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Today, the use of heavy metals and chemical products industry expanded. The presence of significant amounts of, pollutants in industrial waste water can lead to serious risks to the environment and human health have heavy metals like chromium is one example of the future of salmon knock pond environment. Chromium is an essential element in the diet, but high doses of this element is very dangerous. Hence the use of chemical methods as a tool for the removal of metals from waste water pond be used. The aim of this study was to investigate the mineral kaolin adsorbents for the removal of chromium is water. Thus, the effect of different concentrations of absorbent micro amounts of chromium absorption and variable temperature, pH and electrolytes were studied. During the investigation of spectroscopic instrument (Varian) UV-VIS are used. Comparison of the absorption mechanism of chromium adsorption by the adsorbent with nano-absorbent kaolin kaolin was investigated. According to the studies done in the same conditions of temperature, pH and shaking rate of chromium absorption by nano kaolin kaolin is much more attractive. Therefore, its use as an adsorbent abundant, cheap, accessible, efficient and effective is proposed.


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Fifty-eight species of Decapods are enumerated from the collections examined by the author. Three species described by other authors are inserted in systematic order, thus making the list complete for the Panama region. All available material in the United States National Museum from Panama and Costa Rica is included; it ranges in age from the Oligocene (Culebra formation) to the Pleistocene.


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The National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431, as amended) gives the Secretary of Commerce the authority to designate discrete areas of the marine environment as National Marine Sanctuaries and provides the authority to promulgate regulations to provide for the conservation and management of these marine areas. The waters of the Outer Washington Coast were recognized for their high natural resource and human use values and placed on the National Marine Sanctuary Program Site Evaluation List in 1983. In 1988, Congress directed NOAA to designate the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Pub. L. 100-627). The Sanctuary, designated in May 1994, worked with the U.S. Coast Guard to request the International Maritime Organization designate an Area to be Avoided (ATBA) on the Olympic Coast. The IMO defines an ATBA as "a routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and which should be avoided by all ships, or certain classes of ships" (IMO, 1991). This ATBA was adopted in December 1994 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, “in order to reduce the risk of marine casualty and resulting pollution and damage to the environment of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary”, (IMO, 1994). The ATBA went into effect in June 1995 and advises operators of vessels carrying petroleum and/or hazardous materials to maintain a 25-mile buffer from the coast. Since that time, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has created an education and monitoring program with the goal of ensuring the successful implementation of the ATBA. The Sanctuary enlisted the aid of the U.S. and Canadian coast guards, and the marine industry to educate mariners about the ATBA and to use existing radar data to monitor compliance. Sanctuary monitoring efforts have targeted education on tank vessels observed transiting the ATBA. OCNMS's monitoring efforts allow quantitative evaluation of this voluntary measure. Finally, the tools developed to monitor the ATBA are also used for the more general purpose of monitoring vessel traffic within the Sanctuary. While the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary does not currently regulate vessel traffic, such regulations are within the scope of the Sanctuary’s Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan. Sanctuary staff participate in ongoing maritime and environmental safety initiatives and continually seek opportunities to mitigate risks from marine shipping.(PDF contains 44 pages.)


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The River Lune rises in the hills around Tebay in thje North of England and runs through rural farming country to Morecambe bay. It is generally considered as a river of high purity and unspoiled nature. The salmon fishery was at one time considered amongst the best in England and Wales, with very high catches to both rod and net fishermen. During the late 1960's the disease UDN decimated the stock. Since then there has been a recovery of the stock, but this is considered by most anglers and netsmen to be a partial recovery of some of the previous stock components. In recent years anglers and netsmen have voiced their concerns over the Lune stock and have lobbied for action to improve the Lune fishery. This net limitation order (NLO) and the separate byelaw in conjunction with habitat improvement are proposed as part of the strategy for future conservation and management of this salmon fishery. The fishery is currently exploited by 37 licensed netsmen, the highest number of any single estuary in England and Wales. There are 26 haaf, 10 drift and 1 seine nets available. Current estimates of the rod fishery are that 1100 to 1400 anglers fish 14 000 days per year. The River Luhe is one of the few rivers within England and Wales that has the benefit of an accurate fish counter. The counter is at Forge Weir approximately 4 km upstream of the tidal limit. The counts, together with records of the catches from the rod and net fishery, enable a reasonably accurate assessment of both rod and net exploitation. Extensive surveys of the juvenile population, carried out in 1991 and 1997, provide additional information. The purpose of this document is to describe and explain the current state of the salmon population in the River Lune and in doing so, demonstrate the current need for stock conservation. A second purpose is to demonstrate that the proposed NLO and byelaw package should allow the salmon population to reach its conservation target (spawning escapement target).


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India's export earnings from fishery products have touched an all-time record of Rs. 33.07 crores in 1969. The most important items which have contributed to this are processed prawn products, frozen lobster tails and frozen frog legs. Even though frogs are not of marine origin, they are processed and exported along with marine products so that for all practical purposes they are reckoned as seafood. Naturally, it is sure to be of absorbing interest to the processors and technological research workers as well as to the general public to know how many varieties/species of these occur in our country and also the localities where they are available. The following is an exhaustive list of the different species of prawns, lobsters and frogs that are found in our country, together with vernacular names wherever available, parts of India where they occur and the largest size (length) to which they grow. The figures in brackets on the left side show the progressive total. The different genera have been arranged in the order of their commercial importance and not according to any scientific principles.


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Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) is valuable fish that Khuzastan fisheries office propagated it artificially in Susangerd Fish Propagation Center every year. Pituitary gland is used for this aim but female fish lost their fertilization power after 2-3 years, so in present research, new hormone, that is called Ghrelin. The aims of this research are histology, hormonal, zygote and larval generation studies and comparing the results with each other. Ghrelin is a multifunctional peptidyl hormone which increases GTH-II in fish, amphibian, and birds and mammalian so its effect on Benni sexual maturation was studied. Human Ghrelin (hGRL) was obtained from ANASPEC, Canada, with 28 amino acids. In the present study, three levels of ghrelin including 0 (sham treatments), 0.10 (treatment 1) and 0.15 μg/g (treatment 2) body wt and one level of pituitary gland 4000 μg/g (pituitary treatment) with two replications were used. 56 specimens were injected intraperitonealy and their ghrelin level was evaluated immediately after injection and after 24 h. Control fish(n=16) were just injected by physiological saline. For hormonal studies sham and experimental fish(n=40) were anesthetized with MS-222 at a concentration of 250 mg l-1, and blood samples were collected and kept at 4ْC, then spun to collect serum. Serum samples were stores at -20ْC until the RIA for CTH-II. For histology studies immediately after injection a piece of ovary was collected from control fish (Sham zero) after being anesthetized. The sampled ovaries were fixed in Buin solution and embedded in paraffin, and stained to Sections of 5–6 μm using haematoxylin and eosin. The ovarian samples were performed with a compound microscope. Histology and micrometry studies had done. The mature oocytes had given from mature fish, then weighted and the working fecundity were counted. The mature oocytes fertilized, the eggs were incubated and the percentage of fertilization was calculated. After 72h the eggs hatched and the percentage of hatch was counted. The percentage of hindrance was calculated after 6 days. Hormonal results indicate that ghrelin and pituitary increase significantly the GTH-II level in comparison to sham. Macroscopic observations (before taking ovary) showed that ovaries with green colored have couple oval structure located in the abdominal cavity. Microscopic studies of dissected ovaries indicated simultaneous growth of 127 oocytes with 6 stages. The type of the ovary is asynchronous. The results indicated that both of the ghrelin treatment increased the percentage of mature follicles followed by decrease of immature follicles. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the number of mature and immature follicles. Average diameter of follicle in both of the ghrelin treatment was significantly (P<0.05) declined in the stages of the vitellogenesis when the result compared to the other treatment. Just treatment 1 and pituitary treatment can give mature oocytes. The fecundity of pituitary treatment significantly increase in comparision to ghrelin treatment (P<0.05). In food-restricted fish where endogenous ghrelin levels are known to be increased, a chronic administration of ghrelin induces overt negative effect in releasing mature oocytes. The percentage of fertilization was significantly increase (P<0.05) in ghrelin t. in comparison to pituitary t. and the percentage of hatch was significantly increase (P<0.05) in pituitary t. in comparison to ghrelin t. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in terms of percentage of hindrance between treatments. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that ghrelin has positive effect on the level of GTH-II, oocyte maturation, ovarian vitellogenesis and the number of mature follicles of Barbus sharpeyi ovary. Increasing of the mature follicles number reduces their average diameter, indicating stimulating effect of ghrelin in sexual maturation of Barbus sharpeyi.The ghrelin and pituitary treatment have equal chance in the post-stage of spawning.


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In Iranian Coastline water of Persian Gulf we researched about flat fishes and revision their Scientitic names, Investigated diversity species (Pleuronectiformes) around three provinces such as khouzestan, Bushehr and Hormozgen. The aim focuse on introducting major family and Species Identification for this Purpose 1311 Specimens collected. Then 36 investigation Parameters includes 18 Morphometric, 11 meristic, 7 distribution has been measured in Excel. The descriptive statistic in spss software would be able us to graph dendrograms by Clustering methods, then Design a standerd table and comparised all the datas with it six major family has been found in Iranian Coasline which named: Soleidae, Bothidae Paralichtidae, Cynoglossidae, Psettodidae, Citharidae. Some of the scientific species names such as Pseudorombus arsius, P. annulatus, P. elevatus, P.malayanus, P. triocellatus from Bothidae family Join it to Paralichtidae family and Eurylossa orientalis change It's name from Soleidae family to Brachirus onentalis. Cynoglossus, bilineatus, C.Puncticepts, C.durbaensis, Clachneri, one of the most Important Point that viewed in our samples, founding a new species (C.Sp) Which we couldn't identify it with all the known keys, then sent it to international Scientific references for this porpose. (Family Cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus annulatus, P. elevatus P.arsius, P.malayanus, paralichtodes algoensis, Poecilopstei Javanicus (Family paralichthidae) Arnoglossus aspilos,A.arabicits, Engyprosopon grandisquama, L.pectoralis, Pseudorombus navalensis, Psettina brevirictis (family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family Psettodidae); Citharoides macrolepis (Family Citharidae) in khouzestan Brachirus orientalis, Parachirus marmoratus, solea elongata, Zebrias synapturides (Family Soleidae) Cynoglossus bilineatus, C.puncticeps, C.arel, C.kopsii, C. Capenis (Family cynoglossida); Pseudorombus arsius, P. elevatus, P. malayanus, Poecilopstei javanicus (Family Paralichthidae); Laeops guentheri, Arnoglossus aspilos, Engyprosopon grandisquama (Family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family psettodidae) in Bushehr. Brachirus orientalis, Parachirus marmoratus (Family Soleidae); Cynoglossus arel, C.bilineatus, C.Puncticeps, C. lachheri (Family cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus arisus, P. elevatus, P. malayanus, Poecilopestie j avanicus (Family parlichthidae); Arnoylossus aspilos, A. arabicus, Laeopes guentheri (Family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family Psettodidae); Citharoides macrolepis (Family Citharidae) In Hormozgan. Khozestan has the maximus diversity speices (26 species) and the minimum is Hormozgan (15 Speices). 13 species of five family has never reported inpersian Gulf but we identify them in our studies for the first time. We abserved 29 Species of six family in our studies, comparision between are resualts with other researches shows that this use is the most compelet study in Iranian coastline water of Persian Gulf.


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Schizothorax zarudnvi, is an endemic fish of east country waters. (Triple lagoons of Hamoon and relevant water resources) that in the world it is reported in this resource specially. This fish named Hamoon mahi is one of the most economically valuable species in this region. Because of the recent years droughts, Hamoon logoon has been drive since 2000. Also, semi-wells (a semi natural resource) were affected drastically by recent drought years and their volume reduced to nearly one third of their real volume and resulted in changing at growth and reproduction physiology process in Schizothorax zanidnyi, brood stocks. Beginning of this project was done from October 2003. It's field studies begun (brood catching) since November 2001 by two methods including entangling gairs and at semi wells of Sistan that (Beach seine) had maximum rate of preparing qualified brood stocks. Broods transferred to Cyprinidea reproduction work shop of Zahak and after taking primary measures they stored in to the edaphic pools. Increasing the success safety factor (coefficient) for artificial reproduction of Sthizothorax zarudnyi , identifying the appropriate tune for Hormonal acceptance (physiological preparation of broods) is needed , so this important work was done regularly by histological studies and GSI measurements since November. Highest GSI rates of females (%80.51) and highest IV stage abundance of sexual maturity (%l 00) were observed an march. On the base of this date, Hormone therapy was done on broods on march. The used hormones are as follows Hypophysis. extraction, GnRHa and Anti Dopamin at the dozes of 3-6 ml, 20-30kg and 10-15 ml per kg body weight respectively and 2-3 times from 11-12-80 they were injected. Injected broods kept in to two circumstances, flow-through (rounded pool) and stagnant systems. In stagnant system 14 and 19 individuals of female and male (Schizothorax zauiulnri) broods, respectively injected in 11th, 15111, 19th, and 24th of march 1380. Non of the injected broods in 11 and 15 and 19th march (in stagnant Condition) answered to Hormone therapy. After final injection broods had general less activity and a few of them died. Mean temperature of brood pond waters (daily) which were injected. Fluctuated between 10-25-13. 63°c but injected broods on 24th march had different characteristics. They had pale color and had few fecundity. In this stage of injection they hadn't any successful vulation. After injection, Mean daily water temperature was 15, 88-17, 54°c. In Flowing system, 13-16 individual of males and females respectively were injected on 15th, 19th, 22th and 23th march. None of injected producers on 15th and 19th march with mean daily water temperature of 10, 25-12°c were prepared for spawning but injected producers on 22nd an 23th march with mean daily water temperature of 13.5-1 rc responded about 75-100 percent. (Schizothorax zarudnyi) brood stocks were prepared for spawning after 353-428 hours/day from final injection. Diameter of obtained eggs (before fertilization) was between 1.9-2.3 min and of fertilized eggs was 3.8mm. Fertilized eggs of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) were hatched after 6-7 days with mean water temperature of 17.08°c. Mean length of on one day larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae was 9.47 mm. Larvae adsorbed the whole yolk sac after , 5-6 days at 17- 1°c and were prepared for releasing in to edaphic pools. Because of the lack of necessary and complementary facilities in the region , they had to release them in to veniros and growing them for 8 days. At the end of 18th day , 35000 larvae (at first) released into an edaphic pond with a volume of 150m2. After growing them for one moth , mean length and weight of new hatched larvae was 29.41 mm and 1.12►r , respectively. With respect to results of this investigation , artificial reproduction of (Schizothorax zarudnyi) Can be possible at 14-17°C and flowing water with Hormonal treatment. It -s breeding has increased development than other cultural specious in the region. Due to high economical value of this specious in Sistan and ti-s specialization east waters of Iran and having high resistance and proper growth There is a need of it's development and reproduction and culture in fish culture fanns (edaphic ponds• two-purpose pools) at the region and country.


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In the present investigation the marine bacteria isolated from corals, sponges sea water and sediments of coral regions in the larak Island located in the Persian Gulf and were examined for ability to produce cytotoxic metabolits in order to use as an anticancer compounds. Cytotoxic effect were isolated bacteria from different samples and were examined by Artemia Cytotoxic Bioassay test, in which 4.5 percent of sea waters, 12 percent of sediments and 28 percent of marine invertebrat showed cytotoxic activity, using Brine Shrimp Bioassay test. Streptomyces S-2004 isolated from soft coral specified as Sinularia erecta had LC50=0.5mg/m1 in Brine Shrimp Bioaassay test. The streptomyces S-2004 produced cytotoxic metabolits in low nutrient condition and sea water medium after 7 days on 250 rpm shaken in vitro condition. The extract partially were semipurified. Then ethyl acetate extraction from aceton extracted of bacterial plate had cytotoxic effect (LC50=4.19ktg/m1) in Human epidermoid carcinoma of mouth cells (KB) by using neutral red assay. Morphological effects of this extract on KB cells showed turgescence, cellular blebs and apoptosis which was a proof for anticancer compounds of the extract. It is seems that streptomyces S-2004 is a new strain and could be introduced as a talented bacteria, which produced cytotoxic metabolits.


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Increasing the amount of detergent industries in world in spite of having abundant benefits; entering a new kind of contamination into environment and attract the attention of environment liable of different countries to itself. Entering detergents into an aqueous solution cause pollution of water sources and environment in respect of appearing e problem and charges like: nutritive phenomenon, decomposition of hard group of detergent and producing foam. After using Detergents, they were poured into rivers, seas and lakes and have destructive effect on environment. A lot of hygiene problems were attributed to the water having detergents more than allowed value. So, it is specified the importance of eliminating detergents from contaminated water and it is application for secondary use. In order to attain to this aim, we can use inorganic nano and micro-caolin. In this study the adsorptive properties of detergent on the micro and nano caolin adsorbents were studied and the effect of various parameters like the amount of adsorptive materials, initial concentration of detergent, speed of stirring, electrolyte, temperature, time and pH were determined. The surface area of micro- and nano-caoline was reported 11.867 and 49.1438 m2 g-1, respectively. That increasing in nano-caoline surface area confirms increasing in capacity and more rate of adsorption. The results gained by this research recommend using micro- and nano-caolin as a plentiful, available and effective adsorbents. Also in comparison, using nano-caoline was recommended in order to have more effectiveness.