Gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, gastrosomatic index, investigation content in stomach, LM50, Growth parameters, plenty distribution length and width and gonad weight and total body weight. Studied on measurable coast granule were expressed that Ocypode saratan in Desalination station, were nest in soils equable sand and this quantity were confirmed in Pozm station. Sex ratio were assign in desalination area and Pozm M: F 0/44:0/56 and in Tiss and Chabahar M: F 0/45:0/55. Carapace length and carapace width (cm) and body weight (g) Furthest were designated in Ocypode saratan within carapace width sequential: female: 5/42-6/15-105/13 and male: 5/53-6/25-108/91 and in Eriphia sebana within Tiss area sequential: female: 5/12-5/94-110/21 and male 5/14-60/01-114/37. Have been linear relationship between carapace length and carapace width and equaled CW = a CL + b. Weight growth in two species were be modal and equaled BW= aCLb and increased Crab weight by built up carapace width. Maximum gonad weight in Ocypode saratan within desalination area in female have been outcome 3/39 and in male 0/84g and in Eriphia sebana extreme within Tiss during may in female were be 4/18 and in male 1/1g. Stomach content in Eriphia sebana were involved a black until half-purplish liquid and yellowish in Ocypode saratan. Stomach contents identifiable were being in four groups: Molluscoid, Crustacean, Plankton and Fish. Carapace width during the first year of maturation have been LM50:3/77 in Desalination area and LM50:3/92 in Pozm for Ocypode saratan and LM50:4/26 in Tiss and LM50:4/62 in Chabahar. Ability spawning in Eriphia sebana within Tiss has been CW=4/17cm and in Ocypode saratan within Desalination area CW=4/23cm. Maximun value of Loo for Eriphia sebana was equal 59/67 and growth factor K=0/68 within Tiss and Loo =61/64 , K=0/65 for Ocypode saratan within Desalination area. Maximun GSI and GI have been within Desalination area and Tiss and minimum within Pozm and Chabahar. The maturity stages of two species were classifed into six stages. Review on GSI, CF have been showed that relation with temperature and salinity and definer in two species have been spawned in two period that Maximun in spring premier than autumn.
Investigations on growth and quantity of phycocolloids of Sargassum sp. and Gracilaria corticata was done on field and laboratorial works over one year from January 2003 to May 2004. Sargassum thalli began growth from January. The highest biomass value recorded 1611.04 gm^-2 was obtained in November. The receptacles appeared on November and released eggs. The senescence of Sargassum thalli was in December and the new thallus began to grow from January, The highest relative growth rate (6.74 percent) was in February. The relative growth rate showed significant correlation (p<0,05) with temperature. The highest value of alginate was in November (10.02 percent). Alginat content showed significant correlations (p<0.05) with Sargassum biomass. There was no significant effect of environmental factors on alginate content. The highest biomass of Graciiaria was in Match (49.88 gm^-2). Maximum relative growth rate of Gracilara (2 percent) was in December. Relative growth rate of Gracilaria (2.8 percent) was in December. Relative growth rate of Gracilaria showed significant correlations (p<0.05) with temperature. There was significant effect of ammonium (p<0.05) on growth factors of Gracilaria, maximum agar content was in August {10.005 percent). The yield of agar showed significant correlation (p<0.05) with Gracilaria biomass and ammonium in field and laboratory.
From the analysis of typical animal populations, the author tries to draw an outline of a general bionomic system and to describe the effects of predominant ecological factors (wave action, insolation, salinity and contents of sea water) on the characteristic species (Tectarius nodulosus, Tectarius novaezelandiae, Chthamalus stellatus, Tetraclita porcsa, Ostrea forskali, Balanus tintinna bulum and Madreporaria). He also outlined a rapid sketch of seasonal variations of the biota.
This primary report includes 168 common, vegetal and animal species collected on the intertidal rocky shore of the Nhatrang Bay, during the study of the ecology of this area.
The length weight relationship of three benthic bivalves namely, Senilia (= Anadara) senilis (bloody cockle), Tagelus adansonii (knife clam), Tellina nymphalis (soft shell clam) from the Andoni Flats were determined. The bivalves which are of ecological importance were obtained from the intertidal areas of the Andoni Flats. Shell lengths of the bivalves were measured and corresponding dry weight measurements were also taken. The data obtained were then subjected to regression analysis using the FAO-ICLARM Fish Stock Assessment Tools (FiSAT). The length weight relationships obtained from the FiSAT analysis indicated isometric growth for Senilia (= Anadara) senilis, with slope (b) value of 2.942; positive allometric growth for Tagelus adansonii, with a ‘b’ value of 3.395 and negative allometric growth for Tellina nymphalis with ‘b’ value of 2.633. KEYWORDS: bivalves, length-weight, isometric growth, allometric growth, cockle, clam.
Thanks to the effort of many spongologists from worldwide, we know the most common sponges in the Indo-Pacific area. The author gives a description of 28 intertidal sponges collected in Nha Trang, Vietnam.
In this part 1, after a brief description of the habitat, the author describes in details (in descending order) the supralittoral, littoral and infralittoral zones. The author describes many permanent groups of Cyanophyceae in the higher horizon of intertidal zone, the cosmopolitan group of Navicula Grevillei, Hildenbrandtia prototypus, the pantropical group of Calothrix pilosa, Chaetomorpha antennina, indopacific group of Dermonema Frappieri, Sargassum, Padina, Thatassia Hemprichii, Halophila. The group of cold or temperate habitat with Bangiophycideae are present in winter. Some are described, formed by the oysters, Vermetus or Cirripeds, or by the algae (Calothrix, Brachytrichia, Gelidium, Dermonema, Chaetomorpha).
This project was done for identifying and survey on distribution and diversity of true crabs in inter tidal and sub tidal zones of the Gulf of Oman (Sistan and Baluchistan province) during two year from 2009 to 2010. Specimens of inter tidal zones were carried out at 10 stations and 8 stations from sub tidal. The specimens were collected by hand and dip-net from inter tidal and by trawl net from sub tidal regions, preserved in 70% alcohol and carried to the laboratory. A total of 37 species belonged to 17 families from inter tidal and 23 species belonged to 9 families from sub tidal were identified. Of which 54 species were identified up to species level. 2 species from Matutidae, 1 species from Eriphiidae, Menippidae, Pseudoziidae, Plagusidae, Varunidae, Camptandriidae, Dromiidae and Dorippidae, 2 species from Oziidae, 3 species from Epialtidae, 2 species from Majidae, 4 species from Pilumnidae, 12 species from Portunidae, 6 species from Xanthidae, 2 species from Grapsidae, 3 species from Dotillidae, 3 species from Macrophthalmidae, 3 species from Ocypodidae, 3 species from Calappidae, 2 species from Parthenopidae and 1 species from Galenidae were identified. All specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, University of Tehran (ZUTC). The results of the present study revealed that family Portunidae with 6 species from inter tidal and 9 species from sub tidal regions have the highest species richness among the 22 families. Maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Breis, Lipar, Pozm and Gordim, and minimum was obtained among the stations Chazire-Kharchang with Pasabandar, Beris, Lipar, Daria-Bozorg, Pozm and Gordim in intertidal regions. In sub tidal regions maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Pasa bandar with Berisand minimum was obtained among the stations Govatr with Ramin and Gordim, Ramin with Pozm. Also maximum species richness was observed at Tiss in inter tidal and Chabahar in sub tidal stations, whereas minimum was obtained at Beris, Pozm, Gordim and Lipar in inter tidal and Govatr and Pozm in sub tidal stations. Family Ocypodidae in inter tidal and Portunidae in sub tidal regions have the highest distribution. In all of the species length and Breadth of carapace showed significant relation.