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em Aquatic Commons


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Espanol: En la presente lista bibliográfica fueron recopiladas las referencias sobre los peces continentales de la Argentina, del período comprendido entre mediados del siglo XVIII y fines del año 2005. Incluye las listas bibliográficas publicadas durante los años 1981 a 2004, y las citas no mencionadas en ellas. Se incluyeron el ISSN o ISBN según correspondiera, la abreviatura oficial y el lugar de origen de las publicaciones. En algunos casos, los ISSN, las abreviaturas de los nombres de las publicaciones o su procedencia, mencionados en los catálogos, no coinciden con los de la home page de la publicación. Una bibliografía puede ser muy rica y aún estar incompleta. Requiere de sus lectores algún interés histórico, y aún un interés profundo por su tema. Ante una bibliografía, muchos investigadores preferirían no encontrar algunas referencias, y de hecho, muchas son oportunamente olvidadas. Por no saber como hacerlo, o por menosprecio, estas listas raramente son citadas en los trabajos, aunque sobre algunos temas en particular, sería realmente difícil formarse una idea si las bibliografías no existieran. Aún desde el comienzo es complicado precisar un criterio de inclusiones. Por ejemplo, gran parte de la ictiofauna Argentina se encuentra también en Brasil. ¿Justifica esto incluir informes perdidos sobre artes de pesca en una cuenca distante? ¿Deben los clásicos, que todo el mundo conoce y el que se inicia encontrará sin dificultad, ser incluidos? Aún a un grupo que se dedicara full time a este trabajo, le sería difícil verificar la precisión de las citas antiguas, en las que fechas y autoría cambian según la investigación histórica. En una bibliografía más o menos general, la perfección atenta contra la publicación. Sin embargo, pensamos que es conveniente hacerlas. Una mirada a este volumen, muestra la enorme cantidad de desarrollos en muchos temas, y la regla que uno de nosotros ha mencionado desde hace tiempo: siempre hay más publicado sobre un tema de lo que uno cree. La sospecha de que con sólo mirar lo que está hecho, muchos subsidios podrían utilizarse para algo más útil que algunas evaluaciones repetidas de recursos o biodiversidad, es un poco pesimista y no haremos perder trabajos insistiendo en eso. Cada generación elige sus metas, su propia base epistemológica, sus trabajos preferidos y los que desecha. Aún en trabajos perdidos o de mala calidad, es posible encontrar datos valiosos. Ningún proyecto, por mejor diseñado que esté, podrá mostrar en el presente los organismos que vivían en el pasado en un lugar en el que las condiciones han cambiado, o lo hará en términos de otra disciplina. En los temas aplicados la información del pasado puede ser importantísima. Aún en una disciplina tan conservadora como la nomenclatura, los cambios pueden ser exasperantes; no pueden serlo menos en las que intrínsecamente, como la ecología, es lo que estudian. Para dar una idea más precisa del desarrollo de la ictiología en la Argentina, esta lista podría ir acompañada de una apreciación crítica. Entendemos que una tarea así exige un trabajo diferente, de cierta magnitud y con no pocos elementos históricos. Aunque tiene deficiencias, la ictiología argentina constituye una acumulación de conocimientos de considerable calidad y pertinencia para la historia natural de América del Sur. Dejamos a los lectores que cada uno haga la suya. English: For the present list, references on freshwater fishes of Argentina were compiled from the period between middle XVIII Century and the end of the year 2005. It includes previous lists published during 1981 to 2004, and references not mentioned therein. The ISSN o ISBN numbers were included, as well as the official abbreviations and the place of origin of the periodicals. In some cases, these data as quoted in catalogs, do not agree with those in the home page of the publication. A bibliography may be very rich and anyway never complete. It requires from its readers some historic interest and indeed a deep interest on his (her) subject. Browsing a bibliography, many researchers would prefer not to find some references, and in fact, sometimes they forget some of them. Not imagining how to do it, or because people do not concede importance to them, bibliographic lists are rarely quoted in papers, though some subjects would be rather difficult to understand if list of publications would not exist. Even from the beginning, it is difficult to precise a criterion of inclusions. For example, many Argentine fishes occur also in Brazil. Does this justify the inclusion of grey reports on a distant basin? Should classic works, that everybody knows and are easily found, be included? Is near impossible, even for a group dedicated full time to this work, to verify the precision of old citations, whose dates and authorship change according to authorities and historical research. In a more or less general bibliography, completeness is against publication. Nevertheless, we think that is convenient to prepare these lists. A look at this volume shows the enormous developments in many subjects, and the rule that one of us mentioned long ago: there are always more papers on any subject than one suspects. Looking at what has already been done raises the suspicion that many grants could be used for something more useful than repeated evaluations of biodiversity or resources. This is a bit pessimistic, and we do not want to erase working opportunities. Each generation chooses its targets, its own epistemological base, its preferred papers and those that rejects. Even in lost or bad quality papers, the possibility of finding valuable information exists. No project, whatever the appropriateness of its design, could show at present which organisms lived in the past in a place where environmental conditions have changed, or it will do it in terms of another discipline. In applied subjects, information from the past can be very important. Even in a conservative discipline as nomenclature, changes can be exasperating. They are not lesser in those like ecology, where change itself is studied. To provide a more precise idea of the development of ichthyology in Argentina, this list could be accompanied by a critical appreciation. We understood that such an aim requires a different work, with no few historical elements and of certain magnitude. In spite of some deficiencies, Argentine ichthyology, resulting from collaboration of both local and foreign people, constitutes a bulk of knowledge of considerable quality and pertinence for the natural history of South America. We leave each reader to make his (or her) own evaluation. (Texto en Espanol. PDF tiene cien setenta paginas.)


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The "Río de la Plata" River is one of the less studied systems of the basin with respect to its biological and ecological aspects. Twenty four and twenty seven surface stations were sample on September 22-23 and November 22-23, 1982, respectively. The section studied is part of the zone called inner "Río de la Plata" River. The discharge was 29.000 m3/s in September and 45.200 m3/s in November. Total phosphorus (PT), total organic nitrogen (NOT), chemical oxygen demad (COT) and total cholrophyll were measured. Dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity (TURB), pH and electrical conductivity (K20) were also measured at the surface with a HORIBA U7 sensor on November 1982. PT was 72-208 mg/m3 and 66-205 mg/m3 in September and November repectively; the higher values were near the Argentinian coast and the outer zone. NOT was 33-106 µM and 49-117 µM and CHL was 1.4-5.8 mg/m3 and 1.3-9.4 mg/m3. TURB was between 44 and 240 NTU in November; the maximun value were obseved in the central zone. Steep K20 gradients were found near both coast. The reduced organic carbon load into the lower and external part of the "Río de la Plata" River was estimated. (Document contains 40 pages.)


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A review and analysis of the exotic fish distribution and introduction is made using bibliographic information. Both lentic and lotic environments were considered. In order to classify the state of the populations, different categories were defined as follow: permanent, probably permanent, reported and unknown. Results show that 15 species were attempted to be introduced from 1904. Only 8 of them arose an successfull aclimatization: raimbow trout, brown trout, lake trout, landlocked salmon, carp, goldfish, and mosquitofish. For the salmonids, ecological features were analized, in order to explain the disappearence or the permanence in some regions. (Document contains 90 pages)


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Fishlocks at Salto Grande Reservoir. Considerations about its functioning. The Salto Grande dam, has in its structure two Borland type fishlocks. The fish passage efficiency is low, and it is limited by the original system design, the management of the dam and the Uruguay river hidrology. Thus, in the 1984-1986 period, on annual average, the fishlocks were out of service 53 o/o of the time, while in the two periods when higher observed fish accumulation occur, march-april and september-october, the passages were closed 72 o/o and 54 o/o of the time, respectively. (PDF has 55 pages.)


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A limnological and fish survey program was developed on 112 lakes and reservoirs of Argentina during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Bathymetric surveys with a SIMRAD Skipper 411 model echosounder and line and lead were conducted on more than 40 lakes. This report presents bathymetric maps for seventeen lakes and reservoirs situated in Patagonian Andes Region and Patagonian Plateau betweem 38°53'S and 45°30'S. The bathymetric maps for two reservoirs were made from topographic maps before impoundment. Hypsographic and depth-area curves, and some morphometric parameters are presented for twenty one Patagonian lakes. Mean depth ranged from 2.0 to 111 m. The deepest lakes are situated in Patagonian Andes Region. Colhue Huapi Lake on Patagonian Plateau, is very shallow, having a mean depth of 2.0 m and being 810 km. in surface area.


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A limnological and fish survey program was developed on 110 lakes and reservoirs of Argentina during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Here we exclude lakes without fish. Lakes and reservoirs were visited once each, except for six situated in Chubut Province that were studied seasonally over the course of two years. Here we present raw data used to evaluate the potential fish yield of Argentinian lakes and reservoirs. (Document contains 56 pages.)


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A limnological and fish survey program was developed in 110 lakes and reservoirs of Argentina during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Lakes and reservoirs were visited once, except for six situated in the Chubut Province that were studied seasonally over the course of two years. The sampling surveys were performed by the "Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero" and the "Provincia de Chubut". Here we present preliminary results of potential fish yield assessment on a regional basis, using empirical models. (Document contains 11 pages.)


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Sampling sites were located at: 1) a coastal area on Buenos Aires harbour where high concentrations of "sábalo" occur year round and which on account of its importance merits a specific program itself; 2) a coastal fringe from Buenos Aires harbour to Quilmes (34° 10' - 58° 10') and 3) different stations within the inner zone of the river, which were covered through a tagging campaign performed as part of an agreement among INIDEP-Argentina, CARP-Argentina, Uruguay, INAPE-Uruguay. At present (Winter 1989) recaptures from the first seven species have been obtained, with a total recovery of 3.81 o/o the highest percentages corresponding to patí, boga, armado and sábalo. (Document contains 25 pages.)


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Age and growth of populations of three fish species from sixteen lakes and reservoirs situated in the Patagonian Andean and the Patagonian Plateau Region (Argentina) were studied. They included two native species, the Patagonian smallmouth perch. (Percichthys trucha) and the Patagonian silverside (Patagonina hatcheri) and the introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). For the three species backcalculated lenght at age was obtained from scale readings. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were usually adjusted to data. For the three species, faster growth was related with lake productivity. (Document contains 38 pages.)


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The introductions of salmonids in Argentina can be considered as successfull. The have become established as reproducing populations in southern and middle-western lakes and reservoirs. An extensive sampling programme on 112 lakes and reservoirs was carried out during the summers of 1984 to 1987. Environmental features that determine their present distribution were analyzed. The hypothesis, which we used as starting-point, is that it has been attempted to introduce at least once and least one species of salmonids in all lakes and reservoirs of Argentina.


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Age of a population of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) from a pond in Patagonia was studied by means of scale readings. The population was sampled three times, on December 1984, March 1985 and March 1986. Length at age was back-calculated from growth marks on scales, using the Fraser-Lee equation. By the analysis of length distributions and numbers of marks on scales from each sample, it was concluded that this population was formed by a single cohort, born in spring 1982 and stocked shortly after. Stocking rate is unknown. Significant differences (P0.05) were found between back-calculations of length at age 1 from samples of December 1984 and March 1986. These differences were probably due to length-scale radius relation. Evidences from scales suggested that a single mark is formed each year, during early-mid spring. On the other hand, according to availabe data from the literature for the same species, this population has presented one of the highest growth rates. (pdf contains 15 pages)


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Esta bibliografía es una prueba del interés que el pejerrey ha generado en la ciencia y en la cultura. En esta publicación se compiló medio millar de citas entre las que se incluyen todos los trabajos, tesis e informes técnicos realizados en nuestro país, y algunos de aquellos países donde los pejerreyes fueron introducidos. En la mayoría de los casos se señalan las especies mencionadas en cada obra, salvo cuando estas figuran directamente en el título.