15 resultados para Integrated culture

em Aquatic Commons


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An aquaponic system was studied through the integrated culture of mono-sex GIFT and two types of vegetables viz. morning glory, Ipomoea reptans and taro, Colocasia esculenta in a recirculating system for 15 weeks. Tilapia fry of uniform size of 0.76 g were released in three treatments (stocking densities): 106 fish/m³ (T1), 142 fish/m³ (T2) and 177 fish/m³ (T3) to assess the effect of stocking density on the growth performance of fish. Fish were fed with a commercial feed containing 25% protein. Weight gain (g) of tilapia ranged from 19.41 to 32.67 g and was inversely related with stocking density. Percent weight gain varied between 2553.99 and 4298.68% and was significantly different among the treatments. SGR ranged from 3.09 to 3.59% per day and varied significantly. FCR varied from 2.19 to 2.69 and had a positive correlation with stocking density. The highest survival rate (%) was achieved in T1 (99%) followed by T2 (98%) and T3 (96%). Production of fish ranged from 3.43 to 3.52 kg/m³ and was inversely related with stocking density. The present study demonstrated that 106 fish/m³ was the best stocking density in terms of growth, food conversion ratio, survival and production for tilapia culture in the aquaponic system.


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Integrated agriculture-cum-fish farming has been practised profitably for ages in the Chinese small-scale farming system. There is a great potential for this system by utilizing the vast Nigerian flood plains (approx. 515,000 ha). Dogongari Bay in Lake Kainji Basin was identified as a suitable site for this system after some extensive fish culture trials. Polyculture of Clarias spp., Heterotis niloticus and Tilapia was proposed for integration with layers in the poultry house, 2-ha upland rain-fed rice farming and indirect cattle rearing in the 5-ha enclosure site. Cost benefit analysis showed that the system will consistently record profit as from the second year of operation. Various complex factors were identified to affect profitability of this mixed farming system. Concerted research approach is needed to fully understand the interrelationships of the various components of this integrated system. Generous funding of research activities is very crucial in this situation


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In a survey conducted to find out the status of integrated rice-cum-fish culture in Niger State, Nigeria, 0.37 ha of Fadama wetlands was utilized for rice-cum-fish culture and at experimental stage. In the case study of this rice-cum-fish model, the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was involved. The result was that 1,4720 kg/ha/yr could be produced using chick manure application under rice-cum-fish culture model. The available records reveal that 233,079 ha out of 495,000 ha of estimated Fadama in Niger State was used for rice cultivation in 1997. If 233,079 ha were to be used for integrated rice-cum fish culture, it is estimated that 343,092 mt of fish (Oreochromis niloticus) could be produced per year. The fish demand in Niger State in 2002 was 50,000 mt. The NPK application under rice-cum-fish production gave the best rice production estimated at 43,968.0 kg/ha/yr. The percentage increase in rice yield as well as increase in net income due to introduction of fish was 10.1 % and 54.4% respectively. The culture system is therefore recommended for adoption towards greater participation in aquaculture development by the farmers


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Details are given of a study carried out in Nigeria, to introduce the practice of fish-cum-rice culture, using Sarotherodon galilaeus. Two plots each measuring 360m super(2) were used for this study and were compared with the farmer's two plots measuring 300m super(2) and 350m super(2). The plots were modified and had two central canals. Rice seedlings were transplanted into the plots after 19 days using a planting distance of 20 x 20cm. Three rice seedlings were planted per hole, using rice variety FARO 40, and grown for 90 days. About 240 and 180 S. galilaeus fingerlings of mean weight of 30g and 26g were stocked in the two experimental plots, respectively. They were fed with pelleted feed of 25% C.P. and monitored for 100 days. A yield of 22.8kg was obtained in plot A while 15.66kg was obtained in plot B. A rice yield of 250kg (i.e 5 bags) was obtained in each of the plots. The results obtained were compared with plots with no fish


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An on-farm trial was conducted over 150 days to determine appropriate stocking ratio, growth and production of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) in cages and carps in open water of ponds in eighteen farmers' ponds from Haluaghat Upazila at Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. One or two 1 m super(3) cage was suspended in each of 12 earthen ponds and other 6 ponds served as control without cages. Climbing perch of 2-3 g in size were stocked in cages while fingerlings of silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix), catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita), mirgal (Cirhinus cirrhosus), rajputi (Puntius sarana) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were stocked at 1 fish/m super(2) with a species ratio of 5:4:4:4:2:1 in open water of all ponds to give cage to open-pond fish ratios of 1:1 (T sub(1:1)) and 2:1 (T sub(2:1)) and 0:1 (T sub(0:1)) as three treatments with six replicates each. Survival of climbing perch was higher in T sub(1:1) (61.67%) than that of T sub(2:1) (29.5%) and was significantly different (p>0.05) between the treatments. Stocking of small size climbing perch fry increased the mortality rate in cages. The net yields of Thai koi were 0.13±0.01 (t/ha) and 0.10±0.01 (t/ha) in treatments T sub(1:1) and T sub(2:1), respectively and both were significantly different (p>0.05). Survival of-open-pond carps was high, ranging from 50 to 91.67% with significantly lower in T sub(0:1) than that of T sub(1:1) and T sub(2:1) treatment. Net and gross yield of each carp species were significantly higher in the T sub(1:1) and T sub(2:1) treatment than that in T sub(0:1) treatment. Net revenues were positive but low in all treatments. Therefore, bigger size climbing perch with lower stocking ratio (T sub(1:1)) is suitable for integrated cage-pond culture of climbing perch and carps. However, more on-farm trials in different ecosystem with scientific interventions are necessary to develop the technology for further dissemination among the rural farmers.


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Tilapia once termed "poor man's" fish, still remains as the highly-priced food fish in many developing countries. The good attributes of this fish prompt its use in intensive aquaculture vertically integrated systems (VIS) which embrace broodstock development, hatchery/nursery and growout phase. Based on the series of studies carried out at Kainji Lake Research Institute, in New Bussa, Nigeria using Oreochromis (Tilapia niloticus) in floating bamboo hapas/cages, the recommended intensive modular systems were estimated to be capable of producing 4 million Tilapia fingerlings and 729 tons fish (Market-size) annually. Cost-benefit analysis showed the venture to have high prospects. It is recommended that priority be given to Tilapia cage culture at the national level in order to contribute immensely towards increased fish production


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In this reservoir, the parameters being assessed are very important in the aspect of fish culture. These parameters are: physical parameters which includes temperature (O), Transparency (M).Chemical parameters include: Dissolve oxygen (mg/l) pH concentration and the Biological Parameters which include phytoplankton and zooplankton. The phytoplankton and zooplankton identification and estimation were carried out in the NIFFR Limnology Laboratory, (Green House), New Bussa. Each identified zooplankton and phytoplankton species was placed according to its major group e.g. zooplankton was grouped into three families, Roifera, Cladocera and Copepods. During this study period it was observed that copepods have the highest total number of zooplankton both beside the poultry and monk (station 'A'&'B'). Water temperature of station 'A' (beside the poultry house) ranges from 27 C-29, 5 c also same station 'B' (near the monk). Dissolve oxygen station 'A' range from 6.30mg/l-7.40mg/l while that of station 'B' ranges from 6.20mg/7.50mg/l, turbidity reading of station A'ranges from 0.19m-0.3m while station 'B' ranges from 0.22m-0.37m. The last parameter, which is pH concentration, in both stations 8.2 was observed this is an indication that the pH was constant. According to some literature review all the water parameter figures obtained were good for fish culture


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The integration of paddy cultivation with prawn/fish culture can become a viable alternative to effectively utilize the vast area of derelict polders (embanked coastal flood plains) in Kuttanad, India. Nearly 55 000 ha of wetlands in Kuttanad are available for paddy cultivation year-round. Around 5 000 ha of the polders are utilized for Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture as a follow-up crop. Of the total area, about 250 ha of fallow polders are utilized for monoculture of M. rosenbergii from March to October, while in 4 750 ha polyculture with Indian and exotic carps is practiced from November to June. Stocking density is 15 000 to 60 000/ha for monoculture of M. rosenbergii, while in polyculture with carps, it is 5 000 to 20 000/ha of prawn and 5 000 to 10 000/ha of fish. Production from monoculture varies from 95 to 1 297 kg/ha whereas production from polyculture systems it is 70 to 500 kg/ha of prawn and 200 - 1 200 kg/ha of fish. Profits range from Rs. 5 000 to 20 000/ha. An evaluation is made of how the present polders of Kuttanad are best utilized for culture of M. rosenbergii following different systems of integrated farming and how the integration is useful in the aquaculture sustainability of Kuttanad, a tropical wetland ecosystem.


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A realistic alternative to traditional technology development and transfer has been utilized by the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) to integrate pond fish culture into low-input farming systems in Malawi. Resource mapping was used to assess farm resources and constraints and introduce the concept of integrated resource management (IRM), the synergistic movement of resources between and among farm and household enterprises. Farmer-led IRM research projects are conducted on-farm and monitored by researchers through direct observation and on-station simulation of constraints and management practices. Technology-adoption rates by farmers involved in a pilot activity was 65% compared to 0% by farmers exposed only to top-down extension approaches. Within two years of adoption, every participating farmer had transferred the technology to an average of four other farmers without the involvement of the extension services.


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An experiment was conducted in farmers’ fields under Paikgacha thana, Khulna to study the suitability of integrated rice-cum-fish culture. Three treatments namely T1 (Puntius gonionotus), T2 (Puntius gonionotus and Cyprinus carpio) and T3 ( Cyprinus carpio) were included for the study each having three replicates. The fish were stocked at a density of 3750/ha in all the rice plots. The physicochemical parameters of water viz., water depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, nitrate and phosphate etc. recorded during the study period were found within optimum range. Of the two cultured species C. carpio attained the highest average individual weight (160g) and survival (81.06%). With respect to biomass and income, highest average fish production and net profit per hectare (306.74kg and Tk. 8177.91) were obtained in T2 and the lowest (184.17kg and Tk. 2049.41) obtained in T1 and a significant variation (p<0.05) in fish production was observed among the treatments while for rice production, it was insignificant. The cost benefit ratio of fish production found were 1:1.29, 1:2.14 and 1:1.90 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively.


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Utilization of wastewater in fish culture is based on nutrient recycling, which enhances primary productivity, planktonic biomass, macrophytes and benthic organisms which determine fish production. Production of fishes could be enhanced to 10 ton/ha through wastewater recycling by judicial stock manipulation and management. The fallow lands around a sewage fish farm could be utilized for agri-horticultural production by recycling both sludge and sewage water, resulting in a total agro production of about 110 ton/ha through rotational vegetable cropping. The potential for additional production of vegetables not only enhances revenue but also creates employment.


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The study aimed to investigate the productivity and profitability of rice-fish farming. It also determined the factors affecting rice-fish and fingerling production in Bangladesh. Among the total respondents about 55% were involved in rice-fish farming, 37% in pond fish culture and rest 9% in fish nursery. Integrated rice-fish farming contributed about 83% of the annual farm income in Comilla while it was about 20% in both Kishoregonj and Chandpur districts. Among the different farming systems integrated rice-fish culture and rearing fingerlings in the nursery pond were more profitable at the farm level. Farmers earned a net return of Tk. 49,714/ha from integrated fish culture with boro rice while the net return of boro rice-alone was only Tk. 11,179/ha. This indicated that farmer could earn 218% higher net return from integrated rice-fish farming than that of boro rice only farming. Moreover, integrated rice-fish culture also reduced pesticides cost to about 77% and weeding cost to about 51% in boro season. Fingerling nursing earned highest net returns among the three technologies.


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Investigations on the fishery, utilization and development of the crabs in Indian waters have been reviewed. Various factors relating to the improvement of fishery, keeping quality of the crab meat and possibilities for an integrated farming of commercially important crabs are discussed.


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Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: From integrated carp polyculture to intensive monoculture in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Better management practices for Vietnamese catfish. Ipomoea aquatica – an aquaculture friendly macrophyte. A status overview of fisheries and aquaculture development in Pakistan with context to other Asian countries. The changing face of post-grad education in aquaculture: contributing to soaring production and sustainable practices. Hatchery management in Bangladesh. Production of Cirrhinus molitorella and Labeo chrysophekadion for culture based fisheries development in Lao PDR Part I: Captive spawning. Application of ipil-ipil leaf meal as feed Ingredient for monosex tilapia fry (Oreochromis niloticus) in terms of growth and economics. Fermented feed ingredients as fish meal replacer in aquafeed production Aquaculture and fishing management in coastal zone demarcation: the case of Thailand. Reservoir fisheries of freshwater prawn – success story of an emerging culture-based giant freshwater prawn fishery at Malampuzha Dam in Kerala, India. Determining and locating sea cage production area for sustainable tropical aquaculture. SPC Pacific-Asia marine fish mariculture technical workshop: “Farming Marine Fishes for our Future”. Developing Better Management Practices for Marine Finfish Aquaculture. Breeding and seed production of silver pompano (Trachinotus blochii, Lacepede) at the Mariculture Development Center of Batam. Potential of silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) as a new candidate species for aquaculture. NACA Newsletter.